Oscar-winning Australian actress Nicole Kidman and country singer Keith Urban have confirmed they are expecting their first baby.
"Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban confirmed today that they are expecting a baby," Kidman's publicist Wendy Day said in a statement.
"The couple are thrilled."
I just wonder how they managed to do it. I just don't see it at all. When you touch Nicole it has to be like touching ice. I mean her own kids don't even call her mom. Wouldn't it be sweet if the baby looked just like Suri.
Thanks Lydia.
up next Eva Mendes and Gwen Stefani
ReplyDeleteYup lets hear it Eva and Gwen!
ReplyDeleteGod they must be putting fertility drugs in the water. My sister told me today that she's pregnant. I'm thrilled, however :)
Aww... for some reason I think that's sweet. Even though she seems to be at least eighty percent robot.
ReplyDeleteI feel so bad for Isabella and Connor, having to hear how thrilled their parents are with their "first" baby. They have been virtually erased from Tom AND Nicole's lives. I guess their existense is superfluous now.
"Whatever misgivings Katie may have had about the future of her union to Tom, the treatment of Nicole Kidman could only serve as a road map--and a warning. Katie knew that Nicole had been reduced to keeping in touch with her adopted children by Internet camera or e-mail. Tom effectively had custody, bringing up both youngsters in his faith. In the summer of 2007, for example, Isabella and Connor were sent to a Scientology summer camp in Portland, Oregon, rather than spend time with their mother. Nicole's revelatory interview in Vanity Fair in September 2007, where she irritated Tom by revealing she had had a miscarriage early in their marriage, was seen by observers as a warning shot to Tom to give her some parental latitude--otherwise, she would spill the beans on their ten-year marriage."
ReplyDeleteWish ENT and others would lay off Nicole about the whole "they don't call her mom" thing. Is there anyone here who really believes Isabella and Connor aren't being brainwashed by their father and the "church" against Nicole? Come on.
after all the crap we have heard over the years i feel bad for them AND Nicole..its obvious Gay Midget has a strong hold on those kids over her.
ReplyDeleteWho knows what the Nazi is telling those kids about Nicole.
Knew she was the answer to the Botox Pregnancy story!
ReplyDeleteyou're right shelbyp, but I'm sure she's more than just a month a long, otherwise, why would they confirm it? I've never been pregnant but don't you typically wait 3 months before making an announcement because of the risk of miscarriage? I would imagine the risks would be even higher for Nic since shes miscarried before.
ReplyDelete@ jinxie - I thought about that, too.
ReplyDeleteI do feel bad for the disposable kids.
I wonder, though, how much choice Nicole had in that. I feel like Tom brainwashed C & I so that they would disown their mom when she disavowed herself from Sci.
anyway, hopefully this pregnancy goes better for her than the others.
ReplyDeleteBrenda: usually after the 1st trimester (3 months) the risk of a miscarriage drops significantly, so you are right. As for high risk, one miscarriage doesnt make a pregnancy any more dangerous. A lot of women have a miscarriage before carrying a healthy baby full term. now, if it were multiple miscarriages, then I would say they would watch her more closely. But, miscarriages are really common, especially ones that occur within the first 3 months, so there is no cause for real concern. Ive had both a miscarriage and a normal pregnancy and the Dr didnt want me any more closely with the second pregnancy. So, maybe this is only her second pregnancy?
ReplyDeleteI agree with Tara...methinks Tom is in charge...bleh...
ReplyDeleteShe's such a stick, she's probably six months along.
ReplyDeleteI think this is great news. I feel so sorry for her since her older kids have been brainwashed. The whole world can speculate about her life, but only she knows what went on (or didn't) in her marriage to Tom. Personally, I say let's leave her and Keith alone. They deserve happiness!
ReplyDeleteWell I'm dead chuffed for them. She's obviously wanted to have a child for a long time. I agree with Tara, people need to lay off Nicole, we don't know the ina and outs of why she doesn't have much contact with her adopted children.
ReplyDeleteCall me naive but I think these two are a genuine couple unlike Tom and KATE.
Congrats to the couple.
ReplyDeletei'm haooy for nic and keith!
ReplyDeletepersonally, i dont think she miscarried before... i think tom is incapable of fathering a child (per mimi rogers statements) and when nic came up preggers when they were married, he knew she was cheating, hence the divorce and the fact that she's never commented on it. i think tom, knowing it wasnt his forced her to have an abortion as part of the divorce agreement. just my two cents!
i agree with all of the posters that say that tom has brainwashed their adopted children... people need to lay off nicole and just be happy for her!
