Diane Sawyer Can't Be Trusted
Two months ago Diane Sawyer decided to only throw Jennifer Lopez softball questions and didn't even ask if she were pregnant. Instead Diane Sawyer kissed Jennifer's ass and made a fool out of herself as a journalist. Now, Diane Sawyer decided to give Katie Holmes a free pass by not asking Katie any questions which might even really be considered real questions. There were no Andrew Morton questions, and absolutely no personal questions at all.
Good Morning America's producer fell on his sword but the fact is that Diane Sawyer "interviewed" Katie Holmes for eight minutes. The producer says he cut off the interview at that point because he didn't think it was going anywhere. Later, he changed his tune and said that Diane had wanted to keep going, and that it was the producer's fault for stopping it.
How much longer could the interview have gone? Go watch any of the morning shows or late night talk shows and see how many minutes of actual talk time they give each guest. Go ahead and put a stopwatch to it. If you want answers, you know you are going to have to get them quick.
I have a few theories as to why Diane Sawyer drops to her knees so quickly. The first is that Jennifer Lopez and Katie Holmes are both Scientologists. I don't think Diane Sawyer is, but you never know. Maybe her husband, Director Mike Nichols is a Scientologist or wants to be able to work with Tom or Jennifer or Katie in the future so Diane intentionally doesn't do anything to piss off and actor or actress or screenwriter she comes into contact with on the show. All I know is that this has got to stop. It has nothing to do with Scientology, or anything like that. I have been just as pissed off at Larry King for his interviews. These anchors try way too hard to become the friend of the celebrity and not hard enough at doing their actual job. Everyone wants to know what questions we want asked and answered and if you are too afraid for yourself, your job, your husband, your fame, or your associations, then let someone else do it.
If you want to see the GMA interview, click here.
Below is Katie's appearance on Letterman last night. I know I have posted her Batman interview a few times, but just wanted you to get an up close perspective of how she looked then and now.