Monday, January 14, 2008

Today's Blind Items

#1 This B list film actor from some all-time biggest hit films has a new mentor and daddy. And when I say daddy, it really could be a granddaddy. There is an almost 40 year age difference between the couple. Of course our actor keeps insisting he isn't gay.

#2 This A list actor's daughter was recently spotted by dad making out and groping some random guy in a corner of a bar. Dad went over and scared the guy off. Not to be outdone, the daughter got back at the dad by repeatedly walking up to him and crying whenever he was engaged in conversation with another woman.


captivagrl said...

#2. willis and willis

Unknown said...

1. kevin spacey
2. rumer willis

captivagrl said...

#1. orlando bloom (pirates/lord of the rings)

xxo Ashley said...

1. Mike Meyers

2. Willis

Mel said...

1. Orlando is a good guess. I was thinking Keanu but I think it would make the granddaddy too old.

Jolara said...

LOL, I totally agree on #2 being Willis... doncha wish you could have watched that unfold???!

How awful that must be...having your DAD going to the same clubs as you & trying to score! (girls point of view here...) EWWWWW!

GammaGirl said...

1. Keanu or Orlando.

2.HAHAHA! Oh Rumer, first the Globes get canceled, then your dad totally keeps you from getting some.
Tough life, pfffft!

Chatty Cricket said...

TOTALLY Willis for #2. Ha ha ha, I wonder which Daughter? That's actually pretty classic.

Orlando Bloom is an excellent guess. I would have guessed Zac Efron, Hairspray and HSM.....

jax said...

Jack Nicholson

ashley said...

lmfao it's totally rumer and bruce

Unknown said...

There are several options for #1, though I think Orlando is the strongest (the Pirates movies AND the LOTR movies fill the top 25, and he is totally gay). You can't discount Hayden Christensen, who also always denies he's gay and is B list (all the new Star Wars films are in the top grossing of all time list).

I also wonder about Daniel Radcliffe, since all the HP movies are in the top 25... though I don't know what grade he counts as (probably B?), and he's been hanging around with older, likely gay men for ages (so this wouldn't be new)...

Unknown said...

#1 -- what about Leo & ??? (Coppola?)
#2 -- Rumer obvs....

Unknown said...

Oooh, good call on Leo & Coppola - there's a 35 year difference between them. All the people I can think of for DRad have a 30 years or less difference with him, and I don't know who Orly has been hanging out with (does he even have anything in production?).

Mr.Yardeeds said...

Hoe can Keanu even be considered for #1? He has made over 100 million from his Matrix movies, which are all time biggest movies.

I think it is Bloom

Unknown said...

I think it is someone young (like Hayden or Daniel R.), and someone skeevy, like a David Geffen. Mazel tov!

Unknown said...

1. didnt zac efron say ian mckellar was his mentor...

2. Rumer...ugh...the guy she was smothering was probably relieved lol

kellygirl said...

#1 I'm going with Orlando Blossom

#2 the unfortunate one (her new name should be Gossip instead of Rumer

kellygirl said...

OT - re the blind about the producer who knocked up JLS and another kid star -- I was wondering if maybe Allanis Morrisette could be the other kid. She was on Nick "You can't do that on television"

Anonymous said...

DanRad has never "isnsisted" he isn't gay.

Nothing wrong with dating older... although 40 years is well beyond my eldest.

Hayden or Orlando are probably more likely than Spacey. My guess with the reveals we got on 12/31-1/1 is that it's more likely Hayden than Orlando (less famous B-list).

Dijea said...

totally - Daddy & Baby Willis for #2

I like Leo DiCaprio, personally, but I would say it could be Hayden C or Zac too for #1

jax said...

Daniel Radcliffe and Sir Ian Mclelland (sp)

Kathy K said...

Except that some of those guesses for #1 aren't B list ... certainly not Leo or Mike Myers or Orlando Bloom, I don't think.

B list?

ms_wonderland said...

Sir Ian McKellan likes them very young (but legal), tall dark and handsome. Orlando would have been his type a few years back.

I don't get a gay vibe from DanRad. Kevin Spacey is in the gayers, but not out, and he's in his 40's. Grandaddy would have to be in his 80's.

