Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Today's Blind Items

I appreciate all your e-mails about a certain someone and I am concerned about it as well. I have been trying to remedy the problem and as an interim solution do make every effort to delete offensive comments. As always if you wish to slam me, I never delete those comments because they are directed at me and I am fair game. Lots of people come to the site for the comments, so I know how important they are to you and part of the fun of coming back everyday.

Valentine's Day is fast approaching so I of course will be making my love predictions that day. I have not gone back yet to see how good or god awful wrong I was about them, but this year's predictions will be better than ever. Also, next week, will be a long blind item because it has been awhile.

I know many of you were awaiting a piece on Brad Renfro written by one of his closest friends. It was going to be written by DS, but she is really still having trouble getting all of her emotions down in written form. If, and when she does, I will post it.

Now to the good stuff.

#1 Our HIV+ singer was asked by her local health department who she had sex with so they could be notified. There are some rumors that this list is up for sale.

#2 This aging Academy Award nominated actor is really starting to show even more signs that he may not have all his faculties. Lately he has been trying to make purchases with gold coins instead of cash. No one knows if he is truly crazy or a genius since the past few times he has attempted to use the coins, the owners of the store just let him have his purchases for free after he threw a fit about how he didn't believe in cash or credit anymore and that he was returning to the past. Uh huh.

#3 This diva of divas singer and sometime very bad actress spends a great deal of money at one particular store. No problem there. She always goes after closing. No problem there. The problem lies in the fact that she will only shop at the store if a certain person is working there and waits on her. Right before Christmas the salesperson was on vacation in Europe with her family when our singer decided to do some last minute Christmas shopping. When she was informed the salesperson was on vacation she threatened to never shop at the store again. Not wanting to lose our diva as a customer, they flew the salesperson from and back to Europe in Business Class just to wait on our diva.


  1. #1 Britney Spears

    #2 Jack Nicholson

    #3 Mariah Carey

  2. #1 is getting interesting. I thought it was Jessica Simpson, but I can't imagine her being contacted by the health dept right now - maybe cause she's everywhere and looks so happy
    #2 Jack
    #3 Mariah

  3. 1=MizzLove

  4. #1- *eyes bugging out of head* SCANDALOUS!!!

    #2. I'm just guessing Jack. But in defense of the actor, Gold is worth more than cash right now. Many, many people are trading in their paper money in for coin cause at the end of the day, paper is paper and precious metals are, well, precious. (dorky, I know, but so true)
    #3. Hmmm, Mimi?

  5. what michael said.

  6. Michael- who's Mizzlove?

  7. Courtney Love?

    Where us the original blind about the singer who got the abortion again? Does Love fit?

  8. #2 not Jack - he won 3 Oscars.

  9. #1 - yeah, I'm going with Courtney Love on this one?

    #2 - first thought was Jack, but not sure. If I had gold, I'd hang onto it. Get rid of the green paper, Jack, before it's worthless.

    #3 - I'm calling Bu!!sh!t on this one. seriously, get real

  10. For #2 I'm going to say Sly Stallone. Nominated for 2 Oscars, but didn't win.

  11. Oh, Courtney Love. (duh). We all know she "joked" about it out of jealousy of an ex boyfriend, but if it were truly the case, would she/you say something like that out loud? just saying...

    Not that she is the ripest apple on the tree or anything...

  12. Guys,

    I think Ent revealed that #1 is NOT Courtney Love. Sadly, I think this one is Brit.

  13. Jack Nicholson isn't AA nominated. More like multiple winner...

  14. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Ent definitely ruled out courtney love

  15. Yeah, I agree with Christine on Courtney Love & HIV thing.

    #2 (Hmmm, returning to the past...)

  16. Well, EL, in response to the apparently massive amounts of protests that you've received about me, and in light of the enormous waste of time involved in deleting each of my posts, I pledge to you that I will behave. Pleased as I am to have had an effect on so many people's lives, I recognize when it's time to give up the scam and get down to some serious campaigning for President. I am cognizant that the United States Congress has stolen my idea to cut rebate checks to American taxpayers, and now that the fields on the Demonic and Repubabble sides of politics have been reduced to a gimp, a wimp, a bitch, and one respectable candidate worthy of challenging me (Obama) it is time for me to take the field, as it were, and perform.

    With respect to your recent posts:

    1. I don't think it makes sense for Brittany to be the HIV positive singer. She just hasn't fucked that many people. My bet is Parasite Hilton, who worked as a whore her first year in LA, or Blohan, or Amy Winehouse (sharing needles). I hope it is not Courtney Love, although that's possible since she fucked Steve Grogan and played with his feces.

    2. Sounds like Kirk Douglas to me.

    3. Sounds like Mariah. I knew Mariah when she was a whore in NYC. She worked out of an apartment at 59th and 10th, and made you take a shower before doing her up. She stuck post it notes all over the bathroom instructing you to use certain towels and to not drip on the floor. She was known for not requiring the use of a condom, and she was just delicious. She would cum with you, and she really got off feeling you shoot inside her. I get hard thinking about it - my sexual encounters with her were among the best and hottest sexual encounters of my entire life. She was in high school, and studied in between johns.

