Monday, January 21, 2008

Today's Blind Item - Kindness

As much as I wanted to talk about the lesbian couple and the forced copulation with guys, it will have to wait until tomorrow. I just didn't think it would be right on the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. to talk about what a celebrity lesbian couple does for kicks on this very special day.

So, a kindness seems much more appropriate.

This is a B lister. I almost think of our actress as the epitome of a B lister. She has done television and films and is probably more of a B lister for the television, but she does have some great film roles. Anyway, this week at Sundance. Oh, I guess that will narrow it down some huh? At Sundance this week, our actress was walking down the street and spotted a teenage girl who was sitting on a backpack, shivering and didn't have anything on but a sweater and jeans even though it was after dark and well below freezing. Turns out the girl had come out to Park City to hang out with a guy she barely knew but he blew her off for some other girl, so she had no room and no place to stay and didn't have the money to change her return airline ticket which was for three days in the future. Our actress didn't really believe the girl at first but then the girl showed her the airline ticket and her i.d. That was enough for our actress. She took the girl to a store and bought her a jacket, and then took her back to her hotel for food and fun. The actress called some friends over to cheer the girl up, got her some dinner and then had everyone take turns calling the jerk who traded her for another girl. Our actress changed the return date on the ticket, paying for the change and even upgraded the girl to first class for the flight home. She let the girl spend the night, got her out to the airport the next morning and gave her a few hundred bucks.


  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Aw, that almost made me cry. How sweet.

  2. eliza dushku? idk....

  3. WHAT! That is rewarding stupidity. I mean, sucks to her, but come on. And I thought guys would do stupid things for girls......

  4. for a second i though Jessica Alba...don't worry, I got that thought out of my head real quick.

  5. Brittany Murphy and Sarah Jessica Parker were both in Sundance.

  6. Really cool thing to do. I really love reading the kindness BIs. I wish we could know who this was though.

  7. SJP. Now about that lesbian couple...?

  8. is she a scientologist? becasue no one really CAN help like a scientologist can.

    nannoo nannoo. shuzbut.

  9. And SJP has the funds. Brittany Murphy would be asking for money, LOL.

  10. Wow! Whoever this is just went up a few notches in my book.

    It's a great feeling when you can do something for someone else, something that you know will make a difference, with no expectations of payback or reciprocity.

    I believe in karma - good things will happen to this chickie (the actress).

  11. I agree about SJP, or Maria Bello.

  12. I don't have a guess yet but this is worthy of a reveal.

    off to check images from Sundance.

    Safe to say it isn't Parasite

  13. Has SJP had some "great film roles"? I saw the pictures of Maria Bello and thought her, also Rebecca Romijn (there are probably guys who consider that naked Xmen stuff "great"??)

  14. SJP doesn't ring true to me at all. She was not exactly 'B-List' when she was on SATC, and what great roles in film has she done? Failure to Launch?

    Argh. This is doing my head in.

  15. any chance it was Snatcher?
    probably Heigl. I think Enty's tight with KH. Pretty sure she's been in a Blind or two

  16. makes me want to go hang at sundance and sit on my backpack waiting for a scientologist (too funny jax!) I would like to think Biel because she is from MN.

  17. and now back to the lesbians

  18. What about Felicity Huffman? Is that too weird?

  19. wow. that was REALLY nice. I love reading things like that.

  20. what's really sad is, besides celebs, how many people walked by and avoided this girl?
    brava to the kind actress! i agree, this one deserves a reveal (i especially love that they prank called the jerk that dumped the teen)!!

  21. I'm going Sarah Jessica Parker for this one. She's had some good film roles! I for one loved Miami Raspody and Honeymoon in Vegas.

    Darn, I need to see that one again...for the flying elvis'

  22. LOLOL, Jax!! Hilarious.
    This was a major kindness. And since when does someone merit punishment/misery because they trusted an asshat jerk? Agree that it's worth a future reveal. Off to check Sundance photos. And I doubt it was Kardashian either.

  23. Or maybe Mischa Barton...

  24. Emily Blunt? She's done a little tv and has been in some movies with good marks.

    Kevin - bailing someone out isn't rewarding them for being stupid.

  25. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Felicity Huffman was my first thought too Kat...but I don't really have any reason for thinking of her.

    I'm not even sure if she was at sundance.

  26. What great film roles have these people been in though?

    That's why I ruled out Marcia Gaye Hardon and Sandra Oh (who is really A list on television). They haven't had any really great film roles.

  27. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I like Maria Bello - she was on E.R. for several years, she's had some shining roles in well-regarded indie flicks (The Cooler, A History of Violence). She's definitely a b-list person. She just always seemed uptight to me in interviews, so I'd be happy to have this change my mind about her.

  28. Sandra Oh was great in 'Under the Tuscan Sun' and 'Sideways', but I don' t think it's her.

    Felicity Huffman did 'Transamerica' and was nominated for loads of awards for it and she was definitely there.

    Mischa, who I threw in as a guess, was in 'The Sixth Sense' a long time ago, but was featured in a film at Sundance that received some buzz. I barely noticed her on television, but I know she was on it.

    These are all random guesses, of course.

  29. The comment about having her friends take turns calling the jerk makes it seem like our blind kind lady is younger ... am leaning towards Elisha Dushku.

  30. virginia madsen - sideways,the astronaut farmer,the rainmaker,ghosts of mississippi,dune,the number 23,candyman. the BI says great film roles, not great films. she's a solid B lister mostly known for TV

  31. and she was at sundance

  32. i woild love to hear the kids voicemail the next day.

    " Hah fucker your ex gf is partying with _______ and ____ loser!!!"


    "Hey dickhead, who taught you to leave girls out in the cold? don't worry she's having a wicked time with _______ and _____ to even think about you. oh and btw this is ________. snooze ya los-er!"

