Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Allegra Versace

Thanks to everyone who sent me photos. So Allegra Versace does look much better in the bottom two photos which are from the show, especially compared to the top photos which are just heart breaking. The problem is that she is all bundled up in the photos from the show and so it is really hard to tell which is probably a good thing because she just needs to eat and not worry about how she looks. Her face does look more full, and so hopefully she is on the way to recovery. Now if we could just get her to smile.


Carte Blanche said...

For a second, when I saw the 2nd picture of Allegra, I thought it was Rachel Zoe. Another ill woman.

kellygirl said...

she is much healthier in the show pix.
her face actually looks like she's alive, rather than a mummy. She's not 100% there yet, but good for her. The problem with anorexia is, like alcoholism, it is part of you for life and relapse is about 90% sure-thing. Hopefully her mother is taking her recovery seriously and getting her the best help money can buy

GammaGirl said...

@kellysirkus: You are absolutely right about anorexia. I think people forget that it is a disease, not a lifestyle.
I can't imagine what it must be like to try and recover from an ED in the public eye.

YahMoBThere said...

Her face looks fuller in the most recent pictures.

My friends sister died of anorexia. It's as much of an addiction as heroin is and I hope she's able to beat it.

Kristen S. said...

The big difference with anorexia and many other addictions, such as alcoholism, is you can go through life without booze (or meth or coke or weed), but you can't go through life without food. I would imagine it's a very difficult disease to recover from.

kellygirl said...

@gammagirl - add to that, you mother in the fashion industry, the biggest enablers to ano in the world.

imagine if an alcoholic was forced to build a healthy balanced relationship with booze - recovery from an eating disorder is probably the toughest addiction to kick.

jax said...

god if i were a designer and my daughter turned anorexic i think id pack up shop and start designing for Lane Bryant.
not that i blame Donatella..but its got to be hard to be around that since you were a tot...its all about programming from an early age with eating disorders.

kitoko said...

geez, it is turning into medical day. My daughter went through treatment for an eating disorder and has been out for almost two and a half years. The recovery rate is higher than 90%, but only if you go through a residential treatment program and they are difficult to find. There are so many aspects to the disease that the general public is not aware of. It could be chemical, it can be related to OCD, it can be linked to trauma.

Anonymous said...

She looks MUCH healthier around the face, def improvement there.

But I'm mainly here to say OMG IS THAT FIGO ON THE FAR RIGHT.....*drool*

RagDoll said...

Jax, yay for saying that!!! I don't expect her to do plus-size designing, but, hey, Donatella, maybe a show with women who have appreciable meat on their bones? A la the "supermodel" late 80's? Back when boobs n hips were cool...her little face does definitely look better--fuller, and with more blood circulations. Her hair looks shinier and there's more of it, too. Good luck to that kid.

Rhianna said...

Donatella and her sainted uncle Gianni are more than partially to blame for this crap. Look at the people they 'dress'. Look at what that little girl grew up thinking was 'attractive'. Fake tits, fake smiles, anorexic bitches with no class but have to have the most expensive coke to keep 'em thin, and booze to make 'em think this is normal.

While her face looks better, and her hands don't look like Angelina claws, that kid needs some food.

Anonymous said...

Her face may look healthier, but she's bundled up to all hell. Anorexics do that in their later stages because of an inability to keep warm, and to cover their bodies because they're ashamed. (Mary Kate, anyone?) She may not be much better, at all!!


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