Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Today's Blind Items - Blind Item Breakdown

The question I get asked most about blind items other than answers is, "how do you find this stuff out?"

It is honestly not that difficult, but I thought I would take a minute to explain. I want you to think about your own life and this is true whether you work or stay at home or if you go to school or even if you don't even gossip as a rule yourself.

I want to do this by showing you your own life. Have you ever gossiped at work about someone, or heard gossip at work about someone? Like Sally is sleeping with Jeff over in Accounting even though he is married. There is absolutely no difference between that and the gossip that spreads on every film set in the world. The film set is work, but it is also revolving work. You will probably remain at the same company for years and years, but in Hollywood everyone moves in to something else after a few months and gets an entirely new group of employees to work with and gossip about and it just goes on and on. No one outside of your company or their respective families gives a whoop about Sally and Jeff, but if you turn the names into Jen and Ben everyone wants to know.

The same holds true even if you don't work. Have you had a dinner party at your house and gossiped about mutual friends or Bill's new weave? It is the same thing. People are people and no matter who they are or what they do for a living they talk, and talk and talk. It is just in this case, the people are not talking about Bill's weave, they are talking about whether John Travolta is completely bald or still has some hair left.

Let me give you an example. I was at dinner about six weeks ago and people were talking about this and that, but nothing gossipy per se. At one point I asked the waitress if she was an actress which is always a yes and asked her what she had been in. She told me and it was actually a pretty impressive list and probably made her wonder why she was still waiting tables. Someone at the table overheard what the waitress had worked on and immediately talked about the A list star of the hit network initials drama and how even though he was married he was always hitting on her. The waitress jumped in and said that the guy had actually made many passes at her and one time wouldn't let her leave his trailer until she had kissed him and agreed to have dinner with him. Then when they went to dinner he said he wanted to eat it in his suite and not in a restaurant. After dinner she thought she was going to have to beat the guy off, but the phone rang and it was his wife and when she figured that out, she spoke up really loudly so the wife would hear, said "thanks for dinner, I'm going to go now, " and got out.

Well that story led to another and another about when this had happened before and by whom and to whom and it went on for twenty minutes. In those twenty minutes I had enough blind items for a week. They don't usually come that easy and that plentiful, but almost any question can lead to a blind item.

If you ask your significant other how work was, and they say, it sucked. Jack is an ass. He did this and this and this and said this. Again, no one cares except the people involved, but if I ask one of my friends how work went, Jack may be Jack Nicholson and now you care.


kellygirl said...

I agree. Living in LA in a community where a lot of celebs live, kids at school, friends, train at the Pilates studio, get their hair done, nail ... it is amazing how much I hear. I don't know if all of it is true, but I do know a lot of it is. I have personally seen celebs fight with significant other, get drunk, do blow, scream at their kid, PDA ... it's amazing. A lot of celebs go about life doing whatever they want and you don't see photos of it. In the rest of the county, people must think that Britney and Parasite are the only celebs who step out of their house.
Just going to get a yogurt or sushi, I almost always see a celeb, A to Z list.

p.s. manicurists seem to have the most info.

Town Bike said...

Christopher Meloni from SVU

Anonymous said...

And *that* is why I don't live in L.A.. I like to keep my private life to myself.

So an network initial show with a sleazy married dude. Initial shows are: CSI:LV, NY, MIA; L&O:SVU,CI,SamWaterston; what else?

Is William Peterson married?

Anonymous said...

ENT, do you tip these waitresses extra for the juicy gossip?

swatymyers said...

See, I was thinking David Caruso of CSI Miami.

Mikael said...


GammaGirl said...

@Kellysirkus: Manicurists DO always have th best gossip. The one I had in the Bahamas was talking so much smack about Britney and Justin (uh, it was 2003) that it made my head spin.

BI: Chris Meloni fits

YahMoBThere said...

Gammagirl, I Chris Meloni is picked as the person every time there's a blind about a drama, though. I really don't think he could possibly be the subject of all these blinds. We're getting lazy! ;-)

GammaGirl said...

@TS: I have a weird crush Chris Meloni. He is a great comedic actor (Wet Hot American Summer!), but he seems to get written off as "that guy from SVU" by most people. He always blew me away when he was on "Oz" too.

jax said...

i was thinking ER. but i know notihng about whats on what network most days. plus i dont any of those guys if they are married.

i hear ya EL..gossip is like mono..it gets around.

oh and PS...the Pine Sol loving website..was in fact a threesome at my work xmas party involving a coworker,random girl and the BOSS.
i left my camera behind and some shots may or may not have been deleted. lol. now you know Twist.

my boss doen't read CDAN i think im safe.

wow im drunk with power from my own reveal..lol.

captivagrl said...

mark harmon NCIS

weezy said...

But Meloni shoots and lives in NY; I think they only go out to L.A. for promotional stuff and awards shows.

CSI shows shoot in L.A. with a lot of location shoots, right? But David Caruso isn't married (he just dumped his long-time girlfriend -- right after she had their 2nd child -- for another woman.)

YahMoBThere said...

