Saturday, January 19, 2008

Miley Does It Again

I thought the sleepover pictures were just photos that someone took of Miley Cyrus and her girlfriend and then leaked out. Now, I'm not so sure. Maybe this is all a big plot within the family. I'm not a big Billy Ray Cyrus fan, but maybe he has a little more of the Pimpa Joe inside him than I originally thought. You know he had just one hit and now he is living his dream through his daughter. It is kind of like a dad who makes his son a star athlete to achieve the things he didn't achieve on his own. It kind of sucks to be a one hit wonder and so maybe now he is making sure Miley is never out of the public eye for long. The problem is she is immensely popular even without this crap. It's obvious she took the photo herself so someone either got into her camera or someone very close to her is releasing it. Why would they do it? I don't know, but do know if she keeps going like she's going, she is just three years away from a Playboy pictorial. This just seems like someone close to her wants to exploit or remake her from a Disney princess into a Hustler hag.

**Update** The photos below were obviously done at a different time and place. I agree you see you much worse on MySpace but they also are not trying to protect a multi-million dollar image. I can't imagine Disney wants another one of their stars involved in anything less than 100% wholesome. I don't think these are less than wholesome, I just wonder what people are trying to accomplish by releasing them, and who is releasing them. To see the topless photos, click here. To see her showing off her bra and ugly boyfriend, click here. To see her at her sexiest, click here. To see her sleepover photos, click here.


  1. Unfortunately, I believe EL has hit the nail on the proverbial head, even as stereotypical as it appears.
    I mean seriously, this is almost a hillbilly version of "Gypsy"

    And may God forgive me for typing that sentence.

  2. @ merlin: No worries, its the perfect analogy to describe the Miley Cyrus "phenomenon"

    Also, this is gross.

  3. I think EL maybe reading more into this...

    It looks like every other teenage girl's "My Space" photos. My daughters take photos of themselves(although not in a swimsuit) all the time and so do their friends.

  4. I agree with ellebee. She is acting like most girls her age. Actually, the pictures are pretty tame and g-rated for what you can see on myspace. I have looked around because I have a teenaged step kid. Actually, I went undercover to see what they were really doing and teenagers are crazy nowadays!!! I was shocked.

  5. what is the big deal?

    she's in a suit for christ sakes!

    she even looks like she's really been swimming!

  6. i think ent is reacting not to the content/tone of the photograph as much as he is reacting to the fact that it's a personal photo which has been released to a media outlet, and that it's happened for the second time now.

    my hypothesis is that she took this with someone else's camera -- someone who wasn't a close enough friend to resist the idea of profitting off the photo. when you're in the public eye, it's a foolish habit to go around taking personal photos that you can't be sure will stay personal, even tame ones, because the public will always find something to snark about!

  7. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I can't believe ENT interrupted his weekend for this particular story.

  8. Maybe she took it to send to her boyfriend,or even her friends... all the girls do that here. Hell, they take random close up pictures of things, send them to each other, and they have to guess what the picture is of. I guess what I'm saying is they use those picture phones very casually, and constantly. To them this is no big deal.

  9. I, for one, am happy the internet wasn't around when I was in jr/high school.
    pagers were the top of the line in technology. along with the discman.

  10. Maybe this is a little hint to the BI about the dad who jumps into the hot tub when his young daughters friend's are in it.

  11. Wasn't there a BI with a one hit wonder lately?

  12. OFF TOPIC:

    Check out the video in this article where Megan McCain says she writes a blog about her father and sometimes includes personal information, such as "I wrote a while back that I went on a date with a Ron Paul supporter by accident"

    Geeze, if she wrote about it on the McCain Blogette a while ago, it's hardly a blind!

  13. Okay, other than seeing a girl in a pool wearing a swim suit, what are we all looking at that's so terrible?

    Budford, the one hit wonder is pregnant and seeing a married celeb, so everyone figured it must be Kimberly Locke and Harvey from Celebrity Fit Club.

