Thursday, January 24, 2008

Today's Blind Items

So a little change of pace. After I saw that The Time was going to play the Grammy Awards it got me thinking about a time when I was just starting out. I used to promote concerts to get through school. This was when little guys still could do it and corporations had not swallowed up every possible venue. I had promoted The Time two or three times and made some money. I had got to know some of the group and once we happened to be in Las Vegas at the same time. They invited me to their show and to a party they were having after. I want to say they were playing at the Riviera, but I can't remember. I think it was because this was when Frank Sinatra was still alive and I remember thinking I had seen him play in the same room a week earlier and how crazy Vegas is that two totally different acts can both pack in a crowd. Of course Sinatra tickets were three times the price of The Time tickets.

Anyway, after the show, we went to a club or two, but this was still the older Vegas. Excalibur was the only big new hotel. Everything else was still to come. The clubs were still very rough around the edges. Very rough. So, after seeing a possible stabbing death at the second club we went to, we decided to head back to the hotel and one of their suites. I don't remember anyone calling anyone but all of a sudden the place was absolutely packed. Packed like it took you five full minutes to make your way across the room from one side to the other.

There was one clear area though and it was this big glass table. It was probably seven feet long and three feet wide. Sitting around the table were people basically two deep. The top of the table was covered in coke. I had seen people do coke before and thought I had seen a lot on a table before, but this was the most ever. None of the guys from The Time were touching it. I do remember that. BUT, I do remember that there were two people from this brand new television show called Beverly Hills 90210 who were sucking coke down like someone was trying to steal it from them. Most people were being very patient and chatting in between lines. Not these two. One female and one male were all over it. They were outdone in their zest for the drug only by this actress from Saved By The Bell. I honestly thought they were going to fight for it. Later, after the crowd had thinned I saw the male from 90210 and the actress from Saved By The Bell getting it on in a corner. She was pretty hot, I have to tell you. The guy I remember was very sweaty. The actress from 90210 never left the coke. Ever. Not until it was all gone. Then she got up, and left. Didn't say goodbye or anything. Just walked out and left. Hell of a night.


  1. Well, now. That's better. I forgive you.

  2. Shannon, Tiffany & Luke

  3. Did you see his cock, EL? Did that turn you on? Did you try to suck it?

  4. tiffany amber, jesse spanno, and ian ziering or how ever you spell it

  5. I think Luke Perry hooked up with either Elizabeth Berkley or Kelly Kapowski.
    Shannen Doherty was the coke fiend.

    I feel a little scandalized haha

  6. brian austin green and tiffani amber thiessen dated for a while, she even had a green heart tattoo.

  7. I think Ian, Shannon and that girl who was in that bad stripper movie... Berkley? Wasn't she on SBTB? (I didn't watch it)

  8. i'm going for shannon doherty, luke perry and elizabeth berkley. altho BAG-ha!- is a good one...

  9. Shannon Doherty
    Luke Perry
    Tiffani-Amber Thiessen

  10. Wow! I have been reading for a few months and finally felt compelled to respond to these because those shows were so important to me back in "the day".

    Jennie Garth/Kelly Taylor always struck me as a coke head before I even know what that was. I found myself constantly wondering why underneath her nose was always SO red in the early episodes. She had a very sketchy and unhealthy look to her. Not really sure about the guy, but it seems like Ian Zeiring (sp?). He seemed like the biggest partier when the show first started. Possibly the grandpa, Luke Perry.

    As for the SBTB girl, I'm stumped. It would seem so likely that it was Tiffany Amber Theissen, esp. since she joined the 90210 cast a few years later.

    Really intriguing! Especially since it was derived from a memory of The Time! I hope this will be revealed...

    1. I remember the red under her nose too!! Too much method crying or...?

  11. But wait! Wasn't "Lisa" just busted for a coke like a year ago?

    I say Shannon, Jason Priestly and "Lisa"...can't remember her fucking real name.

    Ent, soo have you ever dabbled in the white powder? Seemed you were there all night too.

  12. Shannen Doherty - definitely.
    Jason Priestley - he's sweaty-looking every time I've seen him in person.

    Saved by the Bell - no idea. Never saw the show.

  13. Tiffany Amber Theissen
    Brian Austin Green
    Shannen Doherty

  14. Tiffany Amber Thiessen and Brian Austin Green were dating and I think even living together at this point. It had to be them.

