Thursday, January 17, 2008

Today's Blind Items

Who would have thought that the death of a Japanese tycoon could have an effect on a Hollywood marriage. About two months ago a Japanese tycoon died. About two weeks ago the husband of our gorgeous, foreign born, B list film actress answered the phone to discover that the tycoon had left his actress wife almost $5M in his will. The husband had never heard of the guy and assumed there had been some mistake. Yes, his wife was a famous actress but no one just leaves that much money to someone they have never met. Well, when he mentioned it to this wife he could tell she did know the tycoon. How did she know him and what made him leave his wife $5M? Turns out that the wife had met the tycoon when she was just starting out in the business and had spent some time with him on several occasions. When I say spending time, I think you know what I am getting at. Apparently our actress must have left quite an impression with her interpersonal skills. The husband wasn't really that upset about his wife's past. He may have been more so if he knew that she had seen the tycoon once or twice after her marriage.


Lana M. said...

Catherine Zeta Jones

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jax said...

omg i was just gonna type that.

jax said...

charlize isnt married.

Anonymous said...


jax said...

if not CJZ it would have to be someone who was married for awhile or has been in the biz for awhile..anyone who is super hot right now prob doesn't fit as they would not need to go back to Mr.Dead.

Carte Blanche said...

I'm starting to wonder what A&B list actresses haven't impressed rich men with their interpersonal skills.

I bet the list isn't very long. But includes our WD, of course.


Reese said...

Definitely CZJ.

Tinydancer said...

Kate Beckensdale?

Town Bike said...

Kate Beckinsale

CarolMR said...

Was the Japanese tycoon Shu Uemura of the cosmetics company with the same name?

Snorg Tees said...

OOOH, i like the CZJONES guess. Hmm.

Who else is foreign born and at B status now?

Kate Winslet, Emma Thompson, Rachel Weisz and those other Brits seem far too square for me. THen again, actresses starting out will do anything - and anyone.


YahMoBThere said...

About two weeks ago the husband of our gorgeous, foreign born, B list film actress answered the phone to discover that the tycoon had left his actress wife almost $5M in his will.

Wouldn't EL have said the actor husband if he was an actor? I'm thinking this guy isn't in the business. At least not as an actor.

Toni Collette?

patti_cake said...

too late with the CZJ comment which immediately came to mind. Although it doesn't mention what the husband does, just a "hollywood marriage" hmmmm....

mandythegreat said...

Elizabeth Hurley? Is she even B List anymore?

Ellen said...

I immediately thought of CZJ too. Given that she can't open a movie (ahem, no reservations, people), i think she is B list

(Unless an oscar win makes you permanantly A list - but I didn't see that in EL's description).

kellygirl said...

carolmr - good guess on Shu. I didn't even know he passed away.
CZJ was my guess, but the Kate B one is good too

Jolara said...

The regulars know that I'm not "hip" in the hollywood rumor mill. Why is everyone guessing CZJ? just wondering...

Unknown said...

CZJ was an actress as a teenager and to me this blind implies someone starting out in the business as an adult. "Husband of foreign-born wife" implies an American husband.

Kate Beckinsale fits the bill; she's on her second marriage. Jeri Ryan would too, since she's married to a French chef, but she's in TV, not film.

Carte Blanche said...

One thing I remember reading about CZJ was how she caught Michael Douglas. She said that she did the whole indifferent attitude thing, which really reeled him in even more. He took her on several dates before she would even let him kiss her.

She played it like she was Anne Boelyn.

jax said... was the first name that popped up for me anyway.
no clue why. she started in tv when she was young so we may all be wrong.

I like the Liz Hurley guess.

ali said...

I agree with Twist - I was thinking of someone who's married to a non-actor since it didn't say actor (unless that omission was just to throw us off). My first guess was Salma Hayak.

captivagrl said...

jolara - "gorgeous", foreign born, b-list actress that has a hollywood marriage = CZJ (throw in heavy smoking money grubbing gold digger with very questionable morals, and it would just make it way too easy)

Unknown said...

Monica Bellucci

Jolara said...

