Friday, January 25, 2008

Katie Holmes Pregnant Before Meeting Tom Cruise

According to the National Enquirer, Katie Holmes was already pregnant before she even met Tom Cruise. The father of Suri according to them is Chris Klein. I personally have my doubts about Chris being the father, but whatever. It still makes for a much better story than Tom Being the father. I take that back. If Tom were the father than I would know an immaculate conception is possible so I guess that would make him being the father a bigger story.

Anyway, the ever present "source" told the Enquirer that Chris Klein told him Holmes was pregnant and that Chris was the father. The source passed a lie detector test and had this to say to the Enquirer.

“We were having dinner at Cafeteria, a restaurant in NY’s Chelsea district, when Chris blurted out ‘Dude, you know I got Katie preggers.’

If Chris Klein actually used those words, then I would guess Chris was talking to his boyfriend and that he just watched Katie get pregnant. What guy has ever said the word preggers? Ever? In the history of the world?

“There was a long silence. I realized Chris had said more than he intended. My next thought was: 'What happened to the baby?'”

Why didn't Chris want to say anything? If he got paid off, he didn't get much because he is not exactly living large. Further, if promises were made to help his career, then he should get on the phone pretty quick because his career is fading away almost as fast as Katie's.

The source added: “From the look in Chris’ eyes, I realized this was highly personal. I didn’t want to probe any further. We quickly went on to another topic.

Well then what kind of friend are you? Friends dig and probe and find out everything they can, so that way when they do end up selling the story to the Enquirer you have something to share and show for your questions other than one sentence which sounds great until you read the damn word preggers.

“Chris never brought it up again, but I know he must be reminded of Katie’s pregnancy every time he sees her daughter.”

Notice that the friend calls Suri her daughter. Not Chris' daughter, or their daughter. If this source was so convinced that Suri was Chris Klein's kid, how come he didn't say his daughter? What the Enquirer did was play fast loose with the quotes of the person. If you look very carefully, you will notice that the source never says the baby is not Tom Cruise's baby. The source says Katie got pregnant by Chris, but we don't know exactly when that pregnancy occurred. Then at the end, the source says Katie's baby. If Suri is Tom and Katie's baby, it is not lying to say that Suri is Katie's baby. Nice job by the Enquirer, and very libel proof.


  1. i always thought it was Josh Hartnett's.

    she had a lil rendezvous with him before Tom "made her life."

    it's one of the two.

  2. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I've always wanted this to be true, lol.

  3. Jax- Josh that's juicy!! I never heard anything about a lil rendezvous. that is a priceless little tid bit. He's on my list...yummmy

  4. My theory is a boring one. That kid is definitely Tom's baby. She looks so much like him that it's impossible to think otherwise. It's not salacious, but it's sort of obvious.

  5. Isn't that the same magazine that makes claims like "Woman pregnant by Alien"?

  6. I think Tom got lucky that Suri has features similar to his- she looks just like Katie, but Katie & Tom look alike.

    I've heard this story before. I definitely think she was pregnant b/4 she met Tom- that kid was born way before her April birthday, trust.

  7. I think Suri looks identical to Tom's cousin William Mapother

  8. Oh and I should also say that my daughter was born in April of the same year and Suri has always looked much older than her, even when they were very little.

  9. Actually, Kim, now that you mention it, Mathilda Ledger is 6 months older than Suri, but she actually looks younger.

  10. I have always been of the theory that Katie's baby wasn't Tom's, and some "arrangement" was made.

    We'll never know....


  11. Notice that the friend calls Suri her daughter. Not Chris' daughter, or their daughter. If this source was so convinced that Suri was Chris Klein's kid, how come he didn't say his daughter?

    Because the kid is hers now. I get sick of this male terminology of "his child." As if women are just vessels for men's children.

  12. Anonymous10:43 AM

    wow kory, are you o.k.?

  13. Suri does look older for her age..already. But if we asked Tommy Boy his excuse would be "I have super sperm."

    I always thought that she looked like Chris, but will we ever find out the truth? Maybe when Tommy passes away in 116 years.

  14. Tom Cruise couldn't father a roach, unless roaches germinate inside a gay man's asshole.

  15. Is there a way to ignore a poster on this site? Can anyone show me how to do it?

  16. Anonymous11:01 AM

    i agree, the comments are disgusting and offensive.

  17. I just think a young guy who uses the word "dude" would not say "preggers" -- that's a word a middle-aged woman would use.

  18. @Kim click on the orange thing by IT's post.

    Ent!!!! This is getting ridick!

  19. What's that link where we can complain? I really can't have that stupid icon showing up on my screen. If my boss walks by and sees that...OR if my kid happens to look over my shoulder if I'm on here at home....that guy's a complete idiot.

