Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Heath, Heath, Heath

I really don't know what to say about the passing of Heath Ledger. He was a very troubled guy who had lots of inner demons that he was always fighting. When his daughter Matilda was born, it seemed like Heath was headed in the right direction, but it just wasn't meant to be. When he lost the foundation of having Michelle Williams and his daughter every day, he seemed to be slowly drifting further and further from mainstream behaviors.

As with so many actors who die young, Heath seemed to have such great promise and such bright future. I only met him two or three times, but each time I met him he was incredibly warm and kind and had a presence that was electric. I had not seen him in over a year and from what I understand the Heath I had met, and knew was not the same Heath that has been inhabiting his body for the last year.

For MSNBC's take on the story and a video of his life, click here.


Production Girl said...


Poor Matilda

Kat said...

Never saw this coming. Literally felt my job drop when I heard the news. He was never a favourite of mine, but I can't say he wasn't a great actor in many ways. I had no idea he had a drug problem, if that is indeed what killed him. I suppose that this explains his break-up with Michelle Williams, whom I'm sure is devastated at the moment. RIP Heath, your star flight was brief, but you shone, nonetheless.

GammaGirl said...

I'm still a wreck over this.

Anonymous said...

such a shocking death. i'm really sad over this one.

Stacy said...

Its too bad he couldn't get his act together for his child.

Kory said...

Wow, sad. He did seem to have potential that was just starting. Yet Paris and Lindsay still live. This is why I am misanthropic.

Tracee said...

I'm never lost of words, but...

[Tracee's moment of silence]

noel said...


Hope his family finds the strength to get through these troubled times...

Production Girl said...

For some reason whenever I see my birth year and a death year....well I get even more freaked out.

We were 2 weeks apart. I too have a 2 year old. It just freaks me out.

RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008

Anonymous said...

He was my first celebrity crush. Just remembering that charming smile from Ten Things I Hate About You sets me off again...

RagDoll said...

yeah, I thought the same thing (mostly about Paris-ite)

Majik said...

Anyone else think that God's made a mistake and meant to take Lilo and Brit instead??

Poor Heath...such a talent.

Production Girl said...

10 Things I Hate About you when I first knew who he was.


jin said...


(don't fall for the MKO smokescreen. she and her sister are worth a BILLION dollars and she has a HUGE ALBATROSS of a coke habit to hide)

Maja With a J said...

Not a big Heath Ledger fan, but it's tragic nonetheless. Let's hope his kid turns out alright!

kickapoo said...

Holy shit!!! Another talented actor, RIP. Why do they feel life is so bad they slowly kill themselves with drugs????? Both he and Renfro had children, SAD!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

i am not surprised as i remember hearing he partied and i find it hard to understand why this happens when we know how bad drugs are and have seen manny talented performers die as a result. i wonder if this will open up people's eyes. i wonder how river phoenix's death wasnt enough for young hollywood to see that no one is invincible. i feel for his child and family. do u think he is in any blinds since Ent said the past year he was not himself...

RagDoll said...

jindi, I have been led to believe the both sisters suffer from that same affliction....

ablake said...

Condolances to his family.

redgurl72 said...

I'm absolutely stunned.

Unfortunately the media already seem to be making something smutty out of his staying in MK Olsens apartment.
Any angle for a story.

captivagrl said...

i feel very sad for his family and close friends. i love his performances in Monster's Ball and The Patriot.

WTF said...

Majik said...

Anyone else think that God's made a mistake and meant to take Lilo and Brit instead??

Yes, should have been Brit or Wino they seem more out of control

takeme2espana said...

Addiction is a nasty thing. People don't get clean for other people, they get clean because they finally realize its what they have to do for themselves....I'm sorry Heath didn't live to find that place of self-realization. Getting Matlida away from the use may have been what Michelle was doing, a difficult but righteous decision. Geez, I feel awful for what she must be going through....

jlb said...

Glad you're back Ent.

I fell for Heath in 10 Things as well...when he was on the bleachers singing "Can't take my eyes off of you..."

I hope all other Hollyweird partiers are taking note....and not the usual ones... I mean people like Ben Affleck - if he is the answer to the last blind about the binge - don't let your daughter grow up without a daddy too.

Jen Ryan's Brain said...

I was having a terrible, depressing day today. Lots of things just not going well in my life right now and unf. no hope on the horizon for imporvement. I walked through the streets with my head down and thought seriously about stepping into traffic and being done with it. Then I returned home to get this horrible news. I picked up the phone and called a friend. The thought of this gifted young man who seemingly had it all to live for taking his own life is...well, its sobering. RIP dear sweet prince. I hope you have peace in the next world that you could not find in this one.