    Peace everyone.

  17. I just watched an EOnline video of Britney needing the paparazzi's help turning her car around and she spoke with a British accent the whole time. What's the deal with the accent? I thought she was country y'all?!

  18. #1. Sad.

    #2. NICK NOLTE!!!

    I thought the "diva of all divas" was Diana Ross. Miss Ross for #3.

  19. I actually don't want #1 to Britney, but I am worried that is her. She is so clearly a person in crisis who is not dealing with her problems.

  20. Could the diva be Babs Streisand? She's a bitch on wheels by all accounts.

  21. Although I think Mariah is a great guess (and quite obvious) for #3, I think an even better guess might be J. Lo, as she's also known to be a major diva.

    Here's a link to Mariah shopping the other day during regular store hours.

    The opening line of #3, "this diva of divas singer" reminded me of the concerts a number of years ago with the female divas - Celine, Patti Labelle, Mariah, etc.

  22. 1-Winehouse, although not sure if English law dictates the health department notify past sex partners upon testing positive for HIV as they do in the states.

    2.Could this be someone who was just recently nominated? Hal Holbrook

    3.Diva and very bad actress, Madonna or Ms. Ross.

  23. #1.whitney #2.kirk douglas #3.mimi

  24. if its whitney we know where it came from...Karrine Superhead Stevens----> Bobby brown---:? whitney...and that would ber interesting seeing as she has done half of hip hop and the other half of the NBA.

  25. surf - mimi was shopping during reg hours to set up that "surprise/candid" photo. it could not look more planned.

  26. captivagirl - I know, you're right.

    But it just seemed too obvious, so I figured it had to be someone else. And you have to admit that JLo is a pretty rotten actress. Madonna was a great guess too, as she's a major diva and not exactly known for her "acting" skills.

  27. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Hmm I like the Kirk Douglas guess for #2.

  28. Doesn't the "very bad actress" immediately give it away? #3 is totally par for the course for Mariah. She is the ultimate demanding diva, and people will kiss her butt as much as she asks.

  29. di, I have no idea what's up with accent. It reminded me of the girl in the Harry Potter movies. Very strange.

    #1-Britney, but honestly I hope its not her. Shite, I don't wish that disease on anyone.

    #2-Peter Falk

    #3-Barbara Streisand

  30. Anonymous2:52 PM

    1. Don't know
    2. Jack N.
    3. Moooriah or Jessica S.

  31. surf - madonna is no actress you are right about that! but although jlo has been in many bad films, i liked her in Selena and Maid in Manhattan.

  32. Does anybody have a link to the previous stories about the HIV+ singer? I can't find them.

    I agree with Kirk for #2 and #3 screams Mimi except for, what has she done lately to deserve that kind of treatment??

  33. jag - #2. on dec 26

  34. #1 Dunno
    #2 Didn't Kirk Douglas win an Oscar -- for "Spartacus", at least?
    #3 I don't see Babs doing this; she's frugal and this sounds like a spender. Would a store really care whether Mariah ever shops there again? I'm thinking Madonna -- only because recently in NY she walked into a Reebok Gym yoga class, sat down and began talking to the instructor, who kept telling her she was disrupting the class. She turned around and told all the other students to leave. So they did -- and the teacher did, too. She stayed in the room doing her own yoga routine, while people waiting for the next class piled up in the hall.

  35. 1) I want to say it's Whitney Houston. But wouldn't Bobby Brown be capitalizing on that big time? I wouldn't think he'd have to do a craptacular CMT reality show if he was getting beaucoup bucks from her.

    2) Sounds like Nick Nolte.

    3) Love her or hate her, Barbra Streisand is a fairly decent actress. A bit melodramatic and cheesy, but she did win the Oscar (tied with Katherine Hepburn, I believe). Therefore, I don't think she could qualify as "very bad actress", but I would tag her 100% as the diva to end all divas. So, my guess is Diana Ross. She seems like a bitch. So does Aretha Franklin, for that matter, but she doesn't act, so she's off the list.

  36. J.Lo was good in Out of Sight, IMO. For two people who supposedly disliked each other, she and Clooney had some chemistry.

  37. 1. This BI has always weirded me out, but I think it's way more likely to be someone like Whitney or CL than Britney.

    2. Jack Nicholson. Remember the BI about the aging actor who bought trunkloads of junk from yard sales? Hmmm, but Kirk Douglas also fits

    3. Do any of the usual suspects have a favorite designer? My guess for now is Mariah.

    Oh, "Out of Sight" is a GREAT film. It's Jlo's only solid acting performance other than Selena. That bathtub scene is HOT!

