Monday, January 07, 2008

Charges Dropped Against Amy Winehouse - Hello LA

Charges against Amy Winehouse were dropped this week for perverting the course of justice. I have to tell you that I love that charge. Anytime you can throw in the word pervert and not have it relate to time spent looking at porn, I think that is a pretty cool thing. All of the crimes in the UK have much cooler names than here in the US. Kind of makes everything seem more serious than it really is.

Anyway, as you know Amy was released on bail last month after turning herself in for questioning on how it was her husband had enough money to bribe people in his upcoming trial.

Her husband is currently spending some quality time behind bars for the crime that Amy was also charged with. BFC as I like to call him because I hate typing out his name and think it makes no sense is alleged to have assaulted a bartender last year and has been charged with trying to bribe the bartender with $400,000, a free vacation and a hooker a week for life in return for withdrawing his statement.

This dropping of charges against Amy should allow her to perform at the Grammy Awards next month in LA. Just to let you know, I do intend to stalk her and hang out with paps the entire time she's here. I want to see the inevitable meeting between Amy and Britney and just see how they interact. Meanwhile, while Amy was enjoying her Caribbean vacation and sex with her ex boyfriend, her husband has been placed in solitary confinement after prison guards found him getting drunk behind bars and making calls on a cell phone he had smuggled into the jail, reports British newspaper the News of the World. I wonder how much Pete Doherty charges for that service or if BFC just took other lessons from Pete which is how he keeps getting the booze and drugs and other stuff. And when I say other lessons, I mean the lessons that Pete learned as a rent boy.


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Blake has got to know that Amy will end up with someone else.

  2. Ent, if you see her in L.A., would you please give her a new pair of shoes and belt? Send me the bill.

    Honestly, if you saw that walking through an airport wouldn't you freak out just a little? That would definitely send me back to the bar.

  3. You might want to throw in a feeding tube.

  4. If Blake was really taking lessons from Pete he wouldn't be in jail!!

  5. Anonymous11:37 AM

    He must be going nuts in there knowing that Amy's undying love is mostly induced by substance abuse and his control of her, and that now he's not there to do it, Pete has stepped in to take his place.
