So when Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt went back to Missouri for the holidays, they of course brought presents for the whole family. So what did one of the highest paid actresses in the world buy for her future nephews? One video game. Yep. That's it. One video game to share. Not the game system. One game.
But wait. It gets better. I wouldn't suck you in this far and not give you some kind of payoff. It's not like we're dating or something. I mean at that point I will promise anything, and you may or may not get a payoff. Hell, I might not even be able to step to the plate. I have issues. Anyway, as I was saying, it gets better.
The game in question was a Nintendo Wii game called Ghost Squad. When Brad's sister Julie saw the gift she immediately returned it to Angelina with a note that said 'We don't promote violence in our house.' Julie and her husband Ron have a very strict policy about what they believe is right or wrong for their kids. I agree with that, but Angelina thinks the couple need to get a life. Angelina thinks playing violent games and acting out that way is a normal process in a child's life. She is such a strong proponent of it in fact that she bought Maddox a knife-throwing set for Christmas.
Does he practice throwing at mommy or daddy?
I think it's funny how the tabloids always make Angelina the bad guy.
ReplyDelete*shrugs* I'm not gonna knock her too bad for only buying the one video game. I mean, just because you CAN spoil people, doesnt mean that you should. Buying something extravagent is rude to the parents, as it would probably upstage the gifts they bought their own children. Besides, dishing out lavish gifts right away just kinda gets you labeled as a cash cow or personal Santa Claus...
ReplyDeleteHowever, you'd think she'd have a little sensitivity as to the game's content...such an anti violence opponent when its civil war and genocide and refugees, but somehow its harmless in entertainment form? Hmmm.
EL wrote: "she bought Maddox a knife-throwing set for Christmas."
ReplyDeleteMaybe she wants him to grow up to be a cutter, just like mommy.
Trix, do you think buying each child his or her own toy would be spoiling and extravagant? I'm not seeing that myself.
ReplyDeleteOk, so lets back up a bit here. First off, what is wrong with 1 video game for a nephew? Video games are about $50.00 each. Nothing wrong with that. I don't care how much you make, over indulgence isn't necessary especially for a child and an extended family member at that. (touched on a sore subject here...but opposite issue) Let's just hope the kid HAD a Wii in the first place (before the game was returned).
ReplyDeleteI DO have to agree with the sister though. no need to promote violence, but on the other hand...how old is this kid? If he is under 11, bad choice IMO. 12-15 he's probably gonna play it at a friends house, but you still don't need to promote it. 16+ if it's their thing, let it be. Just my opinion. :0)
so she doesnt want her kids or nephews to be greedy but becoming war mongering violence junkies is ok.
ReplyDeleteshes weird.
Hmm. I thought it was all over the place earlier this year about how strongly Brad & Angie feel about keeping their home violence free. Guess not so much. Maddox's gold gun necklace makes a bit more sense now.
ReplyDeleteI wonder where UNCLE Brad was in all this - did he buy the game and they blame her or did he have no interest in sharing a Christmas gift with his nephews....
Yeah... my rule of thumb with video games/movies for other people's kids is always ask the parent first. Some parents are really picky when it comes to sexual and violent content - I know my mom was. And I must say, not that we should spoil kids, but one gift is a wee bit stingy when you're Angelina Jolie and you dress your own kids in designer wear. Just a bit :D
ReplyDeleteBut also just LOL.
twis - "cutter" i thought the same thing. as for the game, maybe Brad gave a big gift and the game was from her? then again, maybe his sister is a bitch. a gift is a gift. you say thank you and return it or donate it after they leave. she opened her ungrateful mouth and now we all know the story. bad manners.
ReplyDeleteFirst, didn't Brad give her any tips on the family and what would be appropriate or not?
ReplyDeleteSecond, one gift to split is chintzy at best.
Third, just because you think violence in video games is ok does not ever make it appropriate to give it to someone else's child.
Well she probably heard it was all the rage - but the sis in law probably would've appreciated a gift cert instead.
ReplyDeleteThis story is a a little far fetched to believe.
ReplyDeleteBrad & Angelina have been together for a few years and our raising a family. If Christmas gifts are being given out, they would be given by the two of them together. As a unit.
Interesting tall tale though.
This time fiction is more interesting than the truth.
And hey, they were in NO during the holidays not MO.