  38. For #3 the first name that popped into my head is Beyonce.

  39. #1 Brit, this is what likely pushed her over the edge
    #2 I like the Kirk D. guess too (or would Mickey R. be too obvious?)
    #3 Agree with Madonna.

  40. Isnt there any other scandal involved in #3? She only 'likes' to be waited on by this one guy?
    Is he maybe knocking it out in the stockroom?

    Maybe im just clueless as to the purpose of being a diva.

  41. 2) "aging" -- Wouldn't that be somebody who's more like 40 or 50 rather than somebody in his 70s or 80s?

    How about John Travolta? Tom Cruise? Bill Murray? Joaquin Phoenix (a little young, but he looks old)? Johnny Depp (god forbid)? Nicolas Cage? Robert Downey Jr.?

  42. #2: Stallone was actually nominated twice (once for Rocky's screenplay). Kirk Douglas got an honorary Oscar in 1996. Other aging nominees include Nick Nolte (who should have won for "Affliction"), Peter O'Toole and Burt Reynolds (in 1998, for "Boogie Nights").
    I'm all for Reynolds!!!!

  43. jo - salesperson is a female "in europe with her family"

  44. The BI about #1 indicated that she had a sister. C.Love doesn't have sisters. Besides, she would just tell people if it was her - she's not exactly shy. my vote is for Britney or one of those Duff sisters.

    2) jack nicholson is all kinds of crazy.

    3) whitney. good singer. diva. bad actress.

  45. Jolara - I have to ask about your comment " But in defense of the actor, Gold is worth more than cash right now. Many, many people are trading in their paper money in for coin cause at the end of the day, paper is paper and precious metals are, well, precious. (dorky, I know, but so true)"

    What do you mean by people trading in paper for gold? It isn't like you can go to a bank and trade your money in for gold. They'd laugh at you. The US went off the gold standard back in the 30's (meaning our currency is ONLY backed by faith in our US Govt - nothing tangent).

    I know, I know. I'm such a nerd.

    Joseph - hello, #3 is the definition of a diva. I doubt this salesperson does anything extraordinary for her...diva just wants the same person every time.

    My guesses are pretty much the same as everyone else.

  46. Anonymous4:11 PM

    DEC 26, 2007:#1 During a required physical last week this singer indicated she is HIV+. If you follow the partners and they were not safe, this could lead to some incredible revelations during the next year.

    DEC 27, 2007:#1 You know that required physical from yesterday? Reason for the physical? Abortion. Father? Unknown.


    JAN 1, 2008 REVEAL

    OCT 3, 2007:#1 This whacked out, aging female singer, and I am using the term singer very loosely here, walked up to her ex-boyfriend who was with his current girlfriend. Apparently our singer was a wee bit jealous and a wee bit pissed that her ex was with someone else. She walked straight up to the new girlfriend and asked, "Did he tell you that he's HIV positive?" "I should know, he gave it to me." She then turned and walked away. How is that for a date? Probably the last one.

    Courtney Love. I need to make it perfectly clear that as far as I know she only said it as a joke and is NOT HIV+. This is NOT the same singer mentioned in a recent blind item who is HIV+.

  47. BI #3

    I also immediately thought it's Madonna! She really is a terrible actress...

    BI #1

    I don't think this is one is Britney. Mostly cause I don't think she has really slept around alot in the last couple of years to have such a "huge" list of men to name.

    I am thinking whoever it is... has been photograph with alot of name worthy men... not a bunch of no-name losers. So who could it be? Female singer who has bedded alot of famous men?

  48. I think #2 is someone older. I agree with

    Peter Falk

    and think it could be any of the following:

    Paul Newman
    Jon Voigt
    James Whitmore
    Judd Hirsch
    Michael Caine
    Charles Durning
    Dean Stockwell

    #3 - Mariah - I think her shopping pics were a clue

  49. Oh and remember the singer was having to get insured for a job. I find it hard to believe that anyone is hiring Britney.

  50. I'll go with Madonna for 3 and Courtney Love for 1.

    How about Peter O'Toole for 2? He's aging/old and has been nominated for an Oscar but has never won. Also, he always comes across as fairly far gone.

  51. why is #3 a blind item? there is nothing salacious about it...?

    mariah likes to spend money. the store likes to accommodate her. am i missing something?

  52. Anonymous4:50 PM


    Ent said the physical was for an abortion, not a job.

  53. #1 is not Britney. She has someone on her ass 24/7, and she's completely off her rocker, don't you think if it was Britney it would have gotten out by now? I'm sure her crazy ass would have told Adnan that she was HIV + and he'd be selling the story right now. It's not her.

  54. Narrowing down the clues for the aging female singer ...

    -Aging but still in reproductive years, maybe 30s to mid-40s

    -Possibly unmarried and not in a relationship or randomly cheats due to the father being unknown

    -Not known for being a great singer

    -Has a documented romantic past that leads through those partners to other well known people

    Any ideas?

  55. intheq - I think #3 is a blind because it's telling the world what a demanding bitch this person is.