    Shannon Doherty

  15. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Love how everyone jumps to Shannon Doherty. Must've been the take it all then leave attitude. (I concur. Watch it turn out to be Gabrielle Carteris! :)

    My gut says Shannon/Luke/Tiffani. But that's only because I always thought Tiffani was the only pretty girl on SBTB (I was all about the AC/Zach slash fiction though).

  16. Lark Voorhies was Lisa's real name.

  17. do people use coke to stay thin? Tiffany Amber had eating disorders to stay thin for SBTB as she's naturally curvy. If thats the case she could be a possibility. and if the two hooked up, it would make sense w/ TAT and BAG dating later and her being on 90210 down the road...

  18. @kat angel: SBTB comes on every AM here and I realized that I had seen every episode this morning.
    I'm so ashamed! It was such a bad show, but I couldn't get enough of it back in the day.

  19. Sounds like a fun night!

  20. ms. I can't believe you've never seen SBTB! It comes on all the time!

    Kelly! Thank you! It was driving me crazy. I think it is Lark. I wanted to be her sooo bad!

  21. I know an ex of Jason's VERY well, and he did a LOT of drugs in the 90's (can't say since his accident), so I'm going with him, Shannon and Elizabeth Berkely.

  22. if it was abrand new show Brian Auton green's voice hadn't cracked until season 2 or 3.

    Jason Priestly(was notorious druggie in vancouver till he married)
    Shannen Doherty
    Eliz Berkely.

    remind me all to tell you about the time my bf and i were at a Vancouver party with lots of drugs (i did not partake) and ding dong its Brandon Fuckin Walsh looking to score some speed. surreal.

    nevermind i just told you!

  23. oh, Topanga, you naughty

  24. wrong show

  25. OFF TOPIC -

    When the maid found Heath Ledger's body and couldn't wake him, it was bad enough she took his phone and called Mary-Kate Olsen several states away, but then SHE told the maid she was sending her security guards over. WTF? We're talking about a life here, not an unruly party. Did anyone involved have a brain that day?

  26. Would Elizabeth Berkeley ever be considered hot? Part of the fun of Showgirls is how incredibly un-sexy it is. And wasn't Lark more cute than hot? I'm a straight gal, so it's hard for me to say, but I would definitely guess Tiffani. I want the 90210-er to be Tori, but it was probably Shannen. For the guy, Ian, Jason and Luke all seem equally likely to me.

  27. EL partying with The Time? Our man has gone up a notch or two in my book. Hey, EL, do you know any juicy details about my babydoll, Prince??

    Anyways, I've never seen SBTB either and only snippets of 90210. I don't know why, but between Tori and Shannon, I just couldn't take it.

  28. 1990....shannon(bad attitude)doherty, luke perry, and leah remini( pre scientology narcnon)

  29. ok everyone who feels old as f*ck raise you hand.


  30. Friends of mine have snorted lines with Jason here in Toronto. And not too long ago too. He's a hoover.

  31. lol Jax, right there with ya.

  32. Elizabeth Berkley, Shannon & Luke.

  33. Shannon, Jason & Lark, just because of what we know of their partying days

    Shannon, Jason & Elizabeth, just seems to fit better

    Shannon, Brian & Tiffani, because of Brian & Tiffani's relationship, which may have just started over a big pile of blow

    I don't for one minute believe it's Shannon & Luke, as it's widely known that they hated each other throughout the entire series

  34. @Jax [covering eyes with one hand...slowly raising other hand]

  35. Anonymous2:47 PM


    The only person I can think of is Jason Priestly. Keep hearing he is or was into drugs big time. Don't know who the women are.

  36. Priestly, Doherty and Thiessen.
    Doherty was notorious for her partying and outbursts at clubs in town. In the early days of video posting online, there were several circulating of her out of control. She was a beast. And brought Rick Salomon to our attention - Ugh.
    Brian Austin Green was still practically a baby. He's the one I suspect the least of all the 90210 crowd.

  37. this was fun! I want more 90s blinds.

  38. Aaron Spelling supposedly canned Shannen more so to do with her bad girl behavior rubbing off on Tori than for being difficult to work with.

