Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Today's Blind Items

#1 On one of his recent benders it seems as if our former A list film actor picked up a present that isn't the kind you really want to bring home to your wife. The problem is that you can expect those kinds of presents when you are picking up strange women every night and not using protection. No word on whether he actually tried to give the present to his wife, but chances are that is a big no, and he will be very lucky to ever get to visit that special place again. Word is also that his most recent bender included his very first effort with a needle.

#2 I'm lazy, but you really need to go back and find the blind item about the singer who is pregnant but got so by someone other than her significant other. When you read it again, things start to fall in place.


captivagrl said...

#1. affleck ?

kellygirl said...

so was "the present" an STD or anal beads?
hard to tell.

I have to go look up the other blind.

Unknown said...

Ben Affleck...

Jlo is preggers with her former managers baby...idk...just guessing

kellygirl said...

wait #2 could be christina Ag. Maybe the name of her baby is a clue.

captivagrl said...

#2.significant other makes me think unmarried. no?

Unknown said...

oooh...christina a might be it too...isnt it sad how anyone can fit this since monogamy and fame do not go together

Jolara said...

*whining* I can't find the BI!!!

GammaGirl said...

1. Affleck. sigh.

2. I think it's someone unmarried too. How about Lily Allen?

raise high the roofbeams said...

britney and storch.

touched said...

raise high, i think you totally nailed it. I second the storch,brit nom.

dixiebell said...

Wait a sec. Don't you think #2 is Lopez, based on the long paragraph entry below? I just saw it. Basically, Enty's saying here, "based on the new info you have, find the BI and put two and two together." So I vote Lopez...and Affleck babies?

Jolara said...

LOL- Sarah...are you saying that Lopez's now ex manager is the father of the babies???? LOL that would be funny! not to mention at least half a chance of looking semi-cute.

Jolara said...

wait...Affleck & Lopez babies...I need to re-read that thing.....

ashley said...

1) for some reason denzel washington comes to mind

Kat said...

Why are people still stupid enough to attempt experimenting with needles? Seriously, the stupidity stuns me.

1)We'll go with Affleck, but it seems unlikely that he's the answer to every blind on this subject matter.

2)I like the Lily Allen guess!

lawyagirl said...

Can anybody find the prior BI involving #2? I just tried and can't find it myself.

captivagrl said... it the one where the woman still sleeps with an ex(can't find it) or the one from oct 30th(she doesn't know who the dad is) or both? i thought it was jlo and diddy...affleck would be juicy! buy then, it's a vitro twin preg right?? she would know the dad.

Jolara said...

not this one...right?

#1 - I almost didn't even write this one because I am so tried of writing the word pregnant. I hope it is the last time for awhile. Anyway, this one hit wonder female singer is pregnant by this married celebrity.

Kim's World said...

jolara that is supposed to be kimberly locke

ladorabelle said...

Completely, completely off topic, but it's snowing in Georgia. Does that mean hell's freezing over?

Tracee said...

Hold the MF phones!

Wasn't there some gossip in the last few days that Fergie is pregnant?!

#2-Fergie, but I'm going through BIs now.

captivagrl said...

lador - no. if it snows here that means hell's freezing over! keep it up north please.ty.

Tracee said...

BTW, heard Eddie Murphy trying to get an annulment from his marriage with Tracy. That Mofo is crazy! I should've known that when he came out with Norbit.

YahMoBThere said...

Ladorabelle, well, we WERE praying for water for you, but we didn't mean snow!

Stay off the roads. You infrequent snow bunnies can't drive for shit in the white stuff.

Mic said...

11/27/07 - #2 I don't remember if I told you this one or not. The singer who I say is pregnant. Her husband isn't so happy about it. Me thinks he thought his lovely betrothed was still using birth control.

10/30/07 - #1 You know what I love? Baby mama drama. Not whether or not someone is pregnant or if they announce it, but whether or not they know who the real dad is and what deal they can make with him, and very quickly. I always think it is funny when it is an ex you thought was long gone. One time is all it takes.

Unknown said...

Hmmm. I kind of thought of Amy Winehouse and her loser husband for #2. (May explain why he's apparently making noises about divorce when she's his meal ticket.)

Just a thought . . .