  14. there is nothing wrong with this photo. these are being released to keep her in the spotlight. and it's working.

  15. There is nothing wrong with this photo. This is how young starlets make a name for themselves these days. Jayne Mansfield used to do all sorts of stunts.

  16. Frankly, the issue I'm having is the whole exploitation angle.
    I realize she's Talent and therefore subject to the whole publicity merry-go-round, however it seems to me that her publicity could be done with a bit more taste or even dare I say it, restraint. The picture in question, at least in my eyes, reeks a little too much of "Lolita", and given this picture comes on the heels of the candy controversy, I honestly have to say I completely agree with EL's assessment of the situation.
    Either that, or someone in her personal life needs to be strung up by some private parts for exploiting an honestly innocent little girl.

  17. Anonymous10:38 AM

    It's a questionable situation from my view. When I was 15 I was really naive about my sexuality. If I wasn't being intentionally sexy I assumed I wasn't.

    If I was in a swimsuit I didn't think of it as sexy because "I'm just swimming, duh, what am I supposed to wear?" It was only in hindsight and after more than a few indecent proposals from much older men (which usually went over my head) that I realized that I wasn't completely in control of whether or not I was sexualized.

    She probably had these photos on her myspace thinking they were innocent because she took them during innocent situations.

    HOWEVER, It is weird that her parents aren't more vigilant about what goes on her myspace, even if only as publicists rather than parents.

  18. Oh my god. I can't believe there's even one bit of thinking going on here about if these are indecent photos! come on now, it's nothing!

  19. I'm with Ellebee and the rest of you. This is really NOTHING! Let the girl be a kid. Don't create scandal where there is none. It's going to be hard enough for this kid to make it the next 5 years and maintain some normal head on her shoulders.

  20. She has fantastic abs, I must say.

    This is no worse than what other girls her age have on the MySpace pages, actually it's pretty innocent in comparison...there has been this sexualization (not sure that's actually a word, but you get what I'm saying...) of young girls happening lately, so many girls and young women posing in certain poses (finger in mouth, gazing at camera etc) that when you see completely innocent pictures you see something sexual about them when really it's just a 15 year old in a bikini, posing like she thinks you should because it's all she sees everywhere.

    The first thing I noticed about this picture though is the yellowish cloud in the water between her legs.

  21. ...which, upon further inspection, I realize is probably her foot.

  22. she's too old to play a kid in a movie and her image is way too young to star in a high school role. looks like she/they want us to think of her of a teen (not a tween).i thought she was younger til i looked up her bio.

  23. I think it's a combo of EL's assessment as well as a hint to the BI about the dad who likes to jump in the pool with the girl and her friends....

    It's weird, I always thought that the Cyrus family seemed a bit dodgy... I love how his daughter is totally the bread-winner now (a la Papa Joe) and BRC has carved himself out a role on the TV and the tour. When Miley and BR were on Oprah, I swear he skeeved me out a little bit.

    Also, you keep hearing whispers that Miley's not as innocent as her publicists and family would want you to think... loving to buy age-inappropriate dresses, lots of online flirtations, temper tantrums, etc.

    Yes, I agree that these sound like typical high schooler/teen issues, but throw in a pair of stage parents, Disney (we all know how those kids turn out), and a crapload of money, and this could be the beginning of Britney Lohan, part 3....

    Just my 2 cents....

    Oh, and like I mentioned before, maybe this is a hint to the identity of EL's stumper of a blind item?!?!

  24. Anonymous1:25 PM

    That hot tub BI was about a dad who wasn't famous.

  25. Anonymous1:27 PM

    If Vanessa Hug'nkiss didn't get booted by Mickey Mouse Co. for her racy pics, then it must be okay, right?

  26. Oh, Sweet Jeebus! Just watched The History Channel's doc "Hillbillies" hosted by none other than Billy Ray Cyrus. I suddenly have a better understanding of Britney Spears and the fans of Mike Huckabee. YIKES!