Thanks for the heads up! I was asking about her on yesterdays random pics and no one answered...Hmmm, maybe ENT heard me and threw out this as a BI so I could hear the scandals??? LOL

captivagrl said...

i like the kate b. guess too.

YahMoBThere said...

Grace, is right. It sounds like a foreign born wife married to an American. I still think it's someone not married to an actor, though.

GladysKravitz said...

OK, an off the wall guess: what about Kate Winslet? She's gorgeous, she's foreign born (English), she's married to someone in Hollywood (Sam Mendes) but not someone super famous (he's a director), and although she's usually in quality productions, she's not considered A list, I don't think, because except for the obvious exception, nothing has been a blockbuster and she can't open a movie just on her name. Also, no one ever guesses her for anything--why not attach a little scandal to her?

Carte Blanche said...

Oh, I so like to believe that Kate Winslet is pure like a recent snowfall. I hope its not her. She's one of a small handful of people I'm not cynical about.

maryja said...

I don't think it can be Kate Winslet. Sam Mendes is also british and I believe they live in either NYC or London. Not what I would consider a "Hollywood' marriage. Could be CZJ, but I would look at actresses now in the US who may have done acting or modeling in Japan first before making a guess.

Maja With a J said...

I agree with the general consensus here...I immediately thought of CZJ as well.

Maja With a J said...

But actually, Salma is a pretty good guess as well...not sure she's married to babydaddy though?

jax said...

don't we all know that random pretty blonde girl who moved to Japan to 'model'???? lol.

JeninRVA said...

I immediately thought Salma. She's married to the baby daddy and he's some super wealthy business business man.

Unknown said...

the tycoon is Shu Uemura, i found his obit in for 01/08.

Anonymous said...

Shu Uemura began as a makeup artist in Hollywood in 1955, transforming Shirley MacLaine into a geisha. According to his company website, 'he became the makeup artist of choice amongst Hollywood actresses as well as Frank Sinatra and actor Edward G. Robinson.'

Maybe we should be thinking older than CZJ if it's him.

Jolara said...

COMPLETELY OT: Is anyone else there seeing our (US) economic outlook looking grim and getting concerned?

captivagrl said...

salma is not married

Anonymous said...

jolara...The Freans family is eating a lot more pb&j sandwiches than pot roast these days, and I'm looking for a second job. I'm officially 'nervous'.

plot said...

Shu Uemura doesn't sound particularly straight, does he. But his obit says he had a wife and son, so maybe, maybe not. You don't find many straight men who know how to make women beautiful with make up.

trashtalker said...

Then it's not Shu. The blind says the guy died "about two months ago."

plot said...

About the economy - it's been a long time coming. Real Estate was the only thing holding the economy together, and that was artificially inflated. Every financial analyst has been saying this for 5 years.

The candidates keep talking about stimulus packages, tax incentives for big business - WTF! So industry can get more of our taxes to take jobs overseas or hire illegals? GARRRRRRR!

kellygirl said...

jolara - I've been beyond nervous for over a year. Our entire economy is driven by WAR and the top 2 percent of wealth who are supplying that war through NO BID contracts. We are well into recession and experiencing Class Warfare.

I laughed yesterday when the idiot Media Pundits were saying John Edwards can't win because he's too "angry" Who the F^ck isn't angry at this point. I, for one, appreciate his anger and grasp of reality.

Jolara said...

So now I sit here and stress wondering if I need to cash in my stocks for gold (as they say the dollar is losing it's value) or do nothing yet. The waiting it out is making me real nervous but I don't want to jump the gun either. I SO wish I went to college and studied economics so I could understand all this stuff better. :0\ (sigh). Sorry for the extreme OT subject.

Jolara said...

What is amazing is SO many people out there are completely in denial or just plain ignorant of what is going on with our country. Life as we know it is changing fast.

wow, I sound so dismal. :0(

captivagrl said...

re economic outlook: i follow our economy very closely. normally i am an optomist. when food prices began to rise in the last quarter of '07 i became very concerned. everyone is aware of the housing and gas problems. watch the next unemployment numbers. we(my household) stopped spending months ago and cancelled a contract on a new home. most people that i talk to are watching and waiting......

