Thursday, January 17, 2008

George Michael Gets Huge Book Deal

Except for JK Rowling, George Michael got one of the biggest publishing deals ever in the UK. Reports are that just for the UK rights he was given about $6M. The reason he was given that much is that George has promised that he will spill all and tell all about his life and that everyone will want to read what he has to say.

"George has promised HarperCollins a no-holds barred biography, and it's certain to be just that," the singer's manager, Andy Stephens, said in a statement Wednesday. "People aren't stupid, they're beginning to notice that the truth is more interesting than the stories the press come up with!"

The truth is mush more interesting because we all know it is fact. However, after skimming through the Boy George biography again the other day because I wanted to re-read the bits and pieces about Gavin Rossdale, I am not sure that we will get the truth from George Michael. Oh, I'm sure we will get some good stories but I don't think it will be as honest as Boy George's book. Boy talks a lot of smack about George Michael in his book and it will be interesting to see if George just glosses over things or if he will give us what we want to know.

I want it to be good and think it will be one of the very best tell all type of biographies if he spills. I'm just not sure that he will given his past and how private he has always been. Time will tell.


Eireman said...

George McDowd needed those lurid bitchy details to move units, I don't see/ hope for that much from George Michael. For that much money I think there'll be plenty of truth and details about being in the closet for so long. I loved his cameo in the Extras special, hope he uses the same spirit for the book.

Ellen said...

I can't believe I used to think he was straight. What the hell was wrong w/the pre-teen me?

But, man, I loved Wham!!! (still do)

(BTW, I loved Boy George McDowd's auto. It's a good read if you ever have the time).

Not sure if I thought he was straight too! ;-)

Eireman said...

Sorry it's O'Dowd. LOL I just gave Boy the last name of a co-worker.

Ellen said...

Here's the link to Boy George's book:

And I blindly followed your McDowd without thinking!

Duh! I really did read it! (And, I also liked Taboo his musical - the London version - not the craptastic Rosie O'Donnell NYC version)...


Jolara said...

Why wouldn't George Michael spill all? I mean seriously, what's he got to lose? I for one am anxious to read what he has to say.
I have always loved GM & Wham. LOL, I have two early Wham cd's and my girls know most of the songs. As a matter of fact, they copied them onto their I-Pods.

tigereye said...

sooo what's Boy George's book say about Gavin?

jax said...

I have George Micheal's autograph and a great story to go with it,however my brother would kick my arse if i spilled. its all gay and drugs from the 90s.
i cannot wait for the book!!!

EL -you're right, GM used to be pretty private but since his arrest in LA he just don't give a f*ck. love it.

Anonymous said...

The first time I saw WHAM I knew George M. was gay. I guess being a FH helps detecting them LOL.

BIO channel had George M. and in there he talks about his life and about finally coming out. I thought he was very honest and upfront about everything he talked about. Didn't realize he had dated Brooke Shields and someone else I can't remember her name.

jax said...

tiger- the rumour or fact has always been that he had a big perv on for the marilyn monroe looking trannies.

you know ..ones that look like Gwen!

jax said...

whats a FH? am i completely dumb today?

Anonymous said...

I was thinking that he's also hinting towards the blind about the 90s lead singer who sold E in clubs to get by when the band wasnt popular. It was speculated that it was Gavin...would be surprised if there was simply some crossover, and Gavin had sold E to George...

YahMoBThere said...

Jax, I'm thinking it's 'flaming homosexual', but I could be wrong. I was,

He looks like a homeless person now. WHAT happened?

Reese said...
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Anonymous said...

Twisted - LOL wrong.

"A FAG HAG is a slang term for a woman who either associates mostly or exclusively with homosexual men, or is best or good friends to a gay man or men. It originated in gay male culture in the United States and was historically an insult.[1] Some women who associate with gay men object to being called fag hags,[2] while others embrace the term.[3][4] Men who have similar interpersonal relationships with lesbian women are called dyke tykes; furthermore people who associate with gays, lesbians, and bisexuals may be called "fruit flies" regardless of their sex."

jax said...

i know what a damn fag hag is...i normally dont see it as initials.
thanks for the schoolin'

I have a full proof gaydar built in i think..two gay bros.

tigereye said...

thanks Jax, etc. I've heard those rumors, I just didn't know they originated from BG's bio. =)

Anonymous said...