  27. showing my age once again, back when i was 15, 16, we didn't even have walkmans (walkmen?). a portable cassette player was the newest technology. now, think about this: i was an ice skater. we had to lug around these 2lb. cassette players with music taped using a microphone! anyway, camera technology was pretty limited for a kid, too. i remember taking pictures of my friend (who was trying on clothes), in her unders, with my instamatic, never gave it a first thought, much less a second. oddly enough, neither the picture NOR the negative showed ever showed up. even then we laughed about it. i don't think kids are any smarter now, judging by my own kids.

    >look! i fixed my avatar!

  28. I like tight tight pussy too, but I don't fuck minors. I fuck their mommies.

  29. There is very little doubt in my mind that Miley released these. Nude photos gave Vanessa's "career" a huge boost, and the swedish-fish incident a few weeks ago got Miley a ton of publicity.
    What bothers me is that she is sexualizing herself to get attention from adults.

  30. Ent said "This just seems like someone close to her wants to exploit or remake her from a Disney princess into a Hustler hag."

    That being said, why bother to post these pictures?

    There is absolutely nothing salacious going on, and these are obviously personal pictures, so what's the big deal? Who's exploiting whom now?

  31. Well, now the pink one looks bad.

  32. Just like the first set, these don't look "casual" to me. She has full makeup on, hair is just right, they look posed but not.

    Someone planned these and are "releasing" them on purpose.

  33. When I was in high school, the bigger your boom box, the better!!! I really am talking about a AM/FM with dual cassettes and dolby. I never knew what dolby meant. When I graduated college, my first job was at an ad agency and my boss had a new top of the line portable phone. He had to pay someone to carry the battery pack while he was on the golf course. It must have weighed about 25 pounds. Back then, if you took dirty or sexy pictures, you had to drop them off to be developed, so we didn't do it. (at least, I didn't) Everything is just so instant and easy now. The kids don't have time to think it over. It's done in a second. The internet bring out the freaky in people. The freaky and the sick.

  34. I think these pictures look old...this looks like the 13 year old Miley to me. And I don't see anything wrong with these pictures. Just because these pics didn't come from a paparazzi who took these photos of her hanging out at the beach, they're all of a sudden risque?
    I think the only way Miley will turn into "the next Britney Spears" is if the media turns her into it...she's doin just fine as she is.

    Now, I was at Macy's yesterday, and they had shirts that Miley (and Vanessa Hudgens, Monique Coleman, and another Disney star I can't remember) had designed herself. The profits made from selling these shirts benefited a charity. Where's THIS story in the news? She's doing good things, but the media feels they have to concentrate on anything they may feel could possibly-kinda-sorta-maybe be a bad thing? I don't know; this is just my opinion, but it's like they're trying to set her up for nothing but "doom" (being a downward spiral to 'party girl').

    So, I give my regards and esteem to Miley. I like her a lot and I think she's a great kid.

  35. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Looks like she's made more than enough money to invest for her future. If she were my daughter I'd scale back her schedule and make her attend a regular high school so she could experience her teenage years with kids her own age. She could "work" during the summer and holidays only. When she is 18 then she can make her own decision on her future.

    This will never happen though because she is supporting her parents and alot of other hangers on just like the Spears sisters, Simpson sisters, Lindsay Lohan among others. How can a young woman turn down work they don't want to do if they know their entire family is depending on them. It's really pathetic that these parents don't get a life. Money isn't everything and using your kids as work horses during their formative childhood and teen years is not in their best interest. I've wondered if someone like Britney would be happier today if someone had slowed down her crazy schedule when she was a teenager.

