Friday, January 04, 2008

Four For Friday

#1 - I almost didn't even write this one because I am so tried of writing the word pregnant. I hope it is the last time for awhile. Anyway, this one hit wonder female singer is pregnant by this married celebrity.

#2 - This married has been of an A list singer/ teenage heartthrob was seen making an absolute fool of himself at a NYE party at the Playboy Mansion. She was probably 21, but looked about 16 and he followed her around all night promising the world if she would just go home with him. Touching her, kissing her, and even trying to grope her, our singer even offered to leave his wife. Now we all know he was probably joking about leaving his wife, but when she finds out about it, she might leave him.

#3 - This aging owner of a hot LA restaurant is having trouble finding new women to drink with him. Seems like whenever he does, they wake up the next morning only to find themselves in the guest bedroom of his house. Alone, but undressed. He then calls each woman repeatedly. Up to 15-20 times a day, and does so until they change their number or break down and agree to see him again.

#4 - This female celebutante did a little striptease for her pro athlete boyfriend. Nothing blind item worthy in that. But, when you find out that three of his teammates were also in the room, then it becomes blind item worthy.


  1. #1 - Kimberley Locke? Who's Harvey (see random photos)?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. From a quick google:

    "Although he is supposedly married, Celebrity Fit Club trainer Sgt. Harvey E. Walden IV escorted his former trainee, Kimberly Locke, to a New Year’s Eve party at Mr. Chow."

    What ever happened to good old fashioned birth control? Are these idiots too scared that the pill will make them gain a pound?

  4. Harvey = Sgt. Harvey E. Walden IV of Celebrity Fat...err..Fit Club

  5. I don't think it's Kimberly Locke. Look at the picture - she's handing someone her drink. Plus, would she seriously be considered a one hit wonder and would he really be considered a celeb??

  6. mooshki - it's not all up to the woman you know. Guys can use a condom and any smart female wouldn't sleep with a man without one.

  7. 1. I willing to hop on the Harvey from Fit Club and Kimberly Locke train.

    4. Kim K. Who else?

    Still working on the other two...

  8. Anonymous1:20 PM

    #2 Scott Baio?

  9. I was actually thinking along the lines of Vanilla Ice. Don't know why.

  10. def Kim Kard for #4

    Lost on the others

  11. littleoleme - you're right, of course, I just took it as a given that male stars refuse to wear condoms and many women don't have enough self-respect to stick to the "no glove, no love" rule.

  12. Well, given the fact that Kimberly Locke's main hit was called "The Eighth World Wonder," I thought it was kind of a giveaway...

  13. So maybe some of the Saints can tell us if the ass is real or not. I say no. If so, and she is clearly proud of that thang, then why is she ALWAYS wearing like a skirt or sarong, even in the water, when she is on the beach.

    It's good work, but KJ says fake!

    And, I have no idea about these blinds today. Could be anybody!

  14. 1- Did Kimberly Locke have a hit at all?

    2- David Cassidy? lol rick Springfield, Bell, Biv or Devoe?

    3- Wolfgang

    4- Kim K

  15. ok nevermind someone posted over me..must be Locke.

  16. 1-
    2-David Cassidy (jsut a quess don't know if he was at the mansion on NYE
    3-Scott Sardino
    4-kim kardasian

  17. could Kim Kardashaian be any more pathetic?

    what a loser!

  18. ok scott baio DID do and album and is there's 2.

  19. #2 Drew Lachey or a BSB?

    #4 Kim KarTRASHian

  20. i thought Scott Sardino was an East coast boy? as in his business.

  21. Anonymous1:45 PM

    For #3, wasn't there something a month or two ago about a club or restaurant owner that was being sued for sexual assault? The girl was underage and shouldn't have been drinking with him anyway, then stuff came out about how she was a frequent visitor to the place and he knew she was underage? Can't remember the details.... brain failing in old age....

  22. Cali Girl

    It was one of the Les Deux guys. Not Mike Big Brother. I thought of that too, but I guess that is a bar, not a resto. And the bed was in the bar!

