Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tom Cruise Video -- Just In Case

I know most of you have seen the Tom Cruise Scientology video that was criss-crossing the internet yesterday. The problem was though that as soon as it would go up again, the Scientologists would find it and have YouTube take it down. Well, for those of you who have not seen it, the great people over at TodayTonight in Australia have made a news report out of the video and thus have escaped being taken down by YouTube.

Although it is not the entire 9 minute Tom Cruise rant, it definitely includes the good parts and some great editing to make Tom look even more crazy. The report also discusses Andrew Morton's book. If you haven't seen it and still think Tom Cruise is the lovable guy you see in films, this should wake you up. You could also go see Magnolia because it is basically the same character, only real. You may also want to lock your doors at night.


Eireman said...

The complete nine minutes has been up all day since this AM EST on Radar, Dlisted, etc. It's so crazy it's worth checking out the whole thing.

captivagrl said...


Anonymous said...

Its down on Dlisted, last I checked.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Anyone else get the creepy feeling t hat Tommy Boy's rant sounds like a recruiting video for the Dharma Initiative? lol

jax said...


good god he's a loon, complete cult leader. nutter!

try rewatching and pretend he's talking about being gay instead of a Scientologeek...much more amusing.

Kat said...

The thing which is the most eerie about this is that he still has somewhat of a fan base, and he has loads of money, two things needed in order to establish some sort of dominance. I have never liked him as an actor, but his intensity in this is actually a little frightening. Nothing wrong with having faith, and I support everyone's right to believe in what they wish, but this is different. This smells like delusion and manipulation.

Anonymous said...

Ummm...is he wearing eye shadow?

Judi said...

Jesus. Hitler's back. ITA, Kat. Fanaticism is terrifying, and combined with clout, we get Nazis. Jesus.

Eireman said...

trix try radar mag, gawker, huffington et al. They all had it & it's worth watching. The music dubbed with the crazy, priceless. I can't wait for the spoofs.

surfer said...

Here's an interesting take on Cruise's video, from Roger Friedman @ Fox.


kellygirl said...

I hope every college in this country has an ANTI-CULT edu program and security guards on campus to keep these predators away from the lonely kids who are away from home for the first time

Jolara said...

*eyes wide open*


YahMoBThere said...

You can find the whole 9 minute clip here:


jax said...

Tom Cruise is his own Spoof.

Flash forward 5 years..Jlo, Will Smith, Leah, Joh and Kelly, KatE, Danny Masterson,the crazy Ellfman's and the Beckhams all found toes up in a bunker waiting for Hailey's fucking comet.

but instead of Nike it will be Laboutins (sp)and drinking their L.Ron juice from crystal goblets.

Eireman said...

There's two hours of this floating around! Apparently the clips still up are missing the classic psychiatry rant according to Mark Ebner:

"Crush these guys [psychiatrists]! I've had it! Psychiatry doesn't work. No mercy! None! Go to guns!" (Ebner allows that Cruise wasn't advocating killing shrinks, but merely spouting some macho "Top Gun" talk.)

captivagrl said...

just watched with my husband, we don't know what he was trying to convey.he's in it to win it and we are just spectators.he doesn't take vacations but he would love to romp and play? wtf? world leaders( in every field)meet with him and need his help. kook-koo...kook-koo...kookie

Uber*nought said...

If the $cieno's are so proud of themselves/him why would they go about taking down the video? You'd think they'd want it out there among the masses.

Oh wait, maybe it's just even too silly for them and they know it. God, these people are wackjobs.

Unknown said...

Thank you Surfer! Ive been unable to see it all day and now I can.. i also bought the book and from the little skimming ive done this far, I must say- its pretty darn juicy!

Dijea said...

CULT. INSANE. OMG that's just disturbing.

surfer said...

No probs, Kelly. I caught it yesterday, and honestly, it was surreal. I think he needs to join Britney in some serious therapy.

As Jax said earlier, loon, nutter, etc., etc.

Bryn said...

OT: Hey Ent, could you write something up about Gwynneth's hospital visit? A witness says they saw her "slumped in a wheelchair". The family is not commenting. I was wondering if it's related to this blind item of December 7:
#4 - B list film actress. I say B list based entirely on name recognition. Everyone knows she is an actress, but honestly it seems like forever since she has been in anything. A+ name recognition though. Bit of a drug problem. OK, more than bit. A lot. A bunch. She could keep the cartels in business by herself. She needs to go to rehab. The whole family knows she needs to go rehab, but she thinks she can do it on her own. Doesn't want the stigma attached to her about rehab. She is not one of those people who seeks out publicity and certainly not for that. She has been quietly meeting a counselor for several hours each day, and trying to make it. If she doesn't make it through though, don't be surprised if she disappears for awhile. If she does go to rehab, it will not be in the US or anywhere in the Western Hemisphere.

Anonymous said...

this guy is just a nutcase. my copy of the book just arrived - can't WAIT to get into it.

GammaGirl said...

This video frightens me, especially the part about how Scientology makes him more qualified to help people in need.

@byrn: I was wondering if Gwyneth's hospital visit was drug related too!

YahMoBThere said...

Surfer, LOVED that article! Especially this quote: "The videos became available online in advance of a new unauthorized biography that cites Cruise as “the number two” in Scientology in the world."

Yeah, he's number two alright.

jax said...

i think qwynnie is afar too into organic to be doing toxic rails..im thinking it was a miscarriage or soemthing equally intimate.