I agree with a lot of you. I don't think she cut her kids out of her life as much as Tom cut her out of theirs. That being so, I hope this one will thaw her out a bit. And I can't wait to see Keith as a doting father.
ReplyDeleteI made a similar announcement today, but mine wasn't covered by all the blogs and rags.
Oh, I definetley believe that she is more than a month along! I know that, as a woman, unless you are loud-mouthed, you do go telling everyone until you are out of your first trimester. It is about then that you start to show and things are much "safer" with the pregnancy at that time.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the BI run last week said that the pregnancy news could not be witheld much longer - not that it was a recent discovery.
I was never able to wait the three months - the constant puking pretty much gave it away. LOL
ReplyDeleteCongrats to them and to you ladorabelle!
Thank you, Tara, for saying what I've been thinking for a long time. Those poor kids have been brainwashed by Tom and his fellow scientologists. They cannot have too much contact with Nicole as she disowned their cult. I'm so happy for her and Keith. I sincerely hope everything goes well for them both.
ReplyDeleteLadorabell, congrats.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I'm glad to see so many positive comments about this news. With all the Britney and Lilo crap, can't we just believe (even for a minute) that some people are honestly happy??
Yep, I've been drinking the Kool-Aid tonight. LOL.
Seriously though, I swear I remember reading that Nicole had DNA of her miscarried fetus just to prove that Tommy Boy was the Father because of the crap he was putting her through. Like my Mother says... I hope I'm still alive when the truth comes out about Tom Cruise.
Ladorabelle, congratulations!
ReplyDeleteCalifblondy, I heard that, too. With all the hoopla of the breakup, she miscarried and a paternity test showed it was Tom's. That's when he stopped saying, "She knows why," referring to the reason he dumped her. I'm very happy for her and hope all goes well with this pregnancy.
"I just wonder how they managed to do it. I just don't see it at all. When you touch Nicole it has to be like touching ice. I mean her own kids don't even call her mom. "
ReplyDeleteI dont understand comments like this one, Ent. She may have a very stiff public image but she is still a woman and still capable of having a loving relationship with a loving man. She deserves to be happy and I hope she is. Besides, YOU are the one who is always posting blinds and inferrences about 'contractual agreements' between Tom and Nicole which also involve their kids so why is it HER fault alone that the kids call her Nicole?
I bet she is thrilled that she will finally have a real family of her own :D
MissBliss - I don't understand that comment either...has EL said Nic and Keith have a contract? You would think after having a contract for her first marriage, she'd marry for love the second time...
ReplyDeleteI totally agree on the whole kid thing too. I sincerely believe Tom took the children away from her and blocked her out via spookentology. Congrats to Nicole and Keith, I hope they have a healthy child. As far as Nicoles' white skin thing. I wonder if she doesn't get color on her skin because she is afraid of wrinkles (explains the botox), has had skin cancer or enjoys the transparent flesh look? I dunno. I think she would look less harsh and more human if she would get a spray on tan or something. Same goes for Xtina.
ReplyDeleteEva & Gwen are already pregnant, but not confirmed...right?
ReplyDelete@ les suckno... NO! you are the moron! since when does the fact that someone is gay, yet in the closet, make it okay for their spouse to get pregnant???
ReplyDeleteasshole... i'm sure tom didnt care if she cheated, but i would imagine he would be pissed that she wasnt being more careful and ended up pregnant! esp when most ppl around them know that he's gay... they would think tom had no balls if he stayed with her since it would be totally obvi she was cheating!!!
btw... you are a disgusting pig les!
ENT - you might need to block someone today...
ReplyDeleteNicole is cool because she doesn't feel pressure to have the fake tan look that every other actress and 99% of starlets have. Her skin probably burns in the sun, turns pink, and then white again. It probably doesn't even fade into a tan.
ReplyDeleteAlthough she "gets help", she still looks better (and younger) than all of the Crotch Shot Brigade who are almost half her age.
I love how people call her icy or ice queen. I guess we're all used to women acting raunchy, slutty, and obnoxious in public. Since he lives in LA, Enty is used to this behavior. I suppose he doesn't know how to react when he sees a woman act in a classy manner.
If they're happy and excited about their baby news, then that's fantastic. It's good to see a hint of normalcy after all the craziness going on in the celebrity gossip world lately *L*.
