An Original Spice Girl Bitch Slaps Me
On December 3, 2007 I wrote a story about Lianne Morgan who was one of the original Spice Girls before being replaced by Mel C and all of her feminine charms. The reason given for Lianne's replacement was that she was too old. I then blathered on and did my whole snark thing and moved on to other things. Well, Lianne had something to say about it, and so here is what she wrote to me. Word for word.
I would just like to say how much I enjoyed reading the info about me, very nice. I am very surprised that you are a lawyer, I would have thought that you would be more intelligent than to believe everything you read. The press in this country say what they want and there is nothing that can be done about it. So what I am trying to say is don’t believe what you read. They want me to be bitter as it makes a better read I suppose. I don’t know what interview you are referring to but I have only ever done one interview and that was in 1998 and I was 27. It has been very hard for me as I have been singing since I was 12years old, and when I did the audition for the spice girls my ex boyfriend was with me, he told the press about me being excepted into the group which was touch, the press went crazy and they were writing what they wanted too about me. since 1998 I have just continued to live my life, got married opened a few businesses but what I am at heart is a songwriter and a singer. So just a month ago I realised that the spice girls are hear forever and does that mean that I should not pursue my career. Through fear of the press. I am signed to a management company, but as soon as do any thing the spice girls link just completely takes over and it explodes in my face again. So it is very hurtful to read thousands of nasty comments about me. I am simply someone who is a singer/songwriter I am a mum of two young children and I am getting on with my life. This time I will not be beaten down by the press. What the press don’t write is that I am a Spice Girls fan and I think they are amazing because I knew what there capabilities were, and I can see how they have grown.