Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Blind Item Reveals

August 29, 2007

I am not going to copy and paste this item because it is way too long. If you want to read it, you can click on the link. It's called The Life And Times Of Timmy. You may have heard of it. I actually like other ones better, but this is the one that has got me the closest to being sued. It is not the one that has got me in the most trouble, just the one that got me closest to being sued. Because of certain pressures brought against me, I had to cave in and only give most of an answer. Because of the situation I am in, and my anonymity, I don't have a great deal of leverage. Someday I will make sure you get all of the answer and I think you will be much more satisfied.

This blind item has been kind of a curse because I almost ran a different one that day which I thought was much more scandalous, and appealing, but now because of all the drama from Timmy I just haven't posted the other one. Give it a few more months and I will post the other one.


  1. Take your time, Ent. We've waited this long. Just don't make us wait forever though!

  2. No rush Ent, you're still the best entertainment on here. Been here since the good old MV and S blind. When do we get a reveal for that?

  3. Oh MV and S! That would be a great reveal, but you can't tell us that Ent, right?

  4. S ?? Which one is that?

  5. Enty, you tease!
    you certainly do know how to keep 'em coming back for more

  6. I agree those 2 would be great reveals. I just can't see it happening--we can only hope!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Thanks for all the reveals, it's interesting to see what we got right and what we didn't -
    Is the BI that caused you the most trouble the one about Old Hollywood and the covered up murder? It certainly couldn't have been about Timmy/Shimmy since all parties are dead and the worst that could happen would theoretically have been egg on the face -
    Or am I being naive and you got threatened by the respective estates?

  9. Anonymous11:51 AM

    "certain pressures brought against me, I had to cave in and only give most of an answer". Please spare us the BULLSH*T.

  10. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I was happy with the reveal, as were most other folks, I can only assume. I think I speak for many others when I say that we really love this blog and especially your blind items. Keep fighting the good fight and keep posting those blind items! And yes, more reveals would be nice, but hey it's your blog, your rules.

  11. Hey...EL you rock,don't mind the haters..they just hate for hate sake..lol.
    Much love in 2008 keep up the fab job of delivering entertainment and snark to us biotches!

  12. But I still love you, Ent! :)

  13. *Makes note to start making list of recipes to post next time the trolls get restless*

  14. Happy New Year Ent!!
    Thanks for the reveals and here's to another fabulous year of salacious gossip and snarktastic commentary!

    Timmmy/Shimmy is in the past...lets move on to bigger and more scandalous things.

  15. (or maybe I'll just find other great works, such as the tos from mma.tv....)

    Here's to another great year.

  16. HAPPY 2008 TO EVERYONE!!!! thank you to ENT for hours of fun! i look forward to your posts every day. there are so many great people here. i love it!

  17. This is most fun site on internet. EL, wonder how many hits you get a day compared to last year. Thanks for the fun.

  18. Happy New Year all!!

  19. Hey, random, but did anyone ever guess Faith Hill for MV?

  20. I'm not a hater of the blog, I'm just a hater in general. You all know that. Honestly, I have to say that I am a bit leery of this story about being sued. By who and on what grounds?

  21. this post is pure pacification for the masses.

    good thing i don't care, lol.


  22. Anonymous11:34 PM

    xoxoxoxo Happy New Year All XOXOXOXO

    (Timmy/Shimmy still percolates - hooray!)

  23. Yes, Happy New Year all!!!!!

  24. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Everyone here is such a kiss ass. Jesus Christ.



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