Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Today's Blind Items

#1 Lots of fights during the holidays among family members. Fights during the holidays are not the exclusive domain of Tyra Banks staffers. Well during one family fight outside the restroom of a bar, a female singer who does some acting from time to time, got her wig pulled straight off her head. She's bald. Completely, without a hair on her head bald. I so wish there were a picture. It would be the most popular photo ever.

#2 I guess she is an actress. I am trying to think of something she has been in recently, but can't. Now she is known more for just making headlines. She made a recent one, and could make another if anyone ever finds out that she took a guy she met one hour earlier into the restroom at a party she was hosting and f**ked him on the couch there. I wish men's restrooms had couches, but we would probably just lay on them and wait for our dates to leave and wish we had a remote control.


  1. #1 Beyonce.
    #2 um, no clue at the moment, give me a few lol

  2. Please, God, I will no longer ask you for a pony if you could make it Beyonce in #1.

  3. I would LOVE or #1 to be Beyonce too! :D

    #2 Tara, obv.

  4. I second the Beyonce guess for #1, and I want to say Lindsay Lohan for #2, but that would be too easy after all of the hoopla/pictures of her hooking up with three different guys in Italy...especially the pictures of her making out with some hairy guy on the couch of some club, but I don't think she was hosting any parties while in Italy, so it doesn't fit.

  5. #1. B
    #2. Tara Reid. Ew.

  6. Anonymous1:57 PM

    #1 - Diana Ross. Good gawd, what a fright that would be.

  7. Well my 1st thought was Ciara but Beyonce seems to be a better fit.

  8. Pammy Anderson hosted a party sans hubby...and she looked all kinds of used.

  9. Okay, I'm coming out of the corner to add to the voices.

    Beyonce seems like the obvious choice because of all her wigs and weaves, but what about Janet Jackson? She's done some acting and Michael wears a wig, so maybe the family has hair issues. Or am I way off base?

  10. Jax,

    Thats a good one. Pam Anderson for #2.

  11. Maybe Denise Richards for number 2?

  12. 1. Beyonce. And she doesn't even get good wigs. They are all jacked up dollar store variety that look like crap on camera.

    2. Tara Reid

    Carmen Electra, Mischa Barton, and Pamela Anderson are also good choices but I don't remember them acting in anything last year.

  13. I think #1 is Whitney Houston.

  14. I'm pretty sure Beyonce does have hair, it's just a wild rats nest. Whenever she goes on those trips with Jay-Z she's au natural and her hair is biiig and frizzy. Unless she decided to shave it off herself recently, I doubt it's B.

  15. Anonymous2:11 PM

    If #1 is Beyonce than that might be the reason J-zay hasn't asked her to marry him LOL.

    #2 LoWhore

  16. Alicia Keys could be #1 as well.

  17. ooh twisted, I like your guess. But who's the family member that she fought with? Bobby? I can't see her daughter ripping off her wig, although who knows, that's one crazy-ass family.

  18. Evil me votes (and sacrifices) for #1 = Beyonce. She's more "hi to the Ty-Ty" since Ent did include the Tyrant reference.

    #2 Pam. She hosted something or other in LV. Recently fed the tabs with her divorce whatever.

  19. Surfer, could have been anybody. She has Aunt Dionne (Warwick) or her parents. I think she has brothers, too.

  20. I'm with Twist - Whitney was the first name that popped into my mind.

    #2 seems like LindZ since we just saw her straddling the dude on the couch. Is that too obvs?

  21. maybe beyonce....

    some singers w/ acting on the side:

    Mandy moore
    whitney houston
    mariah carey

    but heres an incriminating pic of b....

  22. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I think Whitney is a great guess for #1, but am throwing my hat in the Beyonce ring, simply out of sheer, unadulterated glee at the thought.

  23. OMG!!!
    Enty, you gotta post the mugshot of the Kumari chick.
    Funniest shit ever!!!!!

  24. for your viewing pleasure, The Best Mugshot ever can be found at DListed

  25. Kelly, you are SO right! WTF happened to her hair...and is she wearing a bindi? She should have kidnapped and tortured her hairdresser! DAYUM!

