Thursday, January 17, 2008

Brad Pitt's Sister -- Not An Angelina Fan

So when Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt went back to Missouri for the holidays, they of course brought presents for the whole family. So what did one of the highest paid actresses in the world buy for her future nephews? One video game. Yep. That's it. One video game to share. Not the game system. One game.

But wait. It gets better. I wouldn't suck you in this far and not give you some kind of payoff. It's not like we're dating or something. I mean at that point I will promise anything, and you may or may not get a payoff. Hell, I might not even be able to step to the plate. I have issues. Anyway, as I was saying, it gets better.

The game in question was a Nintendo Wii game called Ghost Squad. When Brad's sister Julie saw the gift she immediately returned it to Angelina with a note that said 'We don't promote violence in our house.' Julie and her husband Ron have a very strict policy about what they believe is right or wrong for their kids. I agree with that, but Angelina thinks the couple need to get a life. Angelina thinks playing violent games and acting out that way is a normal process in a child's life. She is such a strong proponent of it in fact that she bought Maddox a knife-throwing set for Christmas.

Does he practice throwing at mommy or daddy?


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