Anonymous said...

since this is a Scientology topic i'll post this question hear.

around thanksgiving Lainey Gossip posted that Scarlett Johanson was spotted going into the Scientology center in Hollywood. has anyone else heard if Scarlett has joined the cult? because joining a cult would really cost her a lot of sexy points.

kimmypie1 said...

So basically Tommy Boy is saying that if you aren't a Scientologist, you don't matter, period. You would think a "religion" that feels they are so misjudged in the world would be a little more tolerant.

how glib.

surfer said...

Hey bryn, your wish was granted.

And twisty, it was a great article. Roger Friedman seems to have it in for 1) Tom Cruise, 2) Michael Jackson and 3) Warner Music Group. Sometimes he writes great articles, but his constant need to be recognized (i.e. you read it here first, they didn't give me credit, etc., etc.) is a little off-putting.

jax said...

"but Kim you don't know..you don't know the history..."

glib..short for GULLIBLE?

lol. these idiots write their own jokes.

anna said...

gosh, is it just me, or does he look like zoolander but talk like hansel?

Reese said...

Thanks for the link Surfer; that was an eye opener. TC is the textbook definition of "Messianic Complex".

mandjo said...

HaHahahahahhahaaaa! I'm Tom and I want to rule the world!!!!! He sounds like a mad scientist---and I didnt even mean for that to be funny!

Eireman said...

Mark Ebner, an investigative journalist, is the one who posted and sent all the clips to everyone and still has more. (No I don't know him.) It always bothers me when people don't credit & source their material or present it as their own. (Yeah you Fox News) I think Mr. Ebner's site is hollywoodinterrupted.com, but I remember print articles on Scientology, a book & that at one point years ago he actually joined the church of Tommygirl for a couple of weeks as research.

ChasingHeaven said...

That's it. I for one am proudly changing my screen name to "Spectator"!

crichmond1000@yahoo.com said...

I think he just sells Amway.

mss125 said...

Hmmm, if Scarlett Johansen was seen going into a scientology building, maybe she will become the next mrs cruise? Maybe katies contract is almost up...wasn't scarlett rumored to be one of the women he interviewed for the position of wifey?

crichmond1000@yahoo.com said...

Tom sounds like he just did a bunch of coke. He sounds like he desperately needs the psych meds he detests. My sister laughs inappropriately loud like that. She's on psych meds. Sometimes she talks incoherently, too. Do ya'll think his mom has been cleared or do you think she's out, a spectator? I wonder who decided that this video would encourage folks to join. Cause, you know, I just not feeling it

Dick Insideu said...

We already know he's a psycho fag.

Rhianna said...

OMG! In case couch jumping and Matt blasting weren't enough proof!

Seriously, how can anyone take this loon as telling the truth?? He's like David Koresh, but he can't sing. Creepy little man, creepy creepy little man...

Anonymous said...

Random trivia: Aleister Crowley (the original Dr. Evil for you whippersnappers) and L. Ron Hubbard (Scientology founder) were briefly roommates. Hubbard is often accused of ripping ideas from Crowley's works, and if you know both works you can see where he nicked ideas.

Whatever anyone here thinks of Aleister Crowley - ponder this - Crowley LOATHED Hubbard. Said he was a con artist and a fake.

Scientology is not just insane, it's plagiarized insanity.

This amuses me to no end. =)

YahMoBThere said...

Here's another interesting factoid to add.


Harlan Ellison, a very famous sci-fi writer knew L. Ron Hubbard back in the days when LRH also wrote science fiction. Ellison was with him and a couple of other guys the night LRH asked what would pay more than writing science fiction and someone said (as a joke) 'religion'. Harlan states in the interview he was there the night L.Ron Hubbard 'invented' scientology.

Read it - you'll be more sickened by it than you already are.

surfer said...

Hey guys,

Gawker has posted four new TC videos - view them before they're yanked!


crichmond1000@yahoo.com said...

Extra crazy Cruisiness. I just watched the other videos. The one about TC's recue of the 9/11 workers is just like an old episode of Batman!! He definately needs a cape.

FYI: My mom is mentally ill and currently hospitalized. Her issue at this point is that she thinks there is nothing wrong with her and she doesn't want to take her meds. But, of course, when she doesn't take her meds, she talks to herself and won't eat or drink until she has to be hospitalized for dehydration and malnutrition. She also watches lots of Judge Judy and forgets where she is and what she is doing and I have to go get her when the police call. When she is on her meds, she eats a healthy diet, exercises regularly and watches PBS like a snob. (Not that you have to be a snob to watch PBS, it's the way she watches it and talks about it) She takes care of herself and her business. She reads and makes lovely quilts. She spends time with my kids and has a job. So, since we don't have enough money to have her "cleared" and I really don't want my mom locked up in a room while they sweat and starve the issues out of her, Scientology is not an option for us.

If Scientology is so great and all-knowing and good, why don't they offer it up for everyone to see? Why aren't they helping everyone?

Tom Cruise is brainwashed and crazy or he is evil. He is irresponsible and dangerous. He is so polarized that there is no way he will ever be able to see any opinion but his own. I wish there was a way to make my mom better and I resent that Scientology asserts they can do all these things. It is cruel.

They should lock Tommy up with Brit Brit and see what happens. They could put it on a live feed on TMZ.

YahMoBThere said...

Thanks, Surfer! You know what scared me most? At the end of the last video where he says, "Dweller H" and points to a painting of L. Ron Hubbard.

TC seems really tall next to David M. He must love that.


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