  36. Hmm...I don't agree with that-there is no way that she is taking jobs right now just to support her family. They do not need an 'extra buck, here and there', by having her "work". Plus, she got into the music/acting thing because she wanted to. Articles everywhere say that Billy Ray Cyrus discouraged her from going into it because it's a cruel world, but she wanted to do it, so her parents support her. She didn't get into it because she needed to earn money for her family to live on; I would assume that as a musician, over the years, Billy Ray Cyrus has made more than enough money to support his family. Miley does what she does because she truly loves it, not because her family needs her as a workhorse...
    She cannot go to a high school and be normal; there is just no way...But, she is doing home schooling, and I've read articles that say she is "in" grade 9, doing grade 10 and 11 work. So, she's doing her schoolwork, and doing it VERY well. Those articles also say she's already looking into colleges, which I think is pretty cool too.
    I don't know, just my thoughts..

  37. I Think This is just her way of being a real Teenager.

    She's had so much Fame and Fourtune and Responsability shoved down her throat for so long, so what if she wants to show off her body?

    She is portrayed as a little kid, a child, on Disney. Every Teenager's NIGHTMARE, is to be looked at like a child.

    If she wants to run around in a bikini, Show off the Goods, I Say Let her!

  38. um, ent, i think you may need to step in here, again, please.

  39. I am just curious at the "" stamped all over them - does Ent have exclusive rights or first dibs to these or something? If so, why is he posting them while acting like he's put off by their exposure? This looks to me like a young teen taking pictures of herself trying to look sexy, a product of our culture, and like they weren't meant to be released for public view.

  40. alana:

    yep. And yep. I also get the creepy feeling that Britney S. was molested somewhere along the way. It's pretty creepy what happens to these kids. The girls seem to fare especially badly....

  41. Well said, Alana.

    Look at Jodie Foster & Brooke Shields, for example, who were huge child stars but went on to get university degrees, and are beautiful, smart, well-balanced women. Natalie Portman too. You never saw any of these girls up to the kind of hijinks that we see regularly with Britney, Paris & Lindsay.

    I think there's nothing extraordinary about these pics of Miley - after all, she is just a teenager who's growing up.

    And Chris has a good point - what's up with the CDAN stamps on these pics - does Ent have exclusive rights? We haven't seen these images elsewhere, yet.

  42. I'm actually a little SAD that we all know she is behaving like every 14 y/o girl in these photos, down to the outfits, the bra and the face expression. We definitely got a problem.

  43. Ok, the second and third pic aint her! I love Miley. The second and 3rd have been on youtube for forever!! And plus they are PHOTOSHOPPED!!! I love Miley and forgive her 100%

  44. Here's my take. I don't think we can judge whether the pictures are harmless or not because we don't know the context. That's the job of her parents, whether they are doing it or not. But I do question the ethics of posting them up here and calling more attention to a sexualized photo of a l5 year old girl. Being sexualized at such a young age, before you know yourself as a complete person, is dangerous. That's what I think led to Britney's stunted development. So, I feel in a way that we're all part of the problem, much as I love ya EL and fellow commentors.

  45. Why do we care about this girl?
    I wish Ent would stop posting about her....

  46. kellysirkus is right. The larger problem is tweens who try to look too sexy too soon. These pics are hardly scandalous, but I still think she's straddling the line between "flirty teen" and "baby prostitute."
    Like ENT said in his post, it's not really a question of how she looks. I'm curious about who is leaking the pics at this point, not her behavior.

  47. no 15yo should be taking photos like this. period. no matter who you are. it seems that now this is viewed as normal behavior. sad.

    BTW-- what is miley doing with her lips... it is some crazy combination of olsen twins and zoolander's "blue steel"

  48. were these taken off her MySpace?
    these girls really have no idea the magnitude of exposing themselves to the world.
    I tell my 14 y/o daughter and her friends, anything you don't want printed on the front page of the newspaper does not belong on the internet

  49. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Who cares? Didn't you do silly stuff like that when you were 15? let it go.

  50. "its no big deal"

    ya come talk to me when you're waiting outside the OB/GYN with your 16 year old.

    sorry i was a 15 year old too,and not that long ago...and I never posed in my lil pink undies all sexy looking like im in Stuff mag.

