Thursday, January 10, 2008

Random Photos Part One

"Keep bending those knees Kate. Lower. Lower. Lower. Hey, I'm short. Lower. Make like Mini-Me and get shorter."
"I'm only going to tell you one more time. You go where I tell you, when I tell you, or you don't get to run in the marathon."
Like the world needs another Jessica Simpson. Jessica Alba is wearing a really good wig though.
When you have a purse as big as a suitcase and it still can't handle your day to day requirements, it may be time for Hilary Duff to become one of those people who drag their luggage behind them all day.
I know Gisele Bundchen probably loves this hometown designer she is wearing, but on Project Runway they would hate it. She looks like Heidi on crack.
Speaking of crack. No, I'm not saying Mary Kate Olsen is on crack. Unless you know something I don't which isn't that tough. I wonder how many people walked by where she was crouched and gave her their spare change.
I don't know wtf Megan Fox was thinking when she put this thing together, but there just had to be drugs involved or a serious cash payment.
Or there could have been a Brian Austin Green behind it as well. He doesn't really have anything else to do or a way to make money so he pimps out his girlfriend and her fashion choices.

So explain to me how a woman, and for example, we will use Keri Russell here, can be bundled up like Nanook of the north. Probably freezing and dying to get out of the New York winter, but still wears sandals. Why would you do that? I am woefully ignorant about that.I'm not ignorant about why Prince William keeps going back for more with Kate Middleton though. She's a freak. Yep. Rick James freaky, and makes the Prince come back running whenever he goes a little too long without.
Suri's dad?
Two icons of fashion. Kenneth Cole and Tim Gunn. I like Tim better.
My never heard of them before people are Summer Glau and Thomas Dekker. OK, so some of you have heard of them, but not very many.
This is Ricki Lake at the same event that Keri Russell was all bundled up. I understand this more. Ricki is just risking frostbite to look gorgeous and will run inside quickly.
Queen Latifah and her trainer. You never know when you are going to need a quick workout, even at a movie premiere.


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