Monday, January 28, 2008

Leah Remini Scientology Letter

The folks over at Gawker got their hands on an e-mail allegedly sent out by Leah Remini. They make they the argument that it could be from her or not from her and that it could be a Scientology bluff. Here is the letter in it's entirety. I am just going to copy a few of the parts which make me think it is real, and also makes me wonder just how damn expensive is this religion.

I remember thinking and saying out loud, "I WILL NEVER be like those idiots who wait 10 years to go OT!" 10 years later, I hadn't moved. I mean I did everything else but move on to Solo One. I did other courses, I got myself in to trouble, then needed some FPRD and then I would finish that and it would be "my finances"... I would hear people talk to me about other Clears and refer to them as "stalled Clears" and I would be like "Yeah-they are totally stalled.

Whatever the reason, there is an answer and a solution. I don't care what it is: you were not serviced right or fast enough, people don't get you, you have other things going on that we don't get, you are helping others, you are upset, you haven't been acked, your life is actually
going well, your life is not going well, there's no money there's no time, if you were a millionaire you would do it no problem,

Do you think I make some sort of commission off you? The answer is that I don't have better things to do than to support my group and help when I can. Clears ARE my group. And no- I don't make a dime.

You're waiting because of money? Or for your wife to do it first or for you to strike it rich? It will not happen without your decision to go up the levels. That is the truth. You owe it to yourself, your family, and to mankind to move and move NOW.

Granted, this is a very, very, very long e-mail and very difficult to get through since it is like reading another language, but I am shocked by how many times the issue of money is brought up. How much does being in Scientology cost? Why is there the commission line? Do other members get commissions off other members at certain times? How come you need to pay to move ahead in the religion? Is it percentage based or is it only the richest succeed? That last paragraph is especially telling, because it seems to indicate that the only way someone can really get ahead is to strike it rich.

With all of these revelations and leaks, it just seems like this organization just gets more and more shady. I can't tell the difference between this e-mail Leah sent and any other scam pyramid scheme type letters. I am wondering if this is all one big pyramid scheme that is going to come crashing down on the top of Tom Cruise. Not that he would have far to fall, unless he was wearing his heels. Can you honestly tell me if you read this that you could see she was talking about religion and not water purification filters she was selling and exhorting the people below her on the pyramid to move up and sell more? Just remember that all pyramid schemes eventually come crashing to earth. Not of course that Scientology is a pyramid scheme, just saying that I can't tell the difference in the e-mail I read.


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