The Reviews Are In
Somewhere between Pieces Of April and now, Katie Holmes has gone from a promising actress who was pretty damn good to one of the worst actresses ever. I don't know if Tom Cruise makes her take acting classes at home, or if she has no confidence or if it is the meds or the prison or what, but this is really getting into Jessica Simpson territory. Here are a sample of the reviews for her in Mad Money. In full disclosure, most critics didn't really like the move but they thought Queen Latifah and Diane Keaton did a good job with what they were given. Not so Katie Holmes. Enjoy.
"And the cinematic comeback of the year award goes to…somebody other than Katie Holmes,” NY Post. The Post went on to say this about Katie's return. “the most cringe-making return since Love Boat: The Next Wave.“Holmes, with Alice Cooper hair and crazy Jim Carrey eyes, looks terrible and acts worse, unless this movie is unintentionally a lobotomy documentary,” the reviewer writes. “Whatever could have happened to her in the last couple of years to zap the talent out of her like this?”
The New York Times says Holmes is “the movie’s weakest link.”
Variety adds that throughout the film “Holmes is awkwardly upsetting the balance” between Latifah and Keaton.
Wall Street Journal-“Their heist is only the pretext for jinks that range from medium high (as played out by Queen Latifah and Diane Keaton) to painfully low (as perpetrated by Katie Holmes, who pops her eyes, scrunches her nose and shakes her booty in lieu of acting),”
And Katie Holmes comes across as an immature actress trying desperately to be taken seriously. Holmes' movie career has been spotty at best and she hasn't done anything noteworthy since 2003. Her work here indicates her best role might be to stay off the screen and play wife and mother. - Reelviews
Holmes (who looks anorexic) mugs annoyingly. - Seattle Post Intelligencer