  33. I agree with Carla, prank calling the dude is something someone younger would do.
    I like the Eliza Dushku guess, very strong background in Television but I'm not sure sure any of her film roles were "great."

    Katherine Hiegl has been in NYC for the past week and Mischa arrived at Sundance today so I think that rules them out.

  34. Anonymous3:05 PM

    long time reader, first time poster

    What is up with the kissing of Jax's ass? She is not funny. She is vile and disgusting. You all stick together like a coven. This is really sad because I love this blog, but the comments are dumb, dumb, dumb.

    Jax, you post first on almost every thread. You post on every thread. Do you do anything else with your life? You are so sad. Now watch. Everyone one of the witches in your coven is going to comment.

  35. I don't know if I'd say Mario Bello was the "epitome" of a B lister.

    I think Tom Cruise should try to find the guy who deserted the teen and put his ethics into him.

  36. Jessica - yeah, you're a first time poster, uh huh. Looks like Jax has herself a fan club.

    Kevin - we've all been young and stupid.

    SJP is a television ALister. I like the Maria Bello guess.

  37. jessica - what's your guess?

  38. Oh that's so sweet! Now that's a humanitarian.

  39. oh Jessica..i love you too.

    like i give a shit what you think dear.

  40. Jess, don't start shit. just play along.
    we're all just here for fun.
    not like we're choosing the next leader of the free world. BTW, if we were, it prob wouldn't be Jax.

  41. there are so many Aussies in the Random Photos today. Is that a clue? Do we have an Aussie actress who might fit this Blind?

  42. Ack....if you want to read dumb comments check out Popsugar - you'll get a freaking cavity at all the drivel posted (she does have good photos and games, though). I like it here because people speak with intelligence and wit and most everyone tends to be respectful of others' opinions.

    My only thought for the kindness was Felicity H. - but she's not done much TV...

  43. Anonymous3:39 PM


  44. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Does it matter who makes the first comment here.

  45. Marcia Gay Harden hasn't had great film roles? Mystic River, Pollock, a heavy weight on tv, film and stage. Maybe not for others but for me, she's A list.

  46. Maybe it is Maria Bello

    IMDB says:

    Works with "Save the Children", nurturing kids in need.

  47. I actually think it is Sandra Oh. Definitely at Sundance. Memorable movie roles include Sideways, at the very least. I didn't read the comment "more of a B lister for the tv" as meaning she is a B lister in the TV world; I read it as meaning that it was her TV work that elevated her to overall B-lsit Hollywood status. (i.e., Without Grey's, she wouldn't qualify as a Hollywood B-lister).

    For me, the give away is the phrase "Oh, I guess that will narrow it down some." It's a kindness; Ent's not going to make it too hard!

  48. looks like jax is the new hez... happy holiday!!

  49. lol..and like the Brenda Love before her Noel.

    i read, i comment ..rinse wash repeat. last i checked that's what comments are for. please look up THREAD if you are unsure.

    anyway..with the thousands of hits EL gets a day..1 shitty one sure isn't going to get me down.

    ohhh..there i go posting again...

  50. Hey, what happened to Hez, anyway?

    I like the Maria Bello guess...but is she 'b' list enough? What other tv has she done (she only did a season or so of ER).

    And, OMG--Mischa was that creepy little dead girl!!! I totally didn't know that!!! No wonder I had this aversion to her at the get-go!!

  51. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I comment on other boards, but I have been reluctant to comment here because first it was Hez and now it's Jax. Someone always thinks that they rule the place. I am just shocked that everyone plays along like sheep. No I'm not that's how we got Bush elected twice.

    Jax, I know you don't care because from all the posting that you do here, it's obvious that you have a rich and fulfilling life. Your hobbies include posting here and well not much else. I just wanted you to know that people who are not posting can't stand your ass. I know you don't care, but I care that you know. It makes me feel good to let someone like you know that you are pathetic and not the God of this site. I will just ignore you now that you know and don't care. Maybe you can let someone else have the spotlight, if you don't care. Maybe you could NOT POST FOR A DAY. Doubtful.

  52. guess we will have to wait until the fourth of july for this reveal

    I am saying Heigl or Jenna Fischer

  53. Sleuth

    I think you solved it. The "oh" was probably a clue.

  54. No clue, but good on them! :)

  55. My guess is Sandra Oh, as well. Solidly B list TV, supporting roles in a few great films.

    She's Canadian too!

  56. My guess is Amy Adams--was she at Sundance? I know Sunshine Cleaning was being shown.

    She's had some small, supporting television appearances (The Office), but is better known for her movie roles.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Jessica i'm not going to get into i hate you too thread,you knwo why? cuz no one here but you and i care and im not trying to hijack the thread to do so and get some attention.

    i post here multiple times a day becasue my day allows it.
    Its not your friggin business what i do with my time but since you insist on coming onto the thread and acting like a complete biotch then i will respond.

    "give someone else the spotlight"
    speaks volumes of you Jessica dear, not me!
    i am not here for spotlight.
    i am here becasue of two things:
    1- i like celeb gossip
    2- i like the rapport with the peeps here.
    sorry if i annoy you but too fucking bad,get over it.

    Now if you'd take that pole out of your ass some of us would like to go back to our game of limbo.

    ps don't insult the people on here as being sheep following me, they all have their own stop pissing 'your audience' off by insulting their intelligence.

    BTW- we all get along pretty good here..if you could too we'd all welcome you with open arms but if you're gonna come in and piss on our parade..then that just is sad.

  59. whoa there pups. Don't be draggin' Hez into this.
    Heather is a great girl. She is exceptionally smart and witty and kind-hearted. Let's not go down this road lest I need to get Shauna Sands' lucite stiletto and beat some ass.