    Jenni Garth and Shannen hated each other. Luke was too busy banging his fans and then marrying one to be in

  39. Definitely Shannon and Jason, not sure about the SBDB person, but I'm going with Tiffany Amber.

    Re Shannon Elizabeth, I actually saw her at the movies a few months ago and she looked very pretty. She ran into Isla Fisher (still pregnant) and Sasha and they were chatting. Do celebs all just know each other?

  40. Ho Lee Canadian folks that keep running into these celebs need to gimme a call when these things happen...I'm in London, ON--can be in TO in 1 hr, and I party. ; )

    Nuthin' EVER happens in London...*mumbles*stoopid uberconservative preppy town*kicks dirt*

    I guess that's not true...Paul Haggis is from here, and Michael Moore was here last year for the NA premier of Sicko...


    Awwwww....*mumble, kick*

    For the record, I'm going with Jason "Hoover" Priestly, Shannon "Wonky Eye" Doherty, and Tiffani "Cheeks" Thiessen.

  41. twisted- i totally agree. Why don't these people call 911 asap?? You can call your people AFTER you call for medical attention. it's just so sensless. same thing with ANS... it just adds to the sketchiness of the situation.

    and, are other people not appalled by the fact the JLS is giving her baby to her mom?? her mom had two chances to raise a baby already and look what happened. DSS should step in and give that baby to a loving, deserving family who will nurture the child, not mrs. spears.

    hmph. its just a day of outrage.

  42. I think it was the bloke from the Peach Pit and Cindy Walsh.

    I love this blind - makes feel like i'm 18 again!
    FYI: I'm pretty sure that Shannen actually had affairs with both Luke and Jason very early on. Seem to think this was confirmed by one of them. Those crazy kids!

  43. I had NO IDEA that Jason was a hoover (Kara-loved that comment BTW).
    Also makes sense how Tiffani used to be so slim & as most people do once straightening out....she "filled out" a bit.
    I find her gorgeous.
    Slightly OT: does anyone else wonder why BAG gets all the beauties?? Tiffani Amber Thiessen, baby w. Vanessa Marcil, now with Megan Fox. What is going on here???

  44. Violet, I think Brian's basically a decent guy, for all the shit he gets about appearing to be a nerd. And maybe he's got a big willy.
    Allison, I think it's b.s. about JLS. Of course her mom's going to help her raise the baby but I don't believe this report at all. Sensationalist.

  45. violet- he has a HUGE d* that shizz.
    i always thought he was cute,but goddamn!

  46. ENT hoovers cocaine off of the swollen cocks of the rentboys he hires

  47. Jax- I just almost spit coffee all over my computer screen!Loved your response.
    P.S. I am googling on a minimized screen as we speak :)

  48. Anonymous4:45 PM

    violet: Here is what was a lot of the BAG is HUGE. (I don't think it's the original source). If you look at the 2nd pic, it looks like he's grown about 8 inches.

  49. So E!

    Older than I thought, huh? LOL Excalibur new? Remember those days. Before the kiddy vacation bullshit,

    Dear Twisted,

    He was snoring, now he's not, he's passed out??, WTF. masseuse is there, call the friend, call in the masseuse, shit he's cold?call 911, within three minutes. . .

    Not so unbelievable

  50. Tracee: I've never seen SBTB because I have purposely avoided it.

    Kara / Jax: I've only seen Jason in the wee hours when he's been totally loaded, glassy-eyed and swaying. Loaded on what, I don't know.

  51. Tori Spelling was as big a cokefiend as Doherty.

    just sayin'.

  52. (ever see the pic of her smoking a cigarette on a drum? that wasn't alcohol)

  53. I knew Tiffani back in the SBTB days. Remember one day on the set where she was particularly difficult. Something bugging, her, just hard to get along with. Strange cause all in all, a very sweet girl. When asked what was bothering her, she responded, and loudly, "I can't believe I let Brian fuck me in the ass last night."

    I don't know the answer to ENT quiz but that tidbit just came back to me.

  54. any chance of some '70s blinds? the decade, not the show.

  55. I remember many, many,and again, many moons ago seeing a picture of shannen doherty and jason priestly making out in a corner at something. Don't rememer now if it was a party or a club. This was several years ago when 90210 was huge...made me wonder

  56. Blogger jax said...

    ok everyone who feels old as f*ck raise you hand.


    sadly raises her hand..........SIGH!!