Unknown said...

I am saying CJZ for this one, it sounds like something she would do.

No pun intended.

And about the economy, I am not worried, then again I live in Australia - we are more concerned about lack of water at the moment:)

Unknown said...

did some lazy-girl research... maybe? there weren't too many japanese deaths listed in late 2007. but what do i know suck at guessing these things.

plot said...

I get mad about the media's treatment of Edwards, too. He is the only candidate addressing concrete problems - yet citizens just can't face it. And we are going to end up with yet another president who will tell us fairy tales to get elected - or crow about his commitment to jesus for votes.

I'm not as scared as I am angry. Why aren't we more pissed for being lied to, pissed at seeing our surplus evaporate, pissed at this stupid invasion and our war industry, what is our damn problem?

Jolara said...

yeah, we have been concerned for awhile too. We are one of those "weird" prepared families that have a stockpile of about a years supply of food, extra fuel & water, cash etc. all set aside in a temperature controlled room. Before y'all think we are weird hillbilly freaks (h'yuck), we live in a rural area and the closest towns are 10 mi. one way and 18 the other. On the upside, we live near Val Kilmers mom! :0\ (j/k about the upside part, LOL)

captivagrl said...

k - love your passion even though i don't share your support of edwards. i hope everyone votes. nothing worse than complainers that don't bother to vote.

Anonymous said...

Remember Laugh-In? Dan Martin used to do this character, an army general who always said "War is good business."
Most folks are too busy drinking the Kool Aid to worry about the real issues.

d said...

hey guys, enough with the economy and back to guessing, please?

Those of us who are affected by it maybe just want to read a fun website and forget about our troubles for a while.

YahMoBThere said...

K, it seems everyone is asleep at the wheel. Apathy abounds. NONE of the candidates are really that good. Once again, we'll be forced to vote against, rather than for someone.

Cap, food prices are going to continue to rise. My company did a study on this and manufacturers are very upset about the outlook. Starting about two years ago, farmers dedicated almost all of their fields to corn, thinking it would make them money when the big ethanol push presented itself. They didn't realize there are problems with ethanol and we'll probably never go that route. In the meantime, manufacturers are having to either limit their production or go overseas to get what they need. With oil prices as high as they are, this isn't a cheap solution. It's only going to get worse, I'm afraid.

Oh, and the corn used for ethanol is field corn. You can't even put it on your table. If you think we're screwed, think about those greedy farmers once they find nobody is buying their corn except to feed cattle.

Anon said...

d be careful. the bossy one who posted before you may tell you you're being bossy. only she can be the boss.

captivagrl said...

twis - yes. that's a concern because they are staples not extras. most wages stay the same while food, gasoline, utilities, inurance, taxes, etc. rise. it's been happening but most people are just starting to feel it(and discuss it) "sorry d"

Anon said...

This is so czj.

YahMoBThere said...

Sorry, d! Back to the topic.

I'm liking the Salma Hayek guess. A lot!!

dixiebell said...

Salma Hayek is independently wealthy, from a super rich Mexican family. Kate Beckinsale hit it big from a very young age with a couple of British television series. CZJ was struggling for a bit longer, with off and on success.


captivagrl said...

am i missing something? HOLLYWOOD MARRIAGE. does salma hayek have a hollywood marriage?

Anonymous said...

Anon said...
d be careful. the bossy one who posted before you may tell you you're being bossy. only she can be the boss.
You got that right sista!

YahMoBThere said...

Stop hollerin', Cap!! I guess Hollywood marriage means they're both actors then that's a clue. Is that what it means?

GammaGirl said...

I think it is CZJ.
She fits the description of having a hollywood marriage, she's foreign-born, and she struggled before she made it in the business.

YahMoBThere said...

I guess it's Zeta Jones, then. What a 'ho!

Judi said...

Breaking my own rule about only reading this afternoon, but this is sad OT news: Lily Allen miscarried. :-(

Lux Luthor said...

If it is CZJ I'm a little surprised Mr. Mogul still left her the $$. Like she needs it now. She hasn't been struggling for a LONG time. Even if Michael Douglas divorced her it's not like she'd have to start working at Target.