  51. I think we have a new whore in the making. I weep for the future.

  52. i think that miley put the pictures on the internet on perpose. she is so annoying and shes every you turn just wait in about another year shes going be just like linsey lohan or briteny spears, or maybe like jamie lynn spears pregnat teen. shes going to be a pregnat drunk druggie. she aint even that good of a singer and she has been famous for like years people need to get over her just like she should get over herself. shes a total prep. shes leting the whole famous thing go to her head. she put pictures of herself on the internet in a bathing suit to get some attention. whats going to happen when thats not enough. miley should just get over herself.

  53. first of all those aren't even bad pics! second of all thats like every other teenage pic third of all the third pic isn't her !!!!

  54. Kelly, I am right beside you. It shows how far downhill things have gone. I was Miley's age less than ten years ago and am appalled at how complacent society has become about the sexified tween in between then and now. It's not okay just because other girls have pictures like these on their MySpace. I have been in Victoria's Secret several times and seen girls of 9-11 (YES!) buying thongs and push-ups. It just makes me sad knowing that these kids are in a rush to grow-up and can get caught up in situations that they may not be able to handle.

  55. didn't she JUST die her hair dark?
    so she dyes her hair to look all Megan Fox, takes snaps in her underwear and posted them on MySpace within a week?

    attention whore.

  56. There is nothing wrong with this photo! :-O She's wearing a bikini, go down to the beach in the middle of the Summer and you will see exactly the same thing! As for the other 2 photos they have been on the internet for a while now and nobody cared until the sleepover photos which I think are fine as well! They are just girls having fun, I have photos like that from sleepovers as well!

  57. the first pic is new of miley, and it is in fact her and her body. the second pic with her and a friend is her again, but the last photo isnt her at all. trust me on this one, and whats so bad about a girl taking a picture of herself in a swimsuit? you have to keep memories, and shes just another teenage girl. ugh, leave her alone.

  58. Normal pictures? Are they? Are they really? I guess you can justify anything if you want to believe it bad enough.

  59. oh yes, I also have pictures of myself in the summer in a bathing suit, but I am not trying to sex up the camera. I think the pose/facial expression is what is so offensive about it, not the fact that she is in a bathing suit!

  60. i dunno. i don't really see something so wrong in the pictures themselves. i don't think she was "sexing up the camera". i do think they should have been kept private. i also don't think the last one is underwear.
    looks like she has a bra on under the top (that alone is amazing) and those could be short-shorts or board shorts.
    i doubt a young girl equates posting a pic on myspace with hanging out at the mall. you just don't THINK at that age. i really don't know a damn thing about her, except for her father, and what i've read on the 'net about her, so its not like i'm a fan.
    but i do have to say, the top pic? she has really pretty eyes!

  61. I don't think these pictures are bad. I mean pretty much every teenage girl takes pictures in their bathing suit. People just think these pictures of Miley are bad because she's famous. If she was just a normal teenager nobody would care.

  62. have you ever been to the beach because girls are in bikinis it not that bad so why is this?

  63. one thing I'm not seeing, ENT, is that she may be posting and releasing these.
    Obviously some don't see harm in this ("everyone else is doing it"), but why assume someone is taking the photos without her consent? At the least, I believe she's sharing them and then they are being distributed by someone she (perhaps) trusts. Or her.

    Look at BabyV and how much publicity her photos got her. If HSM can become common pop culture, so can Miley Cyrus.

    I remember a little cousin noting that the Britney Spears imitation-Barbie didn't come with panties. She thought it was funny and weird. Maybe it wasn't a total coincidence.

    Even at a very young age, girls notice that sex sells.

  64. and what is her MYSPACE LINK? pls guys!!