  20. Tracee - Thanks! I just clicked that orange button. GREAT!!!

  21. guys, I just emailed Ent. Let's see if he can get us any info about how to make this freak kick rocks.

  22. Anonymous11:13 AM

    ditto tracee

  23. Ha Michele, I'm in a constant state of anger.

    Seriously, I don't understand the way society thinks of children being men's. Women carry them for 9 months and when they are done, they put the man's name on the baby and it's his, not theirs because this is how it's always done. Break the patriarchy. Vive la revolution!

  24. Thanks for the tip, Tracee.

    Let's see...Chris Klein, Tom Cruise, Katie Homes, Josh Hartnett...they all look enough alike for these rumors to flourish. Though, I've always thought Suri was Chris's. If that's true, it almost makes Tom look better in my eyes - he's definitely raising her as his own. Granted, she's going to be immersed in scientology.

    Any guesses on how old Suri will be before she rebels? Definitely during the teen years. Maybe she'll even go back to her mom's Catholic roots and become a nun (just kidding). ;)

  25. I think Bat Boy is probably the father.

  26. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I dont know who the father could be...

    but I know one thing.

    That lil baby has some Filipino in her. Anyone who has been around Filipino babies, can see it in Suri. My last boyfriends family was mostly Filipino on his mom's side, and his brother married a Filipino woman...I babysat their kids all the time...and I swear, their kids' baby pictures and their youngest, a toddler, look like Suri siblings.

  27. Anonymous11:31 AM

    i somewhat agree. what pisses me off is taking the man's name. i was "me" for 24 years before i decided to marry him. then you become so and so's wife or so and so's mom. it's like an identity crises and you lose yourself.

    does that make any sense or am i totally crazy?

  28. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Michele, it isnt crazy. In more than a few countries, such as Argentina or Finland, its never the custom to take the man's name as your own, its unheard of. When being polite and introducing yourselves in those countries it is acceptable to ask both parties their full names, since they differ whether or not they are married.

  29. Ladies, you don't have to take a man's name! Call yourself/selves, name your baby/ies, whatever you want. There's no law that says you have to take any vestige of a man's identity if you don't want to.
    And no namby pamby "Yeah, but..." If you want to change your name, you're within your rights to do it.
    Given the size of the bridge of Suri's nose, I think TC's her dad and that she's going to need a nose job before high school.
    NO one in the US uses the word preggers. It's very commonly used in the UK.

  30. Judi, I've heard preggers before, but usually it some type of valley girl talk. Just my two cents.

  31. Katie disappeared from being photographed everyday around December/January before Suri was allegedly born. Around February, she hit up Starbucks and every shopping center in Beverly Hills daily, wearing the ever-changing bumps. Remember when her bumps seemed to change size from picture to picture? Remember how quickly she got big after Cruise announced she was pregnant? Remember also the birth certificate intrigue, that the people who signed the birth certificate weren't the attending medical staff? Notice that Suri looks about 4-6 months older than Shiloh, Kingston Stefani-Rossdale, and Brooke Shields' second child, all born within weeks (or moments) of Suri's alleged birth date.

    Something's fishy.

    I've always Suri was Josh Hartnett's because I remember their brief relationship between Klein and Cruise. And I think she was born in December, not April.

  32. One more thing. Remember how they waited until Suri was about 4 months of age before any pictures of her published? That's because they had to wait until she reached a stage in development that is more ambiguous in terms of age. You can't publish pictures of a 5-month-old and pass her off as a newborn.

  33. Lil miss s&m... I agree with you 100%. Katie dissapeared for a while then reappeared with an awkward looking bump. And Suri wasn't seen for months. She definitely looks older than her reprted age. She's a dead ringer for Katie but I can't place any other featires to a certain anyone. But something is definitely going on.

  34. Judi, et al...

    Not only do you not *have* to take your husband's name when you get married, he could take yours, if he wanted...or you could both come up with a new name together and both change your names.

    Taking a man's name when you get married is an outdated custom that (I think) had to do with property rights and such.

  35. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I'm on Team Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors.

    Here's a little bit of interesting theological trivia.
    The Immaculate Conception is the conception of Mary, the mother of Jesus, without any stain of original sin, in her mother's womb. Her immaculate conception in the womb of her mother, by normal sexual intercourse, should not be confused with the doctrine of the virginal conception of her son Jesus.

    I'm just sayin'...

  36. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Re name thing - You never stopped being who you were before (maiden). Stop with the blame game. If you changed your name, YOU did it, no one held you down and made you, the registrar didn't write it in blood drawn from your unwilling arm. Someone seems to have some major anti-male issues to deal with.

    And for the record, if you're sooo worried about your last name, you know it's your DAD's right (or atleast your presumed dad's)? Seriously, grow the f*ck up! Call yourself what ever the hell you want, but stop whining!

