Monday, January 07, 2008

Dr. Phil Is An Idiot

The only good thing I can say about Dr. Phil is that he hasn't opened a school for young girls. Actually I think he was instrumental in bringing David Letterman and Oprah back together, so I will also give him that. Other than that, I can't stand the guy.

because he is such a publicity seeking ass, Dr. Phil's big coup in getting the entire Spears family on one show has totally disintegrated. Instead of admitting that the family wanted nothing to do with him, this is the statement he released. "As was widely reported this weekend, at the request of concerned family members, I visited Britney Spears in the hospital. The details of that visit will, of course, remain private. We had planned to tape a Dr. Phil Now show today, focusing not on the tabloid side of Britney's latest problems, but instead on the very serious issues surrounding this case."

The statement goes on, "Clearly, it is not just Britney's family struggling to find a way to protect adult children who cannot be ordered or compelled to seek help. Because the Spears situation is too intense at this time, and out of consideration to the family, I have made the decision not to move forward with the taping at this particular time. Britney and her family are in our prayers, and we ask that they be in yours."

What a crock of s**t. What happened is that Dr. Phil and Lynne had a deal where she would provide Britney and maybe even Jamie Lynn and in return Dr. Phil would write a forward for her book, and let her come on and plug the hell out of it when it came out.

Instead, Britney bailed on the doctor to go shacking up with her photographer friend who is no doubt filming every second of their time together to make a quick million or two. If you don't think that guy isn't hiding a miniature camera, then you are just way too trusting, and I want to talk to you for a few minutes about the wonders of grape Kool-Aid.

With Britney gone that still left dad, mom and Jamie Lynn who would be the big surprise and ratings booster. Ummm. Dad didn't want any part of it and told Jamie she wasn't going to be a part of it either.

That left just mommy, and there is no way Dr. Phil was going to waste and hour of time with her. Can you imagine her rattling on for an hour and Dr. Phil trying to convince the world what a great mom she is. So, in essence the show went from intervention for Britney to gawking at Jamie Lynn to Lynne asking if she could still get the complimentary basket of fruit put in every dressing room.


  1. well last i checked Dr. Phil didn't get his Dr. from a crackerjack box so in my eyes that is the only person with a semblance of an idea how to help.
    i think the family wanted him involved at first to spin this to the public who are blaming the family for not getting her help.
    Most people relaize there is NOTHING you can do to hold an adult child agaisnt her will unless she is a danger...but everywhere you turn they are blaming her family.

  2. damn i need to proof read first sowwy.

  3. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Heh heh its ok Jax, EL needs to proofread, too, he's full of errors on this post!

    And I know everyone is giving Dr Phil a hard time about this, but I was hoping he could do some good. He might be a buffoon but he's good at those tough love talks that stupid people need some time.

    Unfortunately, I'm just waiting to hear news of her suicide :(

  4. This was on Wikipedia.....Phil McGraw is not licensed to practice therapy

    The Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists imposed disciplinary sanctions on McGraw on January 27, 1989 for an inappropriate "dual relationship" reported in 1988 by a therapy client/employee from 1984. McGraw was ordered by the Board to take an ethics class, pass a jurisprudence exam, complete a physical evaluation, undergo a psychological evaluation and have his practice supervised for one year in order to continue his private practice in Texas. McGraw admits to giving the client a "job" at his office (which is not allowed), but denied carrying on a sexual relationship with the 19 year old, who says their relationship was "sexually inappropriate."[6][2][7] As of 2008, McGraw is still not licensed to practice therapy.

  5. i'd take that with a grain of salt if its from Wiki.

  6. He's really good at pointing out the obvious, I think. And he has made a very successful career out of telling people what they "need to do".

    For example, one show dealt with this woman, who was fat, depressed, had been a victim of abuse as a child, and let people walk all opver her and use her over and over again. Dr. Phil told her, and I quote, "what you need to do is grow a backbone!".

    He also did a show shortly after Hurricane Katrina, where he pointed out that "what we need to do is get the water out of New Orleans!"

    Among me and my friends (and I'm pretty sure we are not the only ones), whenever someone points out something really obvious, you say "Thank you, Dr. Phil!". It's like, his thing.

  7. if Dr. Phil wanted to really help, none of this would be public. He wouldn't release a statement with any details at all, he'd have kept it all private. Dr. Phil is a TV personality first, last and always. I've lost any semblance of respect I had for him

  8. The first rule of medicine-First do no Harm-gets lost within the first rule of celebrity-get as much money as you can out of her/him. From all accounts, her father Jamie was the ONLY family member-biological-there with her at Cedars. There were pictures of Lynn at the grave of her sister on the anniversary of her death, there were calls from Lynn saying just send prayers. Did either her or JL get on a plane and show up even just to see the babies? For the love of F-ing money, this man of Oprah's goes to her hospital room, finds someone who is off her rocker and tries to stage an intervention. I hold Cedars to blame for this one and am hoping that someone will hold them accountable too. While Brit is a looney, she was a looney in their care and was a person in need-no matter how loud or obnoxious she was, Cedars shot the "first do no harm" down quicker than panties fall on prom night by allowing him to come to her room and confront her. Shame on Cedars for allowing celebrity to come before responsability.
    I know my posts are usually more funny and upbeat, but knowing first hand how hard it is to get someone with a mental illness help and have someone help the person with the illness sabatoge everything that took so long to get into place, I cannot stand shit like this. Screw you Oprah and your bald headed flunky.

  9. well of course Dr. Phis is an idiot. Anybody who sees any of his shows filled with new age psyco-babble should realize this man is only in it for himself and thank god he wasn't able to capitalize on this tragedy. If he ahd met with Brit-Brit and privately referred her to some strong willed psychiatrist who could accurately diagnose the condition and prescribe appropriate meds, he would get my vote. As of now, its just like Enty said.

