Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Diane Sawyer Can't Be Trusted

Two months ago Diane Sawyer decided to only throw Jennifer Lopez softball questions and didn't even ask if she were pregnant. Instead Diane Sawyer kissed Jennifer's ass and made a fool out of herself as a journalist. Now, Diane Sawyer decided to give Katie Holmes a free pass by not asking Katie any questions which might even really be considered real questions. There were no Andrew Morton questions, and absolutely no personal questions at all.

Good Morning America's producer fell on his sword but the fact is that Diane Sawyer "interviewed" Katie Holmes for eight minutes. The producer says he cut off the interview at that point because he didn't think it was going anywhere. Later, he changed his tune and said that Diane had wanted to keep going, and that it was the producer's fault for stopping it.

How much longer could the interview have gone? Go watch any of the morning shows or late night talk shows and see how many minutes of actual talk time they give each guest. Go ahead and put a stopwatch to it. If you want answers, you know you are going to have to get them quick.

I have a few theories as to why Diane Sawyer drops to her knees so quickly. The first is that Jennifer Lopez and Katie Holmes are both Scientologists. I don't think Diane Sawyer is, but you never know. Maybe her husband, Director Mike Nichols is a Scientologist or wants to be able to work with Tom or Jennifer or Katie in the future so Diane intentionally doesn't do anything to piss off and actor or actress or screenwriter she comes into contact with on the show. All I know is that this has got to stop. It has nothing to do with Scientology, or anything like that. I have been just as pissed off at Larry King for his interviews. These anchors try way too hard to become the friend of the celebrity and not hard enough at doing their actual job. Everyone wants to know what questions we want asked and answered and if you are too afraid for yourself, your job, your husband, your fame, or your associations, then let someone else do it.

If you want to see the GMA interview, click here.

Below is Katie's appearance on Letterman last night. I know I have posted her Batman interview a few times, but just wanted you to get an up close perspective of how she looked then and now.




jax said...

jesus you'd think there was a 10 year gap between the two.

sad..fuckin Scientology.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on Diane Sawyer. It's ridiculous to not even MENTION it. (But Dave didn't either, to be honest.)

And re the difference. She was physically more rigid this time, but her speech patterns were the same and she was likable.

jax said...

ya well im talking about the fact that she went from a young vibrant women to Anna Wintour overnight.

Ellen said...

Zzzzzzz, man is she dull. Even in the "before" clip. Dull city. But now super dull city.

It's clear all of them are on strict orders that to get the appearance they have to steer clear of the "hot" topics. I love in the old clip she can't even say how they met. Lawyer's office perhaps?

I think it's smart of Tom to user her as a decoy while the controversy swirls. Especially as the media is so accommodating (meaning stupid).

captivagrl said...

she has adopted Tom's style during interviews.( the head bobbing, fake smiles, strange facial expressions, and asking the interviewer distracting questions that go nowhere)

GammaGirl said...

Dude, she looks like she took to much Xanax in the first clip!
Unfortunately, her frosty demeanor can't be attributed to drugs because that would displease Xenu.

I think Katie has had more than a few roles that prove she can act (Pieces of April, Wonder Boys,...), but this Tom-thing has ruined her rep.

Kristen S. said...

I agree w/jax...this chick looks at least 10-15 years old than she is. Yes, she looks good. For a 50 year old.

captivagrl said...

and who the hell told her to start dressing like Mary Tyler Moore?

Mel said...

That's scary. It's like the life been sucked out of her. Tom's and his 'religion' appears to have ruined a vibrant young woman.

Myself said...

Its so crazy to see how well she has been trained in the past few years. She was tripping all over herself answering questions in the older interview.
Of course Dave didn't ask any questions this time about their "Love" for one another.

Carte Blanche said...

yeah alice, she USED to be a vibrant young woman.

It's sad to watch her now, from her practiced walk to her head nods to her closed mouth smile (gone are the big Katie grins), to scripted answers.


I know they're going for "mature", but this is just rediculous.

YahMoBThere said...

David L: "And how long have you know Tom?"

