Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Blind Item Reveals

September 7, 2007

#2 This dog loving B list film actor was shot down last night at a club by this A list (everywhere but America) performer when he tried to hit on her. She not only turned him down, but was heard to say, "I thought you were gay."

Orlando Bloom / Kylie Minogue


  1. Oh, poor Orlando. Lol..guy can't win for losing.

  2. Kylie isn't much of a catch. She should be lucky that someone like Orlando wanted her. She's past her prime.

  3. Ouch @ random.
    Made me chuckle though..

  4. Wow ... even more reveals! Yippeee.

  5. EL seems to be cherry picking through the Four for Friday blinds and answering only one of the blind items. I hope he's going to go back and answer the rest, but that doesn't make much sense.

  6. Unless he's making sure to reveal the ones that won't get him into trouble this year. Lol

  7. I never did understand why Kylie became so famous (outside the US). She just seems rather ordinary.

    And I guess that clears up Orlando's orientation for me.

  8. For legality reasons, there are probably some blinds that he can't answer at this time. However, maybe someday he can go back and fill in the rest. If not, at least we got some juicy ones to think about. It's all good.

  9. Winegirl---My thoughts exactly.
    Although it seems to be Perez' mission to make her popular here.

    Awww. I like Orly.

  10. Kylie's a national icon here in the UK, we love her. You'd have to follow her journey from a teenager to understand her popularity outside the states. I don't think she's bothered about making it there. She's treated like royality in Aussie Land and has made her home in London.

    So when a woman reaches her mid to late 30's in the states are they considered past their prime? I notice someone said something similar about Jen Aniston once too.

  11. When I said past her prime, I meant career wise. She hasn't exactly burned up the charts with any hit songs recently.

    Kylie tried to make it in the United States, both as a singer and actress. She released Can't Get You Out Of My Head to US markets and it didn't spark longevity unless you count car commercials. Her record label wanted her to hit in the US but for some reason the public didn't connect with her. Same thing happened to Natalie Imbruglia.

  12. Orlando Bloom that is funny, funny. Hey she dated that absolute scumbag Olivier Martinez. I hate that prick. She must have the worst taste in me. I remember when she was banging INXS Michael Hutchins. God I am old. I met her at a party in Paris. She is smoking hot. I hate HATE that Olivier. When assh*le was dating Mira Sorvino, he reduced her to tears on at last two occasions that I saw.

  13. Hahaha, good one!

    Kylie is anything but ordinary! But I guess we Europeans don´t get some of your music "stars" either..

  14. ...and "randomramblings", she has not been burning up the charts as you put it beacause she has been fighting breast cancer.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Kylie has always seemed comfortable with the fact that her career never exploded in the States.
    It's a shame too, because she's more talented than most of the "artists" currently dominating the charts the U.S.

    I wonder if this is a clue to the BI from a few days ago about the B lister who "proved" he was gay?

  17. I thought Orlando and Kate Bosworth were the answers to a BI about an actress whose bf was taking "ski trips" with HIS bf....

    Maybe Orlando is bi? (Or maybe he hit on Kylie just to disprove the rumors?)

  18. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Gee, I live here in the US and I don't get some of our "stars" eiter ;-)

  19. you said it brendalove! Very true!

  20. well, just asking... if we dont count canadians and australians, wich european singer hit it really BIG in the US, lately? Not just a song or two due to publicity, but making a huge US career? The older ones are still around (Elton John, Stones, Beatles) but there are no fresh ones.

    If we dont count spanish singin exceptions like Ricky Martin (lets call him singer for this one) who are bigger in the US because of their latino fanbase.

  21. yeah! Orly likes girls!

  22. Doesn't Kylie sing dance music?

    as in... popular in the gay culture?

    Maybe that's why he wanted to hit it-


  23. Echoing what the others have said - Kylie is hardly past her prime! Not only does she still look AMAZING (so fit!), but the woman just recovered from breast cancer and looks amazing. I especially love how she's been rocking the short hair look.

    Re: hits. Actually, Kylie's new tracks from her Greatest Hits albums a few years ago did very well - Giving You Up and I Believe in You (the former is and AMAZING song I still listen to on repeat), and her new album is A++ - the best she's put out since Fever, IMO. Her first single 2 Hearts is doing respectably, and I think if she releases Like a Drug as her next single, she'll be back on top as a dance club queen. Kylie is still very much a hit maker anywhere but in the US, but especially in the UK and Australia.

    And hahahahhahahaa. Of course Orlando is gay. You go, Kylie <3

  24. Hmm, lets see..other than "older" European stars... Chemical Brothers? Prodigy? The Hives? The Sounds? ABBA (kiddin, kiddin!), The Cardigans, Oasis (or they didn´t hit did they?), Roxette was pretty big I think, Hmm, The guy with the "miss fatty fatty-song" is Swedish (jepp!), Iron Maiden, ehhh no really, you over there just stick with your bubblegum pop produced by swedish producers...;)

  25. You forgot big ones like U2, Coldplay, Amy Whitehouse:)
