Friday, January 25, 2008

Blind Item Reveals

March 9, 2007

#4 This A List actor at least in his mind and the way he acts is a little nervous these days. Turns out that his body which he displays with pride may have been the product of a little chemical help. Seems he used the same pharmacy as many of the athletes now getting into trouble and is afraid his name will also show up on the list and be made public.

50 Cent


  1. Wasn't he only in one movie?

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    50 is an A list actor??????

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    nevermind, dipshit comment. i get it now, he thinks he's an a list actor.

  4. i want more lol...good so far!

  5. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Ah, this one was revealed anyway, in the press. Seems EL was right, and I'm not a bit surprised.

  6. Stoopid Beaver! Just cuz you got you teef fixed 50 doesn't mean you look like less of a beaver. It's in your genes!

  7. I don't care if Fiddy uses steroids, he's not an athlete...

    And it makes him twice as fun to look at!! : )

  8. i just don't buy that curtis would EVER be referred to as an a list actor... an a-list celebrity, maybe, but an actor?


  9. Weren't we supposed to be getting some Heath Ledger reveals? I was looking forward to those.

  10. stallone was busted in Oz a couple of weeks before and the athletes a few days before this 'blind'. All the people in the news this month(NYers, entertainers) used the online site with the same pharmacy supplier. I think it was a made up blind for Stallone and now the writer is just putting 50 because it hit the news.

  11. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Zene, go peddle your papers elsewhere. We LIKE Ent (the writer) here.

  12. reese,

    we were also supposed to get a little something about Brad Renfro from one of his friends. I think EL means well and wants to please us, but maybe it would be better not to say anything in case it doesn't work out. But hey, you never know - we may be pleasantly surprised.

  13. I think this was a super vague blind that was only revealed when the news confirmed a story that matched up. (like many)

  14. Why would he care anyway? It's not as if he is an actual athlete who would lose his job.



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