YahMoBThere said...


I just read that Matthew McConaughey and his g/f (haha) model Camila Alves are having a baby?

WTF is in the water there that gay men are now drinking?

Tracee said...

Sista, maybe Tommy Boy put something in there to spur procreation. Maybe all of them are carrying mini-Hubbard's.

Pop Star said...

nicole richie...maybe she was not dating joel at the timing of conception and now we can tell from the date of birth

YahMoBThere said...

Tracee, we'll blame the Thetans! They're trying to take over the world.

Hey, if Scientology is so great at getting one to be successful, how come the #2 guy has a career that has tanked?

Tracee said...

Hint for #2: it's a singer...

jax said...

1- Mel Gibson
2-i remember El saying something about Gwen being pregnant and Gavin not realising how when it took so long before...but 'let me just have another kid and you can go hang with your tranny..."
or something like that.
i too am lazy.

Hannah Hosh said...

Jax, have you seen Gwen's kid? He looks like a mini Gavin. Has to be his, unless she got knocked up by his lookalike!

Dijea said...

jax, after he became the King of Malibu, could Mel Gibson find enough women to get a different one every night?

#1 Afleck
#2 MMM - Mrs. Lavigne is preggers.

Anonymous said...

Can't be Nicole Richie. Papa Joel is just about to bubble over with happiness - its gotta be his kid.

Oh yeah...and AFFLECK IS SATAN!!!!

jax said... not talking about again. Any day now Gwen is going to announce her second preg. trust.

Dijea- hello it says FORMER A list and yes there are a lot of cougars out there with a Lethal Weapon fetish still that would jump on it in a heartbeat. lol.

captivagrl said...

nicole is not a singer.

Majik said...

It's gotta be Affleck and JLo....Ben's definitely former A list and known to like the liquor and whores (although it seems he's moved on to liquor, whores and smack)--and, really....would you sleep with Marc Anthony? I'm pretty sure I'd have bruises from where his bony, knobbly parts dug into me.

That may be why JLo backed out on announcing it on GMA and why JG kicked his dirty arse outta the house.

Judi said...

#1 - Affleck, and thinking Jen's over and done with him. Needles - YIKES!!
#2 - Nicole and Joel had been together several months when she got p.g. Kingston resembled Gavin from day one. If Fergie's p.g. by someone other than Josh, I could not care less. If JLo's twins are from someone other than Marc, now that's a hell of a scoop! Or... is JamieLynn a singer? Not that anything's happened since the initial news to give us a clue to Dad's identity... I'm so confused. Too many babies.

kellygirl said...

wow! amazing how many people could fit for #2. I can't remember anymore who is knocked up and who isn't. Lily Allen seems like a good answer since she was dating that guy for 5 minutes when she got pregnant. I'm scared to even share a towel with a dude anymore.

"Pieces" "falling" do these fit into anyone's song or album?
Did Ashlee Simpson have a CD "Pieces of Me?"

What about jessica Simpson, now that John Mayer is rushing to defend her honor?

kellygirl said...

p.s. I think the next pregnancy annoucement will be George Clooney's g/f - she was rocking a bump in a loose dress last night

jax said...

so is El saying JlO is ALSO the Mexican hooker???

Jolara said...

Kelly- you're right, Ashleys' album name was "pieces of me" and Britney (heaven help her) had a song out "Piece of me".

So Scandalous if J-Lo were pregnant with Affleck's baby!

could still be Fergie, Beyonce(isn't she prego now too),friggin' everyone it seems...

captivagrl said...

jax - naughty as usual, you funny lady. but no. jlo puerto rican

Carte Blanche said...

Off Topic, but still blind item.
From today's Rush & Molloy:

A writer from Jamie Lynn Spears' show, "Zoey 101," has revealed some Spears family secrets. Over lunch in L.A., a spywitness overheard the scribe say that "Everyone on the set is shocked by Jamie Lynn's pregnancy. He [the writer] said Jamie comes off as a shy girl, and that her mother, Lynne, rules her with an iron fist." The writer also said Spears' boyfriend, Casey Aldridge, is "petrified of Lynne" - and that the crew is doubting he's even the father, because he and Jamie Lynn are rarely alone. "They don't know who did it," our spy overheard. "He even said it could be anyone on the show!"

captivagrl said...

easier these days to start with a list of who is NOT preggers.

