Wednesday, January 16, 2008

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which doe-eyed young TV star is attracting attention for his indiscreet way with cocaine? "He will do it absolutely anywhere," says a source. "Don't tell anybody!"


Anonymous said...

zac? huh?

Unknown said...

I would lol so hard if this were Zac. Doe-eyed certainly fits, considering he's noted for his baby blues.

He was just admitted to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy, and the skeptic in me wonders what's *really* wrong...

GammaGirl said...

What about Penn Badgely or Chance Crawford from Gossip Girl?

Anonymous said...

Probably Chace Crawford.
Clue 1: ZEfron twin, so doe-eyed.
Clue 2: NYDN - Chace most recently in NYC
Clue 3: "Don't tell anybody!" -- on tv show "Gossip Girl" a show about a girl who blogs about the goings on of prep schoolers.

Kat said...

'Doe-eyed' usually refers to brown eyes.

swatymyers said...

I remember a post (somewhere recent) about Zac wearing false eyelashes to create a more doe eyed look.

And while it's true the whole "Don't tell!" is reminiscent of gossip and gossip girl, it's also very much the sort of thing you might hear in high school (HS Musical).

Dijea said...

Zac is definitely doe-eyed. Do you think anyone young in Hollywood will learn from Brad Renfro's death?

jax said...

i'd go with Chace more..he looks like a complete coke head dick.

Zac can't be the answer to every BI. plus he's blue eyed..isnt doe eyed usually referring to brown eyed?

princessj1987 said...

Doe-eyed refers to someone with brown eyes. A doe is a deer(a female and they have brown eyes. I would say this is Chance Crawford.

Bad Ass Momma said...

Doe-eyed is defined as having innocent eyes, wide innocent eyes or gentle innocent eyes. Nothing to do with color although it is misleading, I thought brown eyes too. And by the time I remember my password someone will post this, so sorry if this is a repeat
As for a guess...I hate to say Zac, but I will

MnGddess said...

ray... a drop of golden suuunnnnn..
me - a name I call myself -
fa - a long long way to ruuunnnn...

(sigh) I love that movie...

Thanks, Princess!

Anonymous said...

Jax, yes, Zac can be the answer to every blind. Haven't you noticed that if a blind is about:
a young man - its always Zac
a young girl - its always Hayden
a girl with a drug problem - its always Lohan
a slut - its always Paris
a male slut - its always Affleck
a closet gay male - its always Tom Cruise
a divorced woman - its always Jennifer Aniston
a couple - its always Brangelina

KS said...

chace crawford

Judi said...

Yup, Crawford's my guess, too. Round brown eyes.

So - a needle pulling threeeeeead (though it's actually sol)
La - a note to follow sooooooo
Ti - a drink with jam and breeeaaad

tara said...

i'm with amanda... the false eyelash bi from a few weeks ago+ "doe eyed"= ZAC!

princessj1987 said...

Lol. No problem, mngddess.

YahMoBThere said...

That will bring us back to DO

Judi, it's 'so', not 'sol'. Didn't those teachers ever make you do scales?

Anonymous said...

Twisted Sister said...
That will bring us back to DO

Judi, it's 'so', not 'sol'. Didn't those teachers ever make you do scales?
You never cease to amaze me with your vast store of knowledge...and your capacity for bossiness.

YahMoBThere said...

And Fab, it never surprises me that people can be talking on here and you take the time out just to be a bitch. (insert big smiley face here)

jax said...


Maja With a J said...

Holy shit, I didn't know about Brad Renfro! I'll miss him pouting his way through some of my favourite movies.

YahMoBThere said...

Yeah, I've finally stopped giving the benefit of the doubt to my own personal stalker. Must be love because I can't think of anything else that makes someone so obsessed with another person that they make an ass of his or her self with posts like his or hers.

Or were you saying finally to something else?

jax said...

silence is

hey..its HUMP DAY!

Unknown said...

