Monday, January 07, 2008

Bryan Adams Cheated On Elle Macpherson

Ahhh. Bryan Adams. I think he was the first jackass ever on the site so he definitely holds a special place in my heart. I really thought he had changed his ways. His photographs are amazing and he was kind enough to let Amy Winehouse use his place in Mustique for the discount price of just $50,000 for the week. But, alas, once a jackass, always a jackass.

Bryan Adams decided that Elle Macpherson wasn't enough woman for him and so stepped out on her and started secretly dating Caterina Murino who was the Bond girl in Casino Royale. Of course Bryan kept seeing Elle at the same time that he was dating Caterina because you never know if something is going to work out. Have to have that safety net you can go back to if the young woman decides she really doesn't want to go out with the 50 year old rock star. No, he's not 50, but she probably thinks he's 50 because he looks so damn old.

Anyway, Bryan didn't get to keep his safety net for long as he was spotted out with Caterina. Elle confronted him, and when he admitted that he went out with Caterina, Elle dumped him, and called him a jackass. Of course all of you already knew that.


  1. Anonymous10:32 AM

    If he's not 50 then he's getting close to it.

  2. The first Jackass, Nov. '06

    JACKASS - Male rock star..I want to say 5 number ones, but Google says 6..solo act...hotel elevator after a concert..groupies (Band-Aids to my buddy Cameron and to my friend Kate who always makes me smile) pressing items to be signed into the elevator...(1) a woman in her 70's is on the elevator and a hotel guest..(2)me.... (3) singer's manager..the woman in her 70's has no idea what is going on and would rather be anyplace else..(btw I have no idea what she was doing up so late) girls are screaming and trying to claw their way to the elevator..singer grabs his crotch and says, "yeah girls want some of that don't ya?" and then turns to the woman in her 70's and says "I bet you could use some too huh?"..By this time he has accumulated a handful of Sharpies and begins to throw them out the elevator and the girls go scrambling for them, falling down as they do so..The manager hits the close button on the elevator and the singer reaches over and pushed the door open button and says.."not so fast..I love to watch them crawl..right where they belong.."then he lets the elevator door close..

  3. Someone once said Bryan Adams was gay and the women he dates are beards. I always believed that somehow, because it seems more plausible than the constant merry-go-round that surrounds him and his troupe of trade-in beautiful women when technically, hardly anybody can remember who he is.

    I buy he's probably gay and these stories are smoke 'n' reflective glass.

  4. wow, and I used to like Bryan Adams...20 years ago!

  5. Ok. I have been holding out. Yup, I have. Bryan Adams dish. He is a grade A, #1 asshole. He is about 5'3" and maybe 75 pounds soaking wet. The moon has a smoother surface than that man/boy entire body. Seriously. He and Elle McPherson? There is simply no way. She would crush him. I mean there is no way his manhood is bigger than a sharpie. (yes, I checked out his package, we are talking a mini bic lighter here) That would explain the BI. He was in a hotel bar having sparkling water (out of a thimble?) when the lovely pianist was playing 'Everything I do', no singing mind you, and he walked up to him mid performance and asked him to stop then and there. Wha? Point of reference, Stevie Wonder, Sting to name two have gotten up to join the pianist when he played their songs. Mean, little troll. On the other hand, Elle McPherson is lovely, good times like every Aussie I have ever met. I seriously have never met an Aussie that wasn't like that.

  6. he doesn't come back to vancouver very often..because no one here likes him or his music..for some reason the UK LOVED him and his he stayed. good ridance.

    and you sucked on the Vancouver
    86ers soccer team too! my bro was in an early early video for was like his second video and he was a complete douche back then.

  7. Sorry TS, this would have made a great BI!

  8. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Um, I thought Eva Green was the Casino Royale Bond girl.

  9. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Yeah, Caterina was just the slut that got killed at the beginning of the movie...Eva Green was the Bond Girl.

