Random Photos Part One
I didn't think Lindsay Lohan would ever make it to the top of the list ever again. See what happens when you try. Or not?This is my conspiracy photo of the day. Click on the photo and make it nice and big. Is that a booger in her left nostril or something else. Of course it could be just freckles. She has them everywhere so why not inside her nose.
Felicity Huffman needs much better lighting. Don't you wish that you could just walk down a street and automatically be photoshopped.
One Hills cast member a day is all I can stand. Today the lucky person is Audrina Partridge. Not for anything special like her new boyfriend or the fact that she has joined the world of women who have been photographed getting out of a car with no panties. It is instead because she obviously did or ate something on the way to the premiere and just spilled it all over her. They are some very odd stains, but you have to love that she showed up and smiled anyway.
Adnan as a 17 year old. He is without a doubt the oldest looking 17 year old I have ever seen. You want to talk about back hair, you just know he has tons and tons.
Prince William after his first solo flight.
If you out a horse mouth on Ashlee Simpson then she could pass for Julia Roberts with that new hair color and all that work. Maybe that is what she is going for. Maybe Pete Wentz always wanted a shot at Julia and so he is having Ashlee slowly morph into Julia.
Some kind of Army roleplaying perhaps?
Your Jeopardy Question of the day. "What has Tom Cruise never felt?"
I'm guessing that Jesse Metcalfe lost some weight.
Maybe the Scientologists want a church cookbook.
The Snake Queen performing in London.
Whenever you are feeling down just go over to YouTube and type in Rex Lee and you will feel much better.
With all the reality shows around, how come Ron Jeremy doesn't have his own one yet? I think it would be great.
I was getting worried, but it turns out that Paris Hilton can still look whorish with the best of them.