Jolara said...

Did anyone ever find the blind in question? Was it the Oct. 30 one?

BTW- I'd like to take this moment and thank ENT for giving us this big goose chase of BI's as of late considering one half of the celebrities out there seem to be knocked up!!!! :0)

captivagrl said...

re Zoey 101 writer: one of kathy griffin's good friends writes on that show. can't wait til she spills the beans. you know she's dying to tell all!...and she will

jax said...

i spent alot of time looking for the blind and the only one i came up with was the singer pregnant but the husband thought she was on the Pill still. (gwen)

i do remember EL making a crack here and there but methinks a lot was in the Random Photos posts.

Judi said...

And there's Kidman, too.

Judi said...

Kidman's not a singer. Scratch that idea. Sorry.

jax said...

damn judi! lol

GammaGirl said...

re Zoey 101: I also saw that the JLS Baby daddy story is starting to get picked up in the tabloids. Talk about a clusterfuck! All hell is going to break loose when truth comes out.

Judi said...

Read on another site re rumor that Beyonce's p.g. with Joe Camel's baby. Who's Joe Camel? Anyone know?

Beth said...

Affleck seems like a popular guess, but he can't be the answer for every BI, which he seems to be lately.

No way on Lopez for #2. She went through a lot of IVF procedures with Marc to conceive. Those two had to turn to science to get them with child.

No way on Aguilera for #2, she adores her husband. Same with Fergie and Josh, and Fergie's only a rumor today and her tummy's flat so it couldn't have been her in a past item.

Lily Allen makes more sense.

It seemed like EL was implyng VERY strongly that Gwen Stefani was preggers awhile back. I'd think she might be a likely candidate (who knows, I can see a hookup with Tony Kanal while Gavin was out chasing trannies) but she's as thin today as she was back when he was doing the Gwen-implied BI's so she apparently isn't with child.

Also, the wording of the item "significant other" seems to imply boyfriend/fiance and not a husband. So which female singers are pregnant yet not married?

Judi said...

LOL, Jax! Tell me about it!

YahMoBThere said...

Judi, the only Joe Camel I know of was the mascot for the cigs. She really DOES get around!

captivagrl said...

beth - science? or scientology? lol

Judi said...

LOLOLOL, Twist!!!! Okay, totally forgot about that Joe Camel. Nickname then for JayZ or just anyone.

YahMoBThere said...

That's such a funny nickname for someone. Somehow I don't see the Joe Camel when I look at JayZ.

Okay, let's make the list short. Who ISN'T pregnant?

Maren8 said...

Eva Mendes is totally pregnant, right?

captivagrl said...

twis - i'm not.

Unknown said...

I think it's Affleck and J-Lo. The two blinds are obviously connected and with the 10/30 BI, about thinking an ex was long gone - wasn't that around when Affleck's directorial debut, Gone Baby Gone was out or getting some good buzz?

Even if she was trying hard through science to conceive with her husband, like ENT says "it only takes one time." Maybe she was on IVF meds and managed to get pregnant by the wrong man?

Bxrlvr said...

I'm really loving the guess for Mel as number 1. His life seems to be doing a slow spiral downward.

kellygirl said...

all I know is if Britney is going to spawn again, the end is surely near

Random said...

Jay Z did a video for his song "Sunshine" with a fish eye lens that made him look like Joe Camel...he regretted it for a long time.

captivagrl said...

i'd rather have camel joe than camel toe. speaking of that, is Ice-t's wife going for the all time record? that's a good 3 inches last check....

bewbs said...

abbey-- I was pretty much going in an identical direction to what you wrote..
This bl. seems like the natural followup to another blind I saw here of 2 exes having a spontaneous tryst in the bathroom of an event and his signif other witnessing them but not saying anything...

gossiphound said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YahMoBThere said...

Cap, YAY! Me either!

captivagrl said...

twis - so far, a list of 2.

Messy Jessy said...

They call Jay Z Camel Joe because he looks like a camel. Just look at him, that jaw line, those lips... Totally camel. lol. Everyone knows that. I'm sorry to laugh but I can't believe you guys dont think he looks like a camel! lol.

