Friday, January 04, 2008

Need To Have Sex To Make A Baby-- Part Two

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have an appointment scheduled with a fertility doctor later this month. Seems that the couple are having a tough time conceiving. Now Magazine quotes a source as saying: "Katie is so upset. They both really want another child but it just doesn't seem to be happening. She says they have been trying since last summer. Tom and Katie have decided to go and see a specialist."

The reason it isn't happening is because you have to have sex to make a baby unless of course you are Xenu, and in that case it just magically appears and then you style and cut the hair so it looks just like daddy. Didn't have much trouble getting pregnant before Suri. In fact, it was pretty damn quick after they got together. Maybe at that point Tom could still close his eyes and imagine that Nicole Kidman was showing him serious strap on loving and was thus able to impregnate Katie. Or of course it might not be Tom's baby. Good luck finding that one out. It would be an interesting situation if Suri were ever faced with a life threatening disease and needed a match, whether Tom would be that match she needed or if by sheer bad luck he wasn't, and say someone else was.

I think what they have been doing since last summer is trying to figure out how to spin the fact that Suri is going to be an only child. This situation should not come as a surprise. What does come as a surprise is Suri. I'm sure that Tom Cruise wishes each and everyday of his life that he never married Mimi Rogers because she spilled and spilled, and she made it clear that Tom could not get anyone pregnant.


Mimi and Tom = 0 kids -unable to get pregnant
Tom and Nicole = 2 adopted kids who should be on the back of a milk carton by now. Unable to get pregnant.
Tom and Penelope = She is kinky, but not that kinky. Tom puts strap on back in box. Didn't have a child but don't know of they tried.
Tom and Katie = 1 child. Unable to get pregnant again.

I'm seeing a pattern. Do you see it? Every woman Tom has been involved with has an E at the end of her name or an E sound. Oh, and the pregnancy thing.


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