Gamma, I love me some Meloni, too, and I did think he could be the subject of one of the blinds in the past, but seriously, hasn't he been named for nearly all of the ones where there's a hit network show or a drama?

I haven't seen Wet Hot American Summer but thought he was sadly hysterical in Runaway Bride. Thanks for the heads up!

WOWzers, Jax. That "blind" was worth the wait...lol. You dirty broad you! (was there really a website?)

takeme2espana said...

Gary Sinise?

jax said...

no..lol that was El being funny.(like always *wink)
ya it was pretty slutty..the girl wasnt even a guest at the damn party..she showed up a few min before it wound down. classy stuff.
let's just say the other two were pretty red faced at work on monday...especially when the other boss called them in for a 'three way call' on the intercom!

jax said...

not Captain Dan! i love a lil Sinise.

Jolara said...

I'm with you jax on a couple of things.
*I too immediately thought of ER, but there are so many doggone shows out there with initials for names it's ridiculous!
*Also...Nooooo! Not Lieutenant DAN!!!! I love Gary Sinise!

YahMoBThere said...

Holy crap, Jax, what a 'ho! And your boss sounds very unprofessional. Maybe you should see if you can get a raise out of him by mentioning you're aware of this.

No, not THAT kind of raise. Get yer head outta the gutter, woman!

jax said...

it's allll good Twist.

ya the boss is the same age as everyone here so its a pretty social atmosphere and laid back BUT that was pretty nasty.

good lord i dont know where that 'raise' has been..no thnx.

jax said...

Brad Renfro is dead...sad my god he was 25

GammaGirl said...


Dijea said...

I thought ER too. But you are right there are too many initial shows on the TV.

I'm in Real Estate, and you would be amazed at the gossip that runs thru that business. I also have a few friends that have done some work in LA LA Land from editing to actor to director. The stories I got from a girl who worked editing a film in that starred an A-list cult member was out of this world. And its too far removed to ever get on ENT's site, but OMG. I was shocked then, now not so much.

Rare Avis said...

RIP Brad Renfro that is very sad news indeed.
On another note entirely, sounds like a juicy place to work. Don't dip your pen in company ink, er pine sol. And still one more note, about EL BIs. I could have be a waitress?

Jolara said...

Rareavis- Are you suggesting that you are a waitress/server(PC?)? That would make perfect sense! I used to waitress a lifetime ago and I loved it. The people I would meet were so...odd. I LOVED the ones who would come in and treat me like they just scraped me off the bottom of their shoes when in reality I was pulling in 500.00 a night for a 4 hr. shift. Idiots. booze and fat wallets= Servers fav. customers!
I've waited on Leonard Maltin once. Nice guy, but his daughter was a bit full of herself (I think she was 10 at the time!)

plot said...

It's William Peterson or some other masher from an show with an alphabet name.

I've known of 2 women who had affairs with him since he has been married (okay, one while he was engaged to his current wife) and WP was the initiator...a forceful initiator.

Judi said...

Jax, I just read this! How horribly sad about Brad Renfro. :-< He was an only child.

Judi said...

I'm with Captiva that it's Mark Harmon. He's so squeaky and has been married forever, we hear nothing about this guy. Agreeing anyway. Just 'cuz.

Dick Insideu said...

Intelligent people discuss ideas, not people.

kellygirl said...

very sad news about Brad Renfro.

Celebrity Addiction is really out of control.
It almost seems like these kids don't have a prayer.

Careful what you wish for, Stage Moms

RagDoll said...

Awww, Brad Renfro.... :(

It was sort of on the horizon though, sadly...does anyone remember the movie "Bully"? There was an old interview with the cast where they all sat around talking about how high they were all the time.... does anyone remember who did that interview?

Dick Insideu said...

Brad was a junkie. Junkies overdose. Big deal. His best part was in that Larry Clark film.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's some creative cussing. You can't be from the US. No one here uses the term "beggar". We call them "bums".

Hey, does the idea of me telling you to put your father's shoes on your pointy head really make you crazy mad?

Just wonderin' . . . .

Anonymous said...

I love how les suckno is berating us for discussing people and not ideas, and spending so much time here, when all he can seem to discuss is putrid sexual scenarios of celebs, spending an equal portion of time here as many of the regulars, and wasting time at least an equal rate.

Anonymous said...

Intelligent people discuss ideas, not spew out disgusting filth and insult other users in an attempt to get attention.

Rare Avis said...

Les Suckno is just silly. He like the Morton Downey Jr. of CDAN.

jax said...

Les FUCKno!

what trix said.

YahMoBThere said...

Silly? Try mentally deranged.

mooshki said...

DN, you scared me for a minute! I thought you were offering Sam Waterston as a guess instead of just using him to identify the mothership L&O. I would worship at his feet if he'd let me.

Unknown said...

OK, long time lurker - first time poster.....
Anyway, for some reason this immediately screamed ER to me. I was thinking Mekei (sp?) Phifer. I know he is only engaged right now, but we don't know when said waitress appeared on the show. He was married up until a couple of years ago....He and Goran Visnic supposedly party it up big time!


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