    How many fools own that place? Like 10?!?

  23. @ Cali Girl: YES! There was that story about the part owner of Les Deux, Lonnie Moore.

    I could be him....

  24. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I would never describe Scott Baio as A list singer.

  25. When were David Cassidy and Scott Baio A-list singers? I must have slept through that.

  26. Rick Springfield is standing out to me for #2...certainly had 1 or 2 hits (I actually prefer "Celebrate Youth" to his mega-hit "Jesse's Girl"), and was a biggie in sopas back in the day.

    Could also be Jack Wagner, if I'm going down the soap/singer road.

  27. Is Bonaduce still married?

    Wasn't he a heartthrob back in the day with the P-family?

  28. 1. locke & co.
    2. shaun cassidy, lmao
    3. wolfgang von puckmeister
    4. hilary duff (hockey players love that stuff!!!)

    ok, prob is kardassian

  29. Cassidy was a meg-super-duper music star. From Wikipedia:

    Ten albums by The Partridge Family and several solo albums were produced during the run of the show. At his peak, Cassidy was one of the world's highest paid live entertainers. It would be easy to completely underestimate Cassidy's worldwide popularity at the time. His record sales, while declining somewhat in the USA by 1972, were phenomenal everywhere else. His recordings regularly topped the charts around the world with number 1 singles and albums in the UK, Europe, South Africa, Japan and Australia. His concerts were record setting sellouts playing to capacity crowds of thousands of hysterical teenagers in stadiums around the world including Wembley Stadium (6 sold out shows in one weekend), the Houston Astrodome (where he holds the seating record) and the MCG in Australia.

  30. Kirsten S., you know I heart you, but Wikipedia? It sounds like it was written by a Cassidy fan...probably because it was. ;-)

  31. For #1: Where did I read that Natalie Imbruglia slept with David Schwimmer? Don't know when it happened though.
    #2 - Bonaduce was a kid during the Partridge Family years - not a hearthrob. Davy Jones was a heartthrob but was he an A list singer? Maybe.
    #3 - Don't know.
    3$ - Kardashian. Such a slag - jeez!

  32. Last line should read "#4." I can spell. Apparently can't type.

  33. when was david cassidy a hearthrob? hello the fuckin Partridgfe Family was the shizz in its day. Chicks LOVED him.

    also it says "has been A list singer/heartthrob"..could mean Alist back then not necesarily A List singer.

  34. I think we're all going a little too old for #2....any of the guys in N'Sync, 98 Degrees, and any of the boy-bands of the early 90's would fit this description, and would be relatively newsworthy (David Cassiday WAS an A-lister back in the day, Twisted--he was accosted by fans everywhere he went, even had a bit of a breakdown after a while...but I still don't think it's him).

  35. Yeah, they loved Danny Bonaduce, too. That doesn't make him an A lister.

    Majik, I love you. You always post with such reason and stick to the facts. You're....magic!

    But I'm with you that it's not DC.

  36. 1. Kelly Pickler
    2. Jordan Knight
    3. Mike "Boogie" Malin
    4. Kim Kardashian/Reggie Bush

  37. #1 - how about Cassie (Me and You). she was definitely a one-hot wonder.

    #4 - could be jessica simpson. Kim Kardashian seems a bit too easy ... literally!

  38. Twisted...why thanks, doll *blushes*.

    'kay, just got down to the story about Natalie Imbruglia and hubby:

    "Once she left that Australian television show and had her one hit wonder".

    Technically she was a two hit Still an odd way to describe her--is this the answer to #1??

  39. #4 could be jess if it said "singer / worst actress of all time" instead of "celebutante"

  40. I don't have any better guesses for any of these ...

    but man! Some of you make me feel so OLD.

    David Cassidy was THE teen heartthrob .... it never got any bigger than him ever. Insanely cute, insanely popular, and the first time teeny boppers had someone like that to go insane over.