  60. Why is it when there is no unrest here that someone has to show up with a complaint against one person? Does it bug that we're all getting along? Or that we find Jax funny when you don't?

    Has to be the first post for every blind? Hardly. But even if it were true, do you realize how childishly whiny that sounds? "Mommy, someone else always gets to go first going down the sliiiiiiiiiiiiide."

    Why don't people put their big girl panties on and just ignore the people you don't like here? That's what I do until they get bitchy and call me out. That's what everyone here does. Seriously, it's not that hard. And it's the first rule in How Not to Stir Up Shit On the Internet 101.

    Please try it.

  61. Judi do you think Marcia Gay Harden is A list on TV or film? Because I don't think she's A list for either. Has she been on a tv show for several years? I ask because I don't know.

  62. Jessica, the good thing about this site, unlike others, is that we don't put other posters down. Your posting personally attacks another poster and that's just not cool. Especially today of all days too.
    BYW, Jax is funny and I hope she continues to post.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Sounds like Eliza Dushku, she would be the definition of B-lister, definitely for television, and she has had some memorable movie roles. Plus my general impression of her (big Buffy fan so I'm probably more attuned to what she's up to than some others) is that she's a fairly open and kind-hearted person.

    Every thread devolves halfway through with some hater comment... too bad it happened to this kindness thread too. Well done Jessica, next time you might want to think what is the point, other than to spout some half-hidden jealousy?

  65. twis - "big girl panties" = granny panties? i'm gonna put them on, yank them up, and tuck them under my 18 hour bra. lol

  66. No no I know. I was just doling out some sass.

  67. I second the Sandra Oh guess, agreeing that ENT might be giving an easy hint.

  68. I guess what blows my mind about this little rant is that A LOT of commenter's comment on the threads daily, sometimes even twice (GASP)
    Why target Jax?
    I come here because I like Ent's take on the industry and that the commenter's here usually don't act like assholes.

  69. kevin - quick, go commit a random act of kindness! sleuth - congrats! sandra oh is the best fit. i agree.

  70. Cappy, the better to keep those boobs up! In fact, I think I'LL try that! LMAO!

    Big girl panties meaning nothing with Barbie or the day of the week on them.

    What kills ME about the rant is - what a way to introduce yourself. With a big, "Hi! I'm an asshole who likes to start trouble when everyone is getting along!"

    Not only insults Jax, but the rest of us for being sheep. I guess she doesn't really want to post here other than to whine.

  71. Well done Coven..HAHHAHA (as if!!!)

    Anyway out for today and just wanted to end this bullshit with something more close to EL's sentiment.

    Black, white and every colour in between...we must get past the negative and remember we are human under it all.
    Unfortch we don't observe MLK in Canada but I will be in my own way.

    See you all first thing in the am!

  72. Tata, Jax. How will the coven of witches EVER know what to do while you're gone? LMAO!

    And on that note - can 't we all just get along?

  73. I love Eliza Dushku, but I'm not sure I would consider her a B-lister. I mean "epitome of a B lister." Huh? Eliza Dushku? Really? No, I dont think so. She is very unknown and has never done anything big out side of BtVS or AtS. And great film roles? Uhh the last movie I remember her in is the New Guy and I wouldn't even consider that one to be good. Eliza is an incredible actress but she hasn't really shined in anything other than her role as Faith in Buffy. And Tru Calling wasn't that good of a show either...

    I have no idea who it could be but when I think of "epitome of a B lister" I think of someone like Sandra Oh or Lauren Graham, two names that someone mentioned earlier. I could see Lauren prank calling people or even Sandra Oh; those two seem like they have fun personalities, like they know how to have a good time. And Lauren and Sandra has done a ton of movies and tv shows... Lauren was in Gilmore Girls, a favorite among critics, and Sandra Oh is of course on Grey's Anatomy, a very popular show. Both has done a lot of movies. Lauren did "Bad Santa" and Sandra did "Sideways" which got a lot of praise.

    I don't know what the answer is but I don't think its Eliza (but I do love that girl and I can't wait to see what Joss comes up with for her when "Dollhouse" is finally made...)

  74. And note that Trix was the first one to post on this blind. Trix, get your ass outta the way. Don't you know Jax goes first?

  75. Jessica, hon, I first posted last week after months of reading. Jax's humor was the reason I posted (amongst many others). Some of us appreciate the ironic humor with which some people post and most of the time they make me laugh out loud, which is a nice addition to my day. Clearly I'm not one of Jax's "sheep" since I'm new here too. People come on here for entertainment, obviously, and the humor just adds to the sillyness. If you feel above it all either stop coming, or don't read Jax's comments. It's that simple....don't let the door hit you...

  76. I think Harden is A list for film with one Oscar win and another nomination but I don't know if she's done any TV. It's just that someone above wrote that Harden didn't have any good roles and I was commenting on that.
    In the Random Photos comments section, I listed a bunch of names of women who are at Sundance - wrong comments section to have posted that - so we could get a better idea of who all was there, but I agree with Sleuth that "Oh" is probably the answer.

  77. LOVE that, Twisted! "Big girl panties..." Love that people like Jessica always start their rant with "...I have been reluctant to comment here...." BUT....

    Wha, wha, wha. You can hear Jessica saying to herself, "why am I the only cool person here? Why are everyone else like sheep?"

    It must be very lonely being the only cool and righteous person here.

    Actually, I'm not very cool. Probably more of a geek. I don't apologize. However, I am NO sheep but am a geek. However, learning to baaa like a sheep could turn into a cooool party trick...

  78. in the spirit of Martin Luther King
    Can't We All Just Get Along?

    oh, wait. that was Rodney King.

