Monday, January 14, 2008

Joaquin Phoenix - Nylon Guys Magazine

This is one hell of a pricey magazine and Joaquin Phoenix's scar still freaks me the hell out. How's that for commentary. I know, I know. You want your porn with no talking. I get it. Enjoy.


  1. I love Joaquin! He is sexy in an unconventional way like Depp is.

  2. Anonymous10:20 AM

    why is he on fire in the last photo?

    I've never found him attractive.

  3. Very ..... intense. Thank you. Not attractive, but ..... intense.

  4. He reminds me of a somewhat less obnoxious Sean Penn; just as weird, almost as unattractive.

  5. when i was just a wee tween back in the 80's i had a majah crush for River..but i think Joaquin might have just eclipsed that.

    I still wonder how great an actor he would have become..or if drugs would have taken him down further had he not Od'd.

    either way..talented family. i know Joaquin in haunted by that night..hopefully he can work out his issues with that and have a long fufilling career. (instead of doing blow with Eva Mendes for days straight)

    oh did i mention he's dammmmmm fine?

  6. What's with all the smoking by actors lately? Can they be that stupid?

  7. Wow! Very nice. Love, love, love him.

    (what's this about Mendes & blow? haven't heard that)

  8. That's canadian pounds LOL. Not pricey at all, same as US

  9. ENT - thank you!!!! more please!!!! i love love joaquin. fitting into some mold is boring. he's unique and talented. being aloof is sexy.

  10. Carolmr, if you've ever heard some of them speak without a script, then yes. Some of them really ARE that stupid.

  11. canadian pounds? huh??

  12. I love the comments across the pics. I hear you crazy Joaquin.

  13. I'm not sure how a man can look so dirty and so clean at the same time. But, he's on my list of men whose hair I want to wash.

  14. joaquin, if you stop over for dinner you can smoke anything you want. you can dance on my chairs, tip them over, smoke some more, take off your clothes,........

  15. Yes, that's true, twisted sister.

  16. Anonymous11:44 AM

    He doesn't believe in an afterlife...but he's bringing a change of underwear, just in case

  17. he is awesome him .. lust for him ...want to give him a bubble bath ..

  18. FYI, notahen. In Canada, the currency is dollars (just like the U.S.), not pounds. And, if you look closely, you will notice the Euro symbol just in front of the 5.20.

  19. He's a hot, crazy mess. And I'd do whatever he asked me to do, and then I'd beg for more.

  20. What scar? I don't see any scar but the pics are kind of dark.

  21. Yes! More Joaquin!!! He just seems to look better with age...

  22. Miss X, he's got a scar that runs from the top of his lip up toward his nose. You can see it clearly here:

    You've never noticed that in his movies? Or were you busy making out? ;-)

  23. Gorgeous. The 'wounded healer....'
    He was the hottest as the tormented priest in 'Quills' ---- but then he was in billowy white shirts the whole time--- looks so much better than the constant black attire IMHO :)

  24. His scar is from being born w/a cleft palate. Obviously it was corrected at a very early age (probably close to birth), as he has no speech impediments from it. 9 times out of 10, when you see someone w/a scar like that, it's from a cleft palate.

    Also, he's hot. Sad, but hot.

  25. what scar?

    WHAT SCAR????

    I love Joaquin but that scar has almost ruined some of his movies for me.


  26. I love him. He is #1 on my Freebie Five.

  27. natd, I think that's an urban legend. I've read interviews with him where he's said otherwise.

  28. I Love him!!! To me the scar just adds to his hotness!! I'm with you jax(comments about River and Joaquin)!!It still makes me a little sad to think about River:(

  29. As far as i know it wasn't a full cleft palate but a Microform cleft,
    its about halfway down on this page

  30. cigarettes just aren't sexy, imo

    he's constantly using them as props in photos... why does he hide?

    I think he has an insecurity complex, as super-sexy he tries to portray it just seems sad to me.
