Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Today's Blind Items

#1 This A list actor/actress married couple. How does the couples thing work? I think that if one is a B+ lister and the other is probably a B+ lister but formerly A list, and they both have A list name recognition, that they should be an A list couple. That was a long way to go for telling you that it seems that our actor recently got the actress pregnant. I think it does usually work that way except in the movie Junior. Our actress miscarried, and since then our actor has gone off the deep end. It looked like he was headed off the deep end before the miscarriage, but he has been using it as an excuse to justify his behavior and his absences.

#2 He is an A list actor by definition, and he is certainly paid up towards the top of the acting list. It is a good thing he is getting paid a lot because he is not getting laid a lot. Oh, he tries, but our funnyman has a real problem getting the party started so to speak. The women usually try their best, but our actor inevitably sends them on their way with an apology and gets back to doing what is causing the problem in the first place.


  1. #1. Bennifer
    #2. Eddie Murhpy?

  2. For some reason, Jennifer Garner and Ben A. for the first one. They have both been quoted about wanting a large family and siblings for Violet.

    2-have no idea, but coke will do that too ya and I ain't talking about the fizzy in the bottle kind!

  3. #1 - The cruises, but bennifer is good too.. but they were photo'd house shopping recently...

    #2 - no idea. i'd say jim carrey, but he's no longer a list. so, i like murphy too...

  4. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Wasn't their a rumor that Jennifer G was pregnant and now nothing.

  5. Well, for some reason, Ashton and Demi came to my mind first for #1. Nothing to back it up, just saying.

    #2 I'm guessing is Vince Vaughn.

  6. #1 - Michael Douglas / CZJ - ew!
    JK. I like the Ben/Jen guess.

    #2 - "by definition" does that mean he has won an Oscar?

  7. by def means earnings, kelly. the qualifier by definition i think may mean that he's not someone that would otherwise come to mind. struggling to find a funnyman. randomly, how's chris tucker sound?

  8. ENTY - if you can reply to your critics, why can't you hop in and reply to your loyalists?

  9. okay, here's my two cents.

    I agree that Jennifer & Ben make sense for # 1.

    How about Jamie Foxx for # 2? He is an actor/funnyman/party animal who is paid well, and I have heard (lady) rumors about him before. And did you see how wasted he looked in lots of those multiple birthday party pics?

  10. Anonymous2:52 PM

    i was thinking Vince Vaughn for #2 ... A-list means being able to open a movie(according to ent)...does Vince Vaughn count for that?

  11. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Hm for some reason I thought Diane Lane and Josh Brolin, but really I guess the only rumors about them are that he beats her...

  12. #2 - Has to be Vince Vaughan. He's in the random photos below and he can totally open a movie. Also, an ex-friend of mine that was an alcoholic used to say he had major trouble getting it up because of the drink.

  13. Has Ben Affleck been missing appearances?

  14. TomTyler...not that I can tell, he hasn't. Maybe Ent. means he's been "missing" from all the pics with JG and their kid, "missing" from the family?

    I think #1 is Jen/Ben

    I think #2 actually IS Eddie M. and I think the the thing he does that "causes the problems in the first place" is the tranny-chasing.

  15. What about Demi and Ashton for #1

  16. LMAO!!

    I don't know how #1 can be the answer to this blind, AND the blind involving the husband who was kicked out of the house just before the holidays. Sheesh, pick one.

    #2 - isn't Eddie Murphy because the behavior causing the problem sounds like it's drugs or booze, not being a 'mo.

  17. 1- Diane n Josh Brolin
    2- Vince "Drunk Dick" Vaughn

  18. Dashton or Bennifer.

    Vince Vaughn

  19. Ashton was reported in another blog today to be going out without wearing the Kaballah bracelet, griping about being sick of going to the center every week, etc.

  20. Is that why Jen is looking so thin with bags under her eyes? I thought it was because her grandma just died. Ben & Jen were looking at bigger houses just last weekend.

  21. Gaaaah!! Twisted! I forgot about the kicked-out-of-the-house thing...grrr. Back to the drawing board....

  22. I am with the Demi and Ashton guess for #1. They immediately came to mind and it is widespread that she had a miscarriage. He looks ragged and depressed lately.