  79. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Jess, don't hate on jax. She is being sociable and contributing to the fun.

    Speaking as someone who reads a LOT of blogs on a regular basis, I love to read the comments because you can get extra information or read something that just cracks you up. It can be a little annoying to read through a lot of insidery 'LOL you're so funny' comments, but you get that everywhere.

    There are some places where you need a dang Wiki just to figure out what the commenters are saying, because they are such a tight-knit group (try filmdrunk sometime, you'll plotz).

  80. I did it, and I fucked the girl a few times before I sent her home.

  81. OK, not into the fighting but wondering about the lesbian thing.

    Only lesbian celebrity couples that I know: Ellen and Portia and Melissa and Tammy. I'm figuring that when ENT says a lesbian celebrity couple, he means that BOTH members of the couple are celebrities.

    I don't see Melissa being into anything too off the wall, especially with men. She strikes me as someone who is on the far side of the Kinsey scale and not all that interested in guys. On the other hand, I can see Ellen enjoying humiliating a guy (I think that's what ENT is implying). But --- I could be missing a lesbian celebrity couple or I could be misreading the b.i. Any comments??

    Happy MLK day.

  82. Not that anyone cares about my opinion but I happen to think Jax is hilarious! Half of the reason I continue coming to this site is because I love the comments and snarkiness so much!

  83. My first thought was Katherine Heigl, if she was even at Sundance. She has that kind face, and seems down-to-earth. I can picture her doing this for a stranger. And Kevin, you're an ass. We all make stupid mistakes (except if you're one of those people who NEVER makes mistakes, which tells me you're probably a Republican.)

  84. Grace, I wish I could say that phrase was an original Sister quote, but it's not. Funny, though!

    Judi, I was the someone who was the first to mention Marcia Gay Harden and Sandra Oh. I wasn't aware she won an Oscar. I guess she's A, but I thought another criteria was that you could open a movie on your own, and I don't see her doing that. Thanks for the scoop!

    Gladys Kravitz (you need an avatar of her - I LOVE her!), I was thinking the lesbian couple could be closeted, but I'm probably wrong about that. We don't know too many lesbian couples - you're right.

    Butterfly, I think most of us think Jax is hilarious. Many newbies mention that when they first post.

    And the rest of us HATE her because of it! sniffle, sniffle...

  85. EL doesn't say their a 'celebrity' lesbian couple, though I'm sure they're somehow celebrity-ish if he's mentioning them. Perhaps they're not 'out'? Anyway, that's a story for tomorrow, so why count our lesbians before they're hatched?

  86. Erm, that should read 'they're' instead of 'their'. I'm literate, I swear.

  87. Jessica, I'm with you and I suspect there are many more who don't bother to comment because they don't care enough to subject themselves to...what just happened above.

    I'll go one step further and say that a few of that group sound so similar in humor and "voice" that I wonder if a few are the same person/people. Jax sounds remarkably like Hez with the wordplay, swearing and tough yet forced-witty persona. What's weird is if you look at Hez's site, which I did after reading this thread, Jax and a few others run to Hez to report how Jax is being picked on. That's a little weird, isn't it? I swear if I didn't know better I'd say Hez is planting the comments herself to prove that it isn't her, but then I realize that all they have to do is claim I'm strange for conspiracy thinking, and then I look ridiculous myself and have to wonder why the hell I even give half a shit...

    They respond so rabidly and are so annoyingly immature with their attacks back, it's a no win situation. If the writer of the blog really cared, "he" would probably want them gone because they keep this blog at a certain low level of commenters and all the rest leave when they get tired of reading these same 3-4 women commenting costantly. You're not crazy and you are not alone, Jessica!

    Now BRING IT ON!!! :) Just kidding, save your breath and just say "ditto" what was said to Jessica!

  88. Anonymous6:08 PM

    kat, you just misspelled illiterate.

    snerk. (Please don't hit me.)

  89. Another Carla???? That's cool!

    I'm the one that started posting during the Timmy/Shimmy blind. I don't post a lot normally.

    I can see Eliza Dushku also for this blind.

  90. Peek, I only see the word literate. One of us is confuzzled.

  91. Anonymous6:18 PM

    twisted, if I have to explain it, then it's just not as funny...but I was snerking on kat for swearing she is literate by deliberately misunderstanding the word.

    I guess some of these jokes I make just for me, sorry.

  92. Anonymous6:18 PM

    "I swear if I didn't know better I'd say Hez is planting the comments herself to prove that it isn't her, but then I realize that all they have to do is claim I'm strange for conspiracy thinking, and then I look ridiculous myself and have to wonder why the hell I even give half a shit..."

    That's what I was just thinking!!!

  93. @ sleuth - nice work!!!

    @ twisited - I'll take my BGP with control top, natch

    @ anyone - don't ever f^cking blame me for The Boy George in the WH.

  94. Anonymous6:27 PM I thought I was a regular reader, but I don't know who Hez is (or how to find Hez's blog). I do love gossip and a good conspiracy theory however, even if it doesn't concern celebs.

    Spill it, regulars, whassa-goin-on?

  95. Marcia Gay Harden did some TV work - I think it was L&O SVU - she was an FBI agent who went undercover as a part of a supremacist group, if I remember correctly. Hope that helps.

  96. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Peek - not much to tell. Hez (who is a very nice person btw) was a regular poster who got harrassed a lot, like Jax is getting it now. They'll figure out someone new in the future, I'm sure.

    The M.O. - come here, insult a poster, then whine about how mean "the regulars" are when they get it tossed back at them. About that time, another poster will appear saying that "they completely agree" with whatever the first poster says.

    yawn, fucking yawn.

  97. Kelly, I'll order some up for you w/o the Barbies and days of the week. And I should probably order some for myself with control top up to the mouth, so it will cover my neck and chins.