    And really - WHAT A DEMANDING BITCH! If I were the person on vaca, I would have told them to cram it.

  56. Cosmic-I don't think the HIV+ singer is necessarily aging, so she could be much younger?

  57. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Okay - this is totally random - but what about Alanis Morissette for #1? (I don't know if I spelled that right) But her ex is Ryan Reynolds, and now he's with Scarlett. And weren't there rumors he was with Jessica Biel at some point - maybe that's wrong. I don't know - just a crazy guess but that would be a pretty incredible revalation, for sure.

  58. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Okay - it's actually spelled "revelation". Um yeah, I knew that. :)

  59. No. 2 -- Gary Busey (was nominated for Buddy Holly story)? Or Peter O'Toole (who looks increasingly out of it every time I see him, and has been nominated a zillion times but never won)?

  60. Ent, don't give LeSuckno any more attention. That's all he/she wants, he/she is an insecure fool and attention whore. Any time someone puts that much effort into trying to annoy others it's ONLY to get a reaction. Just ignore LeSuckno like the rest of us!

    Here's my guesses:

    1) Maybe Britney? She does get pregnant easily and she's clearly off her rocker.

    2) Maybe Nick Nolte...he's off the deep end at times.

    3) I think it's Mariah.

  61.'t you just give him more attention? EL was apparently just responding to emails he got complaining about the asshat and assured people he's working on it. And at least he didn't mention him by name...if you get my point.

  62. I know #1 is going to get milked for all it's worth-- but is it going to be revealed?

  63. #1 I think everyone ruled out Courtney Love. Plus she wouldn't be getting so much plastic surgery if she were. I think Whitney hasn't really boffed anyone since Bobby, so it wouldn't be the "wow" explosive revelation that ENt said it would be if revealed. Thus-not Whitney, either. I vote Britney, because she's really jumped the shark and this might be a reason, or perhaps Foxy Brown?

    #2didn't nick nolte win an academy award? This is someone who was only nominated, ruling out jack too.

    #3 Streisand. I was at that outdoor furniture store in Malibu at PCH and Topanga when she came in. Her cc was denied. She freaked out. I mean, freaked. Screaming. Lots o' people around too.

  64. No good deed goes unpunished, but I am sticking by my vow to behave.

    Let us all hope and pray that Madonna is the HIV positive singer.

  65. I hate Madonna and hope she dies of AIDs

  66. I think Sarah hit the nail on the head for #1 with Foxy Brown. She was supposedly pregnant right before she was sentenced to prison, but is no longer pregnant. She would understandably have to come clean regarding her medical history prior to entering prison. In addition, the odds of a female contracting HIV, sadly, are greater if that female is African American. That is the fastest-rising cohort of new HIV cases in the USA. This is very sad if true. Fortunately, HIV+ status is no longer a death sentence in this country.

  67. Ok this name never gets floated for #1 so I'll offer it up: Rihanna. The main clue from Ent originally was that the singer's partners would be notable. Who would give a shit if Adnan Bin Laden or Osama Lufti or JR Rottem get HIV? At this point I think people would cheer.

    RiRi has been linked to Josh Hartnett and Shia LeBeouf, much bigger names. And she's been utterly shameless in using her, um, charms to make her career, including rumors of her fooling around with Jay-Z, who is with Beyonce.

    Ent's clue is the HIV+ singer's partners. Even if I'm wrong with Rihanna, it makes no sense with Courtney Love and Britney.

  68. Why not Mariah for #1?

  69. I agree w/Montana & LS that Amy Winehouse seems like an obvious choice for #1, come to think of it!

  70. I agree with Andy P..... the clue for #1 is the singer's PARTNERS. I agree that no one would find it remotely upsetting or shocking if any of Britney or CL's partners turned up HIV positive. I doubt they are even important enough for us to find out about it.

    Another clue I think is REQUIRED physical. Yearly physicals ect are not in any way REQUIRED. The singer must have been starting some kind of job or something where she needed a physical because it was physically demanding... like a tour or a movie role. That, or she was getting new health insurance or something.

    just something to think about.

  71. sarah- you are wrong. whitney was having a pretty intense, physical relationship with Ray-J, following Bobby. And Ray J of course had his sex tape with Kim Kardashian who has been with Nick Cannon and is now dating Reggie Bush. And if she did in fact get it from Bobby then we know where he got it from...and as someone already pointed out that is quite a list. in fact it is a book already. i am going with Whitney on this one.

  72. if he hadn't already won an oscar, i would say billy bob thornton for #2. his eccentricity knows no bounds.

  73. just bopped back in.....hey guys, at least read the BI before posting and read it again. many of these late guesses don't match.

  74. I think love or amy!
    not britney y do you all go to britney ?

    britney being drug tested for drugs.
    but at the same time she did get a blood test earyer this month i dont think she would ever get tested by her self so may be they found it

  75. Courtney love has already been ruled out for #1.

    I think Lindsay Lohan might be a good bet ... is there any reason to think it couldn't be her? She did release one album...

