Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Fabio Still Wants A Piece Of Clooney

No, not that kind of piece you pervs. Besides it's not Friday yet. Back in November if you will recall, George Clooney and Fabio started yelling at each other in a restaurant. In this month's Details Magazine, Fabio talks about the incident in detail and how he really, really, really regrets not kicking the ever loving crap out of George Clooney. I'm not saying I agree with fighting or that pretty boy Fabio could do the ass kicking, but I think George could use an ass kicking IF what Fabio says happened is true.

Fabio says that he was dining with some women and one of the women overheard George Clooney calling her "a fat cow." Fabio then got up and confronted George who thought that the women had been trying to take photos of him. Fabio also alleges that George was drunk off his ass.

Fabio apologized to George if he thought the women were taking photos which they weren't. Here is how Fabio puts it exactly. (with accent) "I apologized and he started being rude so I put him in his place... I went back to my table and as soon as I sit down he paid his bill, got up and he started insulting the girls. He called the women names. At that point I lost my temper. I went after him and he ran out of the restaurant."

"I could have f---ed him up. Oh my god, I could have beaten the s--- out of him. I am still so p---ed at him."

Well, if what you say is true Fabio, then yes, you should have kicked George's ass and when you got sued or arrested or both, the truth would have come out, George's career would have gone into the toilet and you could do a guest shot on next year's Surreal Life. Seriously though, I am glad you gave him a scare, and it would have been fun to see Clooney running away like a little girl.


  1. I agree w/your last sentence. God, that would have cracked me the hell up...big man get s abeatdown from a Z lister.

  2. Clooney run away like a little gir? Why are men so jealous of George?

  3. Am I the only one who thinks George is 55 instead of 45. I'm pretty sure he has moobs.

  4. i always thought george was older too. i'll bet he's a mean drunk.

  5. This is BS.

    The story changes everytime Fabio tells it. And the famewhore keeps telling it because no one cares about him otherwise. Fabio's first nine versions of the 'fight' didn't mention name-calling.

    One of the women dining with Fabio (who had taken photographs of George with his middle finger extended) phoned into a LA radio station's morning show the very next day to talk about the incident.

    When she told the story, there was absolutely no mention of name calling or verbal insults directed towards the women or the table as a whole.

    There's a transcript of this interview out there, I'll try to find the link and post it here.

    Two days later, three of the women were interviewed on Entertainment Tonight. Again, not one of them said Clooney was verbally abusive to them. All said they were taking photos of Fabio and were disturbed by George putting his hand in front of his face with his middle finger extended. Said they thought he was full of himself for assuming the photos were of him. However, given the composition of the photos of Fabio,it is apparent they did purposely include Clooney in the snaps.

    I can hardly wait to read the next version of Fabio's 'fight'.

  6. if you search the actual photos the women took that have Clooney in the backgroud he clearly was having an intimate dinner with a MAN and not with his girlfriend who was no where to be seen as he had stated when this first took place. she wasn't even in the restaurant according to other women there.

    methinks Georgy didn't want those pictures to come out...and this was not about 'having a nice private dinner with my girlfriend"

  7. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I saw the photos jax...his girlfriend is there too...sitting behind Fabio's head.

    I also agree with people who say that it looks like they deliberately tried to get Clooney in the pics.

  8. The pics I saw had women at the table. I think if he was dining solely with a man, Fabio would be blabbing about it.

  9. Fabio goes to the same gym as me and stands around just waiting to be noticed in his spandex. It's hilarious.

  10. From the photos I've seen there were three people at the table. From left to right it was the girlfriend, then a guy (think it was Grant Heslov), then George.

    Table was against the wall, so that negates a fourth person dining with them.

  11. Kory, that is hilarious. Is he ignored by other members at the gym?

  12. I'm inclined to think that Fabio is full of it. I'm a little biased though, having nursed a serious crush on Clooney since his days on the first E.R show he did, circa 1984. He doesn't come off as someone who would badmouth women in that way, and Fabio is like a cartoon character.

  13. Yeah, even if he's a major asshole, he must be good at hiding it, so I doubt he would do something like this.

  14. George may have been in bad form that night by giving the finger (he should have let restaurant management take care of it), but he's never been known for being insulting and rude. In fact, he once spoke of his former assistant who is overweight about the insults she had to endure from the paps when traveling with him. The paps would call her 'fat pig' and more trying to get an angry reaction photo of clooney.

  15. No, not that kind of piece you pervs.

    What's up with that kind of piece? ;) You know you would.

  16. i stand corrected..thnx peeps.
    i swear every shot had just him and one other dude.

  17. George Clooney is so very, very overrated. There is just nothing remotely masculine or charming about him. All-style, no substance.

  18. he was hottest on ER..and maybe Three Kings. everything else has been a slip n slide to bad teeth, bad hair and cheesy Dean MArtin ripoff lines.

    damn shame.

  19. Jax - don't make me call you out... 'cause I love me my Clooney. That said, I believe if I had a choice between him and Hugh Laurie, I'd choose Hugh in a heartbeat.

    And I remember Clooney on (God help me).. Facts of Life. Baaad mullet. Clooney on Roseanne in those tight pants was....

    Jax, do you see what you've started?

  20. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Jax, you read my mind...I was going to check to see if it was a man and not a woman. Thats the only reason I could think of, as to why he wouldnt want to be photographed in a restaurant.

  21. Fabio is ignored by all the gay guys at my gym - yes - because to be honest, he is not even close to the hottest piece there. I have never seen Fabio not in spandex (in real life). I have never seen Fabio where he is not wearing a shirt that bares his chest (in real life and pics).

  22. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Well then, kory, let's humble Mr. Fabio some more then.

    Fabio gets beat up by a duck

  23. DN, it's a seagull, but it did the job.

  24. Fabio takes it up the ass.

  25. I rode Apollo's Chariot in the first row and that's all I could think about - Fabio getting nailed by a flying fowl.

    I did look around for birds...



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