    Peek, I'm sorry I'm so dense. Get me a chair to stand on so these things don't go over my head. Just tell me I'm too dense to get it next time. ;-)

  98. uhm, chris, I really don't know what to say to you. The only person who started anything was Jessica.

    I talk to Heather (Hez) every day. You are the one who "ran to her site" to check what was happening.

    seriously, it's just not right to START something and then blame others for attacking. Whatevs! but seriously, you should probably regroup and take a fresh look at what just happened here.

    no offense. I did not personally attack you or Jessica. I asked her to just play along with us cuz we were all just having a good time.

    seems like a lot of tension in the air here and elsewhere today .. full moon?

  99. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Like anybody gives two shits if there are thousands of unnamed posters out there that are disturbed by Jax's posting habits. Get f'n real!

  100. Peek, I meant that I AM literate, not illiterate, lol. Of course, I'm probably just giving myself undue praise, and no one cares anyway, what with all the mudslinging going on. Not to worry though, I'd never hit you! I can't reach you from here. ~Snort~

  101. Please lets all play nice. I love this site and the comments make it fun! I read what someones opinion is and go "Wow, I did not think of that!". I am not a sheep, but LOVE the regulars on this site, you all are great! Thanks for making the entertainment that much more entertaining!!!!! (I won't read anymore nasty comments!)

  102. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Guys, we don't feed trolls here. It doesn't solve anything. I think jax can take care of herself, and she knows we love her.

    Back to the blind:
    sleuth - good sleuthing. I totally missed Ent's "Oh". I think you're right. And if Sandra Oh is the epitome of a B-Lister, I think it's a good benchmark to remember for future blinds.

  103. Um pls dont act like you're speaking for all of us. I think when someone gets attacked here by some bitch just looking to start trouble they need to know they're pissing everyone off. I like you but who died and left you boss?

  104. Off topic: That doll on Hez's site is freaky! It was...unsettling and creepy.

  105. Ok after looking at some pics of Lauren Graham at Sundance (with Mr. Chandler Bing)

    more pics at ONTD;

    and after reading the blind item again, I officially think that the answer is Lauren. I could so see Lauren not initially believing that the young girl was telling the truth. I could see Lauren buying the girl a jacket and then inviting her girlfriends to the hotel to cheer the young girl up. And I could so see her making prank phone calls making fun of the dude and laughing at him. This is so Lauren! And she is the "epitome of a B-lister." She does both tv and movie and is mostly known for television (Gilmore Girls)...

    P.S. - I love this site but one little gripe I have is how people go off-topic so much. Were suppose to guess the blinds, not chat about stuff that aint related to it.

  106. I hope jessica is still here so you have someone to talk to. Other than that no comment to you.

  107. ria ignore the chatting if you don't like it. Just don't read it because with that attitude nobody is going to chat with you anyways. Another control freak. They're coming out of the woodwork tonight.

  108. here's my two cents:

    I have been reading for a very long time and rarely comment because of what happened in this thread. Perhaps Jess might have expressed herself better, however, there does seem to be a little clique of "long timers" who seem to think that gives them more rights than anyone else who posts.

    Just sayin'.

    BTW, I thought the Lauren Graham guess what very good, but it probably is Sandra Oh.

  109. ria where is that rule about what we're supposed to post here? I can't find it.

  110. I have only posted for a week now, and the general hilarity of the comments is what sucked me in. Speaking of Les, or let us not, I figure if you just ignore the rabblerousers they will go away. Kind of like fourth grade. Now let me go in the corner and pull up my Sunday BGP's. Oh wait a minute, it's Monday.

  111. dnfrom what are the odds of you writing a Cloverfield review?

    Staying out of the drama because I have my own not so nice opinions and don't care to feed it.

    Sandra Oh sounds like a winner on this blind

  112. rocky what are the rights they think they have that newer people don't have? I dont get this at all.

  113. oh yeah they post first for every blind i forgot.

  114. Anon calm down. I didn't say I hated the off topic chat and you're right, sometimes I do skip it. Its funny chatter, I just feel like sometimes people go off-topic. Not a big deal I was just commenting since Jessica brought some stuff up.

    I didn't say for the off-topic stuff should stop, if I did then that WOULD make me a control freak.

    And chill out, I'm not a control freak but you sure sound like one. And that comment coming out of the woodworks? Are you kidding me? I've been posting on here for months just not a lot. Get over yourself.

  115. ria dnfrommn has been here for a long time too and I'm talking about him trying to control things and other people bitching about wanting things their way. It doesn't have anything to do with how long people have been here just a lot of bossiness here tonight so chill out already. most of the posters like each other here so there's going to be off topic chatter. and to the other whiners here tonight why do people feel so threatened that people who have been here for a long time get along? they also seem to be welcoming newbies so who cares? if they don't welcome you maybe you should look in the mirror.

  116. Everyone named is not B list-Dushku? Lauren Graham? Not television and film B list-no way. Same with Maria Bello. She's slowly inching up the food chain since she prematurely left ER, but more like B-. SJP has had some great film roles-LA Story, etc and television, she grew up really poor and would probably notice stuff like that, and unlike Brittany Murphy (who's married and with her husband in S. right now) she's solo in Utah right now.

  117. And Heigl is about as A list right now as anyone can get. You go, girlfriend!!

  118. sandra oh also had the long tv gig with arliss.

    leave the rest of that drama bullshit in your panties so the rest of us don't have to sift thru it.

  119. Ria that's someone's other account, don't pay attention. Gee whiz an 'anon' comes out of the woodwork and starts biting people's heads off in here. Coincidence?

    yeah, no.

    Just ignore.