  57. Didn't I read somewhere in the last year or two that Luke Perry was more the friendly neighborhood weed vendor than a cokehead?

  58. Any thoughts on the Ted C blind?

  59. I thought of Brian Austin Green first because He was talking about Vegas, which made me think of Las Vegas. I dunno. The other two possibly Jason and Tiffani.

  60. "I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so....scared."

    I usually lurk but I just had to come out of hiding to say that. Oh, Jesse Spano and her uppers. Memories.

    I actually think Lark Voorhies was the SBTB actress though...can't really explain why, but I just do.

  61. GAYLA!!! LMAO! To this day I still have that scene in my head. Great call. God I love this site.

  62. Finally, someone has the balls to tell it like it is. Bravo, Tom Cruise!

  63. Budford wrote:
    "Dear Twisted,

    He was snoring, now he's not, he's passed out??, WTF. masseuse is there, call the friend, call in the masseuse, shit he's cold?call 911, within three minutes. . .

    Not so unbelievable"

    Yeah, if the security guards lived next door.

  64. Not to mention that latest information shows FOUR calls to MKO - three before even dialing 911:

    NEW YORK (AP) - The massage therapist's first call on finding a lifeless Heath Ledger wasn't to 911. Nor was her second. Nor her third, police said.

    A day before a Friday private viewing for the 28-year-old actor, police said the masseuse spent nine minutes repeatedly ringing "Full House" actress Mary-Kate Olsen before calling authorities for help.

    The masseuse called Olsen a fourth time after paramedics arrived—at the same time as Olsen's security guards.

    That's pathetic, and I stand by my original post. Nobody had a brain that day.

  65. Just like you and others Twisted, I thought the same thing regarding the time line phone calls for Heath. My only "comfort" in the whole thing was that the coroner stated that it wouldn't have made a difference, he was already dead before the masseuse made her first call. Only in Hollywood and D.C. do they call damage control before the authorities!

  66. well, let´s put it this way. A masseuse to the stars, a cleaning lady - prolly both young, beautifull and naive and on the other side MKO, a cokehead herself too. So looooots of brains there. Then, MKO is afraid of coke and who knows what other stuff could be found in her appartment so she sends the only problem solver she knows: the bodyguard.

    not too much of a shock for me.

  67. one more thought... if they call MKO instead of any other number on his phone, than it seems that both of them were aware of a relationship there: sex, coke or both.

    the bodyguard could have exchanged some dollar bills too... so the MKO prints wouldnt be around.

  68. I'm 42 (almost, in March). In 1984, I watched "Purple Rain" with Morris Day and the Time as an 18 year old teenager. According to Wikipedia, "Saved by the Bell" ran from 1989 to 1993, while "Beverly Hills 90210" started in 1990. Admittedly, I don't know much about Morris Day's career, but it appears that he was at the last top of it around 1990, before it declined (again, Wikipedia) and he changed the band's name, etc.

    Ent has repeatedly maintained that he is in his mid/later thirties. Let's say now he's 39, born in 1969. In 1984, when Morris Day hit his peak with "Purple Rain," Ent would have been about 15 years old.

    Fast forward to say, 1990-1991, when it is possible that The Time would have had a huge party with the young and most famous casts of those two shows present. I was 24; Ent would have been 21. College takes 4 years, but say Ent did it in 3, he was MAYBE a new college graduate. Law school takes 3 years, so the youngest lawyers to graduate law school and take the bar are maybe 24, usually 25, if you do it straight out of college with no break.

    Ent is saying in this story that he was 21, out in LA from Texas, representing Morris Day as a little guy, to help put himself through college (undergraduate or law school?). Morris Day was a childhood friend of Prince's and had musical connections. Ask yourself: Is is really plausible that a 21 year old white boy from Texas was scoring gigs for them and flying out to LA? I mean, really?

    Also, is Ent trying to be a lawyer connected to the music world, or someone representing celebrities in criminal law (all those 4AM calls to the jail), or a divorce attorney, or someone who represents celebrity clients with contracts and promotions (like him meeting with Britney's people about a possible product he mentioned last year). You can't be a jack of all trades as a prominent lawyer working for a firm. You are specialized.

    Ent, could you just clarify for us what TYPE of entertainment lawyer you are and when you started in the biz? What is your area of specialty? That won't give anymore away than what you've said before.