There are sooo many charities that money could've gone to.

Lux Luthor said...

Oh, I saw that about Lily Allen too. Sad.

Dick Insideu said...

CZJ would be up to fucking and sucking the sperm out of a small dicked Japanese whoremonger for the cash. She pimped out her own son - cash for the first photos, remember? She's a money hungrey slut. As to her husband, me thinks he was the subject of a few previous blind items concerning wayward husbands.

teddymac said...

CZJ came first to my mind too.

gossiphound said...

we always guess CZJ. there are a lot of foreign-born actresses in Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

Off topic:
I wish we had a place where we could be as off topic as we wanted to be and discuss stuff.

If something is off-topic and labeled as such, then nobody should have a problem with it.

captivagrl said...

twis - i'll stop a hollerin' when someone tells me when salma got married....anyone? isn't she engaged to baby daddy?

Anonymous said...

For all those guessing, I agree it can't be Shu Uemura, rumoured gay and who died in December. There's a list every year in the LA Times of obituaries of even the most obscure worldwide notables. Or Forbes. This just doesn't ring true to me, sorry.

Unknown said...


say what you will about czj, but "chicago" catapulted her to the a-list, and despite one failed romantic comedy since then, she hasn't done anything to bring herself down a notch.

becksingsale, on the other hand, is as prominent "b" as you can get. those "underworld" movies, "pearl harbor"...

Anonymous said...

Salma's not married. I'll believe that when I see it in the French or UK press, but I'm not holding my breath.

captivagrl said...

brenda - re off topic: be as off topic as you like. i hope i didn't go too off topic about your off topic.

YahMoBThere said...

Cap, you're right, she's not married. Way off. Sorry! NOW STOP HOLLERIN'!

Brenda, I guess that would be the message board, but I don't think too many people go there, do they?

Judi, that's really sad news. I can see why some prefer to just keep things quiet for as long as they can.

MadLyb said...

My first thought was Helena Bonham Carter, but that doesn't mean anything. You have to think of an actress that would be good enough in the sack that a guy would leave her 5 mil.

As far as the economy, I'm very concerned. I've been pissed off since the USSC gave the presidency to Bush back in 2000, and I'm not surprised that America is twirling in the bowl right now. If you read Paul Krugman a few years ago, you pretty much new the mortgage thing was BS and that it would cause serious problems for our economy. I told my co-workers to get fixed interest rates, but they kind of scoffed as they were getting a really good deal on their houses.

Judi said...

Agreed, Twis.
The inventor of instant noodles/Ramen died, too, but again, not 2 months ago. He died early January, I think. You know - maybe this is a story that's older than we're thinking. Maybe it's from the sixties or seventies, and the Hollywood couple is older. Also, it could be a couple that includes an actress and a director or producer.

GammaGirl said...

That is sad news about Lily! I feel so sorry for her because a lot of gossip blogs are speculating the miscarriage was due to drug use.
Sad. But I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.
I hope I'm wrong.

Judi said...

I think once she found out she was p.g. she didn't imbibe at all but maybe by then it was too late, or it could be that something was wrong with the bb that didn't involve her lifestyle. If they're able to find a cause, it's probably something they'll keep private.

Unknown said...

The funny thing about Helena Bonham Carter is that she's always said she lived at home until she was 30. She comes from a very prominent political family and would have no need to "entertain" a Japanese businessman. AND she and her husband, what's-his-name, live in London.

CZJ is now making me suspect, too. A struggling actress hungry for a good opportunity would do just this sort of thing -- look at Heather Mills.

AND CZJ married into a dynastic Hollywood family -- hence the "Hollywood marriage" comment. Doesn't matter whether or not they actually live within that zip code. It's the association with tinsel town.

KB or CZJ....

Unknown said...

Deaths in 2007:

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking Shiva Rose. recently seperated from dylan mcdermott. the timing is perfect. czj has tons of money. 5 mil to shiva would impact the marriage dynamics more because they have less money.

captivagrl said...

this blog has recently become, educational and enlightening.

Be Adequite! said...

Wow somebody's up past their bedtime

Judi said...