  26. Her mugshot belongs next to Nick Nolte's. Looks like some sort of straight jacket to me.

  27. HOLY CRAP, that's some scary shit!

    For those who can't wait:

  28. catherine, aren't you dying to get the number of her facialist? Meth Face!

    update on another story: sorry to report, Kim K and her Man-Mom Chris were in a jewelry store in Bev Hills this afternoon getting Kim's ring sized. And apparently it is a MONSTER ring, as big as her left ass cheek post implant

  29. Kitty...great link.

    1. I remember hearing once that black women have very very very sensitive scalps and that with some the least little bit of overprocessing makes the hair fall out...dunno if that's true (anyone?), but if it is I'm thinking Beyonce's the most obvious--especially given the link Kitty posted.

    2. There are so many young sluts in Hwood nowadays, who the hell knows--and EVERYONE seems to be 'hosting a party'...don't remember this happening 10+ years ago!

    Damned kidz these days (shakes cane in air and looks for rhumatiz meds)

  30. #1. (Ignorant me asks herself: "I wonder what the cause of her baldness is... Anorexia?, Meth?, Malnutrition?")so i am guessing someone scary skinny...
    Whitney? Wasn't there a BI about that a while back ago?

    #2.I think Tara did host a party over the New Years...she gets my vote.

  31. I once had a co-worker who's hair fell out after dying her hair too much - its funny that my first thought was Jessica Simpson. It very well could be anyone listed.

    #2 I like the Pam guess for #2 but wouldn't ENT say she was married? I'm going to go with Hohan, because of all the stuff from Capri.

  32. OMG!!!

    I just checked out that mugshot. Hilarous!!!....wait...I look like that when I go to bed with wet hair and my hormones are in overdrive. Damn.

  33. #1 - What a huuuuuge reaction it would get if it were Amy Winehouse, right?

  34. majik - I was ROFL reading your comments. It's so true about everyone nowadays "hosting a party," especially birthday parties. How many birthday parties did Jamie Foxx have, and in different cities???

  35. ooooh - let's all point and laugh at the drug addict!


    90% of them have been sexually abused!

    84% come from broken homes! HILARIOUS.

  36. Jindi, we're laughing at the mugshot and the idea that this woman with the freaky behavior is so upset about an arrest that she's crying. NOBODY here would laugh about anyone's addiction, so no need to pee in our cheerio's.

  37. WTF is going on lately? You have someone bitching and moaning that a poster called Joe Simpson Pimpa Joe in one thread, and now this accusation that people who laugh at someone who happens to be on drugs = laughing at their drug addiction. This is a gossip site, people, not fucking church!

  38. you tell 'em sista!

  39. #1 - luv luv luv the Whitney guess. She has looked like she's wearing wigs in every picture I've seen of her during her "comeback/clean-up"...seriously..go back and look - WIG CITY!!

    #2 - too many sluts in the pot to pick from

  40. Helllls ya Amen Twist!

    If anyone would be offended by this thread it would be me..however i was born with a sense of humour and the good sense to know when to shut the eff up.

    this is not one of those times.
    Cry meth face cryyyyy!!!!
    It's not like they busted her giving a blowjob on the corner..she jacked someone and then tortured the fuck outta him..can you imagine being kidnapped by Courtenay Love and her merry band of Crackheads?

    Do the crime...face CDAN.

  41. ROTFLMAO! Meth face indeed! Kidnapping & torture? She's lucky if she doesn't get life.
    #1 - Whitney. #2 - Any of those mentioned above. Probably all of them.

  42. Do the crime...face CDAN.

    Priceless, Jax. Priceless.

  43. HAR!! Twist!!!

    I thought Jessica Simpson for #1 too, but only because I feel like her hair is so over-processed that it wouldn't surprise me. But also I don't think we can consider what she does occasionally "acting." So.....I'm voting Beyonce!!

    I thought Lindsay for #2, but she has been in stuff lately, albeit loads of crap. She'd definitely still be considered an actress. Tara fits the hasn't done anything in a while bill.

  44. Thanks for posting that mug shot Twisted. That's some crazy shit.

    Putting another one out there for the starlet-with-no-career-hosting-a-party:
    Elisha Cuthbert? She hosted a party at a place called Cameo in Miami. WTF has she done lately?

  45. Anonymous4:03 PM

    what about BRANDY for #1?

    i've never seen her with real hair and it looks like she has no eyebrows either.

  46. Lets see the thing about Elisha Cuthbert is she had 2 movies out last year, just finished 2 films out this year and another one in pre-production stages.

    Don't think it is her as per Ent's clues BUT then again ent loves those red herrings, LOL.

