Friday, January 04, 2008

What If Britney Got Married?

With more and more people comparing Britney Spears to Anna Nicole Smith, I started thinking about something else. What would happen to Britney's money if she died? As it stands right now, if she doesn't have a will, it would all go to her two kids. But with Britney, things are never that simple. With all of her late night goings on and all her quick trips here and there, would it surprise anyone to learn that she had married one of these one night stands? Would Britney ever be that impulsive? I think the answer is yes she would be that impulsive. Is it possible she married more than one of these one night stands? Probably not because one of them would spill it for money.

One or two of these guys wouldn't though and they are JR Rotem and Sam Lufti. If Britney didn't leave a will, then if one of these guys had married her, then they would be entitled to half of her estate with the kids dividing the other half. It is of course not beyond the realm of possibility that she married one of these guys and one night wrote out a will giving everything to them if she died. Hell, she doesn't even have to marry one of them to give them everything in a will. You think Britney could be influenced to do something like that?

I want to be clear that I have no proof that she has gone and married anyone, and no proof that one night some guy managed to get her to write out a will leaving everything to him, but if she dies, I guarantee you there will be a bigger mess than the ANS situation.


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