Thursday, January 03, 2008

Britney Likes To Role Play

Over time, many couples will take a turn or two at roleplaying to keep things interesting in their sex life. I know that one of my ex-wives was very fond of playing the rich housewife and sales clerk. Unfortunately, this also is what happened in real life, and thus as she was spending every last penny, she was also screwing the sales clerk. So, from now on I just limit my sexual adventures to deciding between amateur porn or Sears catalogs.

Britney will roleplay even when she has only been with a guy once or twice. I think this is not so she can turn the guy on in another way or roleplay as someone else, but because she is either so bored with always having sex that she likes to pretend she is someone else, or if in fact, she has sex with so many different guys because she has so many personalities.

I get the feeling that Britney isn't even sure who she is sleeping with or how many people she has slept with, or if she is even sleeping by herself. How can she even keep track of how many hotel rooms she has paid for to have sex with guys for a few hours, and then leave.

I have no idea about how multiple personality disorders work except for watching that old Sally Field movie, but I really do think that Britney thinks she is different people and has different roles she plays for each one of the people. Unfortunately for her, most of her characters enjoy flashing the world, having sex with strangers, and don't give a crap about her kids. Hopefully they all want to use protection and have their tubes tied.


  1. Too bad none of the roles thus far have been loving/caring mother...

  2. So Shittany likes to fuck alot? So what? So does Blohan. I find it sexy when a woman likes to fuck.

  3. don't you mean "ROLL play", when it comes to Britney?

  4. Anonymous7:59 AM

    she's a wreck... but i have to feel bad for her sometimes.

  5. I feel bad for her too. Especially when I think her mom probably pimped both those girls to Disney execs. There has to be a story there. Somebody at Disney needs to spill!!

  6. People are not very intuitive. This doesn't say that Britney likes to fuck alot; it says that she's like the bored hooker in Klute.

  7. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I think she is a borderline personality. The description fits her.

  8. no more paris/brit/blohan posts unless it's something huge! please, please, please.....

  9. Maybe that last sentence is a big clue....?

  10. you know if Brit were the HIV+ singer it would make a lot of sense for her spiral into oblivion.
    Lots of people once they find out they are postitive turn to drugs and god knows what else as they beleive its a death sentence.

    I can't stand her but Blackout is a bangin album too bad she tanked it with her idiotics.

  11. Anonymous10:48 AM

    jax - it wouldn't surprise me...


  12. Who on Earth would sleep with Britney? That is what puzzles me.

    It's been rumored for years that Britney is bi-polar. Honestly, it wouldn't shock me if she came out and said she was. It would explain some of the bizarre behavior she has displayed over the last year or so.

    I am in agreement that it would be great if certain celebrities weren't mentioned in the press at all. If I never heard updates from Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Carmen Electra, Pamela Anderson, Brody Jenner, Bai Ling, Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton, Kristen Bell, Hayden Panettiere, Kimberly Kardashian and anyone else in her family, and all of the Leguna Beach/Newport Beach/The Hills cast, it would be great.

    I do wonder why tabloids follow the lives of B/C/D never listers. You would think they would follow celebrities that actually excel in their field and are known for singing/acting/whatever. But instead they focus their time on people who without the tabloids, wouldn't exist. When is the last time you saw a tabloid follow Glenn Close or Jodie Foster or Helen Mirren? Granted, their lives are just normal but at least those are actresses.

  13. random - excellent start on a list. may i add: flav and his gaggle of whores, tom cruise, and o.j.?

  14. Randomgirl, it's because those A-listers have PR people worth their weight in gold. I mean these A-list people still want to get actual movie roles. The ones you're talking about are mostly famous because of the tabs. On another note, those C/D/F listers give better stories than my daily soap and I can't help it! I still eat it up with a spoon.

    Disclaimer: That last sentence does not include Parasite, Mischa Barton or the 100 daily posts on Brit not showing up to court. We get it, she doesn't want her kids. The only news I want to see on Brit is if she get that dog hair weave ripped off her Mr. Potato head.

  15. Anonymous11:55 AM

    ent: I'm with ER Nurse - brit (and lohan, for sure) have borderline personalities (wiki). And dissociative issues are commonly reported by people w/ borderline.

  16. I don't think she MPD a la "Sybil"
    I don't think she's Schizophrenic, either.
    I think she has Bipolar Disorder
    combined with a very low IQ and no education.

    not a good mixture

  17. shockingly, she managed to show up to her deop today ... dressed in a bright pink party dress, no coat. It's freezing here in LA today and about to rain.

  18. kelly - no education is common factor amoung young hollywood has beens and want-to-bes.when did education become the exception rather than the norm? most of these young women didn't even finish high school....and it shows.

  19. Cap, you're being kind-hearted today by calling them young women and not skanky 'ho's!

  20. If you look at her skin and hands, it isn't bipolar that's the issue. It's drug abuse. She's either shooting meth or heroin at this point, probably, given her background, the former. Seriously. She's mental too, but her dirty, chewed up and blackened hands and pock marked face point to serious, serious drug abuse.

  21. I know I may be in the minority here and granted I am no doctor but I really don't think Britney is bipolar. I think she's just an immature girl addicted to drugs and the next high. I think labelling her bipolar is not very fair to people who actually do have it. Until she's actually "proven" to have bipolar it's really not certain. JMO.



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