Friday, January 18, 2008

Getting Shot To Sell Albums

Not content with regular promotion tactics to create anticipation for his upcoming album, German hip-hop star Massiv has been accused of staging a drive-by shooting in a bid to boost album sales.

The rapper was pacing back and forth on a street in a neighborhood known as Neukolln which is known for its violence. As he paced back for about the 20th time a man pulled up and fired four bullets at Massiv, one passing straight through his right shoulder, according to a statement released by his record label No Limits Music.

A spokesman added, "Massiv is totally shocked. He lost a lot of blood and was near death."

The police see it much differently though. Yes, bullets were fired. However, they describe Massiv's injury as a mere graze to the skin. Cops are also suspicious because there was a ten paragraph story up on Massiv's website within 4 minutes of the attack and Massiv's brush with death.

A police spokesman says, "Several shots are supposed to have been fired at the singer from close range, so we are rather surprised that only one bullet grazed his arm. However, there is no doubt that there was an incident." Massiv has vehemently denied allegations the incident was a publicity stunt to promote his new album One Man One Word, due out next month. Of course he is going to deny it. If it happened in the US he would go to jail for it. I am guessing it must be some kind of crime in Germany as well. Plus, how big of an idiot do you have to be to let yourself get shot. I know they probably hired a pro, but even pros make mistakes. He did get his headlines though.


Anonymous said...

massiv douche

Unknown said...

Now now, the term is now "Massiv Beyonce"

Angela said...

Even the idea isn't original. There was an episode from The Sopranos where Bobby Baccala shot an aspiring rapper in the leg to help him gain some street cred.

Judi said...

That's probably where he got the idea. Pathetic.

Tracee said...

LOL! Dumbass. Who ever shot him should've shot him in balls. He didn't need them anyway.

Sydney in Wonderland said...

Someone call Harry und Toto!

Major major points for anyone that knows what I'm talking about.

ladorabelle said...

I don't count, do I, Syd?

bionic bunny! said...



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