Doe-eyed does NOT refer to the color of the eyes! It is an expression to describe an innocent, wide-eyed look. His eyes could be brown, green, or blue...

YahMoBThere said...

Haha!! Silence IS golden! If only my stalker knew that.

I love hump day!!

wineaux said...

either way, both closets fit the bill. now we have to decide which doe-eyed FOD has the prob with columbia's finest. it's a toss-up; i say both!

link88 said...

Twisted Sister said...
"Must be love because I can't think of anything else that makes someone so obsessed with someone else that they make an ass of HIS or her self..."

In the spirit of promptly pointing out others' mistakes, which you so kindly do for others here, I want to tell you that it would be HIM or her self, unless you say his-self normally.

I don't think Fabiola is in love with you, just extra sensitive to posters who correct others. And you post so often, that you can not seriously call someone a stalker who is aware of your personality on here, can you?

YahMoBThere said... here?

Unknown said...

zac is squinty, and not doe eyed...

I vote chace.

RagDoll said...

Chace Crawford. I mean, why else would anyone spend New Year's Eve in Miami Beach? And with some hella unsavory characters (ummm. no. NOT the fellow famous folk ya saw him in da pics with, either...)

link88 said...

I've been reading long enough, and have made comments/guesses before in the past with a different name. No big scandal to change names (you probably wouldn't even recognize my other one anyway). I am not Fabiola whatever. TS, you provide good comments and people like you here, but you can't deny that you often correct others for facts/grammar. That's fine, just don't call someone a stalker and an ass when they call you out on it and not expect some reaction in response. I don't want a war with you - I just commented on my take on something like you often do. Peace.

YahMoBThere said...

Wenzel, if you've been reading a while you'd know I never ever correct anyone for grammar or spelling (and the above comment to Judi fell in neither category). It's a cardinal rule for me. In fact I hate when others do it.We're not all coming from the same playing field when it comes to education, first of all. Secondly, I'm not perfect. Third, this is a global website and English may not be a first or even second language for people. Read it the way you want, but I was saying that to Judi because I enjoy her posts and she made it a point to say it was sol, and I was just saying it was so. Has nothing to do with grammar, just a word. If it was anyone else, I wouldn't have bothered, but Judi is cool.

I totally agree that I correct or challenge guesses. Nobody is more wrong and corrected than myself though, because I'm not very good at this stuff, and that's what 'guessing' is all about. People are brainstorming and everyone who posts is part of it, so don't imply that I personally attack individuals because I don't.

I'll try really hard to give YOU the benefit of the doubt and assume you had good intentions, but I find it a little odd that you're saying I always correct people for grammar and spelling, because that's total bullshit. You jumped on the Fab train, when Fab simply has a hard on for me and IS stalking me because she's obsessed.

And really, unless you're Judi, or the "victim" of my comments, I'm not having it.

I genuinely hope you'll post more in the it relates to EL's posts and not mine, of course. I'm sure you'd make great contributions, and for someone like me who is so bad at guessing the blinds...that's a great thing.

link88 said...

TS, I think you might take all of this a little too seriously. No conspiracies here, and I am not a "victim" incognito. I recall seeing your comments often and that often they seemed to be "clarifying" or correcting others. If you technically never corrected grammar or spelling, my apologies. No need to answer, please, I don't feel like checking back on this thread again!

link88 said...

TS, I think you might take all of this a little too seriously. No conspiracies here, and I am not a "victim" incognito. I recall seeing your comments often and that often they seemed to be "clarifying" or correcting others. If you technically never corrected grammar or spelling, my apologies. No need to answer, please, I don't feel like checking back on this thread again!

link88 said...

Sorry for the double post - I have never done that and always wondered how it happened to people. I don't even know how it happened to me - I must have clicked twice somehow!

Miss X said...

brendalove -- thanks for telling me the answer to every blind out there.

Now, who is Toothy Tile? just kidding ;)


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