Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Playboy Once Offered $5M To Britney

At one point in her career Britney Spears was offered $5M by Playboy for a nude pictorial. At the time Britney was still professing the whole virginity thing and said something along the lines that she would never do nudity for any price. Then she blathered on about how the naked body was sacred and her fans and blah blah blah. Fast forward a few years and the only takers on a slew of naked Britney photos is an Australian magazine. They paid $57,000. What that means is that everyone in the US, and the UK passed on the pics. Passed. Didn't want them. Not worth it. Wouldn't sell.

Her sister Jamie's pregnancy photos went for six figures. So people were willing to pay almost twice as much for fully clothed, can't see a damn thing pictures of her 16 year old sister, than photos of a naked Britney Spears doing her crazy thing.

Of course out of that $57,000 Britney will see about $0 which means she turned a potential $5M into $0. With that kind of skill, and not much new money coming in, pretty soon she and Jamie Lynn will be sharing a double-wide and switching shifts at the local Denny's, where, with her toothless smile and drooping breasts she can regale her customers with the stories of how Playboy once wanted her, and how she had so much money that she could afford to pass up $5M.


  1. Ent, you are a douchebag and a fraud.

  2. "she can regale her customers with the stories of how Playboy once wanted her, and how she had so much money that she could afford to pass up $5M."

    Hey, from where I'm sitting that doesn't sound so bad. ;)

  3. I believe it. In her prime, Brit was HOT. The more Britney wanders aimlessly around LA making out with photogs, the more I start to think that her "meltdown" was premeditated.

    Has anyone else read Laniey's post on what "really happened" Thrusday? It definitely seems the closest to the truth.

  4. Anonymous9:55 AM

    i wonder how much she'd charge to shoot a porn?
    you know the sex tape will come out eventually, she might as well profit from that.
    get some pointers from your 'friend' paris

  5. OFF TOPIC - can you believe we're getting ripped by someone for doing the hate day posts? Maybe the poster complaining about it will be happy if go back to fighting all the time.

    Check out this SCARY article from someone who was targeted by the Scientologists:

  6. I'm thinking Pam Anderson will end up in the double-wide next door to Brit and JL.

  7. bgi- did you not get the memo?
    its hate Captivagirl day.

    Finally it looks like some of the rag mags are getting a conscience...or the pics were that bad. or both. you just know that asshat Adnan is setting these up completey but making himself look all innocent to stay on her good side and in the inner sanctum.

  8. Twist- seriously? god some people need to get a life already..who effin cares? they are just jealous of our love!!! lol.

  9. Anonymous10:26 AM

    your comments (and your hate, lol) are great

  10. Hey Jax, don't be so hard on bgi - he's got a good point. It really isn't fair not to give Ent a hate day since he's the man behind the curtain!

    Wouldn't that be divine justice? All the people who come here to trash Ent, it'd turn out they were playing along with our game! Bwahahaha!

  11. Mooshki, now I KNOW YOU got the memo. Jax said SUNDAY is hate EL day...because he doesn't post anything on

  12. Good idea Mooshki. We should have Hater-aid Fridays on Ent and make it rain!

    Guys, I got a note from reads:

    "wha? I dunt no whatcha talkin bout. $57,000 is good money. I can buys a lifetime supply of Skeetos and chimichangagagas from Tacoball. And if i wanted too I culd show u mys goods. I no u've seen my cooter, but whyn u c it n wrapped in happy meal box it gets even bet ter. Shoot it IS a happy meal...cums wit a toy nside evry time ya'll. Jus wait Hef wil b callin sewn!"

  13. Wow, now there are two people bitching (jojo and some anon trix). Maybe that means we need to step it up, ladies!

  14. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I'll pretend to be pissed about it...if it'll make people hate me more :) All in the spirit of the designated hate days right? lol

  15. "Jax said SUNDAY is hate EL day...because he doesn't post anything on"

    I forgot about that! Shoot, now I'm going to have to come in to work on Sunday, 'cause I don't have the internets at home.

  16. guys crack me up.

  17. EL if you have a prob with Hate days, then you let me know.

    Everyone else can suck it. lol.

  18. @Twist

    Ooohh...I read that juicy stuff about Paulette Cooper.
    The Sci's are crazy! And, in the worst ways.

    "Scientology turned out to be worse than anything I ever said or even imagined."

    I've spent more than a couple afternoons pouring over the Operation Clambake site, going from link to link to link. Ah, good time waster.

  19. howcome captiv is hiding on her day??

    that's a stoopid name anyway.
    i'll take some hate, but with my luck, it'd wind up on a day i'm not home.
    and i always get a late start.

  20. Kara, you're not kidding! That Operation Clambake site is good juicy reading all right. Makes you wonder how loose the screws are in some of the celebs who are involved. I was just reading this list earlier today:

    Is that a new pic? Love it! And nobody will EVER be able to tell who you are with that black band across your eyes...lolol.

  21. Bionic, I think you're right. Cap is in hiding. She knows she's hated.

  22. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I know Enty thinks Brit was a fool to pass up $5 mil, but I think it was the sanest decision she ever made. What a nasty shock that would have been to her tween fans at the time. Kinda like the shock Jamie Lynn's fans are going through now, I guess.

    She'd be a fool to pass up those kind of bucks NOW, however, especially seeing how her bits are public knowledge already and her tween fans are long gone. How soon do you think before brokeass LiLo shows up in a nude pictorial? Tick tock...

  23. Eeyore is not selling Britney out, he's in love with her. You can see it in his barely-alive eyes.