  76. what about jessica simpson for #1. Supposedly she had an abortion w/ Mayer's child?

  77. #2 Mickey Rooney?

  78. I think #1 could be Brit..Didnt Osama call Barb Walters and say that Brit had a mental condition that couldnt be fixed. Maybe he was referring to HIV. There is also the text message from Osama to pap guy stating Brit was at the doctor...hmmm...

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. All you have to do is block him from posting on your blog. That's what I did with mine.

    Love and kisses...

  81. For 1.
    Alanis was supposed to be one of the teens who could have gotten pregnant by the disney grandpa exec. As in the mid 30´s she could be considered aging. she dated some more or less famous folks. She would need to be checked up.

    Amy has a long strigng of partners attached. Because of drugs and appearance its the strongest guess

    Madonna is def aging, and had a huuuge string of partners, but she could pay any price and buy her own insurance company to insure a tour

    3 Madonna is far too long in the business for that bitchiness. Plus, every store owner would act crazy on his own just to get her in his store. and then tell everybody what she "demanded" and he fullfilled.

    its more like Beyonce, diva, hoping for oscars :-), wich,without attention is forgotten. Madonna is too much of an icon.

  82. oh, by the way, about "this list is for sale"....

    first, hopefully she remembers them all, knows who they are and doesnt lie about the numbers. second, she would do better notifiying them herself.

  83. An ambulance left Britney Spears' house around 1:20 A.M this morning. The windows were covered and a police convoy of what seems like DOZENS of cops lead the way.

    Britney was in the ambulance and she arrived at UCLA Medical Center around 1:35 A.M.

    Following the ambulance were none other than Lynne Spears and Adnan Ghalib - in the same car.

    Britney is going to be put under a 5150 psychiatric hold at the hospital for 72 hours. Hopefully her treatment will be extended.

    Spears has been under the treatment of a psychiatrist, who was at her home Wednesday night and placed a call to the authorities, which triggered Brit's hospitalization.

    Britney had not slept in days and her shrink was concerned for her deteriorating condition.

    This is all just so tragic.

    Our thoughts are with Britney and her family.

    Hopefully the stars will align and she will finally get better now, once and for all.

    [Images via WENN.]

  84. Khemenu said:

    DEC 26, 2007:#1 During a required physical last week this singer indicated she is HIV+. If you follow the partners and they were not safe, this could lead to some incredible revelations during the next year.

    DEC 27, 2007:#1 You know that required physical from yesterday? Reason for the physical? Abortion. Father? Unknown.

    Ent said: a long string of sexpartners attached. You will be surprised.

    Here comes a new guess:

    Jennifer Lopez, aging singer

    1. Did not officialized the pregnancy until knowing the kid(s)
    were ok.

    2. Abortion - Father unknown? If it was Diddy, the kid would be half afroamerican, which was bad for her image and carreer. second try, afflec, (by sex or donation?). He is over with Jennifer.

    3. she would have healthy kids and rise them. as the last chance to do so.

    4. If in vitro she could have done it in a private clinic or anywhere else out of the states, without too many questions asked. by US doctors required medicals are clear, and she would happily oblige after she cannot lose the babies any more.

    now here are the heavy strings attached:

    1. Marc and his groupies
    2. Afflec and his whirlpool affairs
    3. Diddy, the neverending story

  85. oh the confusion! Perez here? If so, what a sweetie. And our host blogger thanking us for our emails, the gossip mongers are so considerate!
    Agree with previous comment; people should read the posts before posting...the singer is NOT aging! Well, not necessarily. Could Whitney's list be a revelation because it contains women as well? However, it sounds like we should be able to follow the list of partners from public sightings & photos.
    Lots of good possibilities for #2

  86. How could Jennifer Lopez have had an abortion the week before Dec 26 when she is definitely still pregnant?
    We CAN trace Whitney's partners by pics etc AND the reason for Bobby and Whitney's divorce published a whole book of conquests!!!!

  87. Anonymous4:40 AM

    1) J-Lo doesn't fit. She's spent years trying to get pregnant with Marc Anthony; the gossip has been that there were multiple miscarriages along the way. I love the prospect that it's whitney, but isn't she pushing menopause? And with all the blood they've drawn from Britney, and all the money chasing her secrets, I don't think it would have remained secret if it were her. The smart money's on Winehouse.

    2)If "Academy Award nominated" refers to this year's award . . . wouldn't it OBVIOUSLY be Daniel Day-Lewis? For Chrissakes, the guy quit acting for three years to become a shoemaker! And he's famous for having a breakdown in the middle of a performance of Hamlet, because he saw the ghost of his father. I don't think he's actually crazy . . . but the rep fits. An idiosyncratic position of the world financial system wouldn't shock me at all.

    3) This one sounds like Mimi to me, too.

