Monday, January 07, 2008

214 E-Mails Deserves A Plug

Not a day goes by where I don't get about 10 e-mails from publicists and PR people asking me to plug something and in return usually offering up their first born or a t-shirt. 99% of the time I just blow through them and delete without replying.

Whether it be a new candy bar, or a new generic version of Valtrex, someone is always plugging something. About six months ago I started getting e-mails from a public relations firm and this very persistent woman named Jessie. It was just her unfortunate luck that each and everyday, often two to three times a day she would send me something on her #1 client. James Blunt. Uh huh. So, as you can probably guess, she wasn't going to get much love from me when it comes to JB or BJ which I believe is the European way of initializing his name. You know, kind of like the month and day thing.

Instead of just ignoring these e-mails, I would instead respond by offering to post his music for a lock of his hair, or if he would say on tape that he wrote You're Beautiful about me. Basically I made Jessie's life miserable. I'm not exactly sure why she didn't just stop writing. Probably because it would have been harder to take me out of the group e-mail thing than just ignoring what I wrote back each time she threw out the name James Blunt.

Finally after I told Jessie for the 183rd time that the only James Blunt post on the site was going to be a negative James Blunt post, she finally offered up a new group. 31 more no's and I finally broke down. In full disclosure, I want all of you to know that it has nothing to do with the fact that Michelle Branch has offered to make out with me for 15 seconds if I do plug her group.

It was a nice kicker of course, but I think persistence should be rewarded. Unless of course you are herpes.

This is supposed to be a plug so let me plug away here.

The Wreckers ' first LIVE CD/DVD, Way Back Home: Live From New York, hit stores last Dec. 4, 2007. The CD/DVD, which was recorded during a sold-out show at the Bowery Ballroom in New York City on July 13, 2007, is a rare glimpse into the music and friendship behind The Wreckers. The project features their #1 Country single, "Leave The Pieces," along with the title track, "Way Back Home."

"I am so excited to offer this live CD/DVD to our fans," said Michelle Branch. "The Fans continually come out to support us and this is our way of giving back to them. We also give the fans who are unable to come out to our shows, an amazing opportunity at they have the best seat in the house with this DVD."

I actually am a big fan of Michelle Branch and so knew I would eventually say yes to Jessie. I think all of you will like it also. Check out the YouTube video below if you would like a listen.

Should you have a strong desire to make out with James Blunt, have him hit on you, or just want to listen to him sing one song over and over for 90 minutes, he is currently on tour.


Judi said...

So maybe the publicist will get it through her head when WE say, "WTF cares?" Consider it said. Jeez.

Jesse D said...

Well, I hate James Blunt and I love the Wreckers. Good call, Ent. Thanks for the vid!

jax said...


that's all i got.

__-__=__ said...

I'll have to ditto the snark, sorry. Just not into it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ent, I'd gladly make out with James Blunt, film it on my camera phone and obscure my identity and sell it on the internet. I could use $500

GammaGirl said...

I was a huge Michelle Branch fan when she first came onto the scene. Her first two albums were AMAZING when you consider her age!

She is excellent in concert, but I don't really dig The Wreckers sound.
Definitely talented, just not my thing.

jax said...

dnfrommn- you'd make more money if you taped your self kicking that asshat in the nuts.

i'd pay $50 myself.

Anonymous said...

Its not really my sound either, but I definately have the Wreckers on my iPod

Unknown said...

not my deal, but michelle branch is amazing and suuper professional when i worked with her last.


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