Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What Idiot Thinks Britney Is Getting Married This Weekend?

I told myself I would stay away from Britney Spears, and instead focus on the rest of the trailer park, but this is just too much. I have seen at least five headlines today that are all screaming that Britney is about to get married for the third time. Of course two days ago, these same places were all shouting how Adnan is still married and that he still lives with her. So how are a marriage and divorce going to happen all in one week? It can't. Have people become so desperate to feed the Britney hype machine and generate buzz from their readers that they just throw this out expecting it to be swallowed? Maybe they think it is all part of a big plot and are preparing their readers. I guess Adnan and his wife could be pulling some elaborate scam where he tells Britney he really is married when he isn't and so they can have some fake wedding which really turns out to be real.

The thing is that I am writing about it and thus contributing to the overall situation that is Britney. I think when everyone banded together towards the end of last year and stopped writing so much about Paris Hilton, the world became a better place and Paris became more likable. Not lovable, and not invite to your home likable, but more of a homeless guy who isn't in your way when asking for your money likability. I think the same thing could happen if you left Britney alone to her own devices. Deprived of attention it is possible those devices would include things to kill herself, but it also might pull her back from the edge.

Britney is either going to kill herself or write a book about this period of her life. Either way she is going to be famous. The question is does she want to be here for the fame? I just want her to maker that decision on her own and to not feel the pressure or madness of the world surrounding her. If people stop reading, then the paps will stop taking photos and maybe she can breathe. Of course if she would go check herself into a mental health facility she would have a few days alone there until people could find her and start reporting on her.

So, no more Britney for awhile. I am going to do my part. I will wax rhapsodic about the rest of her dysfunctional family, but no more Britney.


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