Tiger Says Lynching Comment Is Non-Issue
**Update**The editors over at Golf For Women have set up a poll today for everyone to decide whether or not Kelly should get to keep her job. If you get a chance, click on the link and vote.
Tiger Woods saw no insult or ill will in a television commentator's comment that any golfer trying to test him might have to "lynch him in a back alley", Woods' agent said in a statement.
This story is a non-issue," Steinberg said. "Tiger and Kelly are friends and Tiger has a great deal of respect for Kelly. Regardless of the choice of words used we know unequivocally that there was no ill-intent in her comments. "This story is a non-issue in our eyes. Case closed."
Well, I'm glad Tiger is so forgiving, but I still think it was probably the worst thing an announcer has ever said on television. I'm still wondering how she has managed to keep her job. I wonder if Tiger Woods has enough power to keep her on the air despite the fact that the Golf Channel received thousands upon thousands of e-mails telling them to take her off the air.
For her part, Kelly Tilghman had this to say. "On Friday during our golf broadcast, Nick Faldo and I were discussing Tiger's dominance in the golf world and I used some poorly chosen words," she said.
"I have known Tiger for 12 years and I have apologized directly to him. I also apologize to our viewers who may have been offended by my comments."
May have been offended? She can't be serious. She acts like most of the people are on her side and the ones who found it offensive are heavily outnumbered.