  47. Anonymous4:09 PM

    and tara for #2... she must have found a 'beautiful' person to get closer to and further her career

  48. here's a picture to support the whitney houston guess:

  49. Gosh, that is some crazy shiat. Amazing how drugs can make a once beautiful woman look like 95 yr. old Aunt Edna 10 years later.

  50. #1 IDK - singer who's acted Whitney.

    Didn't the girl from wonder years just get busted for drunk driving lately. She hasn't been in anything in a long time. Noooo, It's got to be Tara.

  51. #2 C'mon it's Hollywood Ebola
    WTF has she done lately? Nothing but part and get her face in front of a camera.

  52. Gimpy- that was Toponga from Boy meets world and i need a fuckin life.

  53. Alex, thanks for posting that pic because Whitney needs to readjust that wig. Geeze, she really is bald under there, it appears.

  54. I immediately thought of Courtney Love for #1. Hasn't she been wearing a lot of hats lately?

  55. its not beyonce, I have seen recent pictures of her with her natural hair....

  56. Um, to whoever said that black women have some "special scalp" that is "so sensitive" I must as add as a black women. Believe it or not, our scalps are the same as any other race. Shocking. I know. But I digress.

    Anyways, I do think that #1 is Beyonce. All those weaves. It was bound to happen.


  58. thats beyonce with her natural hair

  59. Princess, I wouldn't take that as an insult. The Irish often have very fair and sensitive skin, and therefore, often have sensitive scalps. Maybe the poster was confusing black people with Irish people. ;-P

  60. Just clearing it up. If said our hair was weaker and can't take processes well, that is true even though so many relax. But never in my life have I heard about a weaker scalp. I was just wondering.......

  61. perhaps not b.

    2 photos; one candid and one without a weave ...

  62. Aaaggghh! I just looked at the picture of Whitney! Do you think she actually put that thing on intentionally, as in I'm having a bad hair day and this will make me look better???

  63. There were rumors a few years ago about Christina Aguilera going bald due to alopecia.

  64. Fergie. Just throwing that out there. Her hair always looks like a wig to me.

  65. Nicole is the best guess. She's probably keeping mum until she's into her second trimester. There were pics of her out and about in Sydney around Xmas and she has put on a little weight. No longer rail thin, actually had some curves. Plus Nicole goes on and on about wanting kids.

    There were New Year's pics of Aniston in a bikini. Tummy is nice and flat. Plus, I just don't see her going out and being a single mom.

    Camilla Al Fayed for sure on #2.

  66. 1.i've heard Fergie diss Nelly of wearing a wig but it looks more like Fergie wears a wig. so either one of them. do either of them act?

    2.Mandy Moore

  67. Twisted said at 3:22: This is a gossip site, people, not fucking church!

    Hey, new friend, can you tell me where this "fucking church" is, cuz I think I just discovered religion. ;)

    As for the BI's - no new guesses - all mine have already been mentioned.

  68. Well, Scully, my new friend, the fucking church is wherever Lindsey Lohan is...because she treats fucking like it's a religion....lmao.

  69. Lohan is on perez today (wed,) with pix of her fucking a guy on a couch. Nice! Is anyone else kind of freaked out she's 21? She looks 50, easily.

    Queen Latifah for 2?

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Well, I went to Fergie's IMDB page and she does have a few acting creds under her belt.

    Nelly Furtado only had one acting appearance on CSI: NY.

    I'm going with Fergie.

  72. I have a suggestion for poor abused drug addicts who don't want people laughing at their picture - DON'T GET ARREST. See how easy that is?

  73. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I'm loving the Mandy Moore guess for #2, but I'd like to submit Shannon Elizabeth for your consideration.

  74. im guessing mandy moore - i saw this picture and thought .............wiiiiiiiiiiigg

  75. I think it's whitney and lohan.

    that mugshot was pathetic, she looks like a meth face for sure....It's sad to see what drugs do to people.

  76. Heh, does anyone remember that Whitney has no teeth? That she has a full set of dentures? Oh yes, no hair, no teeth. Nice. I feel pretty oh so pretty....

    I am guessing our girl Pammy. Coked up, pissed off, hell she even ate some cake.

  77. hmm... maybe Posh?? Ent posted that pic of her and made a bald comment
    it WOULD be the best pic ever

  78. #2 is Denise Richards

  79. 1. Liza Minelli? Can totally imagine her high on pills getting into a fight and losing her wig mid-brawl.
