Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lets Talk Eddie And Tracey

First of all they were never married so how could their marriage be over? I hate all the headlines that say the marriage ended after two weeks. There was none. It was like if you and your significant other did the same thing and broke up a few weeks later or months later or years later. You were just in a relationship and broke up. Not divorced. Divorced involves paperwork and lawyers and depositions and ex-wives coming in to say nasty things about you, and you shutting them up by paying them off and telling them to go away very, very quickly and then going off and doing some films that are completely awful but pay really, really well.

Anyway, that is either here nor there. I think what happened is that Eddie Murphy and Tracey Edmonds came to some type of arrangement or deal. If you think about the fact what has been going on during their dating and engagement and all the jackass behavior that Eddie engaged in during that time frame, there is no way that a new relationship is going to survive that. Weren't you all surprised that Tracey never left despite all the crap that went down with Mel B? With Eddie acting crazy in Europe and the never leaving his side presence of Johnny Gill?

So, Eddie wants what he wants and Tracey isn't married to Babyface anymore and so she could be persuaded. The only thing no one wants is to be actually married. Not a problem the lawyers say. Just head to a foreign country and do it there. While you are there, make sure you don't follow their laws either or you will end up married in that one country. Everything worked great. Sold the photos, guests came out, everything was great, except for one thing. The wedding wasn't legal. It is no big deal. People do it all the time. BUT, in this case someone from Tracey's people made a call and said yes, it is not a legal marriage, BUT they don't plan on getting married in the States when they get back.

Now, everywhere you look, all the stories just concentrated on the fact that the marriage wasn't legal and that they would have to get married back in the States. The very first article and I am not even sure where I saw it at this point said they don't plan on getting married legally. If that article had not come out and then created this furor, Eddie and Tracey would have presented themselves as married without actually doing it. When they were forced to say they would be getting married legally, they couldn't come to an arrangement, and thus are just going to be friends. Friends until Tracey can find someone who doesn't come with man baggage, and is willing to spend more on her than him.

As for Eddie, he needs to find some other woman now and get her pregnant so he can prove how masculine he really is.


  1. Who didn't see this train wreck coming? I mean, really: these two get married amongst 'close family and friends' and their gaggle of children are nowhere in sight. These two were trying to be slick and got caught. Tracey can't remarry without losing her alimony and Johnny Gill will always be the only woman in Eddie's life.

  2. Eddie is a prick.
    Which is good thing cuz Johnny likes them pricks...a lot.

  3. Angela, I agree, but then, why go through this charade? Is Eddie Murphy's career so A+ that he feels the need to have a traditional family? And does Tracey need the money? She could remarry some rich guy. It's not like she's fugly.

    I'm really confused as to the motivation behind it for both of them.

  4. Oh Eddie, I grew up watching Beverly Hills Cop. I thought you were so funny. I applauded your good Samaritan ways for giving trannys rides in cars. Now fake marriages? All I ask is that you make funny movies again. No more Norbit!

  5. What - no office pool on this Ent?

  6. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Eddie and Tom Cruise should have a contest to see who can lose the most fans in the shortest period of time.

  7. Totally see where you're coming from, Twisted. I too want to know what's really going on. If Tracey can stick by him during the whole Mel B saga, shouldn't she be able to weather anything?? All I can say is that Eddie keeps revealing himself to be more and more of a misogynist with each day.

  8. Long time reader, first time poster. I have to say I enjoy this site so much first for all the gossip of course (Love EL's writing style)and second, but just as important as the first is the fact that you guys all make me laugh everyday! Jax, I have to say you especially make me spit all over my screen almost daily. Today's comments just made me have to post. I'll just sit here again until I can contribute something worthwhile :)

  9. Anonymous11:17 AM

    EL, the source you first read that said they wouldnt be getting married in the States, either, was probably I dont blame you if you dont want to credit them--they're racist and obnoxious about getting story credit. But it WAS them who first said those two wouldnt be getting married for real.

    Wanna know the juicy reason why?

    If Tracey Edmonds were to have married Eddie Murphy, she would void all the millions she is getting in alimoney from Babyface. Its about money pure and simple with this chick!

  10. Anonymous11:20 AM

    How can I put a picture in here?