Jen Ryan's Brain said...

I was having a terrible, depressing day today. Lots of things just not going well in my life right now and unf. no hope on the horizon for imporvement. I walked through the streets with my head down and thought seriously about stepping into traffic and being done with it. Then I returned home to get this horrible news. I picked up the phone and called a friend. The thought of this gifted young man who seemingly had it all to live for taking his own life is...well, its sobering. RIP dear sweet prince. I hope you have peace in the next world that you could not find in this one.

Anonymous said...

This is just heartbreaking. Two talented actors dead in the space of days from their inner demons. Just yesterday we were reminiscing over how hot he used to be and how far he had fallen in that picture. I feel so bad for Michelle and Matilda right now.

Judi said...

Jen Ryan, SELF PRESERVATION!!! We don't know that he took his life but don't you dare take yours!!! Maybe you can't see the way out of all the crap right now but a way may open up if you just wait for it!

WTF said...

oh no CNN just showed the body being put into the van.


kickapoo said...

Jeri Ryan, please keep seeking help!!!! It may seem like things may never get better but they will. Don't give up!

YahMoBThere said...

Jen Ryan, the dark days are temporary. Death is permanent and it's no way out. You only plunge those you love into a dark abyss. T'rust me - nothing..NOTHING...is worth taking your life over.

We've all had really bleak experiences from time to time. Just hang in there and you'll get through this..

Zabbie said...

I heard that he had been on ambien. I was on that for a long time around the age of 15 I overdosed and nearly killed myself. It is easy to overdose on that drug. I can see this being an acident. It's very tragic and I'm still stuned by this and still can't believe it!

princess pea said...

jenryan - please - don't ever think of doing that. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem (and very selfish I might add). What it does to the survivors is just awful.

No matter how bad things may seem, tomorrow is another day, and the sun will shine. Listen to what smart judi said.

Moosefan said...

Sad just is not the word I am looking for.
I pray for his family and for Michelle as she is now a single mother in the literal sense of the word. I hope that he is finally at peace.

Anonymous said...

So sad for his family and ACTUAL friends. Something you see time & time again, over the last few years especially, are nobodies coming out of the woodwork after a celebrity death all proclaiming intimacy, friendship and inside knowledge. I guess they feel safe that there can be no rebuttal of their bullshit, particularly if they BS about how "nice" the corpse is. The writer here does fictional BIs which is fine. But creating a fictional acquaintance with the barely dead to gain cred w/ internet gossipers? NEW LOW and that's saying alot.
Bottom of every page here every day from the "writer":
"certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blog’s proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content."

jax said...

Jeri Ryan...every new day is a new beginning.

don't give up hope,surround yourself with lovely friends and family if you can.

2 things to cheer you up?
Jerry O connell/Tom Cruise video on TMZ.
Vitamin D, mother natures prozac..get some sun or go for a tan and release that seratonin!
it really does help.

we'll be thinking of you and expect to see you back tomrrow!

ablake said...

Twisted that reminds me of a story I once read, in SFGate I think, of survivors who jumped from the golden gate bridge (obviously there aren't many).
Someone said that when they jumped all of a sudden they realized that everything in their life was fixable, except for the decision they had just made.

Chin up Jen Ryan. Things can only get better. After all, without the rain, we wouldn't appreciate the sunshine.

Anonymous said...

jen ryan, your comment brought tears to my eyes.
I wish you the best.

I, too, fell in love with Heath when I saw 10 Things...

I knew he had a drug problem, but it never occurred to me it was this bad.

jax said...

CFX is this really the time for your conspiracy theory?

seriously THAT is a low.

I respect your right to have that opinion but find another post, you're just coming off low class.

SarahT said...

I feel so sorry for his family, especially his young daughter.

The scary thing is, celebrity death's always happen in three's Renfro, Ledger,(?).

ablake said...

Cfx I don't doubt Ent may have met Heath. He's not saying he hung out with him or spent long weekends with him. He's just saying he's met him in the past. This could be at a premiere, a random encounter at a diner or charity or any number of things. Ent has been pretty open in the past about people he comments on that he hasn't met, so I see no reason for him to try and jump on the friend bandwagon.

ablake said...

meant to add ..especially since we don't know who Ent is. So I doubt we'll be seeing him on Extra giving interviews, unless they put him behind a screen and disguise his voice or something.

jlb said...

jenryan - Please take to heart that at the very, very least you have a community here that would miss you.

Anonymous said...

