Video Statement From Heath's Parents
The parents of Heath Ledger made a statement regarding Heath's death to the Australian media. Here is the video.
The parents of Heath Ledger made a statement regarding Heath's death to the Australian media. Here is the video.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:09 PM
Labels: Heath Ledger
Statement makes it very clear the family thinks (hopes) it was an accidental overdose.
ReplyDeleteI think it's entirely possible...autopsy results should shed some light.
They're probably trying to stop the speculation. I'm sure they want to go away and grief in peace, it's probably circus outside their house.
ReplyDeleteI just read somewhere that the family found out about Heath from the media?!! That is awful.
ReplyDeletemy heart goes out to these grieving parents. How awful that they had to learn this news from the TV. I do think it's very likely this was a death from pneumonia. It is very bad this year, and a particularly drug-resistant strain is going around a lot of hospitals right now and many are not surviving. He probably did not take it seriously, took the meds, but kept smoking and going out and not letting his body heal.
ReplyDeleteprobably the same thinh A LOT of 28 y/o people would do.
Just really sad!
ok. THAT made me tear up.
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine having to make a statement about your childs death.
I bet Heath is kinda like WTF wherever he is because I can't recall him ever being like, HOUNDED like Britney by papz and all of a sudden....fuck, man. I wasn't into him all that much, I just feel so much for his family because I've been there with people that I care about.
watching that family is heartbreaking. they are stronger than i would be.
ReplyDeleteKelly...right now I know 7 people with pnumonia. Kinda freaky how it has become so common all of a sudden. One of my co-workers, a conspiracy theorist, swears that it is due to chemical warfare, LOL.
ReplyDeleteMaybe with the pnumonia, and being run down, he took a sleeping pill to help with the jet lag and his breathing stopped. I hope it wasn't intentional..his family is dealing with enough right now.
I came back from Europe in Nov with pneumonia, nasty case. I had it for weeks and it finally cleared up. Not that it has a DAMN thing to do with Heath, but your theory is intriguing, kelly.
ReplyDeleteAt it's worst, I would have taken any pill to get some sleep. If Heath had any drugs around, legal or otherwise, and a lack of concern for his physical wellbeing ("it doesn't matter what happens"), he could have mixed a lethal combination for the pneumonia.
Celebrity deaths don't get to me. What is it about this one, it's hitting me really hard.
Damn, can you imagine having to do that?
ReplyDeleteMy heart sincerely goes out to the Ledger family. May they find comfort in their memories of Heath.
It must have taken a lot of inner strength to even make that statement. Can you imagine having to go before a camera when you find out that your child is dead?
ReplyDeleteMy better half just got over pneumonia, which is apparently all over the board from the looks of the comments made. It took forever for it to go away, and one of the most difficult parts of it was the lack of sleep he was getting. We won't know until the results come in what happened, but from watching someone struggle with pneumonia, and the exhaustion it brings with it, I can see how soemone would want to resort to sleep medication to try get some rest. Not to mention, he was filming a movie, and he'd been travelling so he must have been one tired boy.
And he may have come down with it as far back as when he was shooting Dark Knight (Batman sequel - he complained of not sleeping), didn't necessarily have any symptoms, and just carried on, never knowing that he was ill.
ReplyDeleteOT: There is a pneumonia vaccine, and I think I'm going to look into it. I've had it 6 times. I sleep half sitting up. For incessant coughing, I slather the bottoms of my feet with vapor rub, put on socks and in 5 mins, I'm out. Sounds very strange but it works. Sorry for the OT since we don't really know if this had anything to do with his passing.
K, this came out of left field. He was young, a good guy. One day he's here and the next, he's gone. It's not at all surprising this one is affecting you.
Judi- vapo rub is a mild vaso dilator so it expands your capillaries and helps the blood circulate easier...
ReplyDeleteYeah- the video is very sad. They are very strong people by the looks of it.
Thanks, Noel. Does better blood circulation help stop coughing?
ReplyDeleteThe vaccine for pneumonia would work only on some strains. Multiple causes for pneumonia, unfortunately. Judi- you've had it 16 times?! My gawd... you must significant scarring on your lungs now, which in turn makes you more susceptible. That's so unfortunate.
ReplyDeleteAs for Heath, if the reports are true about pneumonia, I can certainly see it contributing to his demise. However, to die exclusively from it... you would suffocate. Wouldn't that sensation make someone call 911 rather than just go in their sleep?
