Monday, January 14, 2008

Jessica Simpson Destroys Another Career And The Hopes And Dreams Of Millions

I think Jessica Simpson envisioned herself going to Dallas Cowboys games and cheering on her man in much the same way that Eva Longoria cheers on Tony Parker. She must have seen Eva always being shown on camera at games and how she it was nothing but a positive for her. So when Pimpa told Jessica that he had pimped her out to Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo for a few months or until the money ran out, she was probably thrilled.

What Jessica forgot though is that everything she touches turns to dust, while everything Eva touches turns to gold, or at least shines for awhile before turning green. The main difference is that Jessica Simpson is just bad luck, a jinx, or whatever else you want to call it, while Eva Longoria is one of Satan's minions so she has that going for her. I mean how else do you explain the hit television show and boy toy who makes millions. Satan of course. I mean it's obvious. I don't really mind though because I'm a Spurs fan. So Eva could be off sacrificing chickens on Tony Parker's head. I don't really care as long as it gets the team where I want it.

Jessica on the other hand destroys everything she touches. Jessica touched and destroyed her marriage. She destroyed a film career, not only for herself but for several people who have been in films with her. Since appearing with Jessica, most of the people she co-starred with have had nothing but lukewarm films or even bombs. Jessica destroyed not only her own singing career but that of Nick Lachey. It was only after he got rid of her that he had any success at all again. Jessica touched John Mayer and he couldn't get it up again for three months. Jessica touched Bam Margera and shortly thereafter his uncle got thrown in the clink for assaulting teenagers. She touched Johnny Knoxville and within six months he got divorced. Jessica even touched her sister Ashlee on the night everything went to hell on Saturday Night Live. As people burn Jessica Simpson CD's in the streets of Dallas and her image is burned in effigy, she may seriously want to reconsider this whole "reconnecting" with Texas thing she has been trying, because honestly, they don't want her anymore. I don't think anyone wants her anymore actually.


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