I shuddered just seeing that TMZ has a video of the body being wheeled out. I cant bring myself to watch.

Tigercat said...

I'm stunned and sad. I've always liked Heath and thought he actually had talent in a time where most of what we see is merely a personality playing type. I've no idea what he was going through but I wish his spirit, his family and his daughter my deepest condolences.

Jen Ryan's Brain said...

thanks all. you bring light to me 'art! :)
anyway give a hug to those you love, I will

califblondy said...

Jen, I really hope you feel better. Without any of the gory details, I had a bad deal last week from which I'm still trying to recover. I know that other people's advice sometimes doesn't mean crap when bad stuff happens. I'm just trying to send some good karma your way (if I have any left).

Call me naive, but I honestly don't believe Ent would lie about meeting Heath. That would be a low thing to do, even for a lawyer.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

May he R.I.P.

I'm seriously saddened over this one.

YahMoBThere said...

Sweater, your post gave me the chills. Just a few weeks ago someone in our neighborhood lost his son to suicide. I can't think of anything worse than losing a loved one, other than losing a loved one that way.

It's so true, though, everything is fixable in some way.

Anonymous said...

LOL Jax, no conspiracy, sorry. It's been a given for awhile that the writer or writers here is NOT a lawyer, NOT connected in any way to the entertainment industry as an "insider" and there have been numerous gaffes that show that aside from the "this is fiction" disclaimer on the page bottom. Unimportant actually. So he/she pretends to know stars and you believe it. No prob. I do believe that it is contemptible to try to cash in whether for maoney or status on someone's dying.

selenakyle said...

No f-ing way!!!!
The other day I agreed with a poster somewhere about how this poor guy needs a shower, etc. grungy, get a life, etc.
Makes me feel great (sic)
How awful.
How many BIs does this prove?

Anonymous said...

this is the most shocking thing to happen in a long time. I got a CNN news alert and had my jaw not been swollen shut (dental work) it would have dropped. even with that picture of him yesterday I *never* would have thought that he would have died before any number of other people. it's just such a loss. he was so very talented, but I'm sure that is not what his friends and family will miss most :( my condolences to them and especially his daughter :(

meamia said...

Our thoughts, feelings, and deeds
are the threads of the net which
we throw around ourselves!

notvotingforsuckno said...

Jax: Thanks for posting the heads up about the JOC video -- it was hilarious. When he said he couldn't go on vacation...because he's broke-priceless.
In regards to the posts that Amy Winehouse should have died instead...can we please give her a break. I used to work with heroin addicts and did you know that some statistics are that 80% of female needle users were sexually abused? The lyrics on her CD lend credence to some issues. She needs help, not death. (Not to be sanctimonious).
And finally, Jen Ryan, I have felt that way too in the past. I hope airing it out here and getting some support has helped. Love to you.

Parsley Mostly said...

looks like there is a bad batch of something going around. it's awards season, lots of parties, drugs. people are ODing, and quite a few have gone to the hospital lately for unknown reasons.

bad batch of something. and it's hitting these guys hard.

plot said...

I don't get the feeling that drugs are totally to blame here. Some ppl are too vulnerable to live such a public life. Kurt Cobain is another one. Vivian Leigh too. Phenomenal talents like Heath, but no protection whatsoever, which is what makes them so watchable, so riveting, we are seeing a rare person who is nakedly breakable and so gifted.

Heath's acting wasn't a craft. In Monster's Ball and BBM, he goddamn took on the very frailty and skin of those characters. He knocked the wind out of me in those roles, so utterly melded his own understanding of pain or happiness, to the character's, and ultimately to universal features of all emotion. He alone turned BBM away from being just a gay story into an epic love story.

I'm so shocked and upset about this.

Please Jeri, we all have to bear in mind that Joy is as likely in the next moment as Sadness. For reaffirmation, listen to the song Sweet Old World by Lucinda Williams. It's a love song to the world in a moment of devastating pain - and why we can't deny the next moment of joy, which is always on the way, no matter how dark things look for a moment.


Parsley Mostly said...

seriously, there's a bad batch of something going around. take a look at the particular types who have been dying or going to the hospital lately, and then follow their trails back to the parties they've been going to.

bad batch.

my sources say oui!

Judi said...

TMZ reporting that Heath had pneumonia. Wondering if the prescript drugs found were antibiotics. Have to wait for more info.

Brenda22 said...

Wow, this interview with him done about 2 months ago is really creepy.


It kinda affirms K's theory.

V McIntyre said...