    #2 I completely agree with the Jamie Foxx guess, a recent photo of him made hime appear to have meth face.

  23. Given the looks of the Willis kids, Demi ought to have any new baby of hers scraped and suctioned.

  24. Would someone please shoot les suckno dead? Thank you!

  25. Ragdoll, sorry, but being at the drawing board isn't THAT bad. I know - I'm there a lot. ;-)

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  27. I hope Les Suckno fucking dies. I would pay to have him killed if I had the money. I'm not even kidding. Or I'd pay to have it sterilized at least.

  28. Hi! My first post here, but I read your comments & guesses all the time. Think I can help, not in this instance, but I'm a gossip junkie. Hate Les Suckno...

  29. Oh Les Sucko... you should come to my human bioscience lectures... I think she may even make YOU blush!!

  30. #1 Courtney Cox and David Arquette
    #2 No idea

  31. #1...mr. & mrs. "paltrow" (can anyone confirm hubby's shows lately?)

  32. ..sorry just realized both are ACTORS, thought one could be 'b list per name recognition'...urgh

  33. Is Ashton, David Arquette or Josh Brolin really A - list?

    I like the Jen/Ben guess or the OldMan Douglas/CZJ guess.

    I thought Jim Carrey for #2 as well.

  34. Everybody should be writing to enty to bitch about this tool. He needs to do something even if that means moving the blog to something with more controls to lock this fucker out.

  35. Psst, Wonk...don't feed the trolls.


  36. Per Ent's definition, both Ben Affleck AND Jennifer garner are former A-listers. Affleck won an Oscar and Jen was the star of her own TV show for more than 3 years (5 years actually). However, the item only says that one of them used to be A-list.

  37. FWIW-- i think the "junior" reference is a clue... i'm going with demi (B+/formerly A list) and ashton (B+ list).

  38. #1: Michael Douglas and Catherine Ceta-Jones.

    #2: No clue, but I like the Jamie Fox guess.

  39. Go here to report an offensive comment.

  40. at first i thought jen and ben for #1 like everyone else, but now for some reason i am thinking sara michelle gellar and freddie prinze jr. i have not seen him in AGES and ages.

  41. #1. kevin bacon/kyra sedgewick(he's about 50, she's 42)

  42. #2. 3 guesses: Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey, or Will Ferrell

  43. SM Geller might be a Blister, former AList, but F Prinze Jr? What has he ever done other than Scooby? He's a steady Clist, if anything.

    What habit would Prinze revert to? Republican call boy?

  44. Jesus H. Christ - to all of you complaining about the Les person - STOP! Giving him/her attention is what he/she wants. Just ignore him/her like the rest of us do.

  45. Going with Vince V. for #2. His prolonged excessive boozing probably equals the eternal floppy by now. I ain't talking bunny.

    No idea for #1 ... yet.

  46. Who's the chick on Ugly Betty - you know, the model who used to be married to John Stamos - her for number 1.

  47. I agree with Plot that we need to consider what bad behavior #1 is going back to...womanizing? drugs? Who, besides Ben A., is married and reverting back to bad boy behavior?

    I haven't heard any gossip about Ashton, Mike Douglas....

    Re: #2. If Eddie Murphy likes men, then I doubt this is him, as this guy is sending women home. I like the Vince Vaughn/Jamie Foxx guesses.

  48. BI #1 - It could be Ben A. and Jen G.

    Yet, I must be the only one who thinks that Ben A. has no desire to be married to Jen G. I have yet to see a picture of them together in the last year where he doesn't looked p*ssed off when she is near him.

    Yet, I have seen pics of him, alone, doing PR for "Gone Baby Gone" and he is all bright eyed and chatty.

    So I will not be surprised in the least when the divorce papers are filed.

  49. Regarding the reference to the movie "Junior," I was thinking the movie "Juno" in which Jennifer Garner just starred. Saying that "it does usually work that way except in the case of.." seems to imply how Jen G's character in Juno acquired her baby via adoption. Also, the excuse about his behavior and his absences might refer to all those people questioning all the paps photos of Jen and Violet but no Ben.



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