Thursday, January 17, 2008

I Hate Justin Timberlake

Lets just pretend for the sake of argument that Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake are really a couple and soooo in love as their publicists would lead you to believe. They want you to know that Justin adores his Jessica and that despite the recent freakishness of Jessica's hair and lips, Justin is happy and content. Again, for the sake of this post we are assuming all of this to be true, even if it is not close to being true because I don't think either one can stand being with the other. Got all that? Good. So wtf was Justin Timberlake doing in the club Villa the other night making out with Kate Hudson? If you will recall, Kate was his number one looks like a man choice after Cameron Diaz and they swapped some spit about a year ago. Now, with Jessica off filming in the UK, and Justin anxious to prove he isn't an Eddie Murphy boy toy, he makes his move on Kate Hudson.

Of course Justin's people deny it all and say the usual crap that he and Kate are just friends and that friends always shove their tongues down other friends throats. I don't know if they are denying it because they really believe it never happened or if they want the world to think Jessica and Justin are still together, or if they don't want Justin portrayed as a cheater, or if Kate is too old or too ugly or they just don't know what to do or can't get Justin on the phone.

All I know is that this is one guy who only cares about himself. He has proved that he doesn't care about his fans, and doesn't care about the people he works with. The only people other than himself who Justin cares about are people that can do him a favor. If they can't, then buh bye. For an example see N-Sync. Also, this is the second time I have said buh bye today. Shoot me if I do it again.


Unknown said...

Ever since that video where he went out of his way to walk over and mush a photog, Ive thought he sucked. God knows he wouldnt have done it to anyone else on the street. He wouldn't do it when someone was stomping on his favorite guitar.
He's talented but he's still a spoiled mama's boy.

Dijea said...

He seems like such a little wimpy thing. All petite and pretty. Not at all the type that makes me wanna ...

Anonymous said...

I never have liked him after he left Janet Jackson to handle the fallout from the Superbowl fiasco all by herself a few years back. What a gentleman.

tigereye said...

it just occurred to me: people have complained/commented about how would a real lawyer have time to write this stuff...well, I was just thinking that ENT has said he doesn't sleep much. He could just sit around at night avoiding insomnia, or succombing to it, writing his thoughts on various crap.

This is out of the blue and random, i know, I just thought I'd share my new theory... =)

Anonymous said...

BrendaLove - I feel the same way. To me the guy is a wimp.

I think in this picture he looks so gay LOL.

Jolara said...

Am I the only one who thinks Kate Hudson is pretty?

JT seems to have gotten a big head due to his success but one thing he can never run away from that will always haunt him is that he will forever be associated with Britney Spears...nuff said!

Tracee said...

Gun locked and loaded Ent.

Justin tries to emulate Jacko, but there's a big difference between the two. Jacko has always been good to his fans even as he got more and more freaky. Justin better watch his ass because he could easily go the route of freak and have absolutely no one buy his records.

The breaking point with me was when he spit on a fan. That's realllly low. Right up there to pissing on a homeless person.

Unknown said...

"Also, this is the second time I have said buh bye today. Shoot me if I do it again."

Technically, that was the third time, so BANG!


Oh alright, I'm just a big duffus! :p

jax said...

I like his music but he is Douche damn full of himself.

He is the type of guy who would pull a Bryan Adams and the elevator thing. Dick.

Ya i dont think much of Kate either...i still remeember the shots of her making out with Matt Le Blanc while he had a serious g/f who later was the wife. whore.

I dont know if i gett hegay vibe from JT but i sure as hell do from Biel.

Jemtastic said...

Tracee, he SPIT on someone?!?!?! Wow. Who does that kind of stuff? It amazes me that a man that is more famous for the women he dates than in his own right, feels that he can violate another human being in such a manner. I hope he enjoys the fame he still has; he needs to look up Leif Garrett if he needs a refresher course on how fragile celebrity truly is.

Anonymous said...

Jax, for some reason I can sometimes tell when a man is gay but when it comes to a woman I can't unless they are butch LOL.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for his balls to descend.

Anonymous said...


budford said...

Looks like a woos and acts like a woos.

WTF said...

Justin is too girly for me. Can't stand the way he acts with photographers.

Kate Hudson is quite the slut.

Hope said...

Justin looks unhappy most of the time because he's very angry about the fact that he's gay and believes he must act macho.

YahMoBThere said...

Hope, I think he's pissed off that he's white, too.

wtf, NO KIDDING! I'm starting to think SHE was the one with Joe Camel.

Carte Blanche said...

Kate is a playah for sure, but I do love her smile. It's like a lightbulb.

JT - My head bops to his music, but his douchbag-ness just kills me. Get.Over.Yourself.

califblondy said...

tigereye, if you've ever worked in the legal profession, you'd know that just the fact that EL has a beautiful blog like this is even MORE proof that he's an actual Attorney At Large ;) Usually (remember, I said usually), an attorney has some kick-ass assistant putting in the real hours. This gives an attorney tons of free time to sleep late, enjoy long lunches, Mercedes shop, stalk starlets, telephone ex-wives to tell 'em the alimony payment is late again, and oh ya, the occasional Court appearance.

As far as JT, honestly, I never ever saw the appeal when he was the break-out star of N*Sync, then the Britney deal, followed by Cam. When he talks all ghetto he makes me laugh. BUT, I have to admit I bought the Future, Sexy, whateverthehell CD and I love it. I've danced around the casa many a lonely night playing that CD trying to bring sexy back.

ladorabelle said...

I think Kate is gorgeous, but/and she daily looks more like her mother . . . pre-face destruction. I agree that Kate's smile is like a light bulb -- when it looks genuine, it makes me want to smile, as well.

KJ said...

All I know is that this is one guy who only cares about himself. He has proved that he doesn't care about his fans, and doesn't care about the people he works with. The only people other than himself who Justin cares about are people that can do him a favor. If they can't, then buh bye. For an example see N-Sync.

I think I just fell in love with you, Ent.


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