  88. King, I thought about Whitney's age too...but the average age for menopause is 50 and she is in her early 40's. Also, the singer's sexual history would cause a stir in Hollywood. While Amy seems like a pretty strong candidate, I don't think any of her past would rock Hollywood. Who famous has she been with? She tends to be attracted to loser, fellow crackheads.

  89. I LOVE IT! The debate, the wild guesses, the research... I like the Rihanna guess, more than I should probably. There's something about her I don't like, while I'm rooting for Crazy Brit to get herself together.... I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone though, really. Nope, nope, not even Mr D.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Kingtubby, he wasn't a cobbler for three years, and he admits to having to step away for long periods in between movies. He bought a pair of shoes when they were staying in Italy and asked the guy he bought them from if he could learn how to make them.

    And part of the reason he steps away is because bullshit rumors like this make him sound like a crackpot.

    Oscar nominated doesn't mean it has to be this year. I think all the people guessing before you indicates nobody else took it that way.

  92. Anonymous5:39 AM

    The thing with Amy, is that she's wanted to have a kid. The blind makes it sound like she wanted the abortion. Amy wouldn't have given it up.

    I think the Foxy Brown guess is my favorite (prison being the reason why it's all leaking).

  93. Number one is Paris Hilton, who recently has invinced an interest in the lesbian lifestyle because her cooter is so infested with STDs. Please read my blog for the scoop!

  94. The best rumored hookup for Winehouse is Pete Doherty (who was with Kate Moss). The only scandalous thing I can think of from *that* arrangement is that Pete had it, has given it to Kate, or got it from her.

    I actually like the Foxy Brown guess - she did recently ask to visit a 'specialist' for her hearing and was told to see someone in a NY clinic instead. If she's being forced to see local (to Rikers) doctors, they might not have the same level of "of course we won't say anything you're a celebrity" that a 'specialist to the stars' might.

    That or someone in the prison wants to make money.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. HEATH Ledger had become a regular user of cocaine and heroin in the past year, getting so high on drugs that an exasperated Michelle Williams was forced to boot him out of their Brooklyn home.

    "She couldn't take it any more. Heath wouldn't show up for two to three days, and all of a sudden he would show up on her doorstep, an absolute wreck," a member of Ledger's entourage who did drugs with him. "He was partying, doing drugs. She didn't like the company he was keeping. She gave him an ultimatum. . . . and threatened to get custody of the girl. He wanted to make it work, but it was this scene he was wrapped up in. Was he an addict? Yeah."

    The revelation comes as "Entertainment Tonight" and "The Insider" said that "out of respect for Heath Ledger's family," they would drop plans to air a video of Ledger snorting cocaine with a rolled-up bill at the Chateau Marmont. The video was taped without Ledger's knowledge following the SAG Awards two years ago. Ledger quips on the tape, "I'm gonna get so much [bleep] from my girlfriend. We have a baby together, Matilda."

    Heath's drug pal said the 28-year-old star's mushrooming fame had him constantly exposed to drugs. As the pressures of work grew, he couldn't say no, and then wouldn't get help. "He was hanging out with a bad crowd. He wasn't cleaning up his act. He was making absolutely no effort . . . He was really into heroin. He wasn't sleeping or communicating with anyone."

    Ledger's lifeless body was found in his Broome Street loft in SoHo last week along with six kinds of prescription pills. Authorities believe he overdosed, although the cause of death won't be official until toxicology tests are finished.

    "At the end of the day this is really tragic," the source said. "He was a nice guy. I first met him in 2002. He was scared about the whole Hollywood thing . . . I don't think he realized how crazy it was going to be. So many people wanted a piece of him."

    But, the pal adds, things got really bad when heroin entered the picture. "Once you go down that road, then it gets really scary. Because all of sudden you shoot up, you take heroin, then you do a line of cocaine and then you take sleeping pills. Look at River Phoenix, he died exactly the same way."

  97. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Pul-leez. I find Les Suckno less offensive than Perez. Do we really have to be subjected to this crap? Can't we take his own advice and block him from here?
    Anyway - I have a question about the Random Photos - has Ent said that he posts blind item hints in them? I read this blog before the comment section had to go through google accounts and then life got busy and I didn't get a chance to come here for a while. But I have been reading it again recently (the past few months) and noticed that people keep mentioning about the random photos. I kept thinking somehow I would see an explanation about it, but I haven't so any info is awesome - thanks. :)

  98. Suppose it had to happen. We must discuss. The Hottie and the Nottie (it pains me to even acknowledge that rip-off title, I’ll expect residual checks, babes!) is Paris Hilton’s new theatrically released movie. Seriously, it’ll be up there on the big marquee at your local multiplex with actual works of cinematic achievement. The existence of this flick is mind-numbing enough, but it’s the giant billboards that I have no say in seeing—the ones that turn my brain to pulp. Ridiculous as casting Princess Paris in a movie and expecting it to make oodles. Let’s have a look-see at darling P’s filmography, shall we?