It's more likely B & A gave the kids MIR merchandise when the kids were hoping for a cool Ghost Squad game.
I can assure you all she doesn't promote violence and this story is based only in tabloid "fact".
ReplyDeleteThey took a trip to see his family and because everything went smooth and boring, they had to make up stories.
Again, I know for a FACT, none of this is true.
sabrina - is you brother's name Brad?
ReplyDelete*I'm an Ass* :0|
ReplyDeleteI read it wrong. I thought she gave A nephew A game, not nephewS to SHARE A game. :0)
Hopefully they are just highlighting on the violent video game that was given and taken back & that there's more to this story that isn't being told. For all we know, Brad's nephews could be obnoxious spoiled brats who already have everything and she was trying to prove a point...~shrugs shoulders~
ReplyDeleteI'm not surprised but surely Brad (her brother) takes half the responsbility. I have to say I haven't noticed the tabloids making Angelina the bad guy, Jen's copped a lot of flack for a long time now. And all because she 'couldn't hang on to her guy' or 'give him children' or whatever. Brad always seems to get off scot free, strange. But not really in our society, why would a man be blamed, it's so much more juicy if the women are the evil ones.
ReplyDeleteI tried that whole no guns or exposure to violence theory with my son from birth. Despite Barney and PBS I'd catch my four year old in the middle of the night watching the D Day invasion and such on the history channel, creating guns out of household items including a tampax one time and the best was starting kindergarten and telling all his buddies his Dad was captain in the Army named Fred. I could understand the army thing at that point, I think it's often hardwired in boys, but I never told Dad because his name is not Fred.
ReplyDeleteLOL- that's funny nycer
ReplyDeleteI'm with Mags and Sabrina on this one. I call bullshit.
ReplyDeleteThey're anti-violence and I don't believe they'd ever give a game like this to anyone. If gifts were sent, they probably made a call to the parents asking what the kids would like, as this is SOP when getting holiday gifts for children who are not yours. I ask for lists from nephews/nieces before Thanksgiving, and order online in plenty of time for them to arrive before the holidays. It's not unusual; everyone does this. This not even an intelligent or interesting rumor.
nycer, I tried the same thing with my 3 year old... and now he takes his cute little telescope and points and shoots it at everything. To some extent maybe it is hardwired in boys? I don't know. The Fred thing is hilarious though.
ReplyDeleteSo yeah, I don't think Angie sounds that horrible in this story. It's tough to get gifts for kids right. But I also know that my sister in law constantly sends the most horrible, annoying, messy ridiculous gifts to my son each and every holiday, and I secretly love to bitch about it to all my friends. So if this is true, I can see how this got out!
Well, Judi, I want to hate her for even more things than I already do, so I call NOT bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI can't hear you. My hands are over my ears and I'm singing....la la la la la.....
This sounds like something a hack from National Ledger would conjure up. I remember the embellishments put out about Maddox's birthday party. The kids were playing a popular Boy Scout game called Capture the Flag and that was turned into gossip about playing army with guns.
ReplyDeletenycer - you kindergarten story reminded me of the day i dropped my son off at school. as he was quickly jumping out of the passenger side, i noticed something shiny sticking out from under his coat. he was running toward the crowded door and it was like a slow motion panic. i jumped out of the car and yelled NOOO..WAIT! I got to him just in time to grab my sluttiest thong that had attached to the velcro on his coat.i'm laughing now but not that morning!
ReplyDeleteCap, that's hysterical! I was in a store once holding my tactile almost one year old, and the guy in the store kept staring at me with a big grin on his face. I'm thinking, 'Wha? Do I have broccoli in my teeth?" We walked out, and as I bend down to put him in his little carseat, I see he's unbuttoned my blouse down to my naval.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I got a million of these. And they say WE screw THEM up. Pffft.
I probably should add that his dad was never in the Army either. I'm with francesca there's always something in family dynamics but I also think that this couple is such a huge fascination for people that this would be splattered everywhere if it were true. I mean they had bad Chucky Cheese pics recently, the sis-in-law diss would be all over the net.
ReplyDeleteAngelina adopts children left and right and travels the world trying to call attention to children ravaged by war and poverty. Children are obviously her passion.
ReplyDeleteIf she got your kid a crappy Christmas gift, well, how rotten is your kid? I'm just sayin . . .
Oh pffft - it's a made up story.