  65. oh my god big scandal... who would have thought a 15-16 year old girl would be wearing a bathing suit:O
    incase you didnt catch my sarcasm its no big deal and neither are the candy photos shes not a lesbian (well maybe but those photos are not proof)shes just a teenage girl
    theres girls at my school with topless photos give it a break. people all over myspace and facebook have these photos the top one is the typical 'myspace' pose hand on your hip and camera at a high angle i have billions of photos like this and the bottom one doesn't even look like her

  66. we all need to get over this crap. who cares what myle cyrus is doing. someone obviously got into her room and downloaded her camera, it was probably a bellhop or maid being paid by some tabloid. but in the end who cares. I know you are wondering why i am here, and the answer is curiosity, i heard that there were racy pictures of her and thought that can't be true, and well it turns out its not.

  67. i am not going to say that i did not take these pictures because that would be a lie, but i did NOT release them onto the internet i am trying to figure out who is though i am srry that this got out

  68. well first of all, all you miley/hannah montana fans what ur problem? ur pathetic! i mea nget a life and do something with it then stalk her! if u can tell whether this is her face or not then u have a problem! yes this is a normal 14 year old behavior. but other pictures there are with her dancing around in her underwear pulling up her shirt which not many kids i kno do. the thing is that she knows that if she posted them everyone would see them, not her age. every girl in the USA is obsessed with her! did just think this wouldnt get out? miley i kno ur friends with vanessa hudgens, but you dont have to post this like she did!

  69. well first of all, all you miley/hannah montana fans what ur problem? ur pathetic! i mea nget a life and do something with it then stalk her! if u can tell whether this is her face or not then u have a problem! yes this is a normal 14 year old behavior. but other pictures there are with her dancing around in her underwear pulling up her shirt which not many kids i kno do. the thing is that she knows that if she posted them everyone would see them, not her age. every girl in the USA is obsessed with her! did just think this wouldnt get out? miley i kno ur friends with vanessa hudgens, but you dont have to post this like she did!

  70. i dont see why it is such a big deal. it seems like people except celebs to the a picture of perfection or something. ive seen all these things here online saying "lets hope miley doesnt turn out like britney". people need to grow up. i mean really..that stuff hurts. thats like saying to your son, i hope you dont turn out like your father or something of that sorts. its mean and hurts people. so what..a picture of miley in her pjs and a bikini...go look on facebook, there are 13 year old on there wearing alot less, but just because they arent one cares.
    everyone who criticises miley, if this was your daughter, would you allow everyone you knew to badmouth her over a picture in a why badmouth her..shes still a little girl. she took a picture of herself trying to make herself look older and sexy, who hasnt? i mena seriously...we all hve and we know it so why put other people down for doing the exact same thing we all did as teens,.

  71. to any1 who is mad about these pics. u dont deserve 2 call ur self a former fan because u were NEVER a fan if u r mad and hate miley now. she is the same miley and she did NOT expose anything tht she shouldnt! u r required by law to cover certain things and she did! this is just her in a bikkini if u r fliping out over it ur NOT a fan! If she did a full frontal like Vanessa i would be behind u all and i would NOT be a fan but she hasnt and i dont think she will. miley is still a sweet inoccent 15 year-old girl! NOT a crimal, a mini lisney lohan or Vanessa Hudgends. MILEY IS NOT LIKE THEM!
    Keep rockin Miley
    ur biggest fan mileytopfan

  72. The media loves to build up and then tear down the celebrities that pay their bills. It's like biting the hand that feeds you. Eventually it's going to come back to haunt them in the end. You people saying that this is anything more than casual photos for fun are far too fast to jump on the "Puritan's Perversion" train. These are the same people that see evil where there is only good. And further more, there are those of you who keep refering to Miley as "innocent" with respect to her sexuality or state of understanding. She's 15, I can assure you that by now she's quite aware of her sexual allure, and goes to great measures to make it work to her benefit.....just like every other teenager in the modern world does.....consciously or not. This is the modern world. People have not changed, but the way we percieve them and how easily we can access their lives has changed. In a media driven world obsessed with only the Superficial, there are those who will always use others as a target for their own issues of inadequacy or ideals of perversion. Let the girl be a girl and get off your puritanical high horses. Love & Light