YahMoBThere said...

Jessica, that's because to me he looks more like Jiminy Cricket.

Cap, this is sad.

Unknown said...

I don't know if Britney has been exhausted, but I am wondering if she is the subject for #2. There was a past blind item about a pregnant singer, abortion, father unknown. Another blind item about a singer who is HIV positive. It's weirdly connected with all of her shenangins of late, but I don't know how to connect all the dots. Anyone?

Unknown said...

@ TomTyler: i think you are right.

Amy Winehouse

1. HIV - high chances. Tray of celebs attached: Doherty,Moss,and from there counting
2. first abortion possible if 1. holds true
3. Vacationing with ex friend
4. Husband talks about divorce
5. being a blind there could be a new(second) yet-not-known pregnancy we eventually should consider here.

Judi said...

Ent wrote that the blind is about a singer who is p.g. by someone other than her significant other. He's telling us that this is the BI to find & analyze in view of recent events.
Sure hope it's not Winehouse because I just don't think she's healthy enough to carry a bb to term. That would be nothing but sad. Do hope it's JLo.

Dick Insideu said...

Well, at least we know it can't be Tom "Fuck me up the ass" Cruise.

GammaGirl said...

I see how the singer could be JLo, but I think that the chances of the father being Ben Affleck are slim.
I was under the impression that both of them regretted the Bennifer era.
Have they even been seen together in the past year, much less brought the other one up in an interview?

Kathy K said...

I think #1 is Eddie Murphy. That whole "we got married but not officially and now that we've made our money selling the pictures of the unofficial wedding we're deciding not to make it official but we're still good friends" thing has PR-speak written all over it.

There's way more to that and I think #1 could be part of it.

That boy's become a trainwreck and is totally a former A list movie actor .... everything he's done lately has been lame and should have gone straight to video. I doubt he can ever open a movie on his name alone anymore. I used to be willing to see a movie if he starred in it because it was sure to be funny. That ended right about, oh, after the first Nutty Professor movie.

takeme2espana said...

I thought I read where JLO was a born scientologist, as in her father too? If that is true, she can't go the IVF route?! order to have a baby (naturally) and if skeletor is shooting blanks, maybe she went to her ex, seeing as how he's a proven daddy? IVF drugs would be a scientology no-no, wouldn't they? Affleck would be a means to an end-

tigereye said...

I remember a BI from some time ago that was something to do w/ a singer, i think, getting pg but by her sister's boyfriend and not her own...or something like that. That one might fit for this..?

kellygirl said...

@takeme - r u kidding? Scientology has the best baby baster in town. The only miracle they've really ever performed is getting women knocked up.

oh, and providing wives to gay celebs - they're pretty good at that, too.

Jolara said...

takemetoespana- LOL, with that being said, that song from Heart is going through my head.."All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You..."

Heather said...

#2 is avril

takeme2espana said...

jus' sayin...
maybe she REALLY liked the idea of choosing the tadpoles? And I can't imagine skeletor wanting his 'inabilities' becoming public knowledge, even to the scientology crowd!

Anonymous said...

Psychiatric drugs (anti-depressants, etc.)are a $cientology no no, not drugs in general.

Anonymous said...

#2 It would be a shame if JLo's babies aren't Marc's. Doubt he shots blanks since he had 2 or 3 from Dayanara (might be misspelled)and their was that incident where this girl had him take 3 DNA's to prove her baby was his which was proven he was not the father.

#1 Never consider Affleck an A List.

Anonymous said...

#1 But who knows if its Affleck. Wasn't their a BI that he is already tired of his wife. Also since he really hasn't been doing good in the movies he might be so weak as to go the route of doing something stupid like the needle. Good way to get kicked out of the house in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I Want to say beyonce for #2 i know she snot pregnatn but she gives me that vibe, so i guyess jlo makes more sense

mooshki said...

Is #2 Gwen, but she got rid of it since it wasn't Gavin's? That would explain why she was supposedly pregnant and then not.

Mic said...

I'm just saying...

Mic said...


nursekelly said...

for the last time.....
j-lo is preggers from in-vitro. mark is the father, he has 3 kids from torres. fraternal twins for j-lo.

sean penn for #1

lily allen for #2


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