Some of you were wondering if he had been the subject of any BIs in the past. Lainey posted that he was the subject of one of hers, and gave a fairly easy clue to find it in her archives.

Julie said...

i read somewhere that Naomi Watts is an emotional wreck over him :(
I don't blame her. that is so sad.

I remember when one of my first boyfriends died sadsadsadsadsad

i just think of Matilda and cry. I wasn't much of a fan of his, but I feel so much for his daughter. But against all odds, Frances Bean seems ok, so she has a chance. ♥

Unknown said...

Just such a shock. A big one. Goes to show we never really know what goes on behind closed doors, so to speak. My youngest is Matilda's age, I can't imagine what it will be like for her to be without her father. My heart goes out to his family, and Michelle and Matilda. I imagine Michelle is just in a lot of pain tonight.

Oh Heath...

Judi said...

Ginger, yes, the full BI is posted here somewhere.
Naomi moved on but I'm sure she's affected. They were together for several years.

Anonymous said...

the BI is near the top of the gossip rocks BI forum (google it)

Kat said...

It's been a long time since a celebrity death has floored me. I feel so badly for Michelle Williams. I never really got the impression that their breakup was about a lack of love, so I'm guessing she's undone at the moment.

Dick Insideu said...

You are one lame hypocritical piece of shit, EL. You're one of the assholes who hounded him during his life.

I hope you die with a needle in your arm, EL, you wanna be spent piece of used asswipe. Fuck you.

Mel said...

That's shocking news, shocking. I remember Heath when he was a little known actor in Home and Away, his career path has been so exciting to watch. I can't believe, it, so sad. Poor Michelle, poor Matilda, poor everybody that loved him.

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Eireman said...

hello kitty I've asked before but WHY would you post rules about the "great, beleaguered sport of MMA"??? WTF really. Honestly can't figure that one out as Google & Blogger both have rules for posting content.

Simone said...

RIP Heath. I have shed a lot of tears for him in the past couple of hours and more will follow.

I'm just in shock, and I need to log off the computer and take a muscle relaxant!

He was too young and far too talented to perish so soon. He has a 2 year old baby girl!

But I have heard that he had demons and... all I hope is that he is truly at peace.

My prayers are with Michelle, Matilda and his family and friends.

RIP Heath and thank you for your wonderful talent. I can't wait to see you in the new Batman movie.


Moonmaid said...

This is very sad, he was a real talent. Recent pictures of him had me thinking he was probably not doing very well. So ridiculously young - when will young people learn that they are not invincible, that they need to get their shit together when they have kids, etc.

I feel very bad for his loved ones and daughter.

mss125 said...

This seriously breaks my heart. I agree with the person who said he and Michelle didn't seem to break up over a lack of love. I think they truly were soulmates. I recall a BI about the time they broke up and it seemed to be about them...I don't recall the details but the gist was about a nice guy whose girlfriend left him because he went back to drugs. My heart totally breaks for his daughter because, from all accounts, he seemed like a very loving and attentive father. As a mom of a little girl who is a few months younger than Matilda, I can't even imagine the pain Michelle must feel....so sad.

Sydney in Wonderland said...

Not saying this is the reason, and I haven't read all the comments yet, but I really thing S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) has contributed a lot lately. This year has been particularly bad for people who suffer from it. I don't know if it's global warming or just a bad year seasonally or whatever. It's something that I have dealt with since I was small, diagnosed almost five years ago. Luckily, I have a great support system of parents, sister, and friends. I NEVER live alone in the heart of the winter; this sounds like dependence, and it is to some degree, but I don't trust myself to spend that much alone.

Drugs + alcohol + S.A.D. = incredibly, incredibly dangerous for an individual. Last year at this time, I was drinking daily. Not out partying and having a good time, but drinking at home by myself before my roommate got home from work. And, I'd be lying if I said there was never any sort of drugs involved, prescription, OTC, or illegal.

That being said, I've always stopped myself from doing anything because I feel guilty. I wouldn't want someone to have to tell Dora and my parents that I had done something horrible. There is a point where you either stop and think about things like that, or you don't. If you do, hopefully you can turn the situation around.

Sorry for such a diatribe. I feel for Michelle, Matilda, and the rest of his friends and family. I just wish he could have had that moment of clarity, and felt for them too.

Anonymous said...

Alpine summer - I am glad you are with us and back from the brink.

Sydney in Wonderland said...

Thank you Brenda. Dora said I'd feel welcome here if I ever just spoke up. Seems she was right. :)

Dick Insideu said...

Notice that EL removes my every comment - he can't take the fact that I am calling him out for the hypocritical colocstomy bag he is.