    House of Wax, Hilton’s ho-hum horror job, had a budget of $30 mil, and it landed an opening of $12 million, earning $32 mil total. Guess splashing Paris’ face with slimy wax on the movie’s poster (at least I hope that was wax, ew) and killing her off was a big enough draw to get at least a few people in the seats, most who applauded when she died.

    Then there’s her straight-to-DVDisasters Bottom’s Up and Pledge This!, which barely inspired ironic viewing. Now, in all my days of patrolling the H-town alleys, I still cannot comprehend how questionable actors and singers—and those who pretend to be both—keep getting cast in lead roles or release studio albums when their past efforts are giant failed flops.

    Unless Paris's new movie spectacularly surprises, she should stick to the merchandising and the porn (is there a difference, really?). That’s where all the real money is, not like she needs any more of it.

  99. I just assumed that "Perez Hilton" is Les Suckno's new identity...

  100. where did people get that the HIV singer is aging? courtney love was ruled out...the person had to have slept with other famous people or one famous person who slept around...

  101. Okay, I know it's only 7am in Cali, but come on Ent, wake up and post about Britney! :)

  102. I'm with you Calla - the real Perez wouldn't ever say anything negative about his pal Paris. Ent possibly did block him, and that's why these long-winded posts are coming up under different names. And the content is stuff that is pasted in from other sites.

  103. vamp - people aren't reading the blinds properly.

    #1 doesn't say anything about aging - it's #2 that says "This aging Academy Award..."

  104. How about Lil Kim, or Eve for 1?

  105. surfer,
    reading is fundamental lol even on a gossip blog

  106. JLO was also spectacular in last year's El Cantante. She stole that movie away from the titular character. She *can* act when she wants to. Also, although the film was uneven and kinda schizophrenic about what kind of film it ultimately wanted to be, JLO was aces in Angel Eyes (with James Caviezel), too, especially her scenes with her very f&&cked up family. She and Sonia Braga (playing her battered mother) were heartbreaking. Leave Jenny alone, y'all.


  107. Wildflower, I think once some reveals were made, we noticed that the 'random photo's' weren't so random after all. Since that time, we look to them for clues. I can't recall, however, whether or not EL was asked and confirmed it or not, but it's definitely something we noted for future reference.

  108. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Thanks twisted! That makes sense. I just didn't know if it had been "confirmed" by Ent or not. It seemed to me that a lot more people were commenting on them than I had remembered coming here before, but maybe I hadn't been paying close enough attention then.
    Okay- back to guessing the blinds - um, okay I don't have any guesses. Although I have to agree that I don't think the first one is Britney and I also don't think my random guess of Alanis is any good either - why would the father be unknown if it was her? Oh well.

  109. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I think Foxy Brown is a good guess for #1. My original guess was Jessica Sierra, that girl from American Idol who was also rumored to be pregnant.

    I don't think the singer would have to have a bunch of celebrity boyfriends for this to be shocking. If she slept with one semi-famous guy (say for example, Brody Jenner) the amount of people affected would be huge.

  110. Wildflower, maybe someone else can let us know if EL ever confirmed it. I don't read through all his posts, depending on subject. ;-)

    What if it was Sheryl Crowe? Wouldn't that be shocking?

  111. #1 could be just about any singer out right now. We really don't know who these people sleep with. Yeah most of them are romantically linked to certain famous people, but what famous people are they sleeping with that we don't know about.

    #2 I don't know

    #3 Wouldn't be surprised if this was Madonna.

  112. Twisted....ohhhhh, never thought of SC, wow. You have me really thinking now!

  113. The fallout would be awkward to say the least-

  114. twisted i thought of the same thing but just didn't want to say it bc i really like her and she has been through so much. but she has definitely bedded more than a fair share of famous men.

  115. Twisted, you're right, I shouldn't have mentioned the name, ha ha! DUH!

  116. Takeme2espana - you're not kidding it would be awkward, but the fallout really would be something.

    Catherine - I like her, too, and hope it's not her, but didn't EL post a pic of her yesterday or the day before? If I hadn't seen a pic, I never would have thought of her. Plus, I think the need for insurance means someone has to actually be working or planning to work, so Brit is out as others have said.

    Customer - usually I'm the one saying DUH, so join the club,

  117. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Sheryl Crow doesn't make any sense for #1 IMO.

    Ent said the physical was for an ABORTION...wouldn't Sheryl Crow keep the baby if she got pregnant? She just adopted a baby boy less than a year ago. I doubt she's running around with enough guys that she wouldn't know who the father was.

  118. She might not keep it if she only wanted one child - or if she's HIV positive.

  119. Anonymous9:47 AM

    But I thought the point was she didn't know she was HIV+

    She just doesn't seem the type to be so callous with her health

  120. Oh yeah, you're right, khemenu. I'm getting my timeframe confused. So she went for an abortion and then found out.

    I agree with you that she seems very health conscious, but we have no clue about what her mindset is about having a baby or abortion. Some women would rather adopt than wreck their bodies....which is hard to believe for some of us, but to each her own.