  10. Oh man, Rare Avis! I told you to write your stuff up as bi's! But this was good scoopage even though you didn't put it in a blind.

    One question. Is his package bigger than Jennifer Aniston's?

  11. I know, I know.
    I meant what I said about him being teeny, Verne Troyer has more testosterone. I think him and Bai Ling should hook up. No joke. Effete. Jennifer (call me Jen) Aniston I did meet her once. I also met Angelina (call me Angie) Jolie. Oh yuck, I hate being a name dropper. Consider the context of the blog please. BUT upon your insistance, you will have to wait.....

  12. so what is it you do Rare Avis to meet all these fab stars?

  13. Yeah, what Jax asked. Other than bein' a 'ho, Rare Avis, what DO you do?

  14. I know that you will understand when I say I can't.

    It is nothing glamorous, trust.
    I am that cute, normal chick at the party who likes to laugh. I remember your kids names, whether or not you were having drama the last time I saw you, in other words, normal things. I am fun to be around, like to drink & eat, and can keep a secret! Geesh, this sounds like a dating ad. I also love puppies, hot fudge sundaes, and walks on the beach.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Do you like pina colada's?

    I kid!

  17. LOL @ rare avis. Secrets' safe here.
    It's obvious celebrities put their pants on one leg at a time too, but it's rewarding and comforting in a pathetic sort of way to hear that they ARE human too. So silly little drops of personality flaws or gifts is nice to hear when it is actual and not fictional for the hype.

  18. ...and getting caught in the rain?

  19. ...and the feel of the ocean..

  20. and the taste of champagne!!!

  21. jaysus..whos' drinking at work again?

    Rare you work for Avis rent a car??? Celebs must rent cars at some point.

    be see the way people dismiss EL as fake..without any solid proof from you we may have to debunk

  22. THANKS TWISTED!!!! Now I got that stupid song stuck in my head...LOL

    drinking at home thank's 5'o clock somewhere! JK. Mmmmmm beeeeeer. :0)

  23. Sorry, Jolara, but thanks to you and Rare and Divabunny for joining in.

    Jax, I don't need to drink. I act stupid all on my own, thank you very

  24. Woo Hoo! It's Blogger Karaoke! Best best kind! silent!!!!

  25. Good times!

    It means rare bird in Latin.

    Solid proof? Well, if you read what I post that will have to be it. How do you know that I don't know EL anyway? Heh.....

  26. ..because everyone else here has claimed it over the last year.

    are you a big time celeb or what?
    lazy ass slacker minds want to know!

  27. Maybe she's an assistant of some sorts. That sounds pretty un-glamourous to me.

  28. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I'm thinking asst too...

    wonder if this could make el want to jump up and down?

  29. Rare, is this a blind item about you that we're supposed to guess? If so, give us some more clues, will ya?

  30. I am not an assistant. THANK GOD! I was offered the job of Michael Douglas' assistant once, but dodged that bullet. Trust me, I am a 'nobody' who has cool friends. Wouldn't want it any other way. Same as this blog! Big love to you guys...

  31. aw poor a-hole, now it cuts like a knife ...

  32. Didn't Lindsay Lohan do him a few years back? During the "I dropped a glass and stepped on it at Bryan Adams' house" escapade. Around the time she was cutting a lot too.

  33. I think the only Blohan cuts is lines.

  34. Nice comment on his skin problem, considering it's from a horrendous motorcycle accident.

    If he's an ass, he's an ass- but that shit's not cool rarecrow.

  35. Elle isn't THAT nice but then I guess we all have good days and bad days.
    She also has terrible taste in men so it would make sense she'd find A.hole Adams attractive. Refreshing that she's deciding to get rid of them when they cheat on her nowadays.

    For your pub trivia night: This will be the 2nd young lady from a Bond movie that Mr Adams has dated. He went out with some blonde model from one of the Pierce Bronson flicks. Yawn. I bored myself there.

  36. So, England is the France for this canadian Jerry Lewis?