Elijah Wood has had to insist he isn't gay since puberty. He does have a LT girlfriend/faghag.

I think Zac or Hayden, with some pervy old producer.

ali said...

Zac hasn't been in enough movies to be in "some all-time biggest hit films". Big movie from the last couple of years, maybe, but no all-time biggest hit films.

Dick Insideu said...

1. Tom Cruise, who is a cocksucker and an assfucked punk.

2. Rumer Willis, whose father fucks Blohan.

jax said...

if mike meyers is dating 40 years older he'd be half dead.

mentor meaning in the biz..i like the Elijah guess...and he's big into music too so im guessing Geffen.

jax said...

well at least we agree Les Suckno.

Sue's recipes said...

1) Toby Maguire

2) Of course it's the Willises.

Anonymous said...

Good for Bruce!
Rumer may be fug, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be a lady. Making out and groping some random guy in a corner...SLUT!!!!!!
If it were my daughter I'd show her some boot moves up her ass.

Bitterella said...

#1 Orlando Bloom and Ian McKellan, although there was no hint they were ever in the same films.

Bruce Willis and his spawn sound like a good fit for #2

Jolara said...

LOL,... Les Suckno is quickly becoming "the family member with tourettes syndrome". ...I am admiring your restraint as of late Les! :0)

Judi said...

1. Hayden and whomever.
2. Rumer and Bruce. He should be thankful she's getting any. She's unattractive and knows how to do nothing.

trashtalker said...

That's funny, jolara!!

I like the Elijah and Hayden guesses the best. But Orlando is good, too.

mandjo said...

Hey Kellysirkus, I brought that up too! Dunno if it is right, though.

fairylights said...

#1 Daniel Radcliffe and Ian McKellin are more than 40 years apart, aren't they? I thought it was more like 50.

#1 Bitterella, Orli and Serena were in all of the LOTR movies together, although I don't remember them being linked at all. Didn't Sir Ian have a tall dark and handsome playboy type he was taking all over around that time?

My vote would go for Orli, but I have no idea who it would be with. Haven't seen him in the news much lately, wonder what he's been up to.

Uber*nought said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Uber*nought said...

There's nothing to admire about les suckno. It is a dick.

YahMoBThere said...

Jolara...please. I'm with Anon and Uber on this one. Let's not engage it any further.

Jolara said...

okay, okay...stop the hate. I was attempting to make light. I hate les' "writing style" too and have complained about it myself. sheesh.
I'm sorry. *hanging head and leaving room now*

YahMoBThere said...

LOL - hugs, Jolara, and don't leave the room. I just hate the N word and all the other filth this scumbag is writing.

Jolara said...

:0) Thanks Twisted!

YahMoBThere said...

I care. Your post will be deleted anyway, asshole, so it's your waste of time not mine! (insert smiley face here)

KS said...

wow les, last time i checked this was a forum to have fun and guess at blind items, not really the platform for personal attacks on people. BITTER MUCH?? it must be hard to be you.

Jones said...

dam, i was going to post it, but ill refrain, just les, try your best to not unnessisarily piss us all off today.

gossiphound said...

les, i didn't know someone like you knew that many words. you are not impressing us one bit. try something new.

K said...

why is every actor who's pretty automatically 'gay'? That attitude really racks me off and is far too Ted Casablanca for my liking - yes, he who hits on every actor he can and then bitches about them when they rebuff him. And it happens an awful lot.

Anyhow #2 is Rumer
and I think #1 is Hayden for some reason..

QT said...

Sir Ian McKellen is 68, and is two months shy of being fifty years older than Daniel Radcliffe.
I'm thinking Orlando, as well- but who would be the "mentor?"

fairy said...

#1. I have no idea Hayden from Star Wars
#2. Rumer

dixiebell said...

Hayden-is he even B list? I think Radcliffe or Bloom is more likely.

Rare Avis said...

Oof, not Mr. Reeves. JSYK, he is my favorite.
I am thinking Jax is right..

Ok off for lunch and the books..

Anonymous said...

Harry Potter and Professor Dumbledorf

nursekelly said...

hayden christisen (sp?)

rumer and bruce willis

GossipTank said...

#1 elijah wood and john hurt (the oxford murders)
#2 willis and willis


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