Monday, January 21, 2008

Pete Doherty To Be Dad Again

I really thought about the headline virgin saves herself for Pete Doherty but thought that might be a bit overboard. So, there is this woman named Laura McLaughlin who is 20 years old, British, a straight A student and someone who has been offered a place at Harvard beginning in the fall. She is also the god-daughter to the head of soccer in the UK. It therefore can be said she is not just some random nutjob off the street. Notice I said the word random. I think she is still a nutjob. Even if she is telling the truth, who is going to give their virginity to Pete Doherty and not make him wear a condom. Hell, people if you are having sex with Pete Doherty, the former male prostitute, junkie drug abuser, and fornicator to millions without a condom, I am sorry, but you are crazier than...Actually, I can't think of anything crazier. Seriously.

So basically this woman wanted to have sex one time in her life, because now she is probably like a STD petri dish that is pregnant. She waited until she was 20 to lose her virginity so I am guessing she probably had something better in mind than Pete Doherty. At least I hope she did. Pete being a father for the second time is bad enough, but the fact that this woman did all this willingly just blows my fucking mind. That's right. You know I'm serious when I'm actually cussing and not censoring myself.

I can't be happy for her or say congratulations on getting pregnant. I can't be happy for Pete. This whole thing is just one miserable pile of crap. Here is the statement from the woman.

"The baby is Peter's. There is no doubt about that. I was a virgin when I met Peter and when we had sex. He knows about the baby. I told him I was pregnant the moment I found out"

A spokesman for Doherty says, "Pete says he doesn't know who this girl is." I would actually be more surprised if Pete had said he remembered the woman. Also, I doubt that his people called up Pete and said did you have sex with some woman named Laura? How on earth is he going to remember? I guess maybe if she was a virgin that might stick in his mind. His people should have asked him if he sex with any virgins lately. That would have hopefully narrowed it down to a few handfuls.

Her original claim was in the News Of The World which as you know is the best source for real news in the world. If you want to read more about her time with Pete and her delusions, click here. Thanks to them for the photo.


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    What ever happened to that woman who said she had Calum Best's baby?

  2. Anonymous12:02 PM

    ok, what is the appeal of Pete Doherty? Why does he get all those chicks? He's disgusting looking, not anymore talented a singer/performer than any other Brit? EW EW EW

  3. uh ewwwwwwww!

    Don't believe this story. I am in agreement with you Ent. Who waits til they are 20 to lose their virginity to PD AND w/o a condom.

    Thats NASTY! I wouldn't even joke about that.

  4. I hear you all and agree. It's bogus and EWWW! The 15 mins she's getting are grossing everyone out. She should have chosen better.

  5. "head of soccer in the UK"?? no she is god daughter to Sir Alex Ferguson. Not head of soccer but manager at Manchester Utd a fairly average premier league side!

  6. Anonymous12:44 PM

    EL you obviously dont read the original articles very carefully. Theres a BIG difference between not wearing a condom, and what she said happened--that they'd used condoms all weekend, and the last one they had broke while they were using it but they kept going.

    Im not saying its smart to keep going, but come on, be fair, its not like she obliviously just let him but a bare dick in her.

  7. I'm not going to lie through my teeth and say he's good looking, but I'll be damned if I said he wasn't talented. Talent and fame does a lot to make someone heinous more dateable. Look at R. Kelly, for instance. That said, he's supposedly been clean for a few months now, so I would imagine he'd likely remember an encounter with someone, even if it was only a weekend fling. One would think, anyway.

  8. Anonymous1:10 PM

    This woman and Pete Doherty should be put on the list of people too stupid to reproduce. However, it is apparently too late to stop this union of two stupid people from populating the world with their spawn. Too many stupid people reproducing is more dangerous to this world than global warming.

  9. "she did not choose wisely."

    points for reference.

    if its NOT his, why would she claim it is? he doesn't have a pot to piss in, does he? he looks like some cave creature that's never seen the sun-- i just don't get it.

  10. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Actually, this will be his third child. There's another out there somewhere.

  11. Perhaps she is trying to freak her father out. She can now get away with anything else, short of murder and not get in trouble with her family.

  12. Anonymous5:49 PM

    It would REALLY be funny if it turns out the guy was some dude who just looks like Pete, but really wasn't Pete.

  13. Yup...

    News Of The World is where I would go for all of my credible news. Not.

    After all of the drugs, do you think Pete still has working sperm?

    Forget working, how about normal?

  14. She has still not told her parents she is pregnant.


  15. LOL, Sweater! I missed that. They'd have to live under a rock not to know now.

  16. Sorry, matt did you just call Manchester United a 'fairly average premier league side'.
    They're one of, if not 'the' biggest football club in the world!

    And she isn't Sir Alex Ferguson's God Daughter. She's the daughter of one of his friends.

    The English newspaper that printed that story just used that as a headline then said in the story that she wasn't his god daughter.

    That's the English media for ya.

  17. She's so fucking ugly that Petey would have had to have been smacked out to fuck her.



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