    If you like celebrity bios, his book's a hoot.

    Danny Bonaduce, however, was NEVER a heartthrob. He made the cover of Tiger Beat a few times, but he was just a "kid" when compared to the god that was David Cassidy.

    Sheesh. Let me grab my walker and go up and pour myself a glass of prune juice.

  41. well if it ain't cassidy..and i think he's a good front runner..aside from Brian LAtrell, Nick from BSB and Justin and JC from Nsync..the rest WERE NOT AList. Joey Fatone is not much of a has been or Alist. 98 degrees were NEVER a list. they wish.
    Jordan Knight is queer,no?
    ooh what about Joey from New Kids?
    I still think its a good chance its Baio he was supreme Alist and had an married and spends A LOT of time at the Playboy Mansion.
    Can't be too much of a has been or they wouldn't be invited.
    i don't even know why i care..oh ya i'm at work.

  42. #1 for some reason I was thinking about that EVE rapper who has Sean Penn as a bail {{{cough, cough}}} buddy.

    She's won one grammy, but what has she done since?Also, ENT didn't say "about to be divorced"...just married and technically Penn is still married.

    Seems that would explain the sudden need for "divorce."

  43. Didn't Baio get married just a couple of months ago?

  44. #2 I think it's Joe McIntyre. There a NKOTB song entitled "If you go away" that has the lyrics "I'd promise you the world". A clue?

  45. I don't think Baio is considered a singer in any stretch of the imagination. Just because he had an album doesn't make him a singer and Ent wouldn't use "singer" to describe him.

    Are there pix of the NYE party at the Playboy Mansion? I tried to look but found nothing.

  46. fyi - baio was there with his wife.she recently had a baby and barely left his side.

  47. #1 - Kimberly Locke
    #2 - I'm having a hard time with this one
    #3 - Wolfgang sounds so right - but is he married?
    #4 - Has to be Kim K because of celebutant. YUCK! Its not like they haven't seen it before.

  48. #2 springfield or cassidy( leif garret and bobby sherman aren't married) i think this is worded back in that time era. people don't really say heartthrob now. donny wasn't at the party. nor were the jacksons.

  49. I must just be whack when it comes to figuring out what an A lister is in the teen scene age group. All of you agree but me, so it's got to be me who's off base. I give

    Interestingly, the one hit Kimberly Locke had was "Eighth World Wonder". One hit wonder, Eighth World Wonder?

  50. Majik- I'm with you on #1....

  51. about time
    have a good weeknd you smut sluts!

  52. I heart you, Jax! ;-P

    Have a good one, Jax and the rest of you CDAN fans!

  53. HEY! Nobody leave until you weigh in on EL's last post for the day. Check it out.

  54. 1. Kimberley Locke and Harvey from Celebrity Fit Club.
    2. Teenage heartthrob-Ashley Tisdale, A List Singer-Usher
    3. Mike from Big Brother. He's rumored to do anyone who semi likes him.
    4. Kimberly Kardashian. That girl is nasty.

  55. Random -
    In #2, the teenage heartthrob and A-list singer are one and the same.

  56. About the Kim Locke guess, does Harvey from "Celebrity Fit Club" count as a "celebrity"? If so, he's about Q list or R list.

  57. Since Ent has posted something about Natalie Imbruglia today and called her a one hit wonder, I thought of her. But he also mentioned David Walliams [the straight one from Little Britain] being her new man and he's not married.

  58. Couldn't find any photos either of NYE at the mansion. Captiva, do you know who else was there?

  59. Schnee, I agree. The item about Natalie Imbruglia below makes me think she's #1.

    She definitely was a one hit wonder.

  60. Last one if Jessica Simpson/Tony Romo, who must have forgotten Cowboys have a playoff game coming up. Both are in Mexico and some of his teammates vacationing. Plus her parents are there to make sure Tony gets her knocked up so papa Joe can give the news first to OK mag.

  61. #4 Giselle? she is from Brazil