I'm asthmatic and when I'm not getting enough air, I certainly wake up. And I have a couple of trips to emerg because I couldn't breathe. Very scary feeling. I can't imagine sleeping through it.
No, I can't imagine sleeping through a breathing disorder either, after my case this winter. My doctor gave me nuclear anti-biotics, but she said that basically my body would have to fight the infection. The medicine helps but a little with lung infections.
ReplyDeleteThere had to be something else contributing to Heath's death. He hasn't seemed, well, right for a long time.
The thing that is bothering me most is that there are paps camped outside his family's house waiting to get a money shot. I can't even fathom how Michelle must feel. Just thinking about the parisites who are going to photograph her and matilda for next few months in oder to sell magazines makes me feel ill.
ReplyDeleteMy heart is literally aching for his family right now.
Oh come on, wake up people. Whatever has killed Heath it seems he was heavily into illegal drugs and it's all starting to unravel now. Seems the media all knew, "oh look, he had heavy issues with heroin and coke" was one report. So why didn't you say something BACK THEN?
ReplyDeleteI also dislike how nobody wants to address drugs problems. They want to rose tint everything and I understand his family are distraught but clearly Heath was not "life loving" at this stage else he would still be loving life here.
I can understand this may have been unintentional but something was not right about that boy from those recent photos and the gossip and blind items seemed to confirm he was taking substances he shouldn't have been. It is very sad but we mustn't forget the reality which is he had choices too. Maybe depression got to him, maybe it wasn't the life he wanted and for that I am sad for him and those he's left but I'm not putting him on a pedestal if he's died a drug death.
We hear these rumors but really don't know if they're true. Do we accept everything we hear or read as "gospel"? I'll wait for autopsy results before judging.
ReplyDeleteNo, no. 6 times, not 16. Geez! Don't know if I'd still be living if it was 16. Private, thanks for that info. I didn't know that. Wondering if this is where the sleeping aids would have made him too groggy to function. Read on the NBC site that the maid heard him snoring through the bedroom door around 12:30.
Some of the fan sites started polls to be transmitted to tabloids expressing concern over family photos and that tabs will be boycotted if they try to publish any. Movement is well underway in Oz. A good thing.
First time commenter here, but with the reports of pneumonia, I had to post. I almost lost my father less than a week ago from pneumonia. He was admitted into the hospital and after two days of extensive antibiotics, he went into full respiratory arrest. Had his respiratory therapist not walked in when she did for his treatment (he was not being monitored at all by the hospital which is something my family is taking very seriously) he would be dead. Luckily, they found him just in time and were able to intubate him and get him breathing again. He was on a ventilator until today.
ReplyDeleteWhile my father is not young, he's a strong, healthy man in his mid-fifties. He's still in the critical care unit and I've watched numerous bodies being wheeled out over the last few days. Four in one day. From what most of the families have talked about, almost every single patient in the CCU/ICU has been dying from pneumonia.
I also found out a couple of days ago that they had given my father Ambien to help him sleep the night he went into respiratory arrest. Maybe there is something to that report.
But I truly grieve for his family during this time. I loved him as an actor.
Heath died of salmonella - bad meat in the can.
ReplyDeleteHeath knew he had AIDs - he had the first symptom - a pounding sensation in his asshole.
Notice that EL removes my every comment - he can't take the fact that I am calling him out for the hypocritical colocstomy bag he is.
EL is making a fine show of sympathy for the family and fans of Heath, but the fact of the matter is that EL is one of the guttersnips who rode his ass merciless when he was alive. EL, you are a artless, wannabe shit bag. Fuck you.
Heath died of salmonella - bad meat in the can.
ReplyDeleteHeath knew he had AIDs - he had the first symptom - a pounding sensation in his asshole.
Notice that EL removes my every comment - he can't take the fact that I am calling him out for the hypocritical colocstomy bag he is.
EL is making a fine show of sympathy for the family and fans of Heath, but the fact of the matter is that EL is one of the guttersnips who rode his ass merciless when he was alive. EL, you are a artless, wannabe shit bag. Fuck you.
It's really interesting to hear so many of you around the country seeing the same thing I am seeing here in So Cal with the pneumonia. There are so many patients dying from it right now, esp post-op. You get that while you still have anesthesia in your system or open wounds and it's pretty tough to beat.
ReplyDeleteChristian Brando is in Hollywood Pres right now with pneumonia and the doctors do not give him real good odds at this time.