  120. bitch my user name is anon and has been since we had to sign up to post here. that's the name i picked like you picked sweater so shut the fuck up miss know it all.

  121. Ha and I say that as someone who has been posting here since the beginning.
    Ignore them. Enjoy the blinds and the guesses and the company.

  122. Is this the same Hez who is on Gawker and lives in Vancouver?

  123. bitch my user name is anon and has been since we had to sign up to post here. that's the name i picked like you picked sweater so shut the fuck up miss know it all.

    Have another and pass out already. I know exactly who you are. Be less transparent next time.


  124. bullshit sweatshop. you haven't been here since the beginning.

    ms. thats the same hez.

  125. i don't drink so I have no clue wtf you're talking about other than just more of the same bullshit from you.

  126. I apologize in advance that my comment is off topic, and in my first post no less, but I just had to say that I find the "elite regulars" witty and intelligent, which is why this is the only site that I actually read for the content and the comments equally. The vitriol coming from some of the other posters sounds like jealousy to me and I just don't get it, because the "coven" seems very welcoming to newbies and are attacked more than they attack anyone else. Yes, the "coven" seems to have a good rapport with each other, but that is most likely because they are long time posters who have gotten to know and like each other through their common love of gossip. I know I haven't added anything that hasn't already been stated, but I see this kind of attacking out of the blue so often and I just don't understand it. Rock on, "coven".

  127. lol anon. you seriously crack me up. What is this a schoolyard? "if they don't welcome you maybe you should look in the mirror." lol!! Who was that directed to? I mean I have friends. I don't need to be included in some chat to feel special. All I said was that I didn't really like how in every thread people go off-topic. I didn't say for people to stop. Its no big deal and yet you're making it one. People can comment on whatever they like but since certain threads are focused on solving blind-items then yea I kinda noticed the off topic chat and for the first time commented on it.

    The off-topic chattery was just an obsservation. And I just commented on it. Stop trying to act like you're the boss of this place. I could comment about the off-topic stuff all I want and yet I did it one time because to me its not the end of the fucking world if people do it.

    And no one on here is threatened by anyone. How could one be? Were all chatting on a thread where you can't even see anyone. Please, no one is threatened. If people notice that certain people go off-topic, then its just an observation. I'm not trying to control shit, I just noticed something. Get a life if you're in so in shock that some people don't like the off-topic chattery. The off-topic stuff is funny but I just NOTICED that a lot of people do it. Since this isn't a message board, then yea it did sorta surprise me that people do go off-topic so much. Get a life if you're so upset that some people have noticed how certain people go off topic.

  128. I do consider Lauren Graham to be a B-lister. Well she seems like one to me. And Sarah Jessica Parker, maybe... Yea I would consider her to be B-list but I don't think this blind is directed towards her...

  129. Anonymous8:38 PM

    i hope it's sandra oh. i liked her ever since "arliss" and am glad for her success in g.a.

    i never address the past hating here, even after timmy/shimmy. i've been enjoying this site for some time now, mv and all, and love reading the comments. (i hope you guys don't mind)

    if i feel like commenting i will, and if not i don't, and always respectful of others.

    just be respectful and enjoy the blog, take it easy, take a puff!

  130. Here's what I don't get...why would a girl go to UTAH without a coat in January?! I don't care if her fella flaked out on her, there's still no justification for that kind of stupidity.

    And I think Katherine Heigl was in New York, not Utah, this past weekend. If so, she's out.

    And that's all I have to say about that.

  131. Okay - will weigh in here... a little bit. I'm mostly a lurker and will admit that some of the comments here make me roll my eyes. That said, very little has actually pissed me off. As for the chick who doesn't like jax, oh well, shite happens. Though I did laugh at the authority at which she declared that most people who don't post do not like her. If they're not posting, how could one possibly know their opinions?

    Now then, Hez. Haven't read Hez's comments here, but she totally rocks at Gawker. Well, the Gawker before Nick Denton ruined it on Jan. 2 and caused the commenters to flee. She is well liked over there and on Adam's blog, so she's super duper in my books.

  132. oh yeah, no coat in Utah. Not the smartest thing, but I've done stupider things when barely out of my teens. She probably figured she'd be dashing from hotel to cinema to cafe to bar to hotel... Didn't think about the consequences or line-ups. She's now learned that lesson for life. Trust.

  133. Hey, I've been a reader from the beginning but a pretty infrequent poster in the comments (mainly because I'm not so good with the guessing and often read these things a few hours or days after they post) but I don't see a problem with any of the "regulars" or the "coven" or whatever. Everyone pretty much stays on-topic and honestly even the digressions are interesting at times. Well, if I get annoyed with anything here, I just go do something else besides type some insulting shit directed towards someone I don't know. What a waste of time and effort.

    p.s. coven?!?!? eh? uh... ok.

  134. I'm voting for SJP too. I've been a fan since Square Pegs and she was my favorite character in Footloose.
    I like the image of her and KD, CN and KC prank calling the loser guy.

    I do kinda wonder about the girl who went to Utah with no coat. Teenagers do some dumb crap though, gender not withstanding.

  135. nice to see the holiday spirit coming out.

    It just goes to show that we are all a true family, since just about every family usually cusses each other out on holidays...

    It will be interesting to see how the hangovers go...

  136. Sarah Jessica Parker could bite an apple through a picket fence. JFK, Jr. had to put a grocery bag over her head to fuck her. She's married to a faggot only because only a faggot in need of a beard would marry such an ugly woman.

  137. You should ask nicely les.

  138. Anonymous7:01 AM

    wow. Anyway, I apologize if I ever seem bossy. I tend to ramble, and in editing myself down it tends to come across a little matter-of-fact.

    sweater, Ent posted my Cloverfield review last Wednesday.