    There has never been a law to force a woman to take her husband's name. The way we name is purely a social convention to identify your 'tribal' association. If you've got a massive issue with it, you need to head back to pre-history.

    I can give you lists of women that never took their husband's name - in the ancient world through to the modern.

    As for it being "her" child. Um, what, so the dad now does NOTHING? Really, I'm all for same-sex adoptions and invitro but a sperm comes from a guy, and egg from a chick. There is no point in claiming it's HER baby or HIS baby. It would be both their baby. However, the Enquirer is really good at avoiding getting sued, hence the only reason to distinguish.

  37. There were reports of Josh Hartnett and Katie dating and kissing "passionately" outside of her new NYC apartment in Feb, March & beginning of April of '05. In fact, they were seeing each other up until the week that Katie flew to LA to meet about MI3.

    Suri was out of sight for months "to keep her privacy" and then she's been paraded around the world in front of paps ever since.

    Check out Josh Hartnett, his looks aren't that far off.

  38. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I remember (like it was yesterday) when Katie's pregnancy was announced in October of 2005. They said she was three months pregnant. Wasn't it around the time when she and Tom were attending a lot of Isabella's soccer matches? I took one look at the photos and said (as did a lot of people), "Don't piss on my neck and tell me it's raining. That girl is MUCH further along than three months."

  39. fabiola thing- I remember that too. And my sister is 4 months pregnant +1 week and no one would ever know she is preggers. Also, Jessica Alba, Nicole Kidman and possibly Jaime Lynn (who really know) are all at least 3 months along barely showing. Katie's belly button was laready an outie at her supposed "3 month" stage.

  40. Have you guys heard Chris Klein ever talk?
    he's a tool at best...i can totally see him not only saying Dude but preggers.
    He comes off like a youth minister at a Jesus rally.
    But realllly dumb.
    as Suri gets older we'll be able to tell if its Chris or Josh's..already she has the 'squint'.


    I think she looks JUST like Tom, actually. Suri is really cute and I feel bad for her that so many people are saying crazy things.

    If anything, I always thought Suri looked kind of little for her age.

  42. Katie looks like a different woman in that pic - happy, pretty and normal. It's so sad to watch her decline...Joey where are you?

  43. I think Suri looks more like Chris Klein (who could probably pass for Tom's son).

    And what I remember is Suri as a baby (so long ago, I know) and she always looked older to me. People were already speculating she was older than we were told and then she started walking/talking "early" (probably right on time with her real age).

    Does anyone think the real truth about this will ever come out?

  44. Oh hell no to the comment that Suri looks Filipino. I'm Filipino and if she were in pics with my sibs and me as kids, she'd be pointed out as "Is she part white?". It always bothered me when people talked about how Suri looked way too "Asian" (in a tone synonymous with "weird-looking") to be Tom's kid.

    I'll get off my soapbox and go back to being the occasional poster.

  45. Yup. Pisly. And people were saying that all babies are born with blue eyes. And I was saying that this wasn't true. Case in point: a friend's baby is half Japanese, half French, and was born with black eyes. At 6 mos. of age, her eyes were sky blue; at one year, they were hazel, which is their current color at 3.5 yrs old.
    We just have to wait until she grows up more to really see, but I don't think she looks anything like Klein (longer face), who's a complete jackass, by the way.
    Fabiola, I learned the true roots of the Immaculate Conception just several years ago. Isn't it interesting?!

  46. Anonymous4:41 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Anonymous4:42 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Kim, with a Firefox browser and the Adblock plug-in, you can at least block that inbred crapsack's avatar permanently (right-click and block image). That way it won't show up again before you get a chance to click the orange button on his next 'comment'. If he posts a new avatar pic, you'll have to block it also, but only once per image URL.

    I also use it to block those irritating animated avatars in various forums.

    I don't think anybody actually reads his comments anymore. The novelty has worn off.

  49. Anonymous8:45 PM

    No dammit - Suri is L. Ron's baby! You people - you're glib. GLIB! You haven't studied this stuff. I HAVE.

    *laughs maniacly*

  50. brendalove, are you wearing a black turtleneck ? ;)

  51. Brendabay I heart you! LOL!

  52. That baby looks too much like Tom.

  53. i wouldn't hazard a guess as to WHO the father is, but i do know there's something fishy with the birth certificate. i haven't looked recently, but i think "the smoking gun" has all that stuff.

    and a comment on the last name thing: back in the olden times, (hah) women WERE considered their husband's property. they couldn't own property, vote, etc. etc. i believe that has some to do with women taking a man's name, along with the tribal thing that someone else mentioned.
    personally, online, my husband gets to be "mr. bunny". in the real world, i get to be "mrs. _____", and i'm proud to be. after 23 years, i still adore him,
    so why wouldn't i want to take his name?

    and thanks for the advice on clicking the orange button!!! i didn't know that, either!



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