    By the personal hell would be a TV with nothing but soaps, lifetime, Oprah & Dr. Phil running 24/7. Pass the koolade brother!

  10. lol @ Harriet..we call him Uncle Phil cuz he always provides that 3pm spanking to get your shit together.

    He may be a hack to some but mofo tells it like it is..whether you want to hear it or not.

    I personally would ahve given my first born to be a fly on that wall when Tex waltzed into Brits room.

  11. Here is another interesting first-hand account of Dr. Phil...all he cares about are ratings or why else would he start making statements to the press?

  12. Even if one person pretends to give a shit..that's one more than she had last week.

    Other than her family who can only stand by helplessly probably devastated by everything..who else besides the paparazzi is there to help? name one?

    exactly..give Dr. Phil a goddamn break. after all the huballoo with Kanye's mom..i'm sure everyone has gone over Dr. Phils' credentials with a fine tooth comb.

  13. this guy should be reviewed by the Medical Board.

    Cedars NEVER should have let him into her room
    he NEVER should have made any public statement

  14. Anonymous12:40 PM

    He's not a real doctor, but he plays one on TV.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, the goober has Ph.D. in clinical psychology.
    Whoop dee fuckin' doo.

  15. you're right..fuck Dr. Phil..let Adnan the married papo waiting to sell her out in a quick minute help...cuz that's the only kind of help she's gettign right now.

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  17. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I think Eeyore the Paparazzo is in love with Britney.

  18. no he's in love with $$$$...i heard from the the interweb that he only married to get a green work as a pap in LA.


  19. without brit's express permission, he had no reason to be there. he doesn't have prilivages at cedars, and i'm not aware of any L.A. area hospital that he does.

    more importantly, what was she doing in an unlocked room on a 51-50 stay? i don't care is she was being a pain in the ass, that's what those folks do for a living!

    bettie--if you're lurking, what's your experience with this??

  20. uh, PRIVILEGES. must be national typo day.

  21. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Bionic Bunny - I think she was officially "released" by the time our lovely Dr. Phil showed up.

  22. here in Vancouver, if you're held like that its in the psych ward not the main hospital and NO one gets in to see you until the hold is over,not even your parents.

    she threw a hissy fit and the docs caved and let her go..pathetic doctors you had her right where you wanted her!

  23. I don't understand how he says he can't share information due to DR/Patient confidentiality but then he can come out and tell us she needs help and that the situation is intense. Shouldn't he be telling us nothing at all? This will really help Britney with her trust issues.

  24. yeah, but brenda, she was supposed to be held for 72 hours. a good sociopath can fool the docs, but the call was made... that's why its a mandatory 72.
    and yes, i DO believe she suffers from both bi-polarism and sociopathy.

  25. When I heard they'd let Shitney out early, my first thought was, "I wonder who she had to pay off to let her out?"

    I somehow KNEW she wouldn't get the help she needs!!!

  26. You may criticise me, but note that my names for some of these celebretards have entered the common vernacular - i.e., "Shittany" and "Parasite Hilton."

    I feel vindicated.

  27. Brit's mind was certainly working well when she blew this guy off. Good for her. The story of his problems in Texas is true. It came out in the papers around the time his show was starting. And you should hear some of the stories from those working on the show at that time. He's an arrogant blowhard. I loathe him and his entire family.

  28. "dr phil is an idiot"

    and this is news.... moreover... does anyone care???

  29. McGraw was born in Vinita, Oklahoma, the son of Jerry (née Stevens) and Joe McGraw.[2] He grew up in the oilfields of North Texas, where his father was an equipment supplier. During McGraw's childhood, his family moved so his father could pursue a lifelong dream of becoming a psychologist. McGraw attended Shawnee Mission North High School in Mission, Kansas. In 1968, he was awarded a football scholarship to the University of Tulsa, where he played middle linebacker under Coach Glenn Dobbs (father of Gary Dobbs, who later went into business with McGraw). On November 23rd of that year McGraw's team lost to the University of Houston 100-6, which is still one of the most lopsided games in college football history.[3][4] Coach Dobbs retired after that season, and McGraw transferred to Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas, where he graduated in 1975 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology. He went on to earn a Master's degree in experimental psychology in 1976, and a Ph.D in clinical psychology in 1979 at the University of North Texas[5], where his dissertation was titled "Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Psychological Intervention." He also participated in the swimming programs at the two schools.[6]

    I dont know who said Dr. Phil wasnt a Dr. but they need to check their facts :)

  30. Well it was mentioned in the first few posts and it wasnt that he didnt get a degree but that he lost his practice due to some sexual encounter with a 19 year old employee. Someone else said they saw it in the newspaper or something.I havent looked it up yet but i wouldnt be suprised, I feel like everything he does on tv is fake and he pretty much states the obvious as far as physchology. I mean I feel like anyone whos not afraid to point out what's obviously wrong with a person and can make weird analogies can take the job...

    anyway the Britney thing, I mean if he respected the family he could just i dunno, talk to them in private instead of letting the whole damn world know hes friends with the mom and hinting to a future episode with them. All he does is exploit peoples problems, I mean if he didnt have that he'd be out of a job :/

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  34. I agree, Dr. Phil not only exploits issues for ratings, he is also a fraud because he often pulls info out of his butt instead of citing legitimate sources.
    But I despise Oprah just as much because she is no different.
    Thanks for calling out this media whore and putting him in his place.

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  36. How dare you, never have I been more outraged in my life, you should be ashamed of yourself