    I've got Untraceable this evening, so depending on what time it gets out, there should be a review tomorrow or Thursday. (And I chose Untraceable over U2:3D, because I KNOW U2:3D will be awesome, and Untraceable I have no clue - it could be crap, it could be good.)

  139. i dont read this for a few days and the comments appear to be a bit pornographic and violent....what happened?

    i think the b lister is single for some reason...wouldnt he say married...they probably have a boyfriend...i dont know....i feel like b list is the longest list in hollywood since it is easy to be stuck on it and for some it is a step up...


    in completely unrelated news, was anyone else shocked to see who gossip girl really is????

  141. "Anyway, this week at Sundance. Oh, I guess that will narrow it down some huh?"
    Is that "Oh" a clue?

  142. who is the gossip girl?

  143. HEZ is the gossip girl! I mean- JAX is the gossip girl!

  144. huh? wheres all this anger coming from? i love all u guys and i have been on here for a while (1st i was rockdiva, then under nadia******) i hate to see mean things twds pple who help solve the blinds and offer humorous commentary on crazy celebs...lets all be nice and if someone posts out of line we can ignore them...not even call them a troll :)

  145. !!! Whoa !!! What the heck happened? I go away for the Holiday weekend and all hell breaks loose... :0(

  146. Anonymous8:35 AM

    To me, Hez and Jax's writing styles are nothing alike. I believe it is two different people. Hez was more snark, Jax is classic class clown-style. Both of them crack me up.

  147. maybe HEZ is ENT? Maybe she's all 3! Her CDANCON BOMBED! HA

  148. Gatecrasher revealed Gossip Girl to be Erik Van Der Woodsen. I don't read the books and show is mediocre, but this info was always out there. That said, Widdencombe probably shouldn't have revealed it since most of the TV audience never read the books.

  149. My friend bumped into her @ the beach in San Diego walking her dogs. He asked me later 'who the hell is Sarah Jessica Parker? (a straight male obv) I told him and he said 'well, she is a real stuckup c**t' OK then. I am guessing that she is not the BI. You know who who is sweet as apple pie? Jenifer Love Hewitt. That is my guess. What cinches it are the phone calls to the fella. I think she know a thing or two about that. Remember she was dating Enrique Iglesias? Or maybe you didn't know that?

  150. dbfreak and blahblah, don't go back into lurkdom, people! We need more funny tolerant posters helping with the guesses. And even if you suck at this, so do several of us, but it's fun anyway.

    Besides, blahblah is such a great name, it has to be seen.

    It's like Bewbs. Every time I see a post by Bewbs, I teehee.

    Really glad I seldom post at night and missed all of this.

  151. I was just thinking it would be funny if magically everyone was exposed, where their real name, location and a photo of them as they are posting would appear in place of their clever avatars. I wonder what we would find? Who would be repeaters, who would be pimply teens (are you listening, les suckno?!). Best of all, what would Ent's real information reveal? I have a feeling we would all be shocked. I wish someone would invent something like that, although it would blow apart the internet as we know it and violate privacy, of course (!)

  152. Anonymous8:54 AM

    WHOA - the comments.... too much for my virgin(?) ears!

  153. Here I am! With my hubby. I got nuthin' to hide.

  154. Hi Twisted...I see it's been an interesting few days...:0)

  155. I am reasonably new here and have found that the regulars here are very friendly, only snarky to the trolls that rear thier sad heads every so often.

    I'm with twisted on this. Guess away, caring not if you are right or wrong. Just be respectful and have fuckin fun!!!!

    *crap I hate my "mom" voice*

    So far my guesses have sucked. Fact. Did anyone ask me to leave, no. Was anyone rude, nope.

    *puts down tequilla shot* I lurve you guys.

  156. P.S. I always teehee too when I see bewbs nic. lmao

  157. Shit Damn!

    Lots of drama goin' on since I posted my Sandra Oh guess yesterday.

    Love the regular posters. I come to CDAN for Ent's take as well as the fun snark on the threads.

    I even came back to this thread a day later, just to see what happened!

    Who needs Soap Operas when you can laugh and spit your coffee on your monitor reading a CDAN thread?

  158. I'm fairly new around these parts, still getting my feet wet, so to speak. I don't remember how I found this blog, but once I started reading, I was hooked. I don't know what CDAN is, so if anyone could illuminate me, that'd be swell.

    As for the idiotic comments made by the junior mentalists of the group, it's kind of plain that they don't have much else going on. I can visualize them typing away, giggling like mentally delayed dwarves, hitting enter, and sitting back with a smile. I agree that there is something very pubescent about it, and one day they'll grow up and be embarrassed about how they presented themselves. We've all been there, a long time ago, though some of us were more eloquent about it, and the insecurity wasn't so readily apparent.

  159. Jolara, you're not allowed to go away anymore because all hell breaks loose. Oh wait, you're new, so nobody talks to you anyway. Never

    Onecrazypeanut (another great handle), I'm not one of the elite originals, but if they weren't mean to you, that's just wrong. They obviously missed the ball. Hopefully, they'll see your post and correct this grave error.

    Wait, you're drinking tequilla at this hour? You might fit in with some of them!

    I can't believe I was the first person to invoke Sandra Oh's name...but on the ain't side.

    And I still think she's A list on television, not B, but I suck at these.

  160. kat, CDAN is short for Crazy Days and Nights.

  161. onecrazypeanut- Me too. I suck BAD at the guesses, but it's all in fun. I am not that "schooled in celebritydom" yet, I'm still learning. :0) I never take the posts personally unless it is literally directed at me. I once posted OT, but said so and the comments were on the slow side at the time of the post.
    I personally don't care if Hez is writing under another assumed name. What's the big deal? I like jax, I appreciate the fun humor she writes in her comments. I do get bugged by the trolls that come on and just write hate about this site. If they don't like it, go elsewhere. This is a blog and the comments it creates, thus receives is all in good fun regardless of personal opinion. It's interesting hearing the diversity of other peoples minds.

