Friday, January 25, 2008

I Hope She Has A Good Editor

Lindsay Lohan is writing again. This time though it is more than just one text message so I hope she has a very good editor. Lindsay has started writing her autobiography. I think it is something every 21 year old should do as they have lived such a long and full life and have so much knowledge and wisdom to share with the world. Hell, I think Paris Hilton is on her third biography and she is only 40 or so. I know she is actually younger than that but there is a math formula that states you have to add one year to your life for every fifty people you have sex with. It's why Jenna Jameson looks like she is 100. Trust me I learned all about this is in algebra or one of the metry classes. Trig or Geo.

Anyway, Lindsay is out of cash and so is writing an outline of what she would say and who she would throw under a bus depending on how much cash is offered. Of course she could just sell her stories or photos straight to the tabloids like her dad and thus save us the pain of having to wade through 150 pages of crap. There will be 150 pages of worthless blabbering ghostwritten by someone her dad finds for Lindsay. Therefore every other page will be about how great her dad is. Hell, it will probably sound like Lindsay was raised solely by her dad, and that her mom abandoned her at birth.

After spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on rehab and legal fees, as well as all the other expenses in her life, Lindsay was forced to sell her LA and NY homes because she couldn't make the mortgage payments. I don't have an extra bed, but there is a really stained, beat up recliner she can use at my place if she needs something.

Instead of an autobiography, I think she should write a book about why she picks up guys and has sex with them in the first hour after knowing them, and how come she is not doing that for a living instead of giving it up for free. You would think that if she started charging, she would have to make more than writing some book no one is going to want to read in the first place.

The book is tentatively entitled. "Be Adequite"


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