Hopefully this will raise some awareness that this is to be taken seriously.
Many 28 y/o would try to tough through it. It's not that they are suicidal, they are just young and think they'll be fine. It's not uncommon.
This really needs to get out in the mainstream media though, the deadly threat that might have epidemic proportions.
Judi I'm surprised you don't have asthma.
ReplyDeleteTough situation.
ReplyDeleteFilming Batman took a hell of a lot of energy, and as a known coke user, he must have used quite a bit during filming to help keep him up. He complained of then not being able to come down, which leads to the sleeping pills. A crazy schedule of filming, doing a play and flying back and forth between London and NYC. I can see how his body wouldn't be able to take the stress and develop pneumonia. Add on more sleeping pills etc and...that's it. So, so sad. I can't stop thinking of poor Matilda and Michelle. What a horrible situation.
Autopsy was inconclusive. If it was pneumonia, that would have shown up. So it was drug related. Sleeping pills, illegal drugs, anti-depressants.... coroner would have said complications of pneumonia if that were the case. They would have known right away.
ReplyDeletesadly we'll need to wait for toxicology to weigh in- 10 days or so
ReplyDeleteInteresting article here that gives more insight into all of this:
Thanks TS. Very interesting article. I'm leaning towards accidental overdose of dangerous drugs or drug combination - but it might as well be suicide.
ReplyDeleteAnd Uber* - I'm sure you are the moral authority of the universe, who can tell us all the correct way to feel, think, and react. Forgive me for pissing on your Edict of the Day concerning Heath Ledger, before flushing.
Funny, Uber. how you're the only person on here who raises the tiny possibility that maybe Heath Ledger wasn't as fabulous a person as everyone here, knowing nothing, I might add, seems to think. Why, Brenda Love just told me under a different Enty post she hopes I have a relative die of an overdose! Isn't that kind and sensitive?
ReplyDeleteClearly noone here has a fucking clue about addiction and recovery. Don't worry about it. It's not you.
K, I'm thinking it was an accidental overdose or bad combination, too. It's also possible that the pneumonia affected his heart, making it unable for it to function with the drugs.
ReplyDeleteI'm not quite getting that anyone is putting him on a pedestal, as Uber posted, but there have been some strange responses here, so I guess nothing should surprise me.
Geeze, nobody on here is writing,
ReplyDelete~He was a great human being
~He was always wonderful to people
~He was a fabulous person
People are writing that it's sad that someone so young and talented is gone. They feel sorry for Matilda.
That's what being compassionate is about.
You two are purposely reading things into posts that aren't there and I don't know why. Is that the way you try and battle compassion?
And Sarah, I do feel very very saddened for you. Sounds like you went through hell. But feeling saddened for you is also part of being compassionate, so is that wrong? I don't think so.
Vallium + Zoloft + Ambien + Etc. Etc. = D.O.A.
ReplyDeleteTS, I haven't seen anyone call Heath a victim of anything, or put him on a pedestal (though man he was soooo talented) only that his death is extraordinarily sad.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting the feeling that Uber and Sarah want to apply their own Tough Love to this situation, like they are the only ppl who have ever dealt with addiction correctly. One Size Fits All! And we should fall in line with their experience.
It comes from the church of NA, AA and Intervention. Sure, ppl have to disconnect from sick ppl they love, even before there were the Adult Victims forums and groups. But the arrogance with which they think they have a patent on dealing with addicts, that addicts deserve no sympathy, no love, is almost $cientological. It's why I've always steered clear of the Higher Power folks and their know-it-all relatives. Methinks that their sermons on Heath belie some unresolved issues, where they have to talk themselves into NOT caring everyday, and consequently need to preach it whenever they can.
Heath's death, if accidental, isn't extraordinarily's extraordinarily stupid.
ReplyDeleteHe was on too much prescription medication and probably mixing it with other substances.
The ironic thing is that the the "Legal" drugs, protected by our government, probably contributed the most to his death.
spasuzy, did you know that vitamins can kill you, too! Yep, heart and liver damage from some of the commonest multis. Did you know that most of our vitamins come from China now? You know, where there is no testing?
ReplyDeleteSo, if Heath was unaware of the labyrinthian dangers of mixing legal drugs, I'd hardly call that stupid. You take aceteminaphin and drink alcohol within 48 hours of each other? Hm, are you stupid too? I wouldn't take that drug and alcohol combo because I'm not stupid!