  162. And Crazy Days and Nights is the name of EL's blog....

  163. Twisted- LOL.
    Yeah, I am so new, I am still swabbing the decks & emptying the bedpans...

  164. Thanks, Twisted

    That should have been obvious to me, yet somehow wasn't. Ah well.

  165. I gloss over the mean spirited comments or the nonsensical. I only enjoy snark when it is directed at public, not private ones.
    I only post things that I know to be true, or if its a guess, I say.
    Anywhoo there's my 2 cents.

  166. and Jolara your husband is a hottie!

  167. :0) Thank you, I think so too!

  168. Kat, it confuses a lot of's a question that's been answered before.

    Jolara, WHAT?! Only new people are supposed to clean out the bed pans? Who is the supervisor here? I have a complaint to register! And I think you're both cute.

    Rare, this is why you are rare.

  169. I don't think it is Sandra Oh, just cause ENT just said sometimes an Oh is just an Oh. See, Oh gosh. Just an Oh. oh,oh,oh. p.s. How hard would you laugh if ent was posting comments as lesuckno? I would laugh very hard. I actually am laughing right now.

  170. LOL- Thanks Twisted. old pic, my teeth are straight now. I suffered through braces with our oldest daughter. LOL, kept it fun.

    Kat- I too couldn't figure that one out. I also used to get confused on the EL and ENT thing until I figured it was the same person. Toe may toe/toe ma toe. :0)

  171. LMAO- err. I've thought about that one myself!

  172. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Aww Jolara you are cute! if you click on my name and go to my blog, I got some old pics of me near the bottom. I basically look the same, just better hair hopefully.

  173. Thanks brendalove. You look like the all american girl. I'm guessing you are near my age (judging by the hair style ha! ha!)It took me a bit to figure out the blog thing, LOL, I was only seeing "satan".

  174. remember how Sucknoforpres was ignored? That's what should have been done here. Negative comments are written solely for the purpose of highjacking threads and gaining attention. If these comments would be ignored then we could get back to the really important celebrity gossip.

  175. Jess - if there was a coven, your all would be green with large yellow pimples.....

  176. Brenda, you're another cutie. Every lingerie wearing mama should be toting a gun, I say.

    And I'm happy to see you're 251 years old. I thought I was the oldest, but you beat me by about 151 years.

    Lyz, you're right, you're right, you're right (not that everyone ignores Les). But it's hard to see one person being called out and sit on your hands.

  177. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Thank you, you would never believe from that pic I'd never held a gun before. The photographer never lived to tell the tale.

    Actually, I LIKE Les Suckno's posts usually....I never realized I loved Tom Cruise porn so much. But Suckno crosses the line with the racist junk. If he would just discuss penis, I would be okay with it.

  178. I wish he'd post on the message board. Then anyone who wants to read it can go there to read it.

  179. yeah, I agree. Like I've said before, he's like the family member who suffers from tourettes syndrome.(family member-meaning he posts here often enough to be considered fairly regular.) But I do wish it would be elsewhere. I have to turn the computer when he posts so my girls don't see...

  180. I have to turn it so I don't see.

  181. Why would anyone waste hate on Jax when Les Suckno is available? I personally would never settle for second-best.

  182. But SJP was on SEX AND THE CITY -- I know that the show is no longer running, but its recent popularity (and its undeniable popularity in syndication AND the fact that they're currently filming a SATC movie) pretty much makes her A-list to this reader.

    I think that it's Sandra Oh, based on the fact that she's won awards for Grey's Anatomy, but Heigl is the star (and a waaaaaaay shittier actress, if you ask me, but whatever). She was also in Sideways, and I KNOW that I've seen her in some art-y type flicks.

    I totally say Sandra.

    P.S. What else has Lauren Graham been in, movie-wise? All I can think of is Bad Santa.

  183. Definitely Mena Suvari.

  184. I started posting here during Timmy/Shimmy, and the regulars have been nothing but nice to me.

    I have the bestest time on this site ever and ever!

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds Les a guilty pleasure (minus the racial screed, of course).

    My two cents: Sandra Oh.

  185. Can we all just stop the fighting now and agree that it's Sandra Oh?

    Seriously, there is so much crap going on in the world, it's nice to just read and comment on stupid, mindless gossip. Why does someone always need to start drama?

  186. I really hope this is one of those kindnesses Ent. reveals.

  187. Is google finally allowing me to post? OMG it's a miracle. I have tried to sign up so many times and for whatever go.
    Happy to be here and hello to everyone, long time reader, never before poster. LOVVVVEE ENT and this site - my guess is with Jennifer Love Hewitt- I don't think Lauren Graham is supposed to be so friendly in person (she was the one that wouldn't let any of the extras near the catering or talk directly to her). ENT clarified that sometimes an Oh is just an

  188. Whoopeeeeeeeee it worked!

  189. what happened to everybody taking a "hate ME day?" that was good, clean, innocent (mostly, tee-hee) fun.

    even i got trolled a week or so ago. ridiculous. I"D share my pix if i could figure out how to post stuff on my blog! mr. bunny got me "blogging for dummies" for xmas, guess i should read it!!

    i think with the "oh", that sandra oh is a good guess, but i'm the worst at the blinds. i don't think i've gotten one yet.

  190. maria bello and brendan fraser? wtf is maria bello?

  191. I could totally see Lauren Graham doing the phone call thing. Was she at Sundance?

    My first thought was Rebecca Romjin, though.

  192. Rebecca Romijn ... Only because I swear I've heard of her doing something like this before..



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