ReplyDeleteI do have a hard time thinking of Nicole Kidman as a sexual being though, but then again, it's probably none of my business anyway. I also wonder if and when her face is going to start to melt.
NK may be < 3 months and "outed" her pregnancy now before it became public via gossip. She's so thin that it's not surprising that you can see her baby pooch. On another note, I browsed that clambake site yesterday regarding Scientology and they truly do cut you off from your family if you don't agree with their beliefs. I'm sure that she misses her adopted kids, but she would be up against some serious blockage if she tried to remain in contact with them. That personal-stories on that website are scary.
ReplyDeletefunny abt the "ice queen" comments... for some reason i dont remember people calling her that until after she did "stepford wives" movie and really went heavy on the botox.
ReplyDeletei like her... and i agree with the other posters that said we are just so used the li-lo's and brit's and olsens and celebutards that someone like nic is hard to fathom!
Okay, I haven't had a chance to read all the comments so I might be repeating thoughts here and then again I'm probably not.
ReplyDelete1. Why does everyone hate Nicole Kidman so much? Because she has class and doesn't put her life on display or jump on couches to declare her "love'? Granted, I'll give you she needs to quit the botox.
2. Her kids don't call her mom because their daddy is a fucking psycho and belongs to a cult and they have been kept away from her. It's quite sad actually.
3. How come Tom Cruise's ex's can't get preganant by him but have no problem getting pregnant by other men? Could it be the no sex rule Tom has. As somone wrote here once I believe, Tom Cruise isn't gay but Tom Mapother is.
Wow! I'm so glad to see/read that I'm not alone on the I Like Nicole/Tom is a fucking dickwad bandwagon. Nice to see.
ReplyDeleteYou know, maybe Nicole Kidman ISNT overbotoxed. Maybe she just pulls her hair back so severly in those little ponytails, that if she were to undo her hair, her whole forehead would slide forward and resemble venetian blinds.
ReplyDeleteAnd I feel kinda sorry for her...kinda...her husband is a big cheater. This may be a fake relationship.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually really happy for nicole. It seems like most of us are in agreement that some seriously fucked up stuff went down with Maverick when they were married.
ReplyDeleteThe same goes for her relationship with Connor and Isabella, something is just OFF there.
I've always been "Meh" about her relation ship with Keith, so I don't really care who the father is.
If a baby makes her happy, more power to her!
I do think it's unwise for Kidman -- and maybe a disservice to her two older children -- to remain a day's flight away from them, even if Cruis restricts her access when she's nearby. That she chose to remain 10,000 miles away during their formative years is the memory the two teens will carry with them.
ReplyDeleteThat said -- anybody ever *raise* teens or spent an extended time with them? This is the age where they hate their parents, anyway; Cruise and Co. are just taking advantage of that developmental stage to manipulate them. He's a louse.
LOL @ Trix and the venetian blinds comment.
ReplyDeleteInstead of calling her baby "The Chosen One" ala Shiloh, her baby will be called "The Frozen One." I crack myself up.
ReplyDeleteI'm not surprised. Nicole Kidman's pregnancy was one of the worst kept secrets in Hollywood. There have been leaks for weeks now that she was pregnant.
ReplyDeleteLOLOL - Wood, you crack ME up, too!
ReplyDeleteSpasuzy- (defensive)I wasn't suggesting Nicole should be "like all the other hollywood people" by getting a spray on tan. I just think it would soften her up to get some color to her skin. The stark white is harsh. I agree, I think Nicole is a very classy woman...or presents herself to be.
ReplyDeleteI think Keith was a cheater before re-hab. I personally like Keith Urban and his music. I hope he straightened himself out enough to settle down. Looks that way so far.
LOL @ the Trix comment too!
well, as I said before, Nicole has had some difficulty getting p.g.
ReplyDeleteI do think now that she finally is, she will be a great mom!
I have my doubts about her hubby, I think he may fall off the wagon, again.
It has to really hurt being snubbed by her kids from the previous marriage.
i think her ivory skin would be (is) beautiful and natural looking on her...IF she would do us all a favor and GO BACK TO THE RED! red-head nicole was unique and gorgeous - blond nicole looks washed-out and frozen! she was beautiful in moulin rouge with the porcelain skin and flaming red hair.
ReplyDeleteElaine Jones said:
It is all a fake. She cannot have children as I know people who treated her in her 20s. When she had her so called "ectopic pregnancy" she actually had testicular feminisation syndrome. I think in a few months time someone should pull off her skirt as a prank and reveal the lying botox bitch for what she is.