EL is making a fine show of sympathy for the family and fans of Heath, but the fact of the matter is that EL is one of the guttersnips who rode his ass merciless when he was alive. EL, you are a artless, wannabe shit bag. Fuck you.

bluegirl said...

When I heard this this morning I was so shocked and in fact still am.

It's such a waste of a life! I hope his soul is finally at peace. RIP Heath.

dee dee lefrak said...

Sad to say Heath, like Kurt Cobain was a depressive junkie (hopefully H didn't off himself), and the subject of numerous coke/heroin blind items. I think he deserved an Oscar for Brokeback Mountain. RIP.

Maybe this will scare some of H'woods other junkies like the Olsen Tweeks Paris, etc., but I doubt it

Unknown said...

wtf? cfx = claudiasfix?

Daniel said...

To my fellow sorrows,

This is my first comment and I thought I might share some music videos Heath Ledger directed for Ben Harper. I apologize if this is off-topic:



I understand they started a record label together.

Be well.

Anonymous said...

i just heard about his passing, may his soul rest in peace. i hope it wasn't a suicide.

such sadness.

dee dee lefrak said...

Lainey posted a blind item about him back in September 2006 suggesting that if he dropped dead of a heart attack from tweeking don't be surprised.

I'm just sayin'!

RandomRamblings said...

RIP Heath. It's tragic news. He was a fantastic actor and will be missed.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Ent, for all these wonderful photos of Heath. I can't believe he's gone.

merrick said...

When I first heard the news last night, i stood there in shock at the loss of such a viable young man, taken from his family way before his time. I recently lost young man very close to my family to a tragic accident, and for the life of me, can not figure out why God chooses those that he does to leave this world ..

rip heath
condolences to heath's family
matilda .. just remember that your father loved you

CT-Hilltopper said...

Heath Ledger was an amazing talent.

I loved him in "Ten things I Hate About You". That's the first movie where he really caught my attention.

I don't cry for many people. I shed tears for Heath Ledger last night. And tears for his daughter, who will not grow up knowing her father.

It's all so sad, really.

Tracee said...

I had to take a break yesterday...felt too weird to be on here. But coming back this morning I realized that
CDAN never ceases to amaze me. As much as i love Ent's BI, I really come back for the folks that make this place so great.

So compassion for people you have never met and the constant support and encouragement is what separates this gossip blog from the others!

I heart you guys! [smooches]

littleoleme said...

I know I'll get ripped for saying this but here goes. While I find H.L's death shocking and sad I really don't understand those of you who said you cried. Did you know him? No. You weren't a friend or family member. Someone needs to explain to me why there are people who can cry at an actor's passing. Be sad, be shocked, say "wow, that's awful" but to actually cry?!? I don't get that.

plot said...

littleole -

It's a paradigm that we humans have had since we've been human - shock at a senseless death of the young.

And I cry at the drop of a hat (Springsteens album Tunnel of Love is guaranteed to bring on the water works.) It's not that tears and sacred, it's that I'll well up anytime, anywhere. The last time? Obama's MLK speech, and I don't even know if I'm voting for him.

So maybe tears are a big deal to you? A rare thing? Not me.

merrick said...


I agree and am glad to find out that I am not the only one who cries when they listen to Tunnel of Love ..

while I didnt cry about heath, but was greatly saddened, I did cry when Kurt Cobain died because although I didnt know him personally (I wish), his music touched me and continues to til this day .. a great talent lost is surely not a bad excuse to cry

SpaSuzy said...

Just take a vallium...you'll be JUST fine dear....

YahMoBThere said...

k, me too! And I've found in life that women who say they never cry or rarely cry, are so effed up with issues it's unbelievable.

Lux Luthor said...

littleoleme: I think that's a fair question, and I'd like to take a stab at answering it because I've wondered the same thing. I don't presume to speak for anyone else; this is only my opinion.
Everyone processes feelings differently, and I think for a lot of people the tears are a reaction to the shock one feels at an unexpected death of someone young, ostensibly healthy, and who seemed to have everything going for him. There's nothing like a sudden, senseless death to remind you of the fragility of life and your own mortality.
Also--and again, I'm not speaking for anyone other than myself here--I don't think the tears are for Heath personally so much as for what he symbolizes: unfulfilled potential, a loving parent, a person who (possibly) struggled with personal demons and lost, etc.

Anonymous said...

I wrote this another thread, but we didn't KNOW Heath Ledger as a person, but people did love the sides of himself that he chose to share with us. I think the sadness these people are feeling is a valid thing.


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