Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mira Sorvino Employs Her Husband

When is the last time you read gossip about Mira Sorvino? Huh? Long time I bet. Well, as far as you know it has been a long time. Never know when someone is going to turn up in the blind items. Remember, if you win an Oscar, you are a B lister for life.

Anyway, I'm sure Mira is a role model to all the women out there, as she is 40 years old and married to a 26 year old named Chris Backus. She actually married him when he was 22 or 23. It actually is kind of cool that it happens in reverse sometimes. It's not freaky at all like when Barbra Streisand had her little thing with Andre Aggasi.

Chris is a professional athlete turned actor and like most athletes turned actor has been having a little difficulty getting roles. Well, not wanting to always make him feel like she is the sole bread winner for the entire family, which she is, or the reason their two children can have the best of everything, which she is, Mira decided to do something about it. She wrote an entire film, and is producing it, just so she can get her husband a starring role. It's much easier of course on the conscience to go this route because he gets an actual paycheck and doesn't have to take money from her purse when he needs to go to the store for baseball cards.

I know, I know. Baseball cards? He isn't that young. I want you to know that even though I'm being snarky, I don't blame Mira and think that a guy in her position would do the same thing. I know that when I turned 40 and was seeing that 19 year old, I needed to keep her happy so I bought her a pane ticket every weekend so she could see her dying mother in Las Vegas. That woman was sick for a year, but my girlfriend was on that plane every Friday night like clockwork and would be back in my arms by Tuesday. Wednesday at the latest. I admire that much devotion to family.

I think everyone in Mira's position would start to feel that, "I met him when he could barely drink, and now it has been a few years, I'm 40 and haven't been big in a little while except when I was pregnant, and I'm wondering if I am still attractive and if he feels manly enough because he doesn't make any money, and we live off my income, so let me write and produce a movie so he feels like he is working. "


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