Definition just in case anyone else didn't know what a Fag Hag means.

YahMoBThere said...

OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I'm a former fag hag, Sylvia, so I should have known this. (I read your initial sentence wrong - duh me!)

My gaydar isn't bad either, which is why I suspected GM was gay back in the day. It was the hot pants!

jlb said...

Oh how my friends and I used to drool over George Micheal. *sigh I have many of his early discs and loved his music. They banned "I Want Your Sex" from my high school dances...we thought it was soooo oppressive. LOL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i can't wait to read - hopefully juicy!! you guys are funny - FH! thanks for clearing that up. my mother used to be a hairstylist and hung around a lot of gays, i think i'm slightly a FH by association. it's too much fun! i love george m., let's have "Faith" the book will come out soon! (and thanks to you guys my son has asked me more than once "mom, there's some coffee spots on the screen".)

MnGddess said...

OMG - that photo of George top right almost made me spew. That is hilarious!

I think I'll make it my background...

Eireman said...

Here's the link for George M on Extras spoofing himself. I loved it.

Anonymous said...


I was a late bloomer (35) when I started hanging out with gay friends. I really had a nice time and meeting nice people. Now I am 49 no more parting times for me LOL.

Kory said...

If I had the time to read, I would buy his book. I will wait for the movie version by Falcon. That will be far more enjoyable for me.

YahMoBThere said...

Ahh Jib, the good old days!

Nycer, LOVE that clip! What is Extras? Is that a show airing in the U.K.?

Eireman said...

It was a series that aired for two years on HBO here and that was the final episode. Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant also did the original Office series in UK and that was so funny and droll and definitely worth checking out on BBC America.

jax said...

Ricky Gervais...he makes me uncomfortable in so many ways..i love him.

If anyone gets a chance checkout The Catherine Tate show..sooo funny. love Brit humour.

jlb said...

:) They sure were TS! I remember we all thought "I Want Your Sex" was so bad until we went to the bar and heard Prince's "Erotic City". LOL

YahMoBThere said...

Nycer, I'm too damn cheap to spend money for HBO.

Jib, and we all thought we were so cool, too. How pathetic! ;-)

budford said...

He looks rough.

Ellen said...

I need to chime in that I love love love Ricky Gervais. That GM cameo was classic!

"A joint and a kebab!"

Anonymous said...

thanks for the clip, more reason to love the guy. he has a sense of humor and doesn't live a life behind a closet, even under all the pressures and scrutiny of being famous. (although his "trysts" could be a 'lil more private)

redgurl72 said...

Erotic City. One of the best and rudest songs.

ladorabelle said...

I wonder if there is a reason so many of us are/were FHs. When I was 17 and fresh into college, I hung out almost exclusively with gay guys. We had the best dinner parties. This made then-boyfriend-now-hubby kind of uncomfortable.

Simone said...

Holy Christ! I haven't seen that luscious Wham! beach photo since 1984! I fell in love with George because of this photo, and speedos. See, some men must wear speedos!

right click saves 1984 photo

oh, but anyway, I will buy George's book for sure!

Eireman said...

ladorabelle there probabaly is a connection from FH to gossip! I know I've had gay friends since childhood, makes my hubby uncomfortable too but I love them so he tolerates.

Eireman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dick Insideu said...

I am sure George will tell the truth about all of the sleazy places and circumstances in which he's let other men fuck him up the ass.

Dick Insideu said...

I am sure George will also tell the truth about his throat gonnorhea, his anal herpes, and the wide variety of other sexually transmitted afflictions from which he suffers.

Dick Insideu said...

George will explain the benefits of meth teeth rot - great gumjobs.

Dick Insideu said...

Ever watch George Michael try to dance? He can't dance for shit. It's rather funny to watch. Perhaps he can't dance because his ass is sore all the time.

First symptom of AIDS = pounding sensation in your ass.


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