  73. Okay .. i am a 15 year old girl living in annapolis and acting has been my main thing i've always wanted to get into disneychannel and nickelodion.. but i am now recognizing that all these disneychannel teen stars cannot get a break.
    People please look at the pictures right.
    There is nothing wrong with them if miley cyrus wants to take pics at a hotel with one of hur friends ..WHATS WRONG WITH THAT ??
    Its not like they were kissing or having sex.
    they we just having somefun ..
    Thats what teenagers do!
    exacly !!!
    I still dream on being an actress and if i was in the same spot as miley cyrus i wouldnt let these pregnant rumers and lesbian rumers let me down.
    Miley Cyrus is a great actress and an awsome singer.
    Thruough the whole United states millions of people love her and i myself an a big fan.

    Miley cyrus is a GREAT girl
    and she does not deserve to have all these rumers going around about her .. she is trying to live a normal life like a normal teenager

    And who ever leaked these pictures are pathetic cowards that have nothing else to do in life then to ruin innocent teens reputation.

  74. she is so pretty,but dmab just leave her alone she is only 15

  75. omg people take pictues of themselves all the time and a lot of people wear swim suits does that mean that all the people in swim suits at the beach are ready for play boy?

  76. She has a hell of a nice body

  77. does miley always say she didn't put the pics on a mil. times?

  78. Anonymous9:00 PM

    oh, my f-----g gosh.
    you guys are all retarded.
    a bathing suit is a bathing suit.
    if it is suggestive to you, then i wonder why you let your 5 year olds go swimming.
    you guys are retarded and you're pulling s--- out of your @$$.

    you have nothing better to do than to feed the sickness.

    if shes only three years away from playboy for wearing a bathing suit, the other 1million teenage girls are f----d!

    get a f-----g life.
    f-----g morons.

  79. LOL wow this is nothing people need to lay off

  80. Am I the only one who feels that the last pic is most definately not her?

    And I live in the same county she does (or did, Woot Nashville) and the people who used to go to school with her said she she got teased a lot. Looks like she's thinking--if she did indeed put the pics up herself--'Look at me now guys! Aren't I smexilicious?!'

  81. Other pictures kind of ehhh and freaked about but these ones in the bikinis....whats the problem? Girls do this all the time. Girls love the way they look in their bikinis so they take pictures. Your not going to buy one that you look fugly in. Girls are doing this practically everyday she is still a teen. There really is nothing wrong with a young girl taking a picture of herself or with her friends in a bikini. Nothing at all. If you have kids or going to they will do the same one day.

  82. i know plenty of people that take pictures in their bathing suits and pajamas she not trying to take racy photos she's just having fun and why should she have to think before every picture she takes are people going to hate me for this she's still a child

  83. you know what you people need to get a life with a side order of reality check. seriously. for all you people out there take a look at myspace. Its a bikini. big deal there has been worse out there by average girls but you dont see them getting any of this kind of attension. people take a look around. there are teens and other women walking around looking like some of these picture, and do you see them plastered all over sites like this. I think not. btw im a teenage girl like miley and I've taken similar pictures, i mean big deal shes with her bf, and shes hanging out with friends and shes taking A pic of her in a new bathing suit. BIG DEAL. oh my gosh. id go on but this is getting long. people get a life!

  84. hi im amber im nearly 15 and i live in new zealand but used 2 liv in england and miley is my numba 1 gurl,she is having a little fun,she is just like me.all 14-15 years ov age girls do that!am i rite?
    miley dont listen just du what u want ,its ur life.
    my email address is .please message me

    luv u miley!

  85. hi im amber im nearly 15 and i live in new zealand but used 2 liv in england and miley is my numba 1 gurl,she is having a little fun,she is just like me.all 14-15 years ov age girls do that!am i rite?
    miley dont listen just du what u want ,its ur life.
    my email address is .please message me

    luv u miley!

  86. o jesus this LITTLE GIRL again? "oooo my daddy had ONE hit song and got rich. now i think that i can do want i want and get away with it." guess what u have no talent



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