Katie: "Um, well, actually, uhhhh, I met him...uhhhh....about six weeks ago."

And Elle, is spot on - Katie couldn't even answer the question about HOW they met. I guess her minder didn't go over that with her.

Rare Avis said...

They met on Jdate.

YahMoBThere said...

Rare Avis - HA! Shouldn't that be Sdate.com?

dixiebell said...

One thing I don't get is why everyone's so pissed off at her. So she doesn't talk to the media. So she doesn't spill her personal life secrets or story to Diane Sawyer or David Letterman. She's polite, she's pretty, and she has a private life. So fucking what? Good for her. Yes, Scientology seems a bit...weird...and her husband is irritating...but fuck it, in this era of no underpants/psycho acne and herpes scarred Brit wandering around flashing her labia, I kind of LIKE someone who obviously isn't interested in sharing her thoughts, opinions and feelings with millions of americans. More power to her. I hope she's getting a LOT of money for all this, and while I personally don't like her haircut, I'l live.

dixiebell said...

And Diane Sawyer's kind of investigative journalism is shopping at Victoria's Secret, so what's the big surprise there? She's a moron with a deep important sounding voice who married well.

Anonymous said...

Your first mistake is classifying Diane Sawyer as a journalist.
sarah said...
I kind of LIKE someone who obviously isn't interested in sharing her thoughts, opinions and feelings with millions of americans.
OK, well the problem, Sarah, is that this young lady has no thoughts, opinions and feelings.
And $cientology is more than a "little weird." Try reading sometime,'K?

Rocky (Racquel) said...

Did you notice in the then clip she never actually answered Dave as to where she and the creep met?

Anonymous said...

well the saddest part is you are only young once. What should be some of her happiest years are slipping by her.

Well who knows? maybe she really is happy.

Taryn said...

Sorry if it's already been addressed, but the lone strand of hair stuck to her lip is all I can look at! You'd think Dave could have casually brushed it away. I guess Tom told him not to touch the merchandise.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Okay. Diane Sawyer is NOT a real journalist, and hasn't been for quite some time, but why would MIKE NICHOLS want to work with Jennifer Lopez (*snort!*), OR Katie Holmes (*slightly bigger snort*)? I mean, he DID direct The Graduate, you know? He doesn't make fluff. Does he? Neither actress are box office draws AT ALL, and J-Lo's acting is only marginally better than her singing!

UGH. Katie is the most boring person alive. I'm already sick of fucking Suri, too, and she's not even flapping her stupid baby Scientologist's yap.

YahMoBThere said...

Nichols hasn't done a lot in recent years, but he did just direct Charlie Wilson's War.

Dianna said...

Hmmm, Katie Holmes hunches over as much as Kate Holmes does.

Unknown said...

Wow. All I know is that when I watched that interview last night I felt like I was watching Mr. Letterman pull teeth to coax an actual answer of her. It was painful to watch and yet, like some sort of zombie-filled slow motion train crash I could not look away...

Dick Insideu said...

Diane Sawyer is a disappointment, a complete corporate sellout. Fortunately, karma is a bitch. A few years ago, I saw Mike Nichols, her husband, pick up a hooker from Central Park South in New York City. If Mikey is fucking hookers, perhaps Diane has a valtrex vagina?

wineaux said...

does no one want to comment on the fact that letterman did the same opening question(s) on both interviews? were the writers on strike then too? how annoying for her to answer the same questions everytime. line for line...come on!

i'm not pro kat(i)e by any means (because she is devoid of all human life) but i thought she handled his questions well, even though she's heard them before and probably before that too. sorry....pet peeve of mine for people to repeat themselves over and over again!

*gets off soap box*

Jones said...

I'm sorry but that was very hard to watch, maybe it's my ADD or maybe it's my heart beating that makes that seem so freaking void of life to me. And scientology... id like to lock everyone of those fu(kers in a room with my mentally ill brother for one hour and see if they think he can 'turn off' his 'possesion'. You know the man who made this religion has something very wrong with him if you check out his previous one. Crowley even said he lost it... and thats coming from Crowley.


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