  11. [stroking chin] Interesting Trix...very interesting.

    I heard Eddie is very controlling. Never leaves the house and expects his woman to do the same. He even expects his women to have their hair and makeup done to the hilt when they get to the breakfast table. And if you're a male worker at his house you can't look his woman in the eye. Sounds Tommy Boyish to me.

    I'm sick and tired of the closeted actors playing with women. We're not toys for gawd's sake!

  12. "We're not toys for gawd's sake!"

    Personally, I'm not easy, but I can be had. ;-)

    Sylvia, you can't post a picture here so the picture will show, but you can post a link to one. Or are you talking about the pics that people are using as their avatars over to the right?

    Patti_cake, we love us some Jax! Don't go back into lurkdom now that you're out. Help us with these guesses!

  13. Thanks Twisted, I will! And there's some love for you too, your wit and humor make you another of my faves :)

  14. aww shucks're so nice. long as i can make you all spit coffee at your Dells then it makes potentially losing my job worth it.
    i kid. i kid.

    Oh EL- any comment on Jen Aniston and her racist asshole bodyguard in vancouver calling asian paparazzi chinks? apparently she sent him back to LA..not fired him just sent him home when she found out the police were investigating and lookin for him.

    ya that's how we do it here bitches. we investigate shizz!

  15. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Twisted, I forgot that they are called avatars. Yes that's what I meant to say.

  16. Awww, thanks, Patti. I try. ;-)

    How the eff does Jax know I have a Dell? Off to put some clothes on....

    Sylvia, go the Crazy Days and Nights home page, then click on dashboard, then click on Edit Profile. If you scroll down you'll find a place to add a picture.

  17. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Twisted - I finally figured it out. Thanks for your help. I like this fat little penguin he is so cute LOL.

  18. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Twisted - the way I did mine is here where you leave your comments if you scroll down you will see your name highlighted. If you click your name and sign in you can update your profile and add the avatar.

  19. << As for Eddie, he needs to find some other woman now and get her pregnant so he can prove how masculine he really is. >>

    Um, waaaay too late for that, Enty-poo.

  20. Hey! I wanna avatar! How do you do that? I'm not very bright.

    No comments, Jax.


  21. Sylvia, too cute! Your way is quicker. I was taking the scenic route.

    Cyn, you have to have a pic saved to your hard drive, first. Remember where you save it to, like on your desktop, for example. Then, as Sylvia said, go below the comment box here, click on your name and it will take you to another page. Click on Edit profile, scroll down and upload the picture. It will show up when you post.

  22. "How the eff does Jax know I have a Dell?"

    I know!! Me too! creepy..... ;)

  23. lol...i just added a pic after a year and a no bright either.

  24. Jax knows everything.(maniacal laugh)
    or as well all know much better (Tom Cruise-azy laugh)

  25. My guess is that Eddie is living on the "down low." Homosexuality is really looked down upon in the African American community so men have sex with other men while maintaining heterosexual lifestyles. It came out a few years ago primarily when African American women were turning up HIV+ without engaging in risky behaviors.

    It explains some of his behavior and why he continues to have public relationships with women and (if he is) having sex with men. But of course, I don't know for sure but that's my guess.

  26. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Jax - I take it you saw his video LOL. Crazy video. Perezhilton has a remix version at his site.

  27. Welcome patti_cake !
    This is a great day to post for the first time. A day when Twisty and Jax don't recognize the initials for Fag Hag is historical.
    Ent., Jax, Twisty, and all the rest make me laugh even on the days when the sky is falling. They are the best ! :D

  28. LMAO, Live....Historical and hysterical....

    An avatar for everyone!

  29. YAY Ladorabelle! Pimp, eh? teehee

  30. That's how you get those little pics on your post? I'll have to try that.

  31. I'm sorry, but Oscar Wilde = pimp in my book.

  32. And he would have loved you for it!!

  33. Thanks Live! Sorry, I just now saw this. Wasn't able to log on much today. I'll catch up with all the craziness tomorrow. Happy weekend, y'all ;)

  34. i thought we were supposed to be hatin' on jax and twisted! see, i go away for a couple of days...

    okay, i'm testing your avatar instructions:

  35. darn it, didn't work.