  69. Not that it matters to me how old EL is or whether half of these stories are true, but you CAN be a jack of all trades if you work for a smaller firm or your own firm. In fact, you usually have to be.

    Plus, I don't recall EL saying he worked for a firm. I'm thinking he's not practicing law, but rather is an agent/publicist/promoter or something to that effect. If he's practicing law he's wasting precious billable hours by blogging in the middle of the day.

    Just sayin'.

  70. And if you're MKO, and this is your friend passed out, how much of an idiot do you have to be to say "wait, I'll send my bodyguard right over...don't worry" ...but Jolara is right, it wouldn't have made a difference.

  71. I remember then The Time was on the Jay and Silent Bob movie.


  72. @Rocky/Racquel:
    I have read this blog since about Jan. 2007, and he has mentioned he is an entertainment lawyer (not a former one). He has spoken of his firm, and his "boss," and associates representing A-list celebrities that he has had to take over for (remember the drunk A list tv actress who called him when stranded on the highway because his coworker gave her his number?). Over the past year, he has mentioned representing bands/musicians (MV like item, anyone?), dealing with traffic tickets, dui's and repeat criminal clients calling him in the middle of the night after getting arrested. He has given us blinds about confidential info. revealed to him about crimes/marital issues/incest by celebrities. He spoke of attending Cannes and retrieving crazy directors in time for the festival. In short, he has described doing all areas.

    While you are correct that many attorneys are jack of all trades in small firms/partnerships (I am a lawyer and I have done a little of everything starting out, but everntually you try to have your practice have a focus of one or two major areas for the most part). In the "bigger" firms, you are indeed specialized. Ent is speaking of being an entertainment lawyer in a big firm in LA representing A list celebrities, a far cry from my midwest bread and butter lawyer practice. I work part time from home after having a baby in the last year, hence the time to read this blog.

    I am just asking him how he was 20-21 getting The Time gigs out of Texas and hanging out in LA for a couple weeks at a time, as well as how he jumps to all these different roles. He IS NOT saying he used to be a lawyer and now he is a publicist or whatever - about six months ago he wrote a sad tale about a client whose case kept getting rescheduled and he has kept up the front of the practicing attorney bringing us this gossip on the side for our pleasure.

    He reminds me of a cousin I have who used to be a compulsive liar when he was a young man. He was forever meeting and partying with famous stars, and spending time with them, etc. Or having unbelievable things happen to him. We would have to express amazement (Oh, really? Wow!)in order to not be rude, but it was obvious he wanted to feel important. While I know this blog writer is doing this as a business venture, it has the same feel: 'I met Heath Ledger a few times; when I met Britney she was really nice; so and so called me in the middle of the night needing my help; I am one of only 5 people who knows the story of Timmy/Shimmy, or the old Hollywood murder involving 5 A list actors that would blow the celebrity world apart if known', on and on.

    Just sayin' - if he is so bold to make these fantastic claims as part of his blog enterprise, shouldn't he be prepared to answer what exactly his specialty is as an entertainment lawyer in LA?

  73. And the plot thickens.

  74. Oh, what am I thinking - of course he'll never address any of that. As much as I enjoy reading this blog and the comments, I just cringe every time the writer makes claims where you have to suspend your common sense.

  75. Anonymous10:49 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Anonymous10:58 AM

    all i have to say is "DONNA MARTIN GRADUATES"!

  77. Here we go again WHAT, Michelle?!! I just said it's a joke that the blogger will answer anything anyway because this whole thing is a big farce anyway! I admit that I read this stuff. I am not "starting" anything, so don't take the time to write a comment like you are so put upon.

  78. Anonymous11:17 AM

    no, i was just stating that this just keeps getting rehashed. anyways, i deleted my comment because i knew it would get blown out of context, and it did. also, i did not say that you were "starting" anything. have a nice day

  79. Twisted Sis - good point. I read the Bodyguard was an EMT. Still, there must be something more going on as calling MK seems so random. I buy into the she was his coke and/or sex buddy and the maid/masseur knew it which is why they called her.

    Stalis - I think Ent is more than 1 person. JMO

  80. miss x....I hope he wasn't involved with MK in that way, but that's something we may never find out. The whole thing is very unsettling, though.



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