  121. i can't believe no one has mentioned "Glitter" yet. That was one of the worst movies of all time in my book.
    #3 is most definitely Mooriah!

    #2 love the Kirk Douglas idea. Bit off the rocker. But an even bigger nutcase is Charlton Heston! How about him?

    #1 is tragic. Really sad. No idea who it could be. Don't think it's Britney. She's "just" in the middle of a total breakdown. "Burn-out-syndrome".... it makes you totally crazy.

  122. I really like the Riannha guess. Also Foxy Brown is a good guess too, since she was rumored to be pregant before going to prison, and she would have to have a REQUIRED physical before going. But who has she slept with that is that famous recently?

  123. Hold on one sec, I think you guys are reading it wrong. The person knew her status prior to the physical for an abortion, afterall it is a surgical procedure. She "indicated" that she was positive. This was not a surprise for her..
    Actaully this shouldn't surprise us that much, given the overall number of HIV positive people in the US, there has to be a considerable amount living in the Hollywood area....esp given the number of "surprise" pregnancies.
    As for Foxy, she was dating Tyson Beckford...

  124. actually why can't Mimi be #1?

  125. DEC 26, 2007:#1 During a required physical last week this singer indicated she is HIV+. If you follow the partners and they were not safe, this could lead to some incredible revelations during the next year.

    DEC 27, 2007:#1 You know that required physical from yesterday? Reason for the physical? Abortion. Father? Unknown.

    Singer already knew she was HIV+ before getting pregnant and deciding on an abortion. The physical was required for the abortion not for work but the singer was aware she was infected. It is not only who the singer slept with but who they slept with after her that would cause some incredible revelations.

    I really don't have a guess but just wanted to clean up the spec a little. It is like the old comercial; I tell two friends and they tell two friends etc...

  126. Confirmed hit: Brittany Spears is the HIV positive singer.

  127. Thanks, Catherine and Visman. So, it sounds like the pregnancy was accidental.

    Catherine, the only reason I don't think it's Mimi is because we never hear about her sleeping with people, do we? I get the feeling we're going to be able to follow relationships, like the blind says, and I don't see us doing that with her OR Tommy M.

  128. As if you don't all already know, that is not Perez Hilton posting.

  129. Oh lawd! The crazies are in full force!

  130. Pamela, thanks. I didn't think it was Perez, but then I don't think it's Spears

  131. "Rihanna does her part as the spokesperson for Fashion against AIDS."

    interesting post in the 'random photos', no?

    hmmmmm... just a thought.

  132. Is it me or is that HIV+ singer BI vague? I mean it really could be any singer of child-bearing age. I wish we could get a better clue ... genre of music, timeframe, does she have a dog, something, anything.

  133. i like the foxy brown guess, i'm about 90% sold on it, but what about my original guess of ashanti???

    she had a new album out so she may have had to get a physical for promotional stuff. she has slept with nelly, irv gotti, diddy, and ja rule. i can't think of anyone really significant that foxy brown has slept with. never heard anything about her and tyson beckford and even so, who did he sleep with after that would be so high profile?

  134. On Aug 21, 2007 Foxy Brown confirmed she was pregnant and getting married but would not name the fiance. On Aug 23 a NYC court confirmed her wedding and pregnancy. Her lawyer said she was 3 months pregnant at that time. She was earlier linked to Ray J, who's been linked to Kim Kardashian and Whitney Houston.

    Sept 12 07 had her manager stating she was not pregnant.

  135. Anonymous1:03 PM

    kellysirkus said...

    #3 - I'm calling Bu!!sh!t on this one. seriously, get real

  136. The physical was for an abortion, not for promotional stuff.

  137. Fab, sadly I don't think this is one that would ever be we'll probably never know.

  138. I will be glad if the HIV one never gets revealed. Im not sure that we should be getting entertainment out of guessing who has contracted a disease that will kill them.

  139. Lily Allen... wasn't she pregnant, then supposedly miscarried?

  140. and the "her local health dept" maybe suggests that it is not from around here.

  141. Interesting someone. The Lily Allen thought did come to my mind too. But not sure she has slept with anyone that famous. Not sure who her ex bf was, but she is still with the Chemical Brothers dude and the BI says "Father: Unknown."

  142. Maybe it is that Danity Kane member who was with P Diddy--or what ever he calls himself these days.

  143. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Lindsey Lohan is a singer and so is Paris Hilton, but on another site they revealed it was Britney Spear in their opinion, but I read on MediaFakeOut allegely some R&B star has an aborition by a Rapper. And there was also a blind item "what r&b starlet won't leave her rapper boyfriend because she doesn't want ppl to know he gave her a std you can't get rid of".

  144. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Also the other site think the answer to number 2 is Nick Nolte.

  145. audieh_1,

    Aubrey O'Day I think her name is. That's a really good guess because she has become quite the hussy. Hmmmm. I really like that guess.



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