Hey, Suckno! Our favorite write-in candidate.

captivagrl said...

judi - are you in charge of the t-shirts? i'll take (1) med, do you have blue?

Honest said...

Nicole Kidman is very popular in Asia, so how about her.

I guess she is considered A list but in reality a B list actress though.

Unknown said...

Salma´s guy is french.

Tycoon.A business magnate, sometimes referred to as a mogul, tycoon, baron, or industrialist, is a person who has reached a prominent place in a particular industry (or set of industries) and whose wealth has been derived primarily therefrom.

Wich, can be Shu Uemura, explaining the connection to actresses - but i dont see the tycoon here - he is not l´oreal ad co. caliber.

I favour Liz Hurley she married interracial and married money. CZJ was a child star, she always had options. plus, she def could have done better and richer than she did.

oh, and neded or not, the money were just a way to tell... :-)))

Unknown said...

Mogul = Mr. Momofuku Ando, the man who invented instant ramen noodles

B List = remember, Ent. just published his list of "A" list actresses in another post, which makes me think that it's Zeta-Jones... interesting.

We know that so many of these starlets were escorts as they were climbing their way to the top (Denise Richards and Demi, can you hear me?), so it wouldn't surprise me at all...

Judi said...

I'll do the T-shirts if you make up the flyers. LOL, Captiva!!
Hurley was a model so there wouldn't be anything surprising about her knowing Uemura - and she certainly isn't a B list actress. C list at best, no? Actually, Uemura knowing any actress wouldn't be surprising. Anyway, I don't think Ent's talking about either one.
Ando died recently, not 2 months ago, but he sure fits the definition of a Japanese tycoon.
I wouldn't call Kidman and Urban's marriage a Hollywood marriage - they're based in Australia.
I give up.

sleuth said...

What about Monica Belluci? She's the first name that popped into my mine. Foreign, gorgeous and sensual, married for about 8 years, in her early 40s (so enough time to have a well-developed pre-marriage past).She's bigger overseas than here, where she arguably has about B level recognition based on the U.S. movies she's been in and her beauty.

captivagrl said...

honest - kidman isn't foreign born.

mandythegreat said...

Oh, Jane Seymour!

captivagrl said...

these are closer to C-list: Neve Campbell, Jill Hennessy, Catherine Bell(modeled in Japan)....they are all foreign born and married to actors.

Carte Blanche said...

Neve Campbell was born in Ontario, Canada...Is that really considered foreign born? C'Mon. There's no way she's even in consideration.

I'm thinking Kate B.

d said...

I like the Monica Belluci guess too, because she is often referred to as "gorgeous".

CZJ is gorgeous too, but it just seems that with a husband that famous, that fact would have been mentioned in the blind.

Hey, I just realized something. The blind says "was" a famous actress. This implies that she is no longer working as an actress.

RagDoll said...

I think CZJ or Bellucci. Bellucci is a fair n square B-lister, famous for her beauty, married to Vincent Cassel.

Beckinsale...I'm having a hard time making her fit. She was married previously (her daughter's dad) and then she re-married (Len Wiseman who directed the Underworld movies) So somewhere between the baby/ 2 husbands she was with the businessman? I guess it could be..

Judi said...

Bellucci/Cassel aren't in Hollywood. D, I caught that, too - the word "was." Someone who was bigger than she is now? This is why I thought maybe it's someone older who isn't working as much. True, too, that Kidman isn't foreign-born.

Unknown said...

I vote Kate Beckinsale

Jolara- an easy book that describes economics fairly well is economics in one lesson by henry hazlitt it's only 200 something pages...and keep your gold and invest more in gold.. it can only go up. I if you start to get even more into it may I suggest Ludwig von Mises.. my favorite book of his is Socialism. Our American ideology needs to change and fast we need to stop the spending/war/welfare state. here is a youtube video of Ron Paul quickly describing what is going on to the head of the fed.. lol it's awesome :D

I know he's not going to win but I love it when someone holds the fed accountable.

Kim said...

I regularly thank my deity of choice that I am in a recession proof industry. As long as people continue to get ill and/or do stupid things and hurt themselves I will always have a job.
Hooray for emergency services.


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