I don't know why ENT hates Jolie so much, but he does. Some folks do and so there ya go.
Fun, but bs.
i call no BS on this..sorry this is exactly an Angie moment and i dont even hate the bitch.
ReplyDeletethose two are constantly promoting "playing Soldiers etc."
kids in fatigues, playing with gun, face apinting and a GI Joe themed Bday party for Maddox that we allll saw the pics of. come on?
it was one thing when we were kids and there wasn't a war going on..now it just seems a tad fucked up.
I'm thinking Brad called his nephew, or chatted w/him at Thanksgiving, asked him what he wanted for Xmas - and the kid told him a game he knew his parents would never allow him to play, let along give him.
ReplyDeleteBTW, it's $29.95 on Amazon -- they may have gotten it in a gift bag.
They should have bought those kids some ninja stars, throwing those things on plyboard is just good clean fun.
ReplyDeleteThere are a couple of versions of this story going around.LOL. Star mag will be having a print edition on this. Drumming up business it looks like.
Jax, the are no pics of the kids playing with guns on Maddox's birthday because they weren't playing with guns.
This story reeks of sensationalism and does not sound credible.
ReplyDeleteI agree -- this is Brad's family and to make Angelina the bad guy is unfair. Notice that no mention is made as to what Brad gave them.
Also, there is this expectation that famous people should give huge, expensive, extravagant gifts, and anything less makes them cheap and petty.
Cheap whore - there I got that off my chest. As a huge proponent of video games, I don't think it was a bad idea, but Ghost Squad - damn bitch! Get them Halo 3 or Call of Duty 4. Playing FPS (First Person Shooters) affects the same part of the brain as cocaine and as a drug addict, you can see why I love them.
ReplyDeleteKnives for children? I wonder if she let's them run with scissors too. It probably doesn't matter to her if they die, she can just go pick another up as a replacement.
I don't believe this either. It's not even a good story, to be honest, and frankly, if their uncle couldn't have guided her into choosing a better gift for his nephews, then he's as much to blame as anyone. IF it did happen, which I doubt, then I'm with the notion that the kids asked for it without the parents knowing.
ReplyDeletei never said they played with guns at the party.I said it was a GI Joe themed soldier birthday party..and yes there have been pix of Brad n MAddox playing soldiers.
ReplyDeletefine tooth comb anyone.do i need a friggen disclaimer at the bottom of my comments???
You'd think after seeing firsthand all the destruction weapons have caused on the Mother Continent, she would never encourage or promote gun culture.
ReplyDeleteIf the gross value of all weapons and ammuniton entering Africa were used to purchase food aid and sustainable trade, she would look way better. It's cheap and sad to keep making movies full of weapons then run to get photo ops on the broken back of Africa.
jax, a fine toothed comb isn't required, but you did post this...
ReplyDelete"kids in fatigues, playing with gun, face apinting and a GI Joe themed Bday party for Maddox that we allll saw the pics of. come on?"
They were playing the Capture the Flag game at the party along with the slip 'n slide and whatnot. Face painting and fatigues is not propaganda for violence in this situation. D@mn watch NFL football fans with their face painting and camou.....okay, bad example, fans want the players to hurt the other team. But, they're not promoting guns and war.
In what interview, not a tab source, did AJ say that violent games is a normal process in a child's life?
This rumour was started days ago elsewhere.
LOL at the implication of Julie & Rob sending a note like that after her comments about the J-P's Springfield visit. Good, tabloid rubbish.
this is bullshit to the max. kids will play like kids it has nothing to do with video games.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Team Angie on this. Julie and her hubby need to get a life, and quit being such wussies.
ReplyDeleteHmm. Is Ange the re-gifter from a BI a few months ago? That might explain the one gift to multiple kids, and the inappropriateness of it. She just changed the tag.
ReplyDeleteOr a plant by the makers of Ghost Squad?!
ReplyDeleteLongtime Lurker...First-time Poster.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but Angelina was out of line. Maddox isn't 7 yet...a knife throwing set??
I do believe that kids should be able to have fun and play cops & robbers, etc. But the violence in these games is way over the top and frankly there just isn't anything good you're going to get out of it.
And last...she's a freakin U.N. Ambassador visting women & children who have been orphaned and raped by the violence in their countries. And her Cambodian son is wearing a gun necklace? I suppose that's a part of his heritage...a lovely reminder of the Khmer Rouge?