ReplyDeleteyou need to make up with your girlfriend/boyfriend/whatever so you don't have to take your frustrations out on peeps in here.
Did I hit a nerve, spazy?
ReplyDeleteOH YEAH ASSWIPES- none of you met the guy. But you all had him pinned as a sad complication of pneumonia- HOW ABOUT THE ILLEGAL DRUGS FOUND? HOW ABOUT INCONCLUSIVE AUTOPSY. Stop thinking someone is godlike because they get in a movie. They are assholes just like all of you guessing and eulogizing. Just because you saw one of his movies doesn't mean you know dick about him. He did hardcore drugs and died. Sad- but totally preventable.
ReplyDeleteAnother poster who doesn't read anyone's posts. NOBODY said it was complications of pneumonia until the press said it was a possibility and even then, nobody here claimed that was the cause.
ReplyDeleteYou know what- FUCK YOU TWISTED.
ReplyDeleteI quote from KELLYIRKSUS:
"I do think it's very likely this was a death from pneumonia."
"Maybe with the pnumonia, and being run down, he took a sleeping pill to help with the jet lag and his breathing stopped."
And JUDI (who obviously is a doctor or a close friend of Mr. Ledger's:
"And he may have come down with it as far back as when he was shooting Dark Knight (Batman sequel - he complained of not sleeping), didn't necessarily have any symptoms, and just carried on, never knowing that he was ill."
So shut the fuck up, turn off your gossip blogs, get some real human friends, and leave me the fuck alone. WHY DON'T YOU fucking read before you open your big fucking mouth?
Anon, Anon, Anon,
ReplyDeleteIts okay dude (dudette?). Chill or you're going to give yourself a heart attack.
I don't think anyone is looking to deify Heath Ledger. I'm sure he had mega-faults just like we all do. But he was so young, and with a child of his own, and the whole thing is just sad.
I don't think he was a saint, but I don't think he was a bad person either.
ReplyDelete"OH YEAH ASSWIPES- none of you met the guy. But you all had him pinned as a sad complication of pneumonia-"
When you say 'none of you' and 'you all', without naming names - you're indicting everyone. NOW you're naming names. So, really, go back and read what you wrote and how you wrote it.
And I'm calm. I don't think I'm the one who needs to take break. You, on the other hand, sound like a raging lunatic.
No heart attacks here, don't worry. I think it's terribly sad. My heart goes out to his family, and his daughter. I'm sick of some people thinking they KNOW celebrities because they log on to a computer and read about them. Twisted got holier than thou art- as usual. She said NO ONE said it could be complications of pneumonia. People did, and she tried to be all smart ass and act like I was making shit up. She's a stupid bitch, and I'm sick of it.
ReplyDeleteTwisted- do you ever leave your house? Do you live in a fantasy world? You said:"NOBODY said it was complications of pneumonia until the press said it was a possibility and even then, nobody here claimed that was the cause."
ReplyDeleteREAD WHAT THE FUCK YOU WROTE. If NOBODY here claimed it was the cause, you didn't read anything did you? Bitch.
ReplyDeleteThese people you cited wrote - and these are the quotes YOU copied:
"I do think...
"Maybe with the pnumonia...."
"And he may have come down with it..."
All written as speculations.
Nobody made statements proclaiming they knew, as YOU SAID:
ReplyDelete"H YEAH ASSWIPES- none of you met the guy. But you all had him pinned as a sad complication of pneumonia-"
Nobody had him 'pinned' as anything - some were speculating. BIG DIFFERENCE.
Fighting you is a battle of the wits with an unarmed poster (you), so I'm done, because I really don't feel comfortable poking a stick at a caged animal.
This whole business reminds me of when Kurt Cobain died. People on both sides of the fence.
ReplyDeleteIts true, we didn't truly know Heath. But a lot of people did love and respect the sides of himself that he chose to share with us.
People are just hurting right now and they don't know all the facts and they don't know what to think. But just as sadness is a valid emotion right now, I also think anger is a valid emotion too. As long as you are taking ownership of your anger and not projecting it out on everyone then you have every right to feel the way you feel.
Twisted you are sad. Truly sad. You don't play in the real world alot, do you?
ReplyDeleteanon - please refrain from assumption about me or anyone you have not met -- especially when that is the exact point